
Terms for subject Environment containing European | all forms | exact matches only
Action programme for the European y ear of the environment 1987Handlingsprogram for det europæiske miljøår1987
Agreement on international humane trapping standards between the European Community, Canada and the Russian Federationaftale om internationale standarder for human fældefangst mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab, Canada og Den Russiske Føderation
Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventoryfællesskabsopgørelse over drivhusgasser
Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventoryFællesskabets opgørelse over drivhusgasser
Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals AgencyAppeludvalget for Det Europæiske Kemikalieagentur
Civil Protection and Environmental Emergencies European Networkeuropæisk netværk for civilbeskyttelse og miljøkatastrofer
coherent European ecological networkNatura 2000-net
coherent European ecological networkNatura 2000
coherent European ecological networksammenhængende europæisk økologisk net
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitatskonventionen om beskyttelse af Europas vilde dyr og planter samt naturlige levesteder
Court of Justice of the European CommunitiesDomstolen
Court of Justice of the European communitiesEF-Domstolen
Court of Justice of the European CommunitiesEF-Domstolen
Court of Justice of the European Communities Institution set up under Treaty of Rome to ensure that in interpretation and application of the Treaty the law is observed. It consists of judges from each member state, appointed for 6-year periods, assisted by three Advocates General. It sits in Luxembourg, expressing itself in judgements when called upon to do so in proceedings initiated by member states, institutions of the EC and natural or legal persons. Procedures are generally inquisitorialDe Europæiske Fællesskabers Domstol
Court of Justice of the European communitiesDomstolen
Court of Justice of the European communitiesDe Europæiske Fællesskabers Domstol
Court of Justice of the European CommunitiesDe Europæiske Fællesskabers Domstol
European Alpine Parkeuropæisk naturområde i Alperne
European Association for the Conservation of EnergyDen Europæiske Sammenslutning for Energibesparelse
European Auto Oil Programmedet europæiske auto-olie-program
European Blue Flagblå Europa-flag
European Blue Flag Campaigneuropæisk "blå flag-kampagne"
European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of ChemicalsDet Europæiske Center for Økotoksikologi og Kemiske Stoffers Toksikologi
European Climate Change Programmedet europæiske klimaændringsprogram
European Climate FoundationEuropean Climate Foundation
European Climate Support Networkeuropæisk klimanet
European Coastal Chartereuropæisk charter for kystområder
European Coastal Conservation ConferenceDen Europæiske Konference om Bevaring af Kystområderne
European coastal policyfælles politik for kystområder
European Commission The European Union's administrative body, composed of twenty independent members appointed by the Member States for five-year terms and vested with powers of initiative, implementation, management and control according to the mandates established in EU Treaties or handed down by the EU CouncilKommissionen
European Commission Green Paper on future noise policygrønbogen "Fremtidens støjpolitik"
European CommunitiesDe Europæiske Fællesskaber
European CommunitiesDe Europæiske Fællesskaber EF
European Community Energy Star BoardEF-rådet for Energy Star-programmet
European Community Programme of Policy and Action in relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development "Towards sustainability"Det Europæiske Fællesskabs program for politik og handling i forbindelse med miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling "Mod en bæredygtig udvikling"
European Community scheme for the evaluation and improvement of the environmental performance at industrial production sitesfællesskabsordning for evaluering og højnelse af miljøniveauet i industrielle produktionsanlæg
European Consultative Forum on the environment and sustainable developmentDet Europæiske Rådgivende Forum for Miljø og Bæredygtig Udvikling
European Convention for the protection of international watercourses against pollutioneuropæiske konvention om beskytelsen af de internationale vandløb mod forurening
European convention on the quality of lifeeuropaeisk konvention om livsrammen
European Court of Justice The supreme court of The European Union which oversees the application of the EU treaties, decides upon the validity and the meaning of Community legislation and determines whether any act or omission by the European Commission, the Council of Minister or any member state constitutes a breach of Community lawEF-Domstolen
European Earth monitoring programmeUnionens jordobservations- og jordovervågningsprogram
European Earth monitoring programmeCopernicus
European Earth Observation ProgrammeUnionens jordobservations- og jordovervågningsprogram
European Earth Observation ProgrammeCopernicus
European Earth Observation SystemDen Europæiske Jordobservationssystem
European Economic Community TreatyEF-traktaten
European Environment AgencyDet Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA)
European Environment BureauDet Europæiske Miljøkontor
European Environment Information and Observation NetworkDet Europæiske Miljøoplysnings- og Miljøovervågningsnet
European environment information and observation networkMiljønettet
European environment information and observation networkkortformer:Det Europæiske Miljønet
European environment information and observation networkDet Europæiske Miljøoplysnings-og Miljøovervågningsnet
European Environment Research OrganizationDen Internationale Miljøforskningsorganisation
European Environmental BureauDet Europæiske Miljøkontor
European Environmental Campuses ProgrammeProgrammet Europæisk Miljøcampus
European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisationeuropæisk borgerbevægelse inden for miljøstandardisering
European Environmental CouncilDet Europæiske Miljøråd
European environmental documentation centreEuropæisk Dokumentationscenter på Miljøområdet
European environmental economic accountseuropæiske miljøøkonomiske regnskaber
European Environmental Research OrganizationDen Internationale Miljøforskningsorganisation
European Federation of Special Waste Industrieseuropæisk sammenslutning af behandlere af affald
European fertiliser manufacturers associationeuropæisk sammenslutning af kunstgødningsfabrikanter
European Fluorocarbon Technical CommitteeDet Europæiske Tekniske Udvalg for Flourcarboner
European forest heritageeuropaeisk skovbestand
European Green Capital AwardEuropas miljøhovedstad
European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste ManagementEuropean Nuclear Safety Regulators Group
European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste ManagementGruppen af Europæiske Nukleare Tilsynsmyndigheder
European hunting laweuropaeisk jagtlov
European IGAC Project OfficeIGAC's Europæiske Projektkontor
European IGAC Project OfficeEuropean IGAC's projektkontor
European industrial recycling companyeuropæisk industriselskab for recirkulation
European institute to combat desertificationeuropæisk institut for bekæmpelse af ørkendannelse
European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control BureauDet Europæiske Kontor for Integreret Forebyggelse og Bekæmpelse af Forurening
European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureaueuropæisk integreret kontor til undgåelse og kontrol af miljøforurening
European Landowners OrganisationEuropæiske Jordbesidderes Organisation
European Landscape Conventionden europæiske landskabskonvention
European Microwave Signature LaboratoryDet Europæiske Laboratorium for Mikrobølgesignaturer
European Monetary Fund Fund organized by the European Monetary System in which members of the European Community deposit reserves to provide a pool of resources to stabilize exchange rates and to finance balance of payments in support of the pending full European Monetary UnionDen Europæiske Monetære Fond
European Monetary Systemdet europæiske monetære system (EMS)
European Monitoring and Evaluation of Pollutantssamarbejdsprogram for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa
European Monitoring and Evaluation of Pollutantsovervågning og vurdering af luftforurenende stoffers transport over store afstande i Europa
European monitoring system of forest healtheuropæisk overvågningssystem for skovenes sundhedstilstand
European nature reserveeuropæisk naturreservat
European nature reserve No definition neededeuropæisk naturreservat
European Network of protection areasEuropæisk net af beskyttede områder
European Nuclear Cities InitiativeEuropean Nuclear Cities Initiative
European Nuclear Safety Regulators GroupGruppen af Europæiske Nukleare Tilsynsmyndigheder
European Nuclear Safety Regulators GroupEuropean Nuclear Safety Regulators Group
European observation centre for land-use developmenteuropæisk observationscenter for egnsudvikling
European office for the approval of new substanceseuropaeisk bureau til godkendelse af nye stoffer
European Parliament Formerly the "Assembly" of EEC. Comprises some 520 "representatives of the peoples" of European Community states, directly elected, and based in Strasbourg. Exercises advisory and supervisory powers; debates and passes resolutions and may veto admission of new member statesEuropa-Parlamentet
European pollutant emission registereuropæisk oversigt over forurenende emissioner
European pollutant emission registerEuropæisk Oversigt over Forurenende Emissioner
European Pollutant Release and Transfer Registereuropæisk register over udledning og overførsel af forurenende stoffer
European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazardseuropæisk program for klimatologi og naturkatastrofer
European Programme on Engines, Fuels and Emissionseuropæisk program om emissioner, brændstoffer og motorteknologier
European Radiological Data Exchange Platformeuropæisk platform for udveksling af radiologiske data
European Recovery Programmeeuropæisk genopbygningsprogram ERP, Marshall-planen
European recycling industrial companyEuropæisk industrieselskab for recirkulation
European Reference Laboratory for Air PollutionDet Europæiske Referencelaboratorium for Luftforurening
European Reference Life Cycle Databaseeuropæisk referencelivscyklusdatabase
European Reference Life Cycle DatabaseELCD-database
European Region Technical Committee for the 10-year Review of the Appendices to the ConventionDen Videnskabelige Komité for Europa for 10-års Status over Arter på Konventionens Lister
European standard A standard which has been approved pursuant to the statutes of the standards bodies with which the Community has concluded agreementseuropæisk norm
European Strategy on Invasive Alien Specieseuropæisk strategi for invasive fremmede arter
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power PlantDen Europæiske Teknologiplatform for "Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plant"
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Planteuropæisk teknologiplatform for nul-emission fra fossile brændstofkraftværker
European topic centretemacenter
European Topic CentreTemacentrene samt opbygningen af Det Europæiske Miljøoplysnings- og Miljøovervågningsnet
European Topic Centre on WasteDet Europæiske Temacenter for Affald
European UnionDen Europæiske Union (EU)
European Union Eco-Labelling BoardDen Europæiske Unions Miljømærkenævn
European Union Energy Star BoardEF-rådet for Energy Star-programmet
European Union Fire Response GroupEuropean Union Fire Response Group
European Union Strategy for Sustainable DevelopmentEU-strategi for bæredygtig udvikling
European Union Strategy for Sustainable Developmentstrategi for bæredygtig udvikling
European Union Strategy for Sustainable DevelopmentDen Europæiske Unions strategi for bæredygtig udvikling
European Union Transaction LogEU-transaktionsjournal
European Urban Environment AcademyDet Europæiske Akademi for Bymiljø
European Urban Knowledge Networkdet europæiske informationsnetværk for bypolitik
European Waste Cataloguedet europæiske affaldskatalog
European Waste Catalogueeuropæisk affaldskatalog
European Waste CatalogueDet Europæiske Affaldskatalog
European Water InstituteDet europæiske Vandinstitut
European workshop on eco-productsEuropæisk workshop om øko-produkter
European Year of the Environmentdet europæiske miljøår
European Year of the EnvironmentDet europæiske miljøår
Fifth European Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentDe Europæiske Fællesskabers 5. program for politik og handling i forbindelse med miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling
Green paper Public procurement in the European Union-exploring the way forwardgrønbogen "Offentlige indkøb i EU - overvejelser for fremtiden"
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Communityinfrastruktur for geografisk information i Fællesskabet
Institute for European Environmental Policyinstitut for en europæisk miljøpolitik
internal European marketdet indre marked
Medio-European calcareous screemellemeuropæiske kalkrige urer
Natura 2000-coherent European ecological network of "special areas of conservation"Natura 2000-sammenhangende europæisk økologisk net af "særlige bevaringsområder"
Natura 2000 European network of protected areaseuropæisk net af beskyttede områder Natura 2000
Network of Diplomats and Experts on European Diplomacy on Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentDiplomat- og Ekspertnet vedrørende Europæisk Diplomati inden for Miljø og Bæredygtig Udvikling
Network of Diplomats and Experts on European Diplomacy on Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentNet for Grønt Diplomati
Network of Diplomats and Experts on European Diplomacy on Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentNetværk for Grønt Diplomati
Pan-European Conference on forest protectionfælleseuropæisk konference om beskyttelse af skovene i Europa
Pan-European East-West Partnership for Sustainable Developmentpaneuropæisk øst-vest-partnerskab om bæredygtig udvikling
Pan-European Forest Certification Projectfælleseuropæisk skovcertificeringsprojekt
Pilot projects to conserve European architectural heritagePilotprojekter til bevarelse af den arkitektoniske kulturarv i Europa
Scientific and Technical Advisory Committe in the field of the environment and trans-European transport infrastructure networksDet Rådgivende Videnskabelige og Teknisk Udvalg vedrørende Transeuropæiske Transportinfrastrukturnet
Specific research and technical development programme for the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of management and storage of radioactive waste 1990-94Specifikt forsknings-og teknisk udviklingsprogram for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab på området forvaltning og opbevaring af radioaktivt affald1990-1994
The European Coastal CharterDet europæiske charter for kystområder
The Green Group in the European ParliamentGruppen De Grønne i Europa-Parlamentet