
Terms containing Reciprocity | all forms | exact matches only
gen.agreements designed, on a basis of reciprocity and mutual advantage, to...aftaler, der på grundlag af gensidighed og til fælles fordel tager sigte på...
commun.Eurovision system of reciprocityEurovision-gensidighedssystem
chem.law of reciprocityBunsen-Roscoes lov
chem.law of reciprocityreciprocitetslov
law, int. law.principle of reciprocityreciprocitetsprincip
lawpublication of reciprocitybekendtgørelse af gensidighed
econ., fin.reciprocity clauseklausulen om gensidighed
agric.reciprocity clausegensidighedsklausul
tax.reciprocity principlegensidighedsprincip
tax.reciprocity rulegensidighed
commun., el.reciprocity theoremreciprocitetslov
lawsubject to reciprocity in the country of originbetingelse af gensidig behandling i oprindelseslandet
market.the principle of reciprocityprincippet om gensidighed
priv.int.law.visa reciprocitygensidighed på visumområdet