
Terms for subject Environment containing Pacific | all forms | exact matches only
Eastern Tropical Pacificøstlig tropisk del af Stillehavet
North Pacific Ocean An ocean north of the equator between the eastern coast of Asia and the western coasts of the Americas, extending northward to the arctic region, with principal arms including the Gulf of Alaska, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan and the Bering, Yellow, East China, South China and Philippine seas, and islands including the Aleutian, Midway, Marshall and Hawaiian islands, the Japanese island arc and the Malay Archipelagodet nordlige Atlanterhav
North Pacific Oceandet nordlige Atlanterhav
Pacific Regional Environment ProgrammeDet regionale miljøprogram for Stillehavsområdet
South Pacific Ocean An ocean south of the equator between Southeast Asia and Australia in the Eastern hemisphere and South America in the Western hemisphere, extending southward to the Antarctic region, including the Tasman and Coral seas and numerous islands, such as Galapagos, Solomon, Easter, Samoa, Fiji and Tonga islands, and also New Zealand and its islandsdet sydlige Stillehav
South Pacific Oceandet sydlige Stillehav
South Pacific Regional Environment ProgrammeDet regionale miljøprogram for Stillehavsområdet