
Terms for subject Finances containing Position | all forms | exact matches only
to abuse his privileged positionmisbrug af privilegerede stilling
active management of the positionaktiv porteføljeforvaltning
actual foreign exchange positionfaktisk valutaposition
actual or expected significant divergence of the budgetary positionfaktiske eller forventede væsentlige afvigelser i budgetstillingen
to adjust the final cash position for each yearden årlige kassesaldo afregnes
Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant PositionsRådgivende Udvalg for Kartel- og Monopolspørgsmål
Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions in the Field of Concentrations between UndertakingsRådgivende Udvalg for Kartel- og Monopolspørgsmål vedrørende Virksomhedssammenslutninger
to affect the structural liquidity position of the banking systemstyre den strukturelle likviditetsposition for pengeinstitutsektoren
aging of positionspositioners aldersfordeling
an opposite weighted positionen vægtet position med modsat fortegn
banks open positions in foreign currenciesbankers oobne valutapositioner
bear positionbaissespekulant
bearish positionbear-position
bearish positionkort position
bearish positionbaisseposition
budgetary position close to balancebudgetstilling tæt på balance
bull positionhausseposition
bullish positionhausseposition
bullish positionlang position
bullish positionbull-position
buying positionbull-position
buying positionhausseposition
buying positionlang position
capital positionkapitalposition
cash positionlikvide midler
cash positionbeholdning af likvide midler
cash positionumiddelbar likviditet
cash positionlikviditetssaldo
cash positionlikviditet
changes in financial positionændringer i den økonomiske stilling
to close a positionlukke en position
closing a positionlukning af en position
collective dominant positionkollektiv dominerende stilling
concentrated positionskoncentrerede positioner
covered rate-wise by a short position in a futures contractdækket ved hjælp af en kort terminsposition
credit enhancement positionpositioner i form af kreditforbedringsarrangementer
credit positionkreditorstilling
creditor positionkreditorstilling
criterion on the government budgetary positionkriteriet vedrørende den offentlige budgetstilling
customs positiontoldmæssig stilling
customs positiontoldmæssig status
daily re-assessed positiondagligt værdiansætte position
daylight positionintradag position
debit positiongældsposition
debit positiondebitorstilling
debtor positiondebitorstilling
debtor positiongældsposition
deep out-of-the-money positions"deep out-of-the-money" -positioner
delta-neutral positiondeltaneutral position
derivatives positionderivatposition
determination of risk positionsopgørelse af risikopositioner
duration-weighted positionvarighedsvægtet position
equivalent positionækvivalentportefølje
equivalent position in the underlying securityækvivalentportefølje
Eurosystem's foreign exchange liquidity positionEurosystemets valutalikviditetsstilling
external foreign currency positionvalutastilling over for udlandet
external positionstilling over for udlandet
external positionstilling over for den øvrige verden
extinguish the securitisation positionsannullere securitiseringspositionerne
final cash positionårlig kassesaldo
financial position of general governmentden offentlige sektors finansielle stilling
first-loss position"first-loss"-position
fixed coupon positionposition med fast afkast
fixed coupon positionspositioner med fast afkast
fixed-rate positionposition med fast rente
fixed-rate positionspositioner med fast rente
flat positionneutral position
floating-rate positionposition med variabel rente
floating-rate positionspositioner med variabel rente
foreign currency positionvalutaposition
foreign exchange positionposition i valutaer
foreign-exchange positionsvalutapositioner
general position riskgenerel positionsrisiko
government budgetary position without a deficit which is excessiveoffentlig budgetstilling, der ikke udviser et uforholdsmæssigt stort underskud
gross Fund positionFondens bruttoposition
gross positionbruttostilling
hedge between positionsafdækning mellem positioner
hedge positionsafdækket position
hedged positionhedget position
interest rate risk positionrenterisikoposition
international investment positioninternational investeringsposition
international investment positionkapitalbalance over for udlandet
intra-day positionintradag position
items representing securitisation positionssecuritiseringspositions poster
less liquid positionmindre likvid position
liability positiondebitorstilling
liability positiongældsposition
to liquidate a positionlukke en position
liquidity positionlikviditetssaldo
liquidity positionumiddelbar likviditet
liquidity positionlikvide midler
liquidity positionbeholdning af likvide midler
liquidity positionlikviditet
long call positionkøb af call option
long call positioncall-køb
long call positionkøb af købsoption
long positionhausseposition
long positionbull-position
long positionlang position
long position"long position"
long position in a floating-rate instrumentlang position i et variabelt forrentet instrument, lang position i et instrument med variabel rente
manage a positionstyring af position
management of cash positionlikviditetsstyring
market position riskpositionsrisiko i forbindelse med markedsaktiviteter
matched duration-weighted positionvarigheds-vægtet matchet position
matched positionmatchet position
matched weighted positionvægtet matchet position
matched weighted positionvægtet matched position
maturity mismatched positionmanglende match mellem positioners løbetid
mezzanine securitisation positionmezzaninsecuritisationsposition
multilateral net positionmultilateral nettoposition
multilateralisation of positionsmultilateralisering af positioner
net debtor positionnettoposition
net debtor positionnettodebitorposition
net external positionnettostilling over for udlandet
net forward positionnettoterminsposition
net IMF positionnetto IMF position
net international investment positionnettostilling over for udlandet
net international investment positionnettoposition over for udlandet
net liability positionnettodebitorstilling
net long positionlang nettoposition
to net off its positionssine positioner modregne
net open positionåben nettoposition
net open position in ECUåben nettoposition i ECU
net positionnettodebitorposition
net positionnettokreditor
net positionnettoposition
net positionnettostilling
net position/GDP in %netto/BNP i %
net position in composite currenciesnettoposition i sammensatte valutær
net risk positionnettorisikoposition
net short positionkort nettoposition
net spot positionnettospotposition
non-trading-book positionposition uden for handelsbeholdningen
non-trading-book positionposition i finansielle instrumenter,der ikke indgår i handelsbeholdningen
non-trading-book position in financial instrumentsposition uden for handelsbeholdningen
non-trading-book position in financial instrumentsposition i finansielle instrumenter,der ikke indgår i handelsbeholdningen
non-trading-book positionspositioner uden for handelsbeholdningen
notional positionteoretisk position
number of maturities in the formula for calculating positionsantallet af løbetidsintervaller i skemaet til beregning af positionerne
offsetting of opposite open positionsopvejning af modsatte åbne positioner
offsetting of the trading book and of the foreign-exchange positionsmodregning af handelsbeholdning og valutapositioner
offsetting positionmatchet position
offsetting positionsmodsvarende positioner
on-balance sheet securitisation positionbalanceført securitiseringsposition
open foreign-exchange positionåben valutaposition
operational position in foreign currencyoperationel valutaposition
OTC derivative positionOTC-derivatposition
overall gross positionsamlet bruttoposition
overall net foreign exchange positionsamlet nettovalutaposition
overall net foreign-exchange positionsamlet nettovalutaposition
overall net positionsamlet nettoposition
overlapping positionsoverlappende positioner
overnight positionovernight position
overnight positiondag-til-dag position
payments positionbetalingsposition
position converted at spot rateposition omregnes til markedsspotkurs
position converted before its aggregationposition omregnes inden aggregering
position daypositionsdag
position in derivative instrumentsposition i afledte instrumenter
position in goldguldposition
position in the accountsregnskabsoversigt
position in the accountsregnskab
position in the investors' interestposition i investors kapitalinteresser
position limitpositionslimit
position limitposition limit
position of a currency in the fluctuation bandplacering af en valuta i udsvingsbåndet
position of goods with regard to customsen vares toldmæssige stilling
position riskpositionsrisiko
position risk on a debt instrumentpositionsrisiko ved gældsinstrument
position squaringlukning af en position
position takingpositionstagning
position traderpositionshandler
positions in derivative instrumentspositioner i afledte instrumenter
positions subject to the gapping of pricespostioner med bud/udbud spænd
proprietary positionposition for egen regning
proprietary positionegenposition
public disclosure of significant net short positionsoffentliggørelse af betydelige korte nettopositioner
rated securitisation positionrated securitiseringsposition
reduced underwriting positionnedsat position i emissioner
reduction of positionsreduktion af positioner
reference positionreferenceposition
reference securitisation positionreferenceposition
reference value for the fiscal positionreferenceværdi for budgetstilling
remunerated reserve tranche positionsudbyttegivende reservetranchepositioner
repurchased securitisation positiongenkøbt securitiseringsposition
reserve positionreservestilling
reserve positionreserveposition
reserve position in the Fundreserveposition i Fonden
reserve position in the IMFIMF-reservestilling
reserve tranche positionposition i reservetranchen
retained first loss positiontilbageholdt first loss position
retained securitisation positiontilbageholdt securitiseringsposition
risk positionrisikoposition
risk position from collateralrisikoposition vedrørende sikkerhedsstillelse
risk position from transactionrisikoposition vedrørende transaktion
risk position of opposite signrisikoposition med modsat fortegn
risk weight exposure amounts for securitisation positionsrisikovægtede værdier af eksponeringer mod securitiseringspositioner
risk weight for a securitisation positionsecuritisationers risikovægtning
risk weight for a securitisation positionrisikovægt for en securitisationsposition
to roll a positionrulle en position
to roll forward a positionrulle en position fremad
second loss position"second loss"-position
securitisation positionsecuritisationsposition
securitisation position in the securitisationsecuritiseringsposition i securitiseringen
sell first,buy later positionsælg først,køb senere
senior positionstillet position
settlement positionbetalingsposition
short call positionudstedelse af call option
short call positioncall write
short cash positionkorte spot-positioner
short positionbear-position
short positionbaisseposition
short positionkort position
significant net short positionbetydelig kort nettoposition
specific position riskspecifik positionsrisiko
spot positionspotposition
statement of changes in financial positionpengestrømsanalyse
statement of changes in financial positionfinansieringsanalyse
statement of financial positionregnskabsopgørelse
surveillance of budgetary positionsovervågning af budgetstillinger
sustainability of the government financial positionholdbare offentlige finanser
sustainable budgetary positionholdbar budgetstilling
sustainable budgetary positionbæredygtig budgetstilling
sustainable fiscal positionbæredygtig budgetstilling
sustainable fiscal positionholdbar budgetstilling
sustainable government financial positionholdbare offentlige finanser
synthetic long positionsyntetisk lang position
synthetic short positionsyntetisk kort position
to take positions of their ownselv har positioner
total long open foreign exchange positionsummen af lange åbne valutapositioner
total short open foreign exchange positionsummen af korte åbne valutapositioner
traded debt position riskpositionsrisiko ved handlede gældsinstrumenter
trading book positionspositioner i handelsbeholdningen
trading book positionshandelsbeholdningspositioner
trading-book positionhandelsbeholdningsposition
tranche positiontrancheposition
transparency relating to significant net short positionsgennemsigtighed i forbindelse med betydelige korte nettopositioner
treasury positionlikvide midler
treasury positionlikviditet
treasury positionlikviditetssaldo
treasury positionbeholdning af likvide midler
treasury positionumiddelbar likviditet
uncovered positionudækket position
unhedged positionudækket position
unmatched duration-weighted positionvarigheds-vægtet umatchet position
unmatched weighted positionvægtet unmatched position
unmatched weighted short positionvægtet umatchet kort position
unrated positionikke-rated position
to unwind a position in a financial instrumentlukke en position
valuation of positionsværdiansættelse af positioner
weighted long positionvægtet lang position
weighted positionsvægtede positioner