
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Remote Access | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
remote accessfjernadgang (Part of the integrated Routing and Remote Access service that provides remote networking for telecommuters, mobile workers, and system administrators who monitor and manage servers at multiple branch offices. Users can use Network Connections to dial in to remotely access their networks for services such as file and printer sharing, electronic mail, scheduling, and SQL database access)
remote access Trojantrojansk hest med fjernadgang (A type of Trojan that provides remote access to a computer)
remote data accessfjernadgang til data (A service that provides a simple way for a smart device application to access (pull) and send (push) data to and from a remote SQL Server database table and a local SQL Server Mobile Edition database table. RDA can also be used to issue SQL commands on a server running SQL Server)
Remote Direct Memory Accessdirekte hukommelsesadgang via fjernforbindelse (A networking feature that lets one computer directly place information into the memory of another computer)