
Terms for subject Scientific containing In | all forms | exact matches only
conversion in degreeskonvertering til grader
conversion in radianskonvertering til radianer
crossing angle in a switchhaldningsvinkel i et sporskifte
EC-Russia Joint Committee on cooperation in the field of science and technologyDet Fælles EF- Russiske FTU-samarbejdsudvalg
error of measurement in a perpendicular directionfejl i den rette vinkel
European Group on Ethics in Science and New TechnologiesDen Europæiske Gruppe vedrørende Etik inden for Naturvidenskab og Ny Teknologi
in quadraturei tværfase
nomogramme with points in a lineretlinjenomogram
the results are presented in the form of isodose chartsresultaterne præsenteres i form af isodosiskort