
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing State | all forms | exact matches only
acceptor energy stateacceptor-energiniveau
acceptor stateacceptor-energiniveau
agravic statevægtløshed
austenitic stateaustenittilstand
conduction stateledningsbånd tilstand
conduction-band stateledningsbånd tilstand
corresponding stateskorresponderende tilstande
critical statekritisk tilstand
density of energy statesenergitilstandstæthed
density of energy statesenerginiveaukoncentration
density of quantum statesenergitilstandstæthed
density of statesenergitilstandstæthed
donor energy statedonorenergitilstand
donor statedonorenergitilstand
empty stateubesat tilstand
empty stateledig tilstand
energy stateenergitilstand
energy stateenerginiveau
energy state densityenergitilstandstæthed
energy state densityenerginiveaukoncentration
excitation stateanslagsenergi
excitation stateexciteringsenergi
filled statefyldt tilstand
ground statebasistilstand
ground stategrundtilstand
ground state populationpopulation i grundtilstanden
hydrostatic state of stresshydrostatisk spændingstilstand
in-situ sterilization in a closed statesterilisere på stedet i lukket tilstand
irreversible change of stateirreversibel tilstandsændring
isomeric stateisomer tilstand
macroscopically stable plasma statemakroskopisk stabil plasmatilstand
material statestoffets tilstandsform
material statetilstandsform
material statetilstandsfase
mesomorphic statemesomorf tilstand
metamict statemetamikt tilstand
metastable statemetastabil tilstand
neutral magnetic stateumagnetisk tilstand
neutral magnetic stateneutral magnetisk tilstand
neutral stateumagnetisk tilstand
neutral stateneutraliseret tilstand
occupied statefyldt tilstand
one-dimensional state of stressendimensional spændingstilstand
quenching of the superconducting stateovergang fra superledende tilstand
recombination at interface statesrekombination
resonance stateresonanstilstand
reversible change of statereversibel tilstandsændring
sea statesøtilstand
sea statehavets tilstand
solid state imaging devicefaststof-billeddannende indretning
State Aid IStatsstøtte I
state diagramtilstandsdiagram
state functiontilstandsfunktion
state of aggregationaggregatform
state of chromatic adaptationfarveadaptation
state of flowstrømningstilstand
state of matter diagramtilstandsdiagram
state of seasøtilstand
state of seahavets tilstand
state of strainbelastningstilstand
state of the seasøtilstand
state of the seahavets tilstand
state quantitytilstandsstørrelse
stationary stateligevægtstilstand stationær tilstand
steady stateligevægtstilstand stationær tilstand
steady state confinementstationær indeslutning
steady-state equationligevægtsligning
steady state fieldstationært felt
steady state plasmastationært plasma
steady state supply pressure regulationarbejdstrykregulering
surface stateoverfladetilstand
transient stateovergangstilstand
unsteady stateuligevægtstilstand
vacant stateubesat tilstand
vacant stateledig tilstand
water in the gaseous stategasformigt vand