
Terms for subject General containing Financing | all forms | exact matches only
additional financingyderligere finansiering
Advisory Working Party on Mostar FinancingDen Rådgivende Gruppe vedrørende Finansiering af Administrationen af Mostar
Community contribution to the financing of operationsEF-medfinansiering af aktionerne
Convention for the Establishment of a European Company for the Financing of Railway Rolling Stock EUROFIMAkonvention om oprettelsen af "Eurofima", Europæisk Selskab til Finansiering af Indkøb af Jernbanemateriel
Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financingtredje hvidvaskningsdirektiv
electoral campaign financingøkonomisk støtte til valgkampagner
electoral campaign financingfinansiering af valgkampagner
financing applicationfinansieringsansøgning
financing facilityfinansieringsfacilitet
financing instrument for cooperation with industrialised and other high-income countries and territoriesinstrument til finansiering af samarbejdet med industrialiserede og andre højindkomstlande og -territorier
financing of political partiesfinansiering af de politiske partier
financing of the application projectfinansiering af projektet
financing proposalfinansieringsforslag
financing servicesfinansiering
financing through an intermediarysamlet tilskud
High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change FinancingAGF-Gruppen
hire-purchase financingfinansiering af afbetalinger
indicative financing planvejledende finansieringsplan
instruments of financingfinansieringsobjekter
Internal Agreement on the financing and administration of Community aidintern finansieringsaftale
International Conference on Financing for DevelopmentMonterreykonferencen
lease-purchase financingfinansiering af afbetalinger
Management of resources and financesRessource-og finansforvaltning
mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implicationsmekanisme til administration af finansieringen af de fælles udgifter til EU-operationer, der har indvirkning på militær- eller forsvarsområdet
mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implicationsAthenamekanismen
Programme for Financing of Arab Tradedet arabiske handelsfinansieringsprogram
results-based financingresultatbaseret finansiering
results-based financingresultatbaseret bistand
special financing facilitysærlig finansieringsfacilitet
Sub-Committee on FinancesUnderudvalget for Finansiering
terms and conditions of financingfinansieringsvilkår og -betingelser
terms and conditions of financingfinansieringsformer og -betingelser
The Arab Trade Financing Programdet arabiske handelsfinansieringsprogram
The expenditure shall be managed in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable to the general budget of the European Communities with the exception that any pre-financing shall not remain the property of the CommunityUdgifterne forvaltes i overensstemmelse med de procedurer og regler, der gælder for De Europæiske Fællesskabers almindelige budget, bortset fra at eventuelle forfinansieringer ikke forbliver Fællesskabets ejendom.
Working Party on the Complementary Financing of Industrial CooperationEkspertgruppen vedrørende Supplerende Finansiering af det Industrielle Samarbejde