
Terms for subject Information technology containing State | all forms | exact matches only
armed statetilstand med tilladt afbrydelse
Commission work programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the CommunityArbejdsprogram for Kommissionen vedrørende et forsøgsprojekt for indsamling,koordinering og afstemning af oplysninger om miljø og naturressourcer i Fællesskabet
Conference of Translation Services of European StatesKonferencen af Oversættelsestjenester i de Europæiske Stater
Conference of Translation Services of West European StatesKonferencen af Oversættelsestjenester i de Europæiske Stater
configuration statekonfigurationstilstand
current stateinitialtilstand
database statesum af databaseelementer
database stateøjebliksværdi
database stateekstensional definition
duplex stateaktiv-reservetilstand
duplex stateduplekstilstand
finite state machineendelig tilstandsmaskine
goal statefinaltilstand
initial stateinitialtilstand
input stateindlæsestatus
input stateinddatastatus
interruptable stateafbrydelsesklar
masked stateafmasket tilstand
masked stateafmasket status
operational statedriftstilstand
problem stateproblemløsningsstatus
problem stateinitialtilstand
problem statebrugertilstand
programmable wait-stateprogrammerbar pause
reversion to the previous statetilbage til førtilstand
running statedriftstilstand
seven-state synchronous scramblersynkron scrambler med 7 tilstande
significant statesignifikant tilstand
solid statesolidstate
solid statesolidstate-udstyr
solid state camerahalvlederkamera
solid-state circuithalvlederkoblinger
solid-state circuithalvleder-kredsløb
solid state devicesolidstate-udstyr
solid state devicesolidstate
solid-state diodehalveleder-diode
Solid State Disksolid state disk
Solid State DiskSSD
solid-state drivesolid state disk
solid-state driveSSD
solid-state oscillatorhalvlederoscillator
stable statefixpunkt
state graphtilstandsdiagram
state modification of a variabletilstandsændring af variabel
state of activationaktiveringstilstand
state of the modulated signaldet modulerede signals tilstand
state spacetilstandsrum
state space representationrepræsentation af tilstandsrum
state space searchrepræsentation af tilstandsrum
state-transition tabletilstandsovergangstabel
state wordstatusord
steady-state deviationstationær afvigelse
steady state deviation of the nth orderstationær afvigelse af n'te orden
supervisor stateoperativsystemstatus
system of computer-based remote state of repair monitoringdatamatbaseret system til fjernovervågning
three-state BCDtripletilstands binær-kodet decimal
three-state BCDtriple BCD
three-state binary coded decimaltripletilstands binær-kodet decimal
three-state binary coded decimaltriple BCD
wait stateventeposition
wait stateventetilstand
wait stateventestilling
wait-state generatorventestatusgenerator
waiting stateventestilling
zero statenultilstand