
Terms for subject Food industry containing The | all forms | exact matches only
Ad hoc Working Party on the Food Aid ConventionAd hoc-gruppen vedrørende Konventionen om Fødevarehjælp
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the United States of America on matters related to Trade in WineAftale i form af brevveksling mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Amerikas Forenede Stater om visse forhold i forbindelse med handelen med vin
Association of the Chocolate, Biscuit and Confectionery Industries of the EUBrancheforeningen for Chokolade-, Biskuit- og Konfektureindustrien i EU
bleed by incising the carotid arteryafblødning ved at én halspulsåren gennembrydes
brown beer of the oud bruin typebrunt øl af typen oud bruin
Committee of Baker's Yeast Manufacturers of the EECUdvalget for EF's Bagegærfabrikanter
Committee of Butchery and Cooked Meats Organizations of the EECUdvalget for EØFs Slagteri-Charcuteriorganisationer
Committee of Butchery and Cooked Meats Organizations of the European Economic Community-COBCCEEUdvalget for Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskabs Slagteri- og Charcuteriorganisationer - COBCCEE
Committee of the Mayonnaise and Condiment Sauce Industries of the EECUdvalget for EF's Mayonnaise- og Kryddersauceindustri
Committee of the Mustard Industries of the EECUdvalget for EF's Sennepsindustrier
Community-COST Concertation Committee on Effect of Processing on the Physical Properties of FoodstuffsFællesskabet/Cost-samordningsudvalget for Behandlingers Indvirkning på Levnedsmidlers Fysiske Egenskaber
Coordinated Programme for the Official Control of Foodstuffskoordineret program for offentlig kontrol med levnedsmidler
coordinated programme for the official control of foodstuffs for 1999samordnet program for offentlig levnedsmiddelkontrol i 1999
decapitation and dislocation of the neckafhugning af hovedet og dislokation af halsen
deterioration in the organoleptic characteristicsorganoleptisk forringelse
European Union of Natural Mineral Water Sources of the Common MarketDen Europæiske Sammenslutning af Fællesmarkedets Fabrikanter af Mineralvand fra Naturlige Forekomster
European Union of Natural Mineral Water Springs of the Common Market-UNESEMDen europæiske union for fællesmarkedets naturlige forekomster af Mineralvand - UNESEM
Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius CommissionEksekutivkomitéen for Codex Alimentarius-Kommissionen
facility for the curing of Parmesan cheesecenter til lagring af parmesanost
Federation of the Olive Oil Industry of the EUSammenslutningen for EU's Olivenolieindustri
floor of the pressperseleje
fresh grape must with fermentation arrested by the addition of alcoholmost af friske druer, hvis gæring er standset ved tilsætning af alkohol
gingerbread and the likehonningkager og lignende
High Level Group on the Competitiveness of the Agro-Food IndustryGruppen på Højt Plan om Fødevareindustriens Konkurrenceevne
incision of the blood vesselsgennembrudte blodkarrene
International Association for the Distributive TradeDen Internationale Forening for Distribution
Joint declaration on the adjustment of the'acquis communautaire'in the vegetable oils and fats sectorFælleserklæring om tilpasning af den gældende fællesskabsret i sektoren for vegetabilske fedtstoffer
Liaison Bureau of the European EEC Union of Aromatic ProductsForbindelseskontoret for de Europæiske Brancheforeninger for Aromastoffer
Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International RegistrationLissabonarrangementet om beskyttelse af oprindelsesbetegnelser og deres nationale registrering
meat on the boneikke-udbenet kød
OECD Task Force for the Safety of Novel Foods and FeedsOECD-taskforce vedrørende Nye Levnedsmidlers og Foderstoffers Sikkerhed OECD Task Force for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds
OECD Working Group on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight of BiotechnologyOECD-gruppen vedrørende Harmonisering af den Overordnede Regulering af Bioteknologien OECD Working Group on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight of Biotechnology
Organisation of Manufacturers of Cellulose Products for Foodstuffs in the EECOrganisationen af Fabrikanter af Celluloseprodukter til Levnedsmidler i EF
preparation of the cuvéeudvælgelse
product of the biscuit industrykiks og biscuits
protection mechanism in the event of food shortagebeskyttelsesmekanisme i tilfælde af fødevaremangel
tapioca in the form of pearlstapioka i form af perlegryn
The Danish Codex Alimentarius CommitteeDet Danske Codex Alimentarius-udvalg
the % fat content by weightfedtindhold i vægtprocent
The General Principles of Food Law in the European Union: Commission Green Papergrønbog om de generelle principper for Den Europæiske Unions levnedsmiddellovgivning
Union of the Aerated Drinks Associations of the EEC CountriesUnionen af sammenslutningerne af kulsyreholdige drikkevarer i EØF-Landene - UNESDA
unpalatable in the natural stateder ikke er drikkelig i naturlig tilstand
wine of the type ...bordvin af type ...
to work the butterælte smør