
Terms for subject Environment containing Financing | all forms | exact matches only
climate change financingklimafinansiering
climate change financingklimaændringsfinansiering
climate change financingfinansiering af bekæmpelsen af klimaændringer
climate financingklimafinansiering
climate financingklimaændringsfinansiering
climate financingfinansiering af bekæmpelsen af klimaændringer
fast-start financinghurtig startfinansiering
fast-start financingfinansiering til hurtig igangsætning
Global Climate Financing Mechanismglobal klimafinansieringsmekanisme
government financesoffentlige finanser
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe EMEPprotokol til konventionen af 1979 om grænseoverskridende luftforurening over store afstande, om langsigtet finansiering af samarbejdsprogrammet for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa Emep
public financing The act of obtaining or furnishing money or capital for a program, purchase or enterprise from the general population of a community or state, usually through government allocation of tax revenuesoffentlig finansiering