
Terms for subject Environment containing In | all forms | exact matches only
a greater concentration of lead in the bonesen forhøjet koncentration af bly i knoglerne
a low plasma volume compensates for an excessive amount of iron in the bloodhypersiderami kompenseres ved et lavt plasmavolumen
a quartz scoop is placed in a special furnaceanbringe en kvartsbåd i en speciel ovn
accumulation in body tissuesophobning i biologisk væv
Acidic Precipitation in Ontario Studyundersøgelse af syrenedbøren i Ontario
acidity in the atmospheresyreindhold i atmosfæren
Action by the Community for the Protection of the Environment in the Mediterranean Regionfællesskabsaktion for miljøbeskyttelse i Middelhavsområdet
activated carbon in drifting stream processaktivt kul i flowprocesser
Advisory Committee on Measures to Protect the Environment in the Mediterranean RegionRådgivende Udvalg for Miljøbeskyttelsesaktioner i Middelhavsområdet
Advisory Committee on the Protection of the Environment in Areas under Serious ThreatDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Miljøbeskyttelse i Særligt Truede Områder Middelhavsbækkenet
Agreement for Cooperation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substancesoverenskomst om samarbejde ved bekæmpelse af forurening af Nordsøen med olie og andre farlige stoffer
Agreement on a Testing Ground for Application of the Kyoto Mechanisms on Energy Projects in the Baltic Sea Regionaftale om Østersøregionen som forsøgsområde for anvendelse af Kyotoprotokollens fleksible mekanismer
Agreement on Cooperation in Research, Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals in the North Atlanticsamarbejdsaftale om forskning, beskyttelse og forvaltning af marine pattedyr i Nordatlanten
Agreement on Cooperation in Research, Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals in the North Atlanticsamarbejdsaftale om forskning, beskyttelse og forvaltning af havpattedyr i Nordatlanten
agreement on cooperation on management of water resources in the Danube basinkonvention om det vandøkonomisk samarbejde i Donau-bassinet
Agreement on the Conservation of Seals in the Wadden Seaaftale om beskyttelse af sæler i Vadehavet
aluminium scrap in barsaluminiumsskrot i stænger
anti-oxidant in foodstuffsantioxidant i levnedsmidler
to be included in a smoke generating, aerosol or vapour releasing preparationskal indgå i et middel, der danner røg, aerosol eller damp
bio-concentration factor in fishbiokoncentrationsfaktor i fisk
Biodiversity. We are all in this togetherBiologisk mangfoldighed - vores fælles ansvar
Biogenic Emissions in the Mediterranean Areabiogen emission i Middelhavsområde
biological control in agriculturebiologisk bekæmpelse i landbruget
biological effect of biocides in surface and ground watersbiologisk virkning af biocider i overflade- og grundvand
biological effect of biocides in surface and ground watersbiocids biologiske virkning på overflade- og grundvand
built-in-purifier systemBIP system
calcium based reaction wastes from flue gas desulphurisation in sludge formCalciumbaseret reaktionsaffald i slamform fra roeggasafsvovling
calcium based reaction wastes from flue gas desulphurisation in solid formCalciumbaseret reaktionsaffald i fast form fra roeggasafsvovling
change in the world ecological balanceforskydning i jordens økologiske balance
change in valueudvikling i værdien
change in valueværdiforandring
change in valueændring i værdi
Charter on Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation concerning the Environment in the Mediterranean Basincharteret for miljøsamarbejde i Middelhavsbækkenet mellem EF og Middelhavslandene
chemical compound in detergentskemiske forbindelser i detergenter
chemical in the environment The presence in the environment of any solid, liquid or gaseous material discharged from a process and that may pose substantial hazard to human health and the environmentkemikalier i miljøet
chemical in the environmentkemikalier i miljøet
chemical product in the environmentkemisk produkt i det omgivende miljø
chemical reagent used in industrykemisk reagent brugt i industrien
chemicals and gases in containersKemikalier og gasarter i beholdere
chemicals and gases in containerskemikalier og gasarter i beholdere
chemicals in the environmentkemikalier i miljøet
classification system for marine biotopes in the North Seaklassificeringssystem for havbiotoper i Nordsøen
CO2 storage in the ocean depthsoplagring af CO2 på havbunden
colouring matter authorised for use in foodstuffs intended for human consumptionfarvestof, som må anvendes i levnedsmidler
Commission work programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Communityarbejdsprogram for Kommissionen vedrørende et forsøgsprojekt for indsamling, koordinering og afstemning af oplysninger om miljø og naturressourcer i Fællesskabet
Committee for implementation of the directive establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policyUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Direktivet om Fastlæggelse af en Ramme for Fællesskabets Vandpolitiske Foranstaltninger
Committee for implementation of the directive relating to a reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuelsUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Direktivet om Begrænsning af Svovlindholdet i Visse Flydende Brændstoffer
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directive on Crude Oil Saving through the Use of Substitute Fuel Components in PetrolUdvalget for Tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling for Råoliebesparelse gennem Anvendelse af Erstatningsbrændstof i Benzin
Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the directive on the quality of fresh water needing protection or improvement in order to support fish lifeUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Tekniske of Videnskabelige Udvikling: - Ferskvand / Fiskeliv
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on a Common Procedure for the Exchange of Information on the Quality of Surface Water in the CommunityUdvalget for tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Fælles Procedure for Udveksling af Oplysninger vedrørende Kvaliteten af Overfladevand i Fællesskabet
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Removal of Technical Barriers to Trade in respect of Dangerous Substances and PreparationsUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Tekniske Udvikling af Direktivet om Fjernelse af Tekniske Hindringer for Handelen med Farlige Stoffer og Præparater
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Removal of Technical Barriers to Trade in respect of Dangerous Substances and PreparationsUdvalget for tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Fjernelse af Tekniske Handelshindringer på Området Farlige Stoffer og Præparater
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Removal of Technical Barriers to Trade in respect of Dangerous Substances and PreparationsUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Tekniske Udvikling af Direktiverne om Fjernelse af Tekniske Hindringer for Samhandelen med Farlige Stoffer og Præparater
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Removal of Technical Barriers to Trade in respect of Dangerous Substances and PreparationsUdvalget for Tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Farlige Stoffer og Præparater
Committee for the application of the regulation authorizing voluntary participation by undertakings in the industrial sector in a Community eco-management and audit schemeKomitéen om Gennemførelse af Forordningen om Industrivirksomhedens frivillige Deltagelse i et Fællesskabssystem for Miljøstyring og -kontrol
Committee on the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives for the Elimination of Technical Barriers to Trade in Dangerous Substances and PreparationsUdvalget for tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Fjernelse af Tekniske Handelshindringer på Området Farlige Stoffer og Præparater
Committee on the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives for the Elimination of Technical Barriers to Trade in Dangerous Substances and PreparationsUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Tekniske Udvikling af Direktivet om Fjernelse af Tekniske Hindringer for Handelen med Farlige Stoffer og Præparater
Committee on the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives for the Elimination of Technical Barriers to Trade in Dangerous Substances and PreparationsUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Tekniske Udvikling af Direktiverne om Fjernelse af Tekniske Hindringer for Samhandelen med Farlige Stoffer og Præparater
Committee on the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives for the Elimination of Technical Barriers to Trade in Dangerous Substances and PreparationsUdvalget for Tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Farlige Stoffer og Præparater
Committee on the Regulation allowing voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme EMASUdvalget for Forordningen om Organisationers Frivillige Deltagelse i en Fællesskabsordning for Miljøledelse og Miljørevision Emas
Committee on Trade in Wild Fauna and FloraUdvalget for Handel med Vilde Dyr og Planter
Community action in the field of water policyFællesskabets vandpolitiske foranstaltninger
Community action programme in the field of civil protectionEF-handlingsprogram for civilbeskyttelse
Community action programme promoting non-governmental organisations primarily active in the field of environmental protectionEF-handlingsprogram til fremme af ikke-statslige organisationer, som først og fremmest er aktive inden for miljøbeskyttelse
Community action to protect the environment in the coastal areas and coastal waters of the Irish Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea and North-East Atlantic Oceanfællesskabsaktion til beskyttelse af miljøet i kystområderne ved og kystfarvandene i Det Irske Hav, Nordsøen, Østersøen og den nordøstlige del af Atlanterhavet
Community action to protect the environment in the coastal areas and coastal waters of the Irish Sea, North Sea, English Channel, Baltic Sea and Northeast Atlantic Oceanaktion til beskyttelse af miljøet i kystområderne ved og kystfarvandene i Det Irske Hav, Nordsøen, Østersøen og den nordøstlige del af Atlanterhavet
Community action to protect the environment in the Mediterranean regionfællesskabsprogram for miljøbeskyttelse i Middelhavsområdet
Community action to protect the environment in the Mediterranean regionEF-aktion til beskyttelse af miljøet i Middelhavsområdet
Community demonstration programme in the field of energy savings, alternative energy sources, substitutes for hydrocarbons and the liquefaction/gasification of solid fuelsFællesskabets demonstrationsprogram inden for energibesparelser, alternative energikilder, erstatning af kulbrinter og likvefaktion/forgasning af fast brændsel
Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentprogram for Fællesskabets politik og virke inden for miljø og bæredygtig udvikling
Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentProgram for Fællesskabets politik og handling inden for miljø og bæredygtig udvikling
Community-COST Concertation Committee on Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic EnvironmentFællesskabet/Cost-samordningsudvalget for Forurenende Organiske Mikrostoffer i Vandmiljø
concentration in the successive links in the food chainkoncentrering i de successive led i fødekæden
concentration in the successive links in the food chainkoncentration i de successive led i fødekæden
concentration of oxidant present in the airkoncentration af oxidationsmiddel i luften
concentration of pollutants in the environmentkoncentration af forurenende stoffer i miljøet
concentration of pollutants in the food chainkoncentrering af skadelige stoffer i fødekæden
concentration of pollutants in the food chainkoncentration af skadelige stoffer i fødekæden
concentrations in the environment near background valueskoncentrationer i miljøet tæt på baggrundsværdierne
Concerted Action on Offshore Wind Energy in Europesamordnet aktion vedrørende offshorevindenergi i Europa
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matterskonvention om adgang til oplysninger, offentlig deltagelse i beslutningsprocesser samt adgang til klage og domstolsprøvelse på miljøområdet
Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary contextkonventionen om vurdering af virkningerne på miljøet på tværs af landegrænserne
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextEsbokonventionen
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Contextkonvention om vurdering af virkningerne på miljøet på tværs af landegrænserne
Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary contextEspoo-konventionen
Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Life Resources in the Black Seakonvention om fiskeri og bevarelse af de levende ressourcer i Sortehavet
Convention on International Cooperation on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in Emergency Caseskonvention om internationalt samarbejde om forebyggelse af olieforurening og bekæmpelse heraf i katastrofetilfælde
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Florakonvention om international handel med udryddelsestruede vilde dyr og planter
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradeRotterdamkonventionen om proceduren for forudgående informeret samtykke "PIC-proceduren" for visse farlige kemikalier og pesticider i international handel
Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europeovervågning og vurdering af luftforurenende stoffers transport over store afstande i Europa
Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europesamarbejdsprogram for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa
Cooperative programme for the monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europesamarbejdsprogram for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa
Cooperative Programme for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europesamarbejdsprogram for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa
Cooperative programme for the monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europeovervågning og vurdering af luftforurenende stoffers transport over store afstande i Europa
crystallisation in a fluidised bed reactorslamindtørring i en reaktor med fluid-bed
crystallization in a fluidized bed reactorslamindtørring i en reaktor med fluid-bed
Declaration of Principles Regarding a Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian Federationprinciperklæring om det multilaterale atom- og miljøprogram i Den Russiske Føderation
Declaration on the cooperation of the Danubian countries on problems of the Danubian water management, in particular for the protection of the River Danube against pollutionerklæring om Donau-landenes samarbejde om problemer i forbindelse med vandforvaltning af Donau
Declaration on the cooperation of the Danubian countries on problems of the Danubian water management, in particular for the protection of the River Danube against pollutionBukarest-erklæringen
decline in number of speciesnedgang i antal af arter
decline in number of speciesformindskelse af artsrigdom
decline in pHpH-reduktion
decrease in pHpH-reduktion
decrease in the activity of the dehydrase of aminolevulinic acidnedgang i aktiviteten af aminolævulinsyres dehydrase
Demonstration projects in the field of the environmentDemonstrationsprojekter på miljøområdet
deposition of lead aerosol in the respiratory passagesaflejring af en bly-aerosol i luftvejene
deposition of particles in the interstitial tissue of the lungaflejring af partikler i det interstitielle lungevæv
Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policyEuropa-Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv 2000/60/EF af 23. oktober 2000 om fastlæggelse af en ramme for Fællesskabets vandpolitiske foranstaltninger
Directive establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policyhavstrategi-rammedirektivet
disposal in geological formationsbortskaffelse i geologiske formationer
disposal in landskraldeplads
disposal in landlosseplads
disposal in landdepot
disposal in landdeponeringssted
disposal in landdeponi
disposal in landdeponering i landjorden
distribution or dissipation in soilfordeling eller forsvinden i jord
drop in pHfald i pH
drop-in refrigerantdrop-in-kølemiddel
dumping of waste in the seadumpning af affald i havet
dust removal in the oxygen-blown convertersafstoevningsanlaeg til oxygenkonvertere
ECE principles regarding Cooperation in the Field of Transboundary WatersECE-principper om samarbejde om grænseoverskridende vandområder
emplacement of containers in a mineplacering af beholdere i en mine
environmental protection in the enterprise Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken by non-governmental, business or industrial entities to prevent or reduce harm to the ecosystem and human healthmiljøbeskyttelse inden for virksomheden
environmental protection in the enterprisemiljøbeskyttelse inden for virksomheden
Eurobaltic programme for civil protection cooperation in the Baltic and Barents regioneuro-baltisk program for civilbeskyttelsessamarbejde i Østersø- og Barents-regionen
European Community Programme of Policy and Action in relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development "Towards sustainability"Det Europæiske Fællesskabs program for politik og handling i forbindelse med miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling "Mod en bæredygtig udvikling"
fate and behaviour in soilskæbne og opførsel i jord
feed-in currenttilførselsstrøm
feed-in tarifffeed-in tarif
feed-in tariffgaranteret afregningspris
feed-in tarifffast afregningstarif
Fifth European Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentDe Europæiske Fællesskabers 5. program for politik og handling i forbindelse med miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling
Framework Agreement on a Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian Federationrammeaftale om et multilateralt nukleart miljøprogram i Den Russiske Føderation
gases in pressure containers and discarded chemicalskemikalier og gasarter i beholdere
Gdansk Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the BeltsGdansk-konventionen om fiskeri og bevarelse af de levende rigdomskilder i Østersøen og Bælterne
genetic change in insectsgenetisk ændring hos insekter
genetic change in insectsgenetisk forandring hos insekter
global pattern of fire activity in vegetationglobalt mønster for brande i plantesvæksten
Green paper Public procurement in the European Union-exploring the way forwardgrønbogen "Offentlige indkøb i EU - overvejelser for fremtiden"
growth of a plume in atmospheric flowvækst af en fjer i atmosfærisk strømning
heat in the waste airhed spildvarme
heat in the waste airafgangsluftens varme
high-risk area in environmental termshøjrisikomiljø
hot spots in citiessærligt belastet byområde
hot spots in citiessærligt belastede områder i byer
hot spots in cities"hot-spot" i byområde
illegal transboundary traffic in hazardous wastesulovlig grænseoverskridende handel med farligt affald
improvement in the combustion of petrol by means of a "stratified load"forbedring af forbrændingen af benzin ved "stratified load"
in-cloud scavengingrain out
in-ground encapsulationindkapsling
in powder formi pulverform
in situ In the natural or normal placepå det oprindelige/rette sted
in situ conservationin situ-bevarelse
in situ conservation strategystrategi til in-situ-beskyttelse
in situ soil ventingventilering
in situ treatmentin situ behandling
in situ volatilizationventilering
in situ<in situ-bevaring
in the form of artificial macrophyte bedmed kunstig lejen af macrophytos
in vitro assayin vitro-analyse
in vitro assay Assay taking place in an artificial environmentin vitro-analyse
in vivo assayin vivo-analyse
in vivo assay Experiments that are carried out in the living organismin vivo-analyse
increase in nutrient contentstigning i indholdet af næringsstof
increase in nutrient contentforøgelse af næringsstofindhold
increase in ozonestratosfærisk ozonforøgelse
increase in stratospheric ozonestratosfærisk ozonforøgelse
increase in the content of aminolevulinic acid in the blood and urineforøgelse af blodets og urinens indhold af aminolævulinsyre
increase in the content of aminolevulinic acid in the blood and urineforhøjelse af blodets og urinens indhold af aminolævulinsyre
industrial gases in high pressure cylinders, LPG containers and industrial aerosol containers including halonsIndustrigasser i trykflasker, LPG-beholdere og industrielle aerosolbeholdere inklusive haloner
Information system on the state of the environment in Europefællesskabsprogram til koordinering af oplysninger om miljøet i Europa
INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europeinfrastruktur for geografisk information i Fællesskabet
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Communityinfrastruktur for geografisk information i Fællesskabet
instrumentation system in situnet med udstyr in situ
International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry AreasDet Internationale Center for Landbrugsforskning i Tørre Områder
International Centre for Research in AgroforestryDet Internationale Forskningscenter for Skovagerbrug
International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualtiesinternational konvention om indgriben på det åbne hav i tilfælde af olieforureningsulykker
Inter-State Committee against Drought in the SahelDet Mellemstatslige Råd for Bekæmpelse af Tørken i Sahel-området
Interstate Permanent Committee for Drought Control in the SahelDen Mellemstatslige Tørkekomité i Sahel
intervention in nature and landscape Stepping in or participating in problem solving efforts for troublesome or perplexing situations involving the natural world or sceneryindgriben i natur og landskab
intervention in nature and landscapeindgriben i natur og landskab
isolation of the precipitate and dissolving in aqua regiaisolering af bundfaldet og opløsning af det i kongevand
keeping animals in zoosdyrehold i zoologiske haver
keeping in stocklagring
keeping in stocklagerføring
keeping of wild animals in zooshold af vilde dyr i zoologiske haver
land restoration in mountain areas Measures adopted to control erosion and degradation phenomena in the mountain regions caused by the loss of forest cover due to acid rain, uncontrolled forest cutting, winter skiing resorts construction, etc.landskabsretablering i bjergområder
land restoration in mountain areaslandskabsretablering i bjergområder
land value management in catchment areasterritorial forvaltning af vandbassinerne
leaching in rain and foliar absorption foliar uptake at the shrub layer or stratumafvaskning med regnvand og foliar absorption på busklagets blade
lead determination in a biological mediumblybestemmelse i et biologisk miljø
lead-in-petrol law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to reduce or eliminate the lead content in petroleum fuels used in vehicular and other engines that pollute the air with lead-carrying exhaustlovgivning om blyindholdet i benzin
lead-in-petrol lawlovgivning om blyindholdet i benzin
lead level in blood A measure of the amount of lead or lead salts absorbed by the body as a possible sign of acute or chronic lead poisoning, which can affect the nervous, digestive or muscular systemsblyindhold i blodet
lead level in bloodblyindhold i blodet
lead poisoning in its acute and remission phasesblyforgiftning i den akutte og remitterende fase
lethal change in the life cycleletal ændring i livets kredsløb
lethal change in the life cycledødbringende ændring i livets kredsløb
lethal change in the life cycleletale aendringer i livets kredsloeb
lethal change in the life cycledoedbringende aendringer i livets kredsloeb
light distribution in spacerumvinkelfordelingen af lyset
magnetrons are used for the generation of waves in the cm rangemagnetroner bruges bl.a. til generering af centimeterbølger
Manual on Cooperation in Combating Marine PollutionHelcom-bekæmpelseshåndbogen
Manual on Cooperation in Combating Marine Pollutionhåndbogen om samarbejde ved bekæmpelse af havforurening
massive reduction in biological diversitystærk formindskelse af artsdiversiteten
may cause long-term adverse effects in the environmentkan forårsage uønskede langtidsvirkninger i miljøet
may cause long-term adverse effects in the environmentR58
mechanism for monitoring CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the Communitymekanisme til overvågning af udledninger af COsub2sub og andre drivhusgasser i Fællesskabet
MED-TECHNO initiative in the field of treatment and re-use of waste water using renewable sources of energyMED-TECHNO-initiativet til behandling og genbrug af spildevand under anvendelse af vedvarende energikilder
method of spectrographic determination of lead in the blood serummetode til spektrografisk bestemmelse af bly i blodserum
microbial in-situ clean up technologyteknik til in situ-mikrobesanering
migration of actinides in the geosphereaktinidvandring i geosfæren
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europeministerkonference om beskyttelse af Europas skove
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europeministerkonference om beskyttelse af skovene i Europa
mobile sources of air pollution in urban areasmobile luftforureningskilder i byområder
mobile sources of air pollution in urban areasmobile kilder til luftforurening i byområder
monitoring mechanism for anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the Member Statesmekanisme til overvågning af udledninger af COsub2sub og andre drivhusgasser i Fællesskabet
movement and ultimate fate of pollutants in the environmentforurenende stofs vandring og endelige aflejring i det omgivende miljø
Multiannual programme for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Communityflerårigt program til fremme af vedvarende energikilder i Fællesskabet
Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian Federationmultilateralt atom- og miljøprogram i Den Russiske Føderation
Munich Multilateral Conference on the causes and prevention of damage to forests and waters by air pollution in EuropeDen Multilaterale Konference om Årsager til og Forhindring af Skader på Skov- og Vandområder som følge af Luftforurening i Europa
natural area which is of particular interest in terms of ecology or wildlifenaturzone af særlig økologisk interesse
noise impact in daily lifestøjpåvirkning i dagligdagen
noise in the environmentstøj i miljøet
non-polluting process in industryikkeforurenende industriproces
nuclear materials contained in wastes and discardsnukleart materiale i affald
Open partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disastersåben deloverenskomst om forebyggelse af, beskyttelse imod og tilrettelæggelse af hjælpeindsatsen i forbindelse med større naturkatastrofer og teknologiske katastrofer
Open partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disastersåben deloverenkomst om risici for større ulykker EUR-OPA
Open partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disastersEUR-OPA-overenkomsten om risici for større ulykker
organic matter in polluted waterindhold af organisk stof i forurenet vand
organic micropollutants in waterorganiske mikroforureninger i vand
organic micropollutants in waterforurenende organiske mikrostoffer i vand
other wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infectionAndet affald, hvis indsamling og bortskaffelse er underkastet saerlige krav af hensyn til smittefare
oxygen balance in watervands iltbalance
ozone in ambient airluftens indhold af ozon
packaging recoverable in the form of compostingemballage,der kan genanvendes i form af kompostering
packaging recoverable in the form of energy recoveryemballage,der kan genanvendes i form af energigenvinding
packaging recoverable in the form of material recyclingemballage,der kan genanvendes i form af materialgenvinding
Paris Appeal of scientists in favour of biodiversityParisappellen fra forskerne til fordel for biodiversiteten
particles in ambient airpartikler i luften
particulate matter in the atmosphereatmosfæriske partikler
particulate matter in the atmospherepartikelformigt materiale i atmosfæren
particulate matter in the atmosphereatmosfærisk partikel
Party included in Annex Ibilag I-part
Party not included in Annex Iikke-bilag I-part
period with appreciable variations in radioactive falloutperioder med betydelige variationer i det radioaktive nedfald
Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the SahelDen Mellemstatslige Tørkekomité i Sahel
Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the SahelDet Mellemstatslige Råd for Bekæmpelse af Tørken i Sahel-området
phase-in substanceindfasningsstof
phototransformation in waterfotolyse i vand
Pilot projects in the field of environmental protection of areas prone to flash floodsPilotprojekter vedrørende miljømæssig beskyttelse af oversvømmelsestruede områder
polarographic micro-determination of lead in blood and biological mediapolarografisk mikrobestemmelse af bly i blod i blod og biologiske medier
predicted environmental concentration in airforudset miljømæssig koncentration i luft
predicted environmental concentration in soilforudset miljømæssig koncentration i jord
predicted environmental concentration in surface waterforudset miljømæssig koncentration i overfladevand
predicted environmental concentrations in groundwaterforudsete miljømæssige koncentrationer i grundvandet
Programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentProgram for politik og handling i forbindelse med miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling
Programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentMod en bæredygtig udvikling
protection of the public against doses of radiation arising from radon in housesbeskyttelse af offentligheden mod stråling fra radon i boliger
Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergencyprotokol om samarbejde om bekæmpelse af forurening af Middelhavet med olie og andre skadelige stoffer i tilfælde af kritiske situationer
Protocol concerning cooperation in preventing pollution from ships and, in cases of emergency, combating pollution of the Mediterranean Seaprotokol om samarbejde om forebyggelse af forurening fra skibe og bekæmpelse af forurening af Middelhavet i tilfælde af kritiske situationer
Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterraneanprotokol om særligt beskyttede områder og den biologiske mangfoldighed i Middelhavet
Protocol on Cooperation in Combating Oil Spills in the Wider Caribbean Regionprotokol vedrørende samarbejde om bekæmpelse af olieudslip i det vestindiske område
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Contextprotokol om strategisk miljøvurdering til konventionen om vurdering af virkningerne på miljøet på tværs af landegrænserne
Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oilprotokol vedrørende indgriben på det åbne hav ved forurening af havet med andre stoffer end olie, 1973
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe EMEPprotokol til konventionen af 1979 om grænseoverskridende luftforurening over store afstande, om langsigtet finansiering af samarbejdsprogrammet for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa Emep
quiet area in a conurbationstille område i et byområde
quiet area in an agglomerationstille område i et byområde
quiet area in open countrystille område på åbent land
radioactive waste encased in vitreous matricesradioaktivt affald anbragt i glasmatricer
range in the wildnaturligt udbredelsesområde
reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countriesreduktion af emissioner fra skovrydning og skovforringelse i udviklingslande
reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countriesreduktion af emissionerne fra afskovning i udviklingslandene
reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countriesreduktion af emissionerne fra skovrydning i udviklingslandene
reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countriesreduktion af udslippene fra skovrydning i udviklingslandene
reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countriesmindskelse af emissionerne som følge af afskovning i udviklingslandene
reduction in riskrisikoreduktion
reduction in size of waste productsknusning af affald
reduction in size of waste productsfindeling af affald
removal of pollutants in the steel industryfjernelse af forurenende stoffer i stålindustrien
Reykjavik Conference on Responsible Fisheries in the Marine EcosystemReykjavikkonferencen om ansvarligt fiskeri i det marine økosystem
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International TradeRotterdamkonventionen om proceduren for forudgående informeret samtykke "PIC-proceduren" for visse farlige kemikalier og pesticider i international handel
Scientific and Technical Advisory Committe in the field of the environment and trans-European transport infrastructure networksDet Rådgivende Videnskabelige og Teknisk Udvalg vedrørende Transeuropæiske Transportinfrastrukturnet
scrap in ingot formaffald og skrot i form af lingots
sediment rich in volatile metalsslam med indhold af flygtige metaller
seepage from material deposited in geological formationslækage fra et depot i geologiske lag
self-sufficiency in waste disposaltilstrækkelig egenkapacitet med hensyn til affaldsbortskaffelse
sensitive volume and resolving power of the detector in terms of energydetektorens følsomhedsvolumen og energiopløsningsevne
separating plants in the oxygen-blown convertersafstoevningsanlaeg til oxygenkonvertere
SO2 concentration in ambient airsvovdioxidkoncentration i omgivelserne
SO2 concentration in ambient airsvovdioxidkoncentration i atmosfæren
Specific action to protect the environment in coastal areas and coastal waters of the Irish Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea and North-East Atlantic Oceanaktion til beskyttelse af miljøet i kystområderne ved og kystfarvandene i Det Irske Hav, Nordsøen, Østersøen og den nordøstlige del af Atlanterhavet
Specific action to protect the environment in the coastal areas and coastal waters of the Irish Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea and North-East Atlantic Ocean Nor th S ea special programme of actionAktion til beskyttelse af miljøet i kystområderne ved og kystfarvandene i Det Irske Hav,Nordsøen,Østersøen og den nordøstlige del af Atlanterhavet
Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of environment and climatesærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for miljø og klima
Specific research and technical development programme for the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of management and storage of radioactive waste 1990-94Specifikt forsknings-og teknisk udviklingsprogram for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab på området forvaltning og opbevaring af radioaktivt affald1990-1994
Specific research and technological development programme in the field of environment 1990 to 1994særprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling inden for miljø 1990-1994
Standing Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CITESDet Stående CITES-udvalg
Standing Conference on Health and Safety in Nuclear AgeDen Stående Konference om Sundhedsbeskyttelse i Atomalderen
storage of carbon in forestslagring af kulstof i skove
storage of carbon in forestsoptag af kulstof i skove
storage of carbon in forestsbinding af kulstof i skove
Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment in the MediterraneanEF-aktion til beskyttelse af miljøet i Middelhavsområdet
Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment in the Mediterraneanfællesskabsprogram for miljøbeskyttelse i Middelhavsområdet
structural works in coastal watersindretning af kystområder
sulfur dioxide concentration in ambient airsvovdioxidkoncentration i omgivelserne
sulfur dioxide concentration in ambient airsvovdioxidkoncentration i atmosfæren
sulfur dioxide in the atmospheresvovldioxid i atmosfæren
sulphur dioxide concentration in ambient airsvovdioxidkoncentration i omgivelserne
sulphur dioxide concentration in ambient airsvovdioxidkoncentration i atmosfæren
suspended matter in ambient airpartikler i luften med lav faldhastighed
suspended particulates in airsvævestøv
suspended particulates in airfine partikler i luften
suspended particulates in ambient airsvævestøv
suspended particulates in ambient airfine partikler i luften
tax differentiation in favour of the environmentafgiftsdifferentiering på miljøområdet
the appearance of a peak in the spectrum is attributable to secondary X-radiationtilsynekomsten af en top i spektret kan tilskrives sekundær røntgenstråling
the carcinogenic condensed ring cyclic hydrocarbons encountered in the open airde kondenserede, cykliske, carcinogene carbonhydrider, der træffes i fri luft
the concentration of radionuclides in the human body body burdenkoncentrationen af radionuklider i det menneskelige legeme
the deposition of particles occurs in all parts of the respiratory passagesaflejring af partikler finder sted i hele luftvejen
the dust is taken in by macrophages and transported into the ciliated epitheliumstøvet optages af makrofagerne og transporteres til fimreepitelet
the film was held in position with masking tape in direct contact with the cabinetfilmen blev fæstnet direkte til kabinettet med afdæknings-tape
the glassware used for the analyses was washed in diluted nitric acidde til analyser benyttede glasvarer blev skyllet med fortyndet salpetersyre
The Green Group in the European ParliamentGruppen De Grønne i Europa-Parlamentet
the lead extract in the form of dithizonate is recovered in a nitric solutionblyekstraktet i form af dithizonatet optages igen i en salpetersyreopløsning
the magnetron was incorporated in a radar altimetermagnetronen var indbygget i en radar-højdemåler
the safety limits will be expressed in rads per time unitsikkerhedsgrænserne udtrykkes i rad pr. tidsenhed
the X-rays were semihomogeneous in a broad horizontal bandrøntgenstrålerne var semihomogene i et bredt, horisontalt bånd
thermolysis in liquid heavy hydrocarbon mediumtermolyse i flydende,tunge kulbrintemedier
total fixation of chromium salts in skinsfuldstændig fiksering af chromsalte i huder
total retention of lead particles in the bronchial treetotal retention af blypartikler i bronchierne
total suspended particulates in airtotal partikelkoncentration i luft
tourist area in the coastal stripturistområde på kysten
trace gases in the atmospheresporgasser i atmosfæren
trafficking in wasteulovlig handel med affald
transfer coefficient in the food chainkoefficent for overførsel i fødekæden
treatment in aerated lagoonsbehandling i gennemluftede laguner
United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7partskonference under De Forenede Nationers rammekonvention om klimaændringer
United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7Durbankonferencen
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in AfricaDe Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af ørkendannelse i de lande, der er ramt af alvorlig tørke og/eller ørkendannelse, særlig i Afrika
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in AfricaDe Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af ørkendannelse i de lande,der er ramt af alvorlig tørke og/eller ørkendannelse,særlig i Afrika
variation in sensitivityvariation i følsomhed
volcanic aerosol in the stratospherestratosfærisk vulkansky
waste disposal in the ground The planned discharge, deposit or burial of refuse or other unserviceable material into the surface of the earth, as in a landfillaffaldsbortskaffelse i jorden
waste disposal in the groundaffaldsbortskaffelse i jorden
waste from natal care, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease in humansAffald fra foedeafdelinger samt fra diagnosticering, behandling eller forebyggelse af sygdomme hos mennesker
waste in ingot formaffald og skrot i form af lingots
Waste not otherwise specified in the catalogueAffald ikke andetsteds specificeret i kataloget
waste not otherwise specified in the catalogueaffald ikke andetsteds specificeret i kataloget
waste storage in deep ocean sedimentsmellemdeponering af affald i dybe sedimenter i havet
wastes from natal care, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease in humansaffald fra fødeafdelinger samt fra diagnosticering,behandling eller forebyggelse af sygdomme hos mennesker
wastes not otherwise specified in the listaffald ikke andetsteds specificeret i kataloget
wastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infectionAffald, hvis indsamling og bortskaffelse ikke er underkastet saerlige krav af hensyn til smittefare
wastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infection e.g. dressings, plaster casts, linen, disposable clothing, diapersAffald, hvis indsamling og bortskaffelse ikke er underkastet saerlige krav af hensyn til smittefare f.eks. forbindinger, gipsbandager, linned, engangsbeklaedning, bleer
working population engaged in agriculture The number of a particular region or nation's working population gainfully employed or otherwise occupied with the production of crops, livestock or poultrypersoner med beskæftigelse inden for landbrug