
Terms for subject Economy containing State | all forms | exact matches only
a natural preference between Member Statesen naturlig præference mellem Medlemsstaterne
ACP States which have receivedAVS-stat, som har modtaget
ACP States which have receivedAVS-modtagerstat
Additional Protocol to the European Convention on State Immunitytillægsprotokol til den europæiske konvention om staters immunitet
Advisory Committee on State AidDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Statsstøtte
agreements between Statesaftaler mellem stater
aid granted by Statesstatsstøtte
all systems of aid existing in Member Statesde støtteordninger, som findes i Medlemsstaterne
Association of Caribbean StatesSammenslutningen af Caribiske Stater
authorization for State aidsgodkendt statsstøtte
Baltic Statesbaltiske lande
Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of Statespagten om staters økonomiske rettigheder og pligter
church-State relationsforholdet kirke-stat
coins and notes issued by the stateskillemønt og sedler udstedt af staten
Committee for Programming and Coordination of Aids granted by Member StatesUdvalget for Planlægning og Koordinering af Hjælp fra Medlemsstaterne
Commonwealth of Independent StatesFællesskabet af Uafhængige Stater
Community framework for State aids for research and developmentEF-rammebestemmelser for statsstøtte til forskning og udvikling
Community of Sahel-Saharan StatesFællesskabet af Stater i Sahel og Sahara
company from a Member Stateselskab i en medlemsstat
confederal Statestat i et statsforbund
control of State aidkontrol med statsstøtte
convergence of Member States'economieskonvergerende udvikling i medlemsstaternes økonomi
each Member State shall pursue the economic policyhver Medlemsstat fører en sådan økonomisk politik
Economic Community of Central African StatesDet Økonomiske Fællesskab af Centralafrikanske Stater
Economic Community of West African StatesDet Økonomiske Fællesskab af Vestafrikanske Stater
EU Member StateEU-medlemsstat
European Convention on State Immunityeuropæisk konvention om staters immunitet
export credit guarantee for the account of the Stateeksportkreditgaranti for statens regning
export credit guarantee for the account of the Stateeksportkreditforsikring, der udøves for statens regning
export credit guarantee with the support of the Stateeksportkreditgaranti med statens støtte
export credit guarantee with the support of the Statestatsligt støttede eksportgarantiordninger
export credit guarantee with the support of the Stateeksportkreditforsikring, der udøves med statsgaranti
federal Stateforbundsstat
Federated States of MicronesiaMikronesiens Forenede Stater
Federation Statedelstat
Gulf StatesGolfstaterne
head of Statestatschef
in the raw statei uforarbejdet stand
Islamic Stateislamisk stat
issue of currency by the Statestatens seddel-og møntudstedelse
joint assembly of the convention concluded between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Communityden paritetiske forsamling for konventionen mellem staterne i Afrika, Vestindien og Stillehavet og det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab
joint assembly of the convention concluded between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Communityden paritetiske forsamling for konventionen mellem staterne i Afrika, Vestindien og Stillehavet og den Europæiske Union
Joint Assembly of the Convention concluded between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European UnionDen Paritetiske Forsamling for Konventionen mellem Staterne i Afrika, Vestindien og Stillehavet og Den Europæiske Union
joint assembly of the convention concluded between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Unionden paritetiske forsamling for konventionen mellem staterne i Afrika, Vestindien og Stillehavet og det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab
joint assembly of the convention concluded between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Unionden paritetiske forsamling for konventionen mellem staterne i Afrika, Vestindien og Stillehavet og den Europæiske Union
land locked ACP stateAVS-indlandsstat
large statelatifundium
large statelatifundie
law of statesstatsret
liability of the Statestatens ansvar
Member State with a derogationdispensationsland
Member States' contributionmedlemsstaternes bidrag
Member States shall coordinate their respective economic policiesMedlemsstaterne samordner deres økonomiske politik
multiracial Statemultietnisk stat
Non-Member Stateikke-medlemsstater
non-secular Statekonfessionel stat
Organisation of American StatesOrganisationen af Amerikanske Stater
partner Statepartnerstat
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and...., of the other partPartnerskabs-og Samarbejdsaftale mellem De Europæiske Fællesskaber og deres medlemsstater på den ene side og...på den anden side
principle of home Member State supervisionprincippet om hjemlandstilsyn
Procedural and Substantive Rules in the Field of State Aidproceduremæssig og materiel regel for statsstøtte
profits of fiscal monopolies which are transferred to the Statefiskale monopolers udbytte,som overføres til staten
Programme to promote economic reform and recovery in the New Independent States and MongoliaProgram til fremme af den økonomiske reform- og genopretningsproces i de nye uafhængige stater og Mongoliet
recipient ACP StateAVS-modtagerstat
recipient ACP StateAVS-stat, som har modtaget
recognition of a stateanerkendelse af en stat
re-exportation of goods in an unaltered statereeksport i uændret stand af varer
regional Stateregionalstat
relations between the State and the regionsforholdet stat-region
requested Stateanmodede stat
requested Stateadspurgte stat
requesting ACP Stateden AVS-stat, der har fremsat anmodningen
requesting Stateanmodende stat
Restricted Committee for Cooperation Agreements between Member States and third countriesDet Snævre Udvalg for Medlemsstaternes Samarbejdsaftaler med Tredjelande
to restructure State-owned companiesomstrukturering af statsvirksomheder
restructuring of State enterprisesomstrukturering af statsvirksomheder
Rules of Procedure of the Cooperation Council, between the European Communities and their Member States, on the one part, and the Russian Federation, on the other partForretningsorden for Samarbejdsrådet mellem de Europæiske Fællesskaber og deres medlemsstater på den ene side og Den Russiske Føderation på den anden side
secular Statekonfessionsløs stat
Small Island Developing States Information Networkinformationsnet for små østater under udvikling
Small Island Developing States Technical Assistance Programmefagligt bistandsprogram for små østater under udvikliing
State aidstatsstøtte
State aid rulesstatsstøtteregler
state audit officestatsrevision
state-controlled economystatsindgreb i det økonomiske liv
state-controlled economyøkonomisk styring
state-controlled economyplanøkonomi
state-controlled economystatsdirigeret økonomi
state debtstatsgæld
state debtoffentlig gæld
State enterprisestatsejet virksomhed
State enterprisestatsforetagende
State farmstatsbrug
State health servicenationalt sundhedsvæsen
state measurestatslig foranstaltning
State monopolystatsmonopol
state of controldominans
state of dependenceafhængighedsforhold
state of emergencynødstilstand
state of tradekonjunktursituation
state of tradeøkonomisk situation
state of tradekonjunkturer
state-of-market dragkonjunkturbestemt udvikling
state-owned corporationstatsforetagende
state-owned corporationstatsejet virksomhed
state-owned enterprisestatsforetagende
state-owned enterprisestatsejet virksomhed
state-owned landstatsjord
state-planned economyøkonomisk styring
state-planned economyplanøkonomi
state-planned economystatsindgreb i det økonomiske liv
State-sales taxomsætningsafgift
State-sales taxmoms
State-sales taxmeromsætningsafgift
State secretstatshemmelighed
State subsidyoffentlige tilskud
State tradingstatshandel
State-trading countriesstatshandelslande
State-trading countries of Eastern Europeoesteuropaeiske statshandelslande
state-trading economiesstatshandelslande
steps taken by the central administration of the Member Stateforanstaltninger, som en medlemsstat træffer i sin centraladministration
succession of statesstatssuccession
symbol of Statestatssymbol
territories of States "sui generis"områder for stater sui generis
the commission shall immediately investigate the position of the State in questionKommissionen indleder uopholdeligt en undersøgelse af situationen i den pågældende Stat
the conditions imposed by that State on its own nationalsde vilkår, som det pågældende land fastsætter for sine egne statsborgere
transparency of financial relations between Member States and public undertakingsde økonomiske forbindelser mellem medlemsstaterne og de offentlige virksomheder
unitarian Stateenhedsstat
United StatesAmerikas Forenede Stater
United States Agency for International DevelopmentDe Forenede Staters statslige bistandsorganisation
Welfare Statevelfærdsstat