
Terms for subject Economy containing National | all forms | exact matches only
a legally enforceable equivalence between the euro and the national unitsjuridisk bindende ækvivalens mellem euroen og de forskellige nationale valutaer
aggregates in the national accountsnationalregnskabets aggregater
appropriation of the national productanvendelsen af nationalindkomsten
by enabling a national of to use land and buildingsat gøre det muligt for statsborgere i at udnytte fast ejendom
cancellation of the legal tender status of national banknotes and coinsophævelse af de nationale pengesedlers og mønters status som lovligt betalingsmiddel
cancellation of the legal tender status of national banknotes and coinsde nationale pengesedler og mønter mister deres status som lovligt betalingsmiddel
Committee of National SME ExpertsUdvalget for Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder samt Håndværk
compartmentalisation of national marketsopdeling af de nationale markeder
computation of the national incomenationalindkomstberegning
to cover a transaction for reasons of national interestdække en forretning på grund af nationale interesser
data on the aggregates in national accountsoplysninger om nationalregnskabsaggregaterne
defensive national reactionnational protektionisme
deposits in national currency resulting from a savings scheme or contractindlån i national valuta i henhold til en kontrakt eller en opsparingsplan
EU law - national lawEU-ret - national ret
EU nationalEU-borger
EU policy - national policyEU-politik - national politik
European Association of National Productivity CentresSammenslutningen af Europæiske Produktivitetscentre
European System of Integrated National AccountsDet Europæiske Nationalregnskabssystem
European System of National and Regional Accounts in the CommunityDet Europæiske Nationalregnskabssystem 1995
final national consumptionsamlet konsum
foreign nationaludenlandsk statsborger
framework for national taxationrammer for de nationale skattesystemer
consolidated goods and services account for the national economyvare- og tjenestekontoen konsolideret for den samlede økonomi
goods and services account for the national economy disaggregatedunderopdeling af den konsoliderede vare-og tjenestekonto
gross national disposable incomedisponibel bruttonationalindkomst
Gross national productbruttonationalindkomst
gross national productBruttonationalindkomst
gross national productbruttonationalindkomst
gross national product at market pricesBNI i markedspriser
gross national product at market pricesbruttonationalindkomsten i Markedspriser
gross national product deflatorBNI-deflator
gross national product deflatorbruttonationalindkomst-deflator
gross national product in value termsbruttonationalindkomst i årets priser
Gross National Product ScaleBNI-fordelingsnøgle
Gross National Product Scalefordelingsnøgle baseret på bruttonationalindkomsten
gross national savingsamlet bruttoopsparing
historic national average yielddet historiske nationale gennemsnitsudbytte
income account at national levelindkomstdannelseskontoen for landet som helhed
increase in sight assets in the national currency of the drawing unitsstigning i aktiverne på anfordring udtrykt i trassentens valuta
international law - national lawforholdet international ret–national ret
issue or sale of national securities in the rest of the worldemission eller salg af indenlandske værdipapirer i den øvrige verden
liabilities in national currencyforpligtelser i national valuta
national accountnationalregnskab
national accountantnationalregnskabsstatistiker
national accountingnationalregnskab
national accountsnationalregnskab
National Action Plan for Employmentnational handlingsplan for beskæftigelsen
National Advisory Council for Development CooperationDet Nationale Rådgivende Råd for Udviklingssamarbejde
National Agency for Reconstruction and Developmentnationalt agentur for genopbygning og udvikling
national agricultural policynational landbrugspolitik
national bank notes circulating abroadnationale pengesedler i omløb i udlandet
national budgetstatsbudget
national city parknationalbypark
national civilians staying abroad for a period of more than one yearcivile statsborgere,der opholder sig i udlandet i en periode,der overstiger ét år
national concept of occupied populationnationalt beskæftigelsesbegreb
national currencynational valuta
national day of mourningnational sørgedag
national debtstatsgæld
national debtoffentlig gæld
national disposable incomedisponibel nationalindkomst
national economynationaløkonomi
national economyindenrigsøkonomi
national economystatshusholdning
national economynational økonomi
national economy as a wholesamlet økonomi
national electionnationalt valg
national employment action plannational handlingsplan for beskæftigelsen
national expenditurerådighedsbeløb
national financingnational finansiering
national grouping of undertakingsnational virksomhedsgruppe
national identitynational identitet
national implementing measurenational gennemførelsesforanstaltning
national incomenationalindkomst
national income accountnationalindkomstkonto
national income per headnationalindkomst pr. indbygger
national independencenational uafhængighed
national indicative programmenational indikativprogram
national insurance benefitssociale ydelser
national insurance benefitssocialsikringsydelser
national insurance benefitsvelfærdsbetalinger
national insurance benefitssociale sikringsydelser
national lawnational ret
national liberation movementnational befrielsesbevægelse
national librarynationalbibliotek
national minoritynationalt mindretal
national parknationalpark
national parliamentnationalt parlament
national planningnational planlægning
national price levelnationalt prisniveau
national private non-financial corporationsprivate nationalt kontrollerede ikke-finansielle selskaber
national productionnational produktion
National programme of Community interest for assistance to productive activitynationalt program af fællesskabsinteresse for tilskyndelse til produktionsvirksomhed
national recovery plannational genopretningsplan
national savingsnationalopsparing
national savingsindenlandsk opsparing
national schoolnational skole
national serviceværnepligt
National Socialismnationalsocialisme
national sovereigntynational suverænitet
national statistical authoritiesnationale statistikmyndigheder
national statisticsnational statistik
national tariffindenlandstarif
national taxnational skat
national tourist officenationalt turistråd
national transportnational transport
national unificationnational samling
national wealthnationalformue
net balance between the national economy and the rest of the worldsaldoen over for den øvrige verden
net changes in financial assets and liabilities of all the different sectors of the national economyde enkelte sektorers fordringserhvervelse,netto
net national disposable incomedisponibel nettonationalindkomst
net national incomenettonationalindkomst
net national productnettonationalindkomst
net national product at factor costnettonationalindkomst i faktorpriser
net national product at market pricesnettonationalindkomst i markedspriser
net national savingsamlet nettoopsparing
Office of National EconomyKontoret for Økonomiske Anliggender
other deposits in national currencyandre indlån i national valuta
over-riding non-trade related national interestaltoverskyggende ikke-handelsrelaterede nationale interesser
per capita gross national productbruttonationalindkomst pr. indbygger
per capita national wealthvelstand pr. indbygger
population and employment in the context of national accountsbefolkning og beskæftigelse i nationalregnskabssammenhæng
price changes at national level on an annual basisprisændringer på nationalt plan på årsbasis
prices obtained under the national system of guaranteed pricesde priser, der er opnået under den nationale ordning med garanterede priser
production account at national levelproduktionskonto for landet som helhed
Programme for National Recoveryprogram for national genopretning
proposed national budgetforslag til finanslov
real gross national productbruttonationalindkomst i faste priser
regionalization of the national budgetregional opdeling af statsbudgettet
sectors of the national economysektorerne i økonomien
sight and short term liabilities,in foreign currency and in national currencysigtfordringer og kortfristede fordringer i udenlandsk og national valuta
sight savings deposit in national currencyikke-transferabelt anfordringsindskud i national valuta
the measurement of changes in price and volume in national accountsmåling af pris-og mængdeændringer i nationalregnskabet
the national systemden nationale ordning
threat to national securitystatsforbrydelse
time deposit in national currencytransferabelt tidsindskud i national valuta
time savings deposit in national currencyikke-transferabelt tidsindskud i national valuta
traditional national accountstraditionelle nationalregnskaber
transferable assets expressed in national currency which are considered as depositstransferable aktiver,i national valuta,der betragtes som indlån
transferable sight deposits in national currencytransferable indlån på anfordring,i national valuta
Treasury bills in the national currencyskatkammerbeviser i national valuta