
Terms for subject Government, administration and public services containing Regulation | all forms
general provisions for giving effect to these Staff Regulationsalmindelige gennemførelsesbestemmelser
provision of the Staff Regulationsvedtægtsbestemmelse
sickness insurance scheme provided for by law or regulationved lov eller forordning fastsat sygeforsikring
Staff Regulationsvedtægten for tjenestemænd i Den Europæiske Union og ansættelsesvilkårene for Unionens øvrige ansatte
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the European Communitiesvedtægten for tjenestemænd i Den Europæiske Union og ansættelsesvilkårene for Unionens øvrige ansatte
Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the Unionvedtægten for tjenestemænd i Den Europæiske Union og ansættelsesvilkårene for Unionens øvrige ansatte
Staff Regulations of the European Coal and Steel Communityvedtægt for personalet i Det Europæiske Kul og Stålfællesskab