
Terms containing Reports | all forms | exact matches only
insur.accident reportuheldsmelding
insur.accident reportuheldsanmeldelse
energ.ind., nucl.phys.accounting reportregnskabsrapport
tech.accredited laboratory test reportrapport om autoriseret prøvning
comp., MSactivity reportaktivitetsrapport (A report that an administrator, parent, or guardian can view showing children's or family members' online activity)
fin., commun.activity reportaktivitetsrapport
gen.Ad hoc Group on Annual Examination of the Draft Report on the Development of the Social Situation by Both Sides of IndustryAd Hoc-Gruppen vedrørende Arbejdsmarkedets Parters Årlige Gennemgang af den Foreløbige Beretning om Udviklingen på det Sociale Område
gen.Ad hoc Group on Annual Examination of the Draft Report on the Development of the Social Situation by Governmental ExpertsAd Hoc-Gruppen vedrørende Regeringseksperters Årlige Gennemgang af den Foreløbige Beretning om Udviklingen på det Sociale Område
comp., MSad hoc reportad hoc-rapport (A type of report that requires users to select the data that they want to display on the report and to design the layout of the report)
comp., MSadministrative reportadministrativ rapport (A report run by a System Administrator)
comp., MSAdministrator Recovery reportRapport over administratorgenoprettelse (A DPS report that provides statistics on administrator-initiated recoveries)
stat.advance census reportforhåndsudsendt optællingsrapport
med.adverse reaction reportbivirkningsrapport
med.adverse reactions reportbivirkningsrapport
gen.Advisory Committee on Staff Reportsrådgivende bedømmelsesudvalg
econ., market.advisory reportkonsulentberetning
industr.Aho Group Report "Creating an Innovative Europe"Ahorapporten "Mod et innovativt Europa"
industr.Aho Group Report "Creating an Innovative Europe"Ahogruppens rapport "Mod et innovativt Europa"
industr.Aho report on Creating an Innovative EuropeAhogruppens rapport "Mod et innovativt Europa"
industr.Aho report on Creating an Innovative EuropeAhorapporten "Mod et innovativt Europa"
econ.Alert Mechanism Reportrapport om varslingsmekanismen
mater.sc.alert reportorienterend rapport
gen.amplifying reportsupplerende rapport vedrørende kontakt med fjenden
agric.analysis reportanalyseattest
gen.analysis reportanalyserapport
econ.annual competition reportberetning om konkurrencepolitikken
h.rghts.act.annual EU human rights reportEU-årsberetning om menneskerettigheder
econ.annual reportaktivitetsrapport
fin.annual reportårsberetning
gen.annual reportårlig beretning
gen.Annual report concerning the ECSCÅrsberetning om EKSF
fin.annual report of the Court of AuditorsRevisionsrettens årsberetning
ed.Annual Report of the Representative of the Board of Governorsårsberetning fra repræsentanten for Det øverste Råd
law, fin.annual report on the activities of the ESCBårsberetning om ESCB's aktiviteter
comp., MSAnnual Report PreparationForberedelse af årsberetning (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting view, the general activities that define a typical effort to prepare an Annual Financial Report. Includes activities focused on obtaining the necessary information from multiple departments, to working with other departments (e.g., Legal and Public Relations) to ensure all required information is presented accurately, and up through the printing and distribution process)
med.aptitude reportduelighedsbevis
med.aptitude reportduelighedsattest
pharma.arbitration assessment reportvoldgiftsevalueringsrapport
pharma.Arbitration Assessment Reportvoldgiftsevalueringsrapport
environ.Assessment Reportvurderingsrapport fra Det Mellemstatslige Panel om Klimaændringer
gen.assessment reportvurderingsrapport
gen.assessment reportevalueringsrapport
med.assessment report in respect of the medicinal productevalueringsrapport for hvert lægemiddel
environ.Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changevurderingsrapport fra Det Mellemstatslige Panel om Klimaændringer
gen.to attach a detailed reportvedlægge en detaljeret rapport
fin., account.audit reportkontrolrapport
fin., account.audit reportrevisionsberetning
fin.audit reportrevisionsprotokol
fin., account.audit reportundersøgelsesrapport
fin., account.audit reportauditrapport
account.auditor's reportrevisionspåtegning
fin.auditor's reportrevisionsprotokol
account.auditor's reportrevisionserklæring
comp., MSauto-reportautomatisk rapport (A type of report that is automatically generated from the data that is displayed on a form)
med.autopsy reportobduktionserklæring
comp., MSbase reportstandardrapport (The original, default, or out-of-the-box version of a report that has not been customized for an organization's own business needs)
gen.to be approved without reporttiltræ des uden afgivelse af betænkning
gen.to be included in the verbatim report of proceedingsoptages i det fuldstændige forhandlingsreferat
gen.to be included in the verbatim report of proceedings...medtages i det fuldstændige forhandlingsreferat
account.to be required to report accounting separationhave pligt til opsplitning af regnskaber
comp., MSBest Bet Suggestions reportrapport med forslag til guldkorn (A Web analytics report that identifies terms that should become Best Bets)
comp., MSBest Bet Usage reportanvendelsesrapport for guldkorn (A Web analytics report that identifies the Best Bet terms and how they are utilized by the system)
tech., el.calibration reportkalibreringsprotokol
gen.call management reportspecificeret regning
econ., social.sc.Cardiff reportCardiffrapport
econ., social.sc.Cardiff reportrapport om Fællesskabets produkt- og kapitalmarkeder
chem.chemical safety reportkemikaliesikkerhedsrapport
chem.Chemical Safety Reportkemikaliesikkerhedsrapport
gen.CLH reportCLH-rapport
fin., polit.combined manifest/reportfragtbrev
gen.commissioning reportindkøringsrapport
social.sc.Commission's Spring ReportKommissionens forårsrapport
gen.Committee of Experts to report on fraud, mismanagement and nepotismDen Uafhængige Ekspertgruppe
environ.Committee on the standardisation and rationalisation of reports on the implementation of certain directives relating to the environmentUdvalget for Standardisering og Rationalisering af Rapporterne om Gennemførelse af en Række Miljødirektiver
econ.committee reportbetænkning
lawCommunity search reportEF-søgningsrapport
comp., MSCompatibility ReportKompatibilitetsrapport (A tool that checks for issues that might prevent a document from displaying or printing properly in current and previous versions of Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac)
chem.Competent Authority Reportrapport fra den kompetente myndighed
construct.completion reportgenerel rapport over et afsluttet bygningsværk
account.compliance reportrapport om systemtest
gen.composite reportsammenfattende rapport
obs.Comprehensive Annual Report on CSDP and CSDP-related Trainingsamlet årsrapport om ESFP og ESFP-relateret uddannelse
gen.Comprehensive Annual Report on CSDP and CSDP-related Trainingsamlet årsrapport om FSFP og FSFP-relateret uddannelse
obs.Comprehensive Annual Report on ESDP and ESDP-related Trainingsamlet årsrapport om ESFP og ESFP-relateret uddannelse
gen.Comprehensive Annual Report on ESDP and ESDP-related Trainingsamlet årsrapport om FSFP og FSFP-relateret uddannelse
gen.comprehensive monitoring reportgenerel tilsynsrapport
comp., MScomputer build reportcomputer build-rapport (A report generated by OEMs for each OA 3.0 manufactured computer which is then sent to Microsoft for processing. This report includes the hardware hash value and Product Key ID)
comp., MSconditional reportbetinget rapport (A report that displays or suppresses portions of the data according to whether specified conditions are met)
law, construct.condition-of-premises reportmangelgennemgang
gen.conference reportkonferencerapport
gen.conference reportkonferenceberetning
busin., labor.org., account.consolidated annual reportkonsolideret beretning
gen.consolidated reportsamlet rapport
construct.construction progress reportrapport over byggeriets gang
econ.consultancy reportkonsulentrapport
gen.contact reportrapport om kontakt med fjenden
fin., econ.convergence reportkonvergensberetning
fin.Corporate Responsibility Reportberetning om virksomhedsansvar
social.sc.country reportlanderapport
gen.crime analysis reportsrapporter om kriminalitetsanalyser
gen.criminality trend reportsrapporter om kriminalitetstendensen
comp., MScrosstab reportkrydstabuleringsrapport (Printed information about tasks and resources over a specified time period. There are five predefined crosstab reports in Project: Cash Flow, Crosstab, Resource Usage, Task Usage, and Who Does What When)
stat.current industrial reportløbende industrirapport
econ., lab.law.daily reportdagseddel
comp., MSdefault reportstandardrapport (A type of report that does not allow a user to modify the layout but that does allow a user to filter and sort the data in the report)
econ., agric.deficiency reportreklamation
construct.definite plan reportendelig projektrapport
lawderogation reportrapport om fravigelser
life.sc.deterioration reportoplysning om forværring
pharma.Development Safety Update ReportDevelopment Safety Update Report
comp., MSdirect reportdirekte underordnet (An employee who in the organizational hierarchy is immediately below the manager in question and who can either be a manager or an individual contributor)
fin.discharge reportbetænkning om dechargeafgørelse
comp., MSDisk Utilization reportdiskudnyttelsesrapport (A DPS report that provides statistics on disk capacity, allocation, usage, and availability)
chem.Draft Assessment Reportudkast til vurderingsrapport
construct.draft reportforeløbig rapport
gen.Draft reportudkast til rapport
gen.draw up a reportudarbejde betænkning
gen.to draw up a report concerning a personoptage protokol
med.drug-monitoring reportrapport om lægemiddelovervågning
comp., MSdynamic reportdynamisk rapport (An Excel workbook that contains at least one matrix that is created by the report wizard)
agric.effort reportindstatsrapport
gov.end-of-probation reportudtalelse ved prøvetidens udløb
fin.end-of-year reportberetning, der aflægges ved regnskabsårets udgang
environ.environmental report An account or statement, usually in writing, describing in detail events, situations or conditions pertaining to the ecosystem, its natural resources or any of the external factors surrounding and affecting human lifemiljøredegørelse
environ.environmental reportmiljøredegørelse
h.rghts.act.EU Citizenship Reportrapport om unionsborgerskab
econ.European competitiveness reportrapport om den europæiske konkurrenceevne
obs., polit., lawEuropean Court ReportsSamling af Afgørelser fra Domstolen og Retten i Første Instans
gen.European Court ReportsSamling af Afgørelser
patents.European search reporteuropæisk nyhedsundersøgelsesrapport
gen.evaluation reportvurderingsrapport
lawexamination reportafprøvningsrapport
comp., MSexception reportundtagelsesrapport (A report that shows the general ledger account balances that were not included in the financial report)
fin.expenditure reportudgiftsrapport
comp., MSexpense reportudgiftsrapport (A document that provides an itemized summary and tracking of work-related expenses for reimbursement)
lawexpert commission reportsagkyndig betænkning
patents.expert reportrapport
econ.expert's report ordered by a courtsyn og skøn
lawexplanatory reportledsagende skrivelse
gen.explanatory reportforklarende rapport
lawExplanatory report on the Protocol, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Matrimonial MattersForklarende rapport til protokollen udarbejdet på grundlag af artikel K.3 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union om fortolkning ved De Europæiske Fællesskabers Domstol af konvention om kompetence og om anerkendelse og fuldbyrdelse af retsafgørelser i ægteskabssager
comp., MSexternal user invitation reportrapport over inviterede eksterne brugere (A report that lists the email address, invitation date, invitation status, and invitation submitter for external users invited to a SharePoint site collection)
lawfacts and circumstances on which the report is basedfaktiske forhold of omstændigheder,der danner grundlag for anmeldelsen
mater.sc.failure corrective action reportrapport om fejlretning
econ.failure to report for dutyudeblivelse fra militærtjeneste
gen.failure to report for military servicemilitærnægtelse
gen.failure to report for military servicemilitærunddragelse
construct.final construction reportendelig byggerapport
gen.final reportslutrapport
gen.final reportslutberetning
gen.final reportendelig rapport
pharma.final safety reportendelig rapport vedrørende sikkerhedsspørgsmål
fin.final technical reportendelig teknisk rapport
pharma.final trial reportendelig rapport
fin.financial management reportberetning om den økonomiske forvaltning
patents.financial planning, management, research and reportvirksomhed vedrørende finansiel planlægning, ledelse, undersøgelser og rapportering
fin.financial reportøkonomirapport
gen.First Impression ReportFirst Impression Report
gen.First Impression Reportrapport vedrørende umiddelbare observationer
lawforward a reportsende en rapport
gen.Full report on Northern Dimension Policiesfuldstændig rapport om politikkerne inden for rammerne af den nordlige dimension
chem.full study reportfuldstændig undersøgelsesrapport
gov.General instructions on the preparation of staff reportsvejledning i bedømmelse af tjenestemænd
gen.General Report on the Activities of the European Unionden almindelige beretning om Den Europæiske Unions virksomhed
gen.general situation reportsgenerelle situationsrapporter
gen.GLAWARS commission reportGLAWARS-rapporten
econ., market.group annual reportbestyrelsens koncernberetning
gen.guide to staff reportsvejledning i bedømmelse af tjenestemænd
med.hand-over reportvagtskifterapport
gen.impact reportrapport om effekten af udtalelserne
gen.impact reporteffektrapport
lawimplementation reportrapport om gennemførelse
gen.implementation reportgennemførelsesrapport
environ., industr.implementation report on compliancerapport om overholdelse
environ., industr.implementation report on effectivenessrapport om gennemførelsens effektivitet
life.sc.improvement reportoplysning om forbedring
gen.in flight reportrapport afgivet under flyvning
stat., industr., construct.industry reportindberetning fra industrien
stat., industr., construct.industry reportindustriundersøgelse
lawinfringement for failure to report measuresovertrædelse for manglende meddelelse
gen.initial contact reportforeløbig rapport om kontakt med fjenden
energ.ind.initial reportindledende rapport
fin.Initial report of the Committee of Wise Men on the regulation of European securities marketsførste rapport fra Vismandsudvalget om Reguleringen af de Europæiske Værdipapirmarkeder
gen.inspection reportinspektionsrapport
fin.interim implementation reportberetning om gennemførelsen, der aflægges i løbet af regnskabsåret
gen.interim progress reportinterimsrapport om arbejdets forløb
work.fl., commun.interim reportinterimsrapport
work.fl., commun.interim reportforeløbig beretning
econ., account.interim reportkvartalregnskab
work.fl., commun.interim reportforeløbig rapport
gen.interim staff reportmellemliggende bedømmelse
lawinterim report on each growing periodforeløbig rapport om hver dyrkningsperiode
gen.interim staff reportmellemliggende bedømmelse
fin.interim technical reportteknisk situationsrapport
work.fl., commun.intermediate reportforeløbig beretning
econ., market.issuance of descriptive part of the report to the partiesudsendelse af den deskriptive del af beretningen til parterne
gen.Joint Comittee on Staff ReportsDet paritetiske Bedømmelsesudvalg
gen.Joint Committee on Staff ReportsDet paritetiske Bedømmelsesudvalg
econ., social.sc.Joint Employment Reportfælles beskæftigelsesrapport
econ., social.sc.joint report by the Commission and the Council on the employment situation in the Member Statesden fælles rapport fra Kommissionen og Rådet om beskæftigelsessituationen i medlemsstaterne
comp., MSjournal reportjournalrapport (The message that is generated when a message matches a journal rule. The body of the journal report contains information from the original message such as the sender e-mail address, message subject, message-ID, and recipient e-mail addresses. The journal report also includes the original unaltered message as an attachment)
med.Kinsey reportsKinsey-rapporter
comp., MSKPI details reportDetaljeret nøgletalsrapport (A report type that shows information about a KPI that is selected in a scorecard)
med.laboratory reportanalyseresultater
comp., MSLicense Installation Reportrapport over licensinstallation (A report that compares installed software on computers in an organization with that organization's current license agreement coverage. This report can be used to determine whether an organization has sufficient license agreement coverage)
comp., MSLicense Purchase Reportrapport over licenskøb (A report that displays the software titles for all licensed software in selected license groups, based on their licensing agreements. This report can be used to find gaps in coverage for the license agreements in an organization)
comp., MSlocal reportlokal rapport (An Excel file that has been saved to the user's local file system)
fin."long form" audit reportlang revisionsprotokol
gen.Management Committee for application of the directive on the standardization and rationalization of reports on the implementation of certain directives relating to the environmentUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Direktivet om Standardisering og Rationalisering af Rapporterne om Gennemførelse af en Række Miljødirektiver
gen.management reportforvaltningsberetning
patents.management reportberetning om virksomheden
gen.management reportpræsidentens beretning
fin.Managing Change Reportrapport om ændringshåndtering
econ., agric.market reportmarkedsberetning
econ., agric.market reportmarkedsrapport
gov., sociol.medical certificate containing the first medical report on the accidentforeløbig lægeattest
med.medical reportlægeerklæring
econ.medical reportmedicinsk ekspertise
med.medical reportlægedokumentation
insur.medical report relating to incapacity for work sickness,maternity,accident at work,occupational diseaseblanket 116
insur.medical report relating to incapacity for work sickness,maternity,accident at work,occupational diseaselægeerklæring vedrørende uarbejdsdygtighedsygdom,moderskab,arbejdsulykke,erhvervssygdom
gen.Member States shall report to the Commission on...Medlemsstaterne gør over for Kommissionen rede for...
life.sc.meteorological reportmeteorologisk observationsrapport
gen.mid-term evaluation reportmidtvejsevalueringsrapport
R&D.mid-term reportmidtvejsrapport
stat.military census reportmilitærtællingsrapport
gen.mission reportrapport over mission
comp., MSModify ReportRediger rapport (A button, found on the Report toolbar, that enables the user to customize a report)
comp., MSMonitoring Plug-in for Report DesignerOvervågningsplug-in til Rapportdesigner (A data processing extension (DPE) that is deployed to Report Designer, a Visual Studio component. This DPE allows Report Designer to communicate with the Monitoring System database and allows Visual Studio users to customize the PerformancePoint Monitoring metadata that is contained within reports)
gen.monitoring reportovervågningsrapport
econ.monthly reportmånedlig opgørelse
gen.Monthly Staff Bulletin of the Communities - Monthly Staff Report of the European CommunitiesFællesskabernes månedlige personaleblad - Månedsblad for personalet i De europæiske Fællesskaber
gov.Monthly Staff Report of the European Communities - Bull.mensuelFællesskabernes månedlige personaleblad
gov.Monthly Staff Report of the European Communities - Bull.mensuelMånedsblad for personalet i De Europæiske Fællesskaber
gen.Monthly Staff Report of the European CommunitiesFællesskabernes månedlige personaleblad Månedsblad for personalet i De europæiske Fællesskaberne
comp., MSMorphX reportMorphX-rapport (A report that is developed using the MorphX integrated development model)
lawnational search reportnational ansøgningsrapport
comp., MSNetwork Traffic reportnetværkstrafikrapport (A DPS report that provides information about the impact of synchronization jobs on network traffic)
comp., MSnon-delivery reportrapport om manglende levering (A notification that an e-mail message was not delivered to the recipient)
pharma.non-EU ADR reportsrapporter fra ikke-EU-medlemsstater om bivirkninger
pharma.non-EU ADR reportsindberetninger om bivirkninger uden for EU
fin.North-South:A Program for Survival Brandt Comm.ReportNord-Syd,Et Program for Overlevelse
gen.nothing to reportintet abnormt
gen.nothing to reporti.a.
patents.novelty search reportsøgningsrapport
comp., MSNumber of Queries reportrapporten Antal søgninger (A Web analytics report that provides information on the number searches performed)
law, ITobligation to submit a reportrapporteringspligt
lawOffice's annual reportSortsmyndighedens årsrapport
lawOmbudsman Annual Reportombudsmandens årsberetning
crim.law.Organised Crime Situation Reportsituationsrapport om organiseret kriminalitet
immigr.Organised Crime Threat Assessment Reportrapport om trusselsvurdering af organiseret kriminalitet
gen.outlook reportperspektivrapport
lawown-initiative reportinitiativrapport
gen.own-initiative reportsinitiativbetænkninger
gen.panel reportpanelrapport
environ.parliamentary reportbetænkning
environ.parliamentary report A written account describing in detail observations or the results of an inquiry into an event or situation and presented to an official, deliberative body with legislative powersbetænkning
environ.parliamentary reportberetning
stat.period under reportundersøgelsestidsrum
stat.period under reportreferenceperiode
agric.periodic forest health reportregelmæssig opgørelse over skovenes sundhedstilstand
law, fin.periodic reportperiodisk beretning
gen.periodic reportregelmæssig beretning
social.sc.Periodic Report on the Social and Economic Situation in the Regions of the Communityperiodisk beretning om den sociale og økonomiske situation i Fællesskabets regioner
pharma.Periodic Safety Update Reportperiodiske, opdaterede sikkerhedsberetninger
law, fin.periodical reportperiodisk beretning
comp., MSPivotChart reportpivotdiagram (A chart that provides interactive analysis of data, like a PivotTable report. You can change views of data, see different levels of detail, or reorganize the chart layout by dragging fields and by showing or hiding items in fields)
comp., MSPivotTable reportpivottabel (An interactive, cross tabulated Excel report that summarizes and analyzes data, such as database records, from various sources including ones external to Excel)
gen.political reportpolitisk beretning
comp., MSPopular Queries reportrapporten Populære søgninger (A Web analytics report that provides information on the most popular searches)
energ.ind.power marketing reportrapport over afsætning af energi
patents.preliminary examination reportpræliminær prøvningsrapport
patents.preliminary examination reportpræliminær patenterbarhedsprøvningsrapport
patents.printed matter, namely books, periodicals, reports, databases, user’s guides, documentation and other publications, instructional and teaching materialtryksager, nemlig bøger, tidskrifter, rapporter, databaser, brugervejledninger, dokumentation og andre publikationer, instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale
gen.probationary reportudtalelse ved prøvetidens udløb
gen.procedure without reportprocedure uden afgivelse af betænkning
work.fl., commun.progress reportfremskridtsrapport
econ.progress reportfremskridtsberetning
gen.progress reportrapport om aktionens forløb
gen.progress reportsituationsrapport
obs.progress reportperiodisk rapport om fremskridt mod tiltrædelse
gen.progress reportevalueringsrapport
gen.progress report on written proceduresstatus over skriftlige procedurer
construct.project reportrapport over et projekt
construct.project technical reportteknisk rapport over et projekt
construct.public hearing reportrapport til offentlig høring
account.qualification of the auditor's reportforbehold i revisionspåtegning
account.qualified auditor's reportrevisionspåtegning med forbehold
stat.quarter under reportreferencekvartal
econ., fin.quarterly financial reportkvartalsregnskab
fin.quarterly reportkvartalsberetning
comp., MSquery-based reportforespørgselsbaseret rapport (A type of report generated from an Application Object Tree (AOT) query)
life.sc.radar reportradarrapportering
gen.raid reportraid report
gen.raid reportmelding om fjendtlige flybevægelser
stat.rapid reportekspresoversigter
pharma.rapporteurs' assessment reportsrapportørernes evalueringsrapporter
gen.reasoned reportrapport
gen.reasoned reportrapport, der er ledsaget af grunde
gen.reasoned reportder er ledsaget af grunde
gen.reconnaissance exploitation reportrapport over udnyttelse af rekognoscerings-resultater
law, agric.reconnaissance reportrekognosceringsrapport
construct.reconnaissance reportrapport over forudgående undersøgelser
busin., labor.org., account.to refuse to report upon the accountsnægte at påtegne regnskabet
obs.regular report on progress towards accessionperiodisk rapport om fremskridt mod tiltrædelse
comp., MS1099 report1099-rapport (A report to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on a 1099 form. A 1099 form is used to report non-employee income and is filed on a calendar year basis. The IRS produces various types of 1099 forms, including Dividend (1099-DIV), Interest (1099-INT), Miscellaneous (1099-MISC), and Retirement (1099-R))
comp., MSReport a ConcernRapportering af et problem (The link to the form where a user can report violations of the terms of use. Contextually, it's understood that the abuse in question is poor conduct, such as obscene language or threats)
comp., MSReport AbuseAnmeld misbrug (The link to the form where a user can report violations of the terms of use. Contextually, it's understood that the abuse in question is poor conduct, such as obscene language or threats)
gen.report at the expiry of the probationary periodudtalelse ved prøveditens udløb
gen.report at the expiry of the probationary periodudtalelse ved prøvetidens udløb
gen.Report by the Three Wise Menvismandsrapporten
comp., MSReport CenterRapportcenter (A feature that leverages Excel Services and SharePoint Server to provide easy and powerful reporting capabilities)
lawreport concerning the election of a candidateprotokol over valget af en kandidat
comp., MSReport Data Provider-based reportReport Data Provider-baseret rapport (A report where the data source is defined in a Report Data Provider (RDP) class)
comp., MSReport Definition Language A set of instructions that describe layout and query information for a report. RDL is composed of XML elements that conform to an XML grammar created for Reporting ServicesRDL (Report Definition Language)
comp., MSReport DesignerRapportdesigner (A collection of design surfaces and graphical tools that are hosted within the Microsoft Visual Studio environment)
lawreport drawn up in accordance with jointly agreed reporting proceduresrapport, der udarbejdes efter procedurer fastlagt ved fælles overenskomst
econ., empl.report from the Ciampi Group on CompetitivenessCiampi-Gruppens rapport om konkurrenceevne
gen.report from the CommissionKommissionens beretning
econ.Report from the Commission "Europe as an economic entity: The mutually beneficial effects of greater coordination of economic and structural policies"rapport fra Kommissionen "De gensidige fordele ved bedre koordinering af den økonomiske politik og strukturpolitikken Europa som en økonomisk helhed"
social.sc.Report from the Commission to the Spring European CouncilKommissionens forårsrapport
busin., labor.org.report in writingskriftlig beretning
gen.report in writingrapport
comp., MSreport lost cardkortspærring (A rich button in the Wallet feature that contains the contact phone number for the card issuer. Tapping the button calls the phone number)
gen.report of activitiesaktivitetsberetning
insur., transp.report of damagehavarirapport
law, tech., patents.report of experimentsprøverapport
lawreport of investigation about liabilityundersoegelsesrapport om ansvar
econ., fin.Report of the Independent Commission on International Development IssuesRapport fra den uafhængige kommission vedrørende internationale udviklingsspørgsmål
gen.to report on a personoptage protokol
fin.report on budgetary and financial managementberetning om den budgetmæssige og økonomiske forvaltning
h.rghts.act.Report on Citizenship of the Unionrapport om fremskridt hen imod et effektivt unionsborgerskab
obs., h.rghts.act.Report on Citizenship of the Unionrapport om unionsborgerskab
econ.Report on competition policyberetning om konkurrencepolitikken
econ.Report on Competition Policyberetning om konkurrencepolitikken
gov.report on completion of probationary periodudtalelse ved prøvetidens udløb
med.report on diagnostic findingslægeerklæring
law, immigr.report on entryanmeldelse af indrejse
fin.report on financial implementationberetning om den økonomiske forvaltning
econ., fin.report on financial regulation, supervision and stabilityrapport om regulering, tilsyn og stabilitet på det finansielle område
econ., polit., loc.name.report on IMP activityIMP-gennemførelsesrapport
h.rghts.act.Report on progress towards effective EU citizenshiprapport om fremskridt hen imod et effektivt unionsborgerskab
obs., h.rghts.act.Report on progress towards effective EU citizenshiprapport om unionsborgerskab
gen.report on the ability to perform the duties pertaining to a postudtalelse om egnetheden til varetagelse af de med en stilling forbundne opgaver
fin., met.report on the activitiesårsberetning
environ.Report on the Environmental Dimensionrapporten "The Environmental Dimension"
gen.report on the financial statementsberetning om årsregnskab
econ., social.sc.report on the functioning of Community product and capital marketsCardiffrapport
econ., social.sc.report on the functioning of Community product and capital marketsrapport om Fællesskabets produkt- og kapitalmarkeder
gen.report on the functioning of the Treaty on European Unionrapport om den praktiske gennemførelse af traktaten om Den Europæiske Union
gen.report on the impact of opinionseffektrapport
gen.report on the impact of opinionsrapport om effekten af udtalelserne
fin.report on the implementation of the budgetberetning om budgettets gennemførelse
fin.report on the implementation of the budgetberetning om budgetgennemførelsen
fin.report on the implementation of the budgetberetning om gennemførelsen af budgettet
gen.report on the operation of Euratom safeguardsberetning om Euratom's sikkerhedskontrols virksomhed
gen.Report on the operation of the Council with an enlarged Union in prospectTrumpf-rapporten
lawreport on the operation of the systemrapport om, hvorledes ordningen fungerer
work.fl., commun.report on the state of discussionsstatusrapport
environ.report on the state of the environment A written account on the level of integrity and conditions of the ecosystem and natural resources in a given region, usually presented by an official person or body mandated to protect human health and the environment in that regionrapport om miljøsituationen
environ.report on the state of the environmentrapport om miljøsituationen
gen.to report one's conclusionsfremkomme med sine konklusioner
lawreport presented by a Judge acting as Rapporteurrapport,der forelægges af den refererende dommer
gen.report relating to ability, efficiency and conductbedømmelse af kvalifikationer, indsats og adfærd
comp., MSReport Server Web serviceReport Server-webtjeneste (A Web service that hosts, processes, and delivers reports)
agric.report timealarmeringstid
environ.report to the minister A written account or statement describing in detail observations or the results of an inquiry into an event or situation and presented to any person appointed or elected to a high-level position within some political entityindberetning til ministeren
environ.report to the ministerindberetning til ministeren
comp., MSReport toolbarværktøjslinjen Rapport (The toolbar at the top of the Report section, used to create and edit reports)
stat.report unitstatistisk enhed
comp., MSreport view grouprapportvisningsgruppe (A set of report views that are grouped together in a single dashboard zone. These report views can be conditionally shown, based on the selected KPI)
comp., MSReport Web Partwebdelen Rapport (A feature that allows users to view and interact with reports that are created in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer)
comp., MSReport WizardGuiden Rapport (A wizard that guides users through creating and publishing a Reporting Services report)
comp., MSReporting Services reportReporting Services-rapport (A report type that acts as a wrapper for a SQL Server Reporting Services report so that the Reporting Services report can be displayed in a PerformancePoint dashboard)
gen.Reports Committeebedømmelsesudvalg
comp., MSReports modulemodulet rapporter (A Microsoft CRM module used to create, view, and print metrics and statistical reports)
lawReports of Cases before the CourtSamling af Afgørelser
obs., polit., lawReports of cases before the Court of Justice and the General CourtSamling af Afgørelser fra Domstolen og Retten i Første Instans
gen.Reports of cases before the Court of Justice and the General CourtSamling af Afgørelser
gen.reports of debates of sittingforhandlingsreferater
gen.reports of debates of sittingsforhandlingsreferater
lawreports of perjury by a witness or expertanmeldelse af vidners og sagkyndiges edsbrud
gen.reports on staff membersbedømmelse af personalet
econ.research reportforskningsrapport
comp., MSresource reportressourcerapport (Printed information about a project's resources, which usually includes information about costs and the allocation of resources)
gen.revised staff report on appealrevideret bedømmelse efter appel
chem.Risk Assessment Reportrisikovurderingsrapport
fin.risk reportrisikorapportering
comp., MSsales reportsalgsrapport (A report specific to the Sales areas of the product)
pharma.scheme for the mutual recognition of evaluation reports on pharmaceutical productsordning for gensidig anerkendelse af vurderingsrapporter om lægemidler
econ.scientific reportvidenskabelig ekspertise
lawsearch reportsøgningsrapport
industr.search reportforskningsrapport
law, mater.sc.search reportnyhedsrapport
patents.search report on the state of the artsøgningsrapport
fin.section of the annual reportsektion i årsberetningen
fin.section of the annual reportafsnit i årsberetningen
lawsecurity for the costs of the expert's reportbeløb til dækning af udgifterne i forbindelse med den sagkyndige erklæring
lawsecurity for the costs of the expert's reportdækning af udgifterne i forbindelse med den sagkyndige erklæring
med., pharma.sender's case safety report unique identifierentydig identifikator for afsenderens sikkerhedsrapport om tilfælde
life.sc.sequence reporttimerapport
comp., MSservice reportservicerapport (A report generated with customer service data, including case, knowledge base, and contract data)
comp., MSShadow Copy reportrapport over øjebliksbillede (A DPS report that provides information on how well data is being protected by the shadow copies)
gen.shelling reportrapport over fjendtligt bombardement
stat.shipboard census reporttællingsrapport over på søen værende personel
fin."short form" audit reportkort revisionsprotokol
chem.SIDS Initial Assessment ReportSIDS Initial Assessment Report
gov.to sign the staff reportpåtegne bedømmelsen
gen.to sign the staff reportpåtegne bedømmelsen
pharma.single periodic safety update reportperiodisk, opdateret sikkerhedsindberetning vedrørende et enkelt stof
pharma.single periodic safety update reportenkelt periodisk, opdateret sikkerhedsindberetning
gen.Single Progress Report on military capabilitiessamlet fremskridtsrapport om militære kapaciteter
gen.Single Progress Report on the Development of EU Military Capabilitiessamlet fremskridtsrapport om militære kapaciteter
pharma.single-substance periodic safety update reportperiodisk, opdateret sikkerhedsindberetning vedrørende et enkelt stof
pharma.single-substance periodic safety update reportenkelt periodisk, opdateret sikkerhedsindberetning
gen.situation reportsituationsrapport
life.sc., construct.soil survey reportrapport over jordbundsundersøgelser
lawspecial reportsærberetning
law, min.prod.special reportsærlig beretning
energ.ind., nucl.phys.special reportsærlig rapport
energ.ind., nucl.phys.special reportspecialrapport
econ.special report in support of the statement of assurancesærberetning til underbygning af revisionserklæringen
fin.special report of the Court of AuditorsRevisionsrettens særberetning
construct.special-purpose reportssærlige rapporter
comp., MSspreadsheet report viewrapportvisning for regneark (A report view that provides interactive functionality for a spreadsheet on a Web page)
comp., MSSQL Server report viewSQL Server-rapportvisning (A report view in the form of a SQL Server report, which uses the analysis features of SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services)
gen.staff reportbedømmelsesrapport
gen.staff reportbedømmelse
gen.to state the result of the vote taken on the report as a wholeanføre resultatet af afstemningen om betænkningen i sin helhed
work.fl., ITstate-of-the-art reportstatusrapport
work.fl., ITstate-of-the-art reportstate-of-the-art-beskrivelse
comp., MSstatic reportstatisk rapport (An Excel workbook that contains no matrices. Essentially a snapshot of data at the point in time of creation)
comp., MSstatus reportstatusrapport (A description of the status of a member's project work and related work)
tech.status reportsituationsrapport
comp., MSStorage Usage reportrapporten Pladsforbrug (A Web analytics report that provides information about storage usage trends)
econ., empl.Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle 2008-2010 Keeping up the pace of changeStrategisk rapport om den fornyede Lissabonstrategi for vækst og beskæftigelse: Igangsætning af den nye cyklus 2008-2010 - Opretholdelse af forandringstempoet
comp., MSsub-reportunderrapport (A report that is displayed in a second window when a user clicks an item in a report)
construct.substantiating reportteknisk rapport over et projekt
life.sc.sudden change reportoplysning om pludselig ændring
gen.summary reportsammenfattende rapport
gen.Summary reportkortfattet rapport
fin.summary report of the annual reportsammendrag af årsberetningen
fin.summary report of the annual reportde sammenfattende afsnit i årsberetningen
gen.supplementary reportsupplerende rapport
gen.Supplementary reporttillægsrapport
med.surgeon's reportoperationsbeskrivelse
lawsurvey reportbesigtigelsesrapport
agric.survey reportsynsrapport
insur.surveyor's reportskadesopgørelse
comp., MSSynchronization reportsynkroniseringsrapport (A DPM report that provides statistics on the success or failure of synchronization jobs, and illustrates patterns of failure)
life.sc.synoptic reportsynoptisk observationsrapport
gen.synthesis reportsammenfattende rapport
gen.tabling reports and opinions adopted and entering them in the central indexindgivelse af vedtagne betænkninger og udtalelser og registrering i centralkartoteket af disse
gen.Task force:1991 Reporttask force vedrørende 1991-rapporten
comp., MStask reportopgaverapport (Printed information about a project's tasks or activities. Task reports usually include information about start dates, work completed, and expected durations)
industr.Technical Reportteknisk rapport
gen.terrorism situation and trend reportrapport om situationen og udviklingen med hensyn til terrorisme i Europa
gen.terrorism situation and trend reportTE-SAT-rapporten
gen.TE-SAT reportTE-SAT-rapporten
gen.TE-SAT reportrapport om situationen og udviklingen med hensyn til terrorisme i Europa
tech.test reportanalyserapport
tech., lawtest reporttestrapport
tech.test reportafprøvningsrapport
tech.test reportprøverapport
med.test reportprøvningsrapport
fin.the Commission's monthly report to the Parliament and the CouncilKommissionens månedlige rapport til Parlamentet og Rådet
law, fin.the ECB shall address an annual report on the activities of the ESCB and on the monetary policy of both the previous and current year to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, and also to the European CouncilECB fremsender en årsberetning om ESCB's aktiviteter og om den monetære politik i det foregående og det indeværende år til Europa-Parlamentet, Rådet og Kommissionen og også til Det Europæiske Råd
fin.the EMI shall prepare an annual report on its activitiesEMI udgiver en årsberetning om sine aktiviteter
immigr.the Maastricht reportMaastrichtrapporten
environ., min.prod.the 4NSC Progress Report4NSC-statusrapport
lawthe reading of the reportoplæsningen af den rapport
gen.the report shall indicate how each member voteddet angives i betænkningen,hvorledes hvert enkelt medlem har stemt
gen.the report shall state the committee's viewbetænkningen angiver udvalgets stillingtagen
gen.The Special Report, which is shortly to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union, was adopted by the Court at its meeting on ... and is accompanied by the replies from ... and the Commission, which was notified of the preliminary findings on ...den er ledsaget af svar fra ... og Kommissionen, der fik forelagt de foreløbige revisionsresultater den ...
lawtimetable contained in the report on asylumtidsplan, der er indeholdt i rapport om asylspørgsmål
fin., busin., account.transparency reportrapport om gennemsigtighed
fin., busin., account.transparency reportberetning om gennemsigtighed
gen.Trumpf ReportTrumpf-rapporten
comp., MSunbound reportubundet rapport (A report that isn't connected to a record source such as a table, query, or SQL statement)
account.unqualified auditor's reportrevisionspåtegning uden forbehold
account.unqualified auditor's reportblank revisionspåtegning
gen.Valletta reportVallettarapporten
pharma.variation arbitration assessment reportvoldgiftsevalueringsrapport om ændring
pharma.variation assessment reports for IVMPsevalueringsrapporter om ændringer af IVMP
pharma.variation assessment reports for IVMPsevalueringsrapport om ændring af immunologiske veterinærlægemidler
comp., MSvendor analysis reportkreditoranalyserapport (A document that displays vendor invoice amounts summarized by one or more dimensions. A vendor analysis report is used to monitor and control expenditures assigned to parties, products, locations, activities, or one or more of their classifiers)
gen.verbatim reportfuldstændigt forhandlingsreferat
gen.verification reportverifikationsrapport
law, tech.visit reportbesøgsrapport
life.sc., transp.weather reportvejrrapport
life.sc., transp.weather reportvejrmelding
comp., MSWeb page report viewWebsiderapportvisning (A report type that contains a Web page)
stat.weekly reportugentlig beretning
stat.weekly reportugerapport
stat.weekly reportugeberetning
construct.wrap-up reportrapport over indstillet undersøgelse
lawwritten reportbetænkning
comp., MSx-reportX-rapport (A type of report that is generated to record current sales totals for a specific cash register)
lawyearly written report on the progress achieved by the Unionskriftlig årsrapport om Unionens fremskridt
comp., MSz-reportZ-rapport (A type of report that is generated to record current sales totals for a specific cash register and to close the current work shift)
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