
Terms for subject Customs containing The | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement between the European Community and the Government of the People's Republic of China on cooperation and mutual administrative assistance in customs mattersaftale mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Folkerepublikken Kinas regering om samarbejde og fælles administrativ bistand i toldspørgsmål
amount due to the Customstoldskyld
amount due to the Customsskyldigt toldbeløb
checking the existence and authenticity of documentsdokumentkontroleksistens,ægthed
Customs Convention on the International Transit of GoodsToldkonvention om international transit af varer
Customs Convention on the International Transit of GoodsITI-konventionen-Wien 1971 Bem.til lov om ændring af toldloven
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets TIR Convention - Geneva 1959Toldkonvention om international godstransport på grundlag af TIR-Carneter TIR Konventionen - Genève 1959
customs office at the point of entryindgangstoldsted
discharge of the TIR carnetafvikling af TIR-Carnetet
enter the goods under a customs procedureundergive varerne en toldprocedure
extinction of the customs debttoldskyldens ophør
Goods Manifest of the TIR carnetTIR-carnetets godsmanifest
goods of the same class or kindvarer af samme art eller beskaffenhed
holder of the goodsvarernes ihændehaver
holder of the goodsihændehaver af varerne
inward processing procedure in the form of the drawback systemaktiv forædling under tilbagebetalingsordningen
inward processing procedure in the form of the drawback systemprocedure for aktiv forædling under tilbagebetalingsordningen
to pay the customs debtbetale toldskylden
place of introduction into the customs territoryindgangssted
place of introduction into the customs territoryindførselssted
place the goods under a customs procedureundergive varerne en toldprocedure
removal from the warehousefraførsel fra toldoplaget
Section on the Movement of Aire or Sea Passengers'BaggageGruppen for Fri Bevægelighed for Bagage tilhørende Fly/SkibspassagererIndskrevet Bagage
the establishment of a common customs tariffindførelse af en fælles toldtarif
verifying the existence and authenticity of documentsdokumentkontroleksistens,ægthed
to waive the requirement that the declarant present the goods to customsfritage klarereren for at frembyde varerne for toldmyndighederne
to waive the requirement to submit goodsindrømme fritagelse for at frembyde varerne