
Terms for subject General containing Regulation | all forms | exact matches only
a regulation shall have general applicationen forordning er almengyldig
a statement of the reasons on which the Regulation is based, introduced by the word "Whereas"begrundelsen for forordningen,der indledes med formelen:"ud fra følgende betragtninger"
additional uniform regulation D.C.U.fælles tillægsbestemmelse DCU
Administrative Regulationtjenesteanordning
to adopt the Financial Regulationvedtage finansforordningen
Agreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or used on wheeled vehiclesparallelaftalen
application of a regulationanvendelse af en bestemmelse
basic anti-dumping regulationantidumpinggrundforordning
basic regulation as finally adopteddefinitiv grundforordning
Brussels IIa Regulationden nye Bruxelles II-forordning
Brussels IIa RegulationBruxelles IIa-forordningen
Capital Requirements Regulationkapitalkravsforordningen
CLP RegulationCLP-forordningen
Colloquium on Cartel RegulationKollokvium om kartelbestemmelser
Comitology Regulationforordning om de generelle regler og principper for, hvordan medlemsstaterne skal kontrollere Kommissionens udøvelse af gennemførelsesbeføjelser
Comitology Regulationkomitologiforordning
Commission Delegated Regulationdelegeret forordning
Committee for harmonisation of national regulations relating to cableway installations designed to carry personsUdvalget for Harmonisering af Medlemsstaternes Lovgivning om Installation af Tovbaneanlæg til Personbefordring
Committee for implementation of the regulation on Community designsUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Forordningen om EF-design
Committee for implementation of the regulation on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial mattersUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Forordningen om Samarbejde mellem Medlemsstaternes Retter om Bevisoptagelse på det Civil- og Handelsretlige Område
Committee for implementation of the Regulation on enhancing ship and port facility securityMarsecudvalget
Committee for implementation of the regulation to avoid trade diversion into the European Union of certain key medicinesUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Forordningen om Hindring af Omlægning til Den Europæiske Union af Handelen med Visse Essentielle Lægemidler
Committee for issues relating to fees and to the rules for implementation of the Regulation on the Community patentUdvalget vedrørende Gebyrer og Gennemførelsesbestemmelser til Forordningen om EF-patenter
Committee on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco productsUdvalget for Indbyrdes Tilnærmelse af Medlemsstaternes Love og Administrative Bestemmelser om Fremstilling, Præsentation og Salg af Tobaksvarer
complaint under Article 90 of the Staff Regulationklage på grundlag af Vedtægtens artikel 90
Contact Committee on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities UCITSKontaktudvalget for Samordningen af Love og Administrative Bestemmelser om Visse Institutter for Kollektiv Investering i Værdipapirer Investeringsinstitutter
Convention concerning the Regulation of Certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workerskonvention angående regulering af visse særlige systemer for hvervning af arbejdere
Convention concerning the Regulation of Hours of Work and Rest Periods in Road Transportkonvention angående arbejds- og hviletid inden for vejtransport
Convention concerning the Regulation of Written Contracts of Employment of Indigenous Workerskonvention angående skriftlige arbejdskontrakter for indfødte arbejdere
Convention for the Regulation of Hours of Work in Automatic Sheet-Glass Workskonvention angående arbejdstiden i automatiske rudeglasfabrikker
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Seakonvention om internationale søvejsregler
coordinating Regulationsamordningsforordning
Council Directive 89/552/EEC on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activitiesdirektivet om audiovisuelle medietjenester
Council Regulation amending Regulation EC No 2201/2003 as regards jurisdiction as well as introducing rules concerning applicable law in matters of divorce and legal separationRom III-forordningen
Council Regulation EC No 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation EC No 1347/2000den nye Bruxelles II-forordning
Council Regulation EC No 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation EC No 1347/2000Bruxelles IIa-forordningen
Council Regulation EC No 2725/2000 of 11 December 2000 concerning the establishment of "Eurodac" for the comparison of fingerprints for the effective application of the Dublin ConventionEurodacforordningen
Council Regulation EC No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country nationalDublinforordningen
Council Regulation EC No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country nationalDublin III-forordningen
Council Regulation EC, Euratom No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communitiesfinansforordningen
Council Regulation EC No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirementvisumforordningen
Council Regulation EC No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural productsforordningen om fusionsmarkedsordningen
Council Regulation EC, Euratom No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communitiesfinansforordningen
Dangerous product - release for free circulation not authorized - Regulation EEC NoFarligt produkt - overgang til fri omsaetning ikke tilladt - forordning EOEF nr.
Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services Audiovisual Media Services Directivedirektivet om audiovisuelle medietjenester
Documentation Centre on Biotechnology Safety and RegulationsBiosafe-centret
Documentation Centre on Biotechnology Safety and RegulationsDokumentationscentret for Sikkerheid og Forskrifter inden for Bioteknologi
Dublin RegulationDublinforordningen
Dublin RegulationDublin III-forordningen
EC Merger RegulationEF-fusionsforordningen
ECB RegulationECB-forordning
ECE RegulationECE-regulativ
ECE RegulationFN-ECE-regulativ
EEC regulationsEF-ordning
ESF Regulationforordning om Den Europæiske Socialfond
Eurodac RegulationEurodacforordningen
European Agreement on Regulations governing the Movement of Persons between Member States of the Council of Europeeuropæisk overenskomst vedrørende persontrafikken mellem Europarådets medlemslande
European Community Merger RegulationEF-fusionsforordningen
European Regional Development Fund Regulationforordning om Den Europæiske Regionaludviklingsfond
European regulationeuropæisk forordning
European Social Fund Regulationforordning om Den Europæiske Socialfond
Europol staff regulationsvedtægt for Europols personale
exempting Regulationfritagelsesforordning
exempting Regulationforordning om gruppefritagelse
exemption regulationfritagelsesforordning
exemption regulationforordning om gruppefritagelse
extract from a regulationuddrag af en forordning
Financial Regulation applicable to development finance cooperation under the Fourth ACP-EEC Conventionfinansforordning vedrørende samarbejdet med henblik på udviklingsfinansiering under fjerde AVS-EF-konvention
Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communitiesfinansforordningen
Financial Regulation for the installation and operation of the Schengen C.SISfinansieringsordning for anlæg og drift af Schengen C.SIS
Financial Regulation of the Centre for Industrial Developmentfinansforordning for Centret for Industriel Udvikling
Financial Regulation on the installation and operation of Phase II of the Sirene networkSPII-finansforordning
Financial Regulation on the installation and operation of Phase II of the Sirene networkfinansforordning vedrørende installering og drift af Sirene-nettets fase II
Financial Regulation on the installation and operation of Phase II of the Sirene networkSirene fase II
framework regulationrammeforordning
framework Regulationrammeforordning
General Data Protection Regulationgenerel forordning om databeskyttelse
general provisions for giving effect to these Staff Regulationsalmindelige gennemførelsesbestemmelser til denne vedtægt
heat regulationvarmeregulering
implementing regulationbekendtgørelse
implementing regulationsgennemførelsesforordninger
interpretation and application of the Staff Regulationsfortolkning og anvendelse af vedtægten
interpretation and application of these Staff Regulationsfortolkning og anvendelse af denne vedtægt
to invoke before the Court of Justice the inapplicability of that regulationfor Domstolen gøre gældende, at forordningen ikke kan finde anvendelse
to issue the internal financial regulationsfastsætte det interne finansregulativ
laws and regulations concerning foreign tradelove og forskrifter vedrørende udenrigshandel
laws and regulations, including those relating to foreign exchangelove og forskrifter, herunder dem der vedrører udenlandsk valuta
MARPOL RegulationMarpolregel
MEDA RegulationMedaforordningen
ministerial regulationministeriel bekendtgørelse
obligation imposed by the Staff Regulationsvedtægtsmæssigt krav
Occupational Disease Regulationerhvervssygdomslovgivning
Occupational Disease Regulationarbejdsmiljølov
organ set up under the Staff Regulationsorgan, der er fastsat i vedtægten
police regulationspolitiets forskrifter
procedural regulation for State aidprocedureregler for statsstøtte
Product not in conformity - release for free circulation not authorized - Regulation EEC NoIkke overensstemmende produkt - overgang til fri omsaetning ikke tilladt - forordning EOEF nr.
provisions of the Financial Regulationbestemmelser i finansforordningen
provisions of the Staff Regulationsvedtægtsebestemmelser
regulation derogating from the Staff Regulationsforordning om undtagelser fra bestemmelserne
Regulation laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund covered by the Common Strategic Framework and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fundforordning om fælles bestemmelser
Regulation laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powerskomitologiforordning
Regulation laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powersforordning om de generelle regler og principper for, hvordan medlemsstaterne skal kontrollere Kommissionens udøvelse af gennemførelsesbeføjelser
Regulation No.1 determining the languages to be used by the European Economic CommunityForordning nr.1 om den ordning,der skal gælde for Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab på det sproglige område
Regulation EC No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation EC No 1907/2006CLP-forordningen
Regulation EU No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless personDublinforordningen
Regulation EU No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless personDublin III-forordningen
Regulation EC No 1081/2006 on the European Social Fund and repealing Regulation EC No 1784/1999forordning om Den Europæiske Socialfond
Regulation of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United NationsFN-ECE-regulativ
Regulation of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United NationsECE-regulativ
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law applicable to contractual obligationsRom I
Regulation on Committee Procedurekomitologiforordning
Regulation on Committee Procedureforordning om de generelle regler og principper for, hvordan medlemsstaterne skal kontrollere Kommissionens udøvelse af gennemførelsesbeføjelser
regulation on compensationtilskudsordning
Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such datagenerel forordning om databeskyttelse
Regulation on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters service of documents, and repealing Council Regulation EC No 1348/2000forkyndelsesforordningen
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1948søvejsregler, 1948
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1960de internationale søvejsregler
regulations of the Council and of the Commission shall refer to any proposals which...Rådets og Kommissionens forordninger skal henvise til de forslag, som...
regulations on access to networksforskriftsmæssige betingelser for netadgang
regulations shall be published in the Official Journal of the Communityforordningerne offentliggøres i Fællesskabets officielle tidende
to repeal a regulationophævelse af en forordning
to repeal a regulationen forordning ophæve
repealing a regulationen forordning ophæve
repealing a regulationophævelse af en forordning
revision of the Financial Regulationændring af finansforordningen
revision of the Staff Regulationsændring af vedtægten
Rome I RegulationRom I
Rome III RegulationRom III-forordningen
Single CMO Regulationforordningen om fusionsmarkedsordningen
social affairs Regulationsocialforordning
special additional regulation DCSsærlig tillægsbestemmelse DCS
staff covered by the Staff Regulationsansatte, der beklæder en stilling, som er anført i stillingsfortegnelsen
Staff Regulationstjenestemandsvedtægten
Staff Regulationspersonalevedtægten
Staff Regulations Committeevedtægtsudvalg
Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communitiesvedtægten for tjenestemænd i De europæiske Fællesskaber
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the European Communitiestjenestemandsvedtægten
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the European Communitiespersonalevedtægten
Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the Uniontjenestemandsvedtægten
Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the Unionpersonalevedtægten
Staff Regulations of the European Coal and Steel Communityvedtægt for personalet i Det europæiske Kulog Stålfællesskab
Staff Regulations of the European Coal and Steel Communityvedtægt for personalet i Det europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab
Standing Committee on technical standards and regulations, including rules on Information Society servicesDet Stående Udvalg for Tekniske Standarder og Forskrifter samt Forskrifter for Informationssamfundets Tjenester
the Council shall lay down the Staff Regulations of officialsRådet udfærdiger vedtægten for tjenestemændene
the Council shall make financial regulationsRådet udsteder regnskabsregulativer
the Council shall make regulationsRådet udsteder forordninger
the effects of the regulation which it has declared void shall be considered as definitiveden annullerede forordnings virkninger, der skal betragtes som bestående
the right to determine one's laws and regulationsret til at fastsætte sine love og bestemmelser
training regulationsuddannelsesregler
UNECE RegulationECE-regulativ
UNECE RegulationFN-ECE-regulativ
unless the regulations made pursuant to Article 2O provide otherwisemedmindre andet er fastsat i det i medfør af artikel 2O9 udfærdigede regnskabsregulativ
Visa Regulationvisumforordningen
waiver of rights under the Staff Regulationsafkald på vedtægtsmæssige rettigheder
Working Group on Regulations concerning Agricultural and Horticultural Seeds and Propagating MaterialArbejdsgruppe vedrørende retsforskrifter for frø og plantemateriale henhørende under Landbrug og Havebrug
Working Party on Article 64 of the Staff Regulationsgruppen vedrørende vedtægtens artikel 64
Working Party on Article 65 of the Staff Regulationsgruppen vedrørende vedtægtens artikel 65
Working Party on Products covered by the "Remnants" Regulationgruppen vedrørende varer under opsamlingsforordningen
Working Party on Staff Regulationsvedtægtsgruppen
Working Party on the Simplification of Regulationsgruppen vedrørende forenkling af retsakter
Working Party on the Staff RegulationsVedtægtsgruppen