
Terms for subject Government, administration and public services containing The | all forms | exact matches only
accident in the course of or in connection with the performance of an official's dutiesulykke under udøvelsen eller i forindelse med udøvelsen af tjenesten
accident occurring in the course of occupational activitiesarbejdsulykke
accident sustained on the journey to or from workulykke indtruffet på vej til eller fra tjeneste
administrator of the CourtDomstolens administrator
allowance payable in respect of the childbørnetilskud
an inquiry has been held on the instructions of the Disciplinary BoardDisciplinærrådet har iværksat en undersøgelse
Appeals Board of the European Union Institute for Security StudiesKlageudvalget for Den Europæiske Unions Institut for Sikkerhedsstudier
assets from the pension fundmidler fra pensionsfonden
assets of the pension fundmidler fra pensionsfonden
assets of the pension schememidler fra pensionsfonden
Assistant to the Director-Generalsekretær for generaldirektøren
to be of the character requiredopfylde vandelskrav
to be the subject of criminal proceedingsrejse straffesag mod tjenestemanden
because of the exigencies of the service or safety rulesaf tjenestlige grunde eller på grund af kravene om sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen
calculation of the mission expenses - BTudregning af udgifterne i forbindelse med tjenesterejsen
call at the patient's home, call at night, emergency callbesøg på patientens bopæl, natbesøg, besøg ved akut sygdom
Chairman of the Joint CommitteeDet paritetiske Samarbejdsudvalgs formand
change of residence of the officialtjenestemandens flytning
codification and terminology of the personal individual record sheetnomenklatur og koder for skemaet vedrørende personlige oplysninger
Committee of the heads of administration of the institutions european communiti esUdvalget af Institutionernes Administrationschefer
Committee on the Management of the Early Childhood CentreDet Paritetiske Udvalg for Forvaltning af Småbørnscentret
Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communitiesansættelsesvilkårene for de øvrige ansatte i Fællesskaberne
to contribute to the pension schemevære tilsluttet pensionsordningen
Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Unionkonvention om bekæmpelse af bestikkelse, der involverer tjenestemænd ved De Europæiske Fællesskaber eller i Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater
courses of theorical and practical retraining approved by the Commission - BTteoretiske eller praktiske omstillings- eller omskolingskurser, der er godkendt af Kommissionen
Deputy Administrator of the Courtassisterende administrator ved Domstolen
Deputy to the Directorsouschef
dismiss the probationerafskedige
during the insurance periodi forsikringens løbetid
entitlement to the pension commences whenretten til pension opstår fra ... dato
entitlement to the pension commences whenhave ret til pension fra ... dato
to forfeit the remunerationmiste retten til vederlaget
General instructions on the preparation of staff reportsvejledning i bedømmelse af tjenestemænd
to give evidence before the Court of Justice of the European Communitiesafgive vidneforklaring for De Europæiske Fællesskabers Domstol
grant on the birth of a childydelse ved fødsel
grant on the birth of a childfødselsydelse
immediate superior of the officialtjenestemandens umiddelbart overordnede
in the name and on behalf of the officialpå tjenestemandens regning og i hans navn
income per equivalent adult in the householdhusstandsindkomst pr. voksenækvivalent
income per equivalent adult in the householdhusstandsindkomst pr. forbrugsenhed
International Association of Former Officials of the ECDen Internationale Forening af Forhenværende EF-medarbejdere
International Association of Former Officials of the ECAIACE
International Association of Former Officials of the European CommunitiesDen Internationale Forening af Forhenværende EF-medarbejdere
interpreter in the process of developing his skillstolk under oplæring
Joint Support Committee for the Crèche and After-School CentreDet Paritetiske Opfølgningsudvalg
Judge of the Court of JusticeDomstolens dommer
leaving the serviceudtræden af tjenesten
to make objection in respect of a member of the Disciplinary Boardgøre indsigelse mod et medlem af Disciplinærrådet
marriage of the officialtjenestemandens indgåelse af ægteskab
medical certificate containing the first medical report on the accidentforeløbig lægeattest
medical expenses over and above the reimbursement by the Joint Sickness Insurance Schemedel af lægeudgifterne, som den fælles sygeforsikringsordning ikke godtgør
Member of the Commission - temporary allowance - BTmedlem af Kommissionen - midlertidig godtgørelse
member of the contract staffkontraktansat
member of the Europol staffEuropolpersonale
member of the Europol staffEuropolansat
member of the temporary staffmidlertidigt ansat
Monthly Staff Bulletin of the CommunitiesMånedsblad for personalet i De Europæiske Fællesskaber
Monthly Staff Bulletin of the CommunitiesFællesskabernes månedlige personaleblad
Monthly Staff Report of the European Communities - Bull.mensuelMånedsblad for personalet i De Europæiske Fællesskaber
Monthly Staff Report of the European Communities - Bull.mensuelFællesskabernes månedlige personaleblad
non-recurring allowance under the social programming arrangementsengangstilskud ifølge social planlægningsaftale - BT
notice concerning the publication of a notice of recruitmentmeddelelse om afholdelse af almindelig udvælgelsesprøve
official bodies representing the staffvedtægtshjemlet personalerepræsentation
official recognized as being incapable of performing the duties corresponding to a post in his career brackettjenestemand, som er erklæret ude af stand til at udføre de arbejdsopgaver, der svarer til den pågældendes stillingsgruppe
official who is not and has never been a national of the State in whose territory he is employedtjenestemand med krav på udlandstillæg
official who is or has been a national of the State in whose territory the place where he/she is employed is situatedtjenestemand uden krav på udlandstillæg
official who is or has been a national of the State in whose territory the place where he/she is employed is situatedbosiddende tjenestemand
organisation and operation of the servicetjenestegrenenes organisation og funktion
person employed by the Commissionansat i Kommissionen
Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communitiesprotokol vedrørende Den Europæiske Unions privilegier og immuniteter
Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Unionprotokol vedrørende Den Europæiske Unions privilegier og immuniteter
Protocol on the setting-up of European Schoolsprotokol vedrørende oprettelse af Europaskoler
provision of the Staff Regulationsvedtægtsbestemmelse
re-adaptation or retraining lectures or courses approved by the Commissionteoretiske eller praktiske omstillings- eller omskolingskurser, der er godkendt af Kommissionen
reinstatement of the officialtjenestemandens genindtrædelse i tjenesten
requirements of the servicetjenstlige hensyn
requirements of the servicetjenestens behov
scale in the policytabel i policen
scale in the policypolicetabel
service accommodation provided by the institutiontjenestebolig, som betales af institutionen
service accommodation provided by the institutiontjenestebolig, som betales af institutionen - IX/306/74
to sign the staff reportpåtegne bedømmelsen
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the European Communitiesvedtægten for tjenestemænd i Den Europæiske Union og ansættelsesvilkårene for Unionens øvrige ansatte
Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the Unionvedtægten for tjenestemænd i Den Europæiske Union og ansættelsesvilkårene for Unionens øvrige ansatte
Staff Regulations of the European Coal and Steel Communityvedtægt for personalet i Det Europæiske Kul og Stålfællesskab
standby duty at the place of work or at homerådighedstjeneste på tjenestestedet eller i hjemmet
Statute of the Common Appeal Courtstatutten for Den Fælles Ankedomstol
the amount of the two-yearly incrementden stigning, der finder sted hvert andet år i en lønklasse
the Board of Heads of Administrationsamråd mellem administrationscheferne
the Board of Heads of Administrationmøde mellem administrationscheferne
the Board of Heads of AdministrationKollegiet af Fællesskabets Administrationschefer
the burden of proof rests with the pensionerdet er pensionsmodtageren, der skal bevise, at ...
the burden of proof rests with the pensionerbevisbyrden påhviler pensionsmodtageren
the civil service to which he belongsoprindelsesadministration
the civil service to which he belongsoprindelig tjeneste
the competent bodies of the institutioninstitutionens kompetente organer
the composition and procedure of the bodies shall be determined by each institutionsammensætningen af organerne og de nærmere bestemmelser om deres virke fastlægges af hver enkelt institution
the decision to invalid out an official may be reversedinvaliditetsafgørelsen kan revideres
the "laissez-passer" provided for in the Protocol on Privileges and Immunitiesde i protokollen vedrørende privilegier og immuniteter nævnte passersedler
the official reported onden bedømte tjenestemand
the official reported onden tjenestemand, der bedømmes
the official reported onden bedømte
the pension is payable fromhave ret til pension fra ... dato
the pension is payable fromretten til pension opstår fra ... dato
the proceedings of the Disciplinary Board shall be secretDisciplinærrådets arbejde er fortroligt
under the authority ofmed reference til
under the authority ofmed referat til
weighted at the rate for the countrykorrigeret med justeringskoefficienten for det pågældende land
work of the European Atomic Energy CommunityDet Europæiske Atomenergifællesskabs arbejdsområde