
Terms containing Elevation | all forms | exact matches only
med.abduction and elevation treatmentabduktions-elevations-reponering
transp., avia.aerodrome elevationflyvepladshøjde
el.angle of elevationelevation
el.angle of elevationsigtevinkel
life.sc.angle of elevationhøjdevinkel
transp., construct.arch elevationniveau for bues toppunkt
construct.bucket invert elevationkvote til styrtlejets bund
construct.concrete for elevationsbeton til vertikal konstruktion
construct.crest elevationkronekote
transp., construct.crown elevationniveau for bues toppunkt
environ., agric.digital elevation modeldigital højdemodel
el.elevation anglehøjdevinkel
el.elevation angleelevation
el.elevation anglesigtevinkel
commun.elevation contourisolinje
environ., agric.elevation losselevationstab
commun., el.elevation measurementautomatisk måling af afstand,retning eller højdevinkel
life.sc.elevation numberkote
comp., MSelevation of privilegerettighedsudvidelse (The process by which a user obtains a higher level of privilege than that for which he has been authorized. A malicious user may use elevation of privilege as a means to compromise or destroy a system, or to access unauthorized information)
gen.elevation of securitysikkerhedshøjderetning
gen.elevation of securitysikkerhedselevation
transp., construct.elevation of the gate and its superstructurestandrids af porten og portportalen
construct.elevation of top of damkronekote
life.sc., tech.elevation of zero point of barometerhøjde af barometernulpunkt
el.elevation pointing anglehøjdevinkel
el.elevation pointing angleelevation
el.elevation pointing anglesigtevinkel
commun.elevation-position indicatorelevations afstandsindikator
el.elevation position indicatorelevations-afstands-indikator
comp., MSelevation promptelevationsanmodning (A dialog box that appears when a user is requested to confirm whether an administrative process should be permitted to start. An elevation prompt will either be displayed as a consent prompt or a credential prompt, depending upon Group Policy settings and user account type)
life.sc., tech.elevation scaleindikator
life.sc., tech.elevation scalealhidad
life.sc., tech.elevation scalealidade
life.sc., tech.elevation scalediopter
earth.sc.elevation tinthøjdefarveskala
earth.sc.elevation tinthypsometrisk farvetoning
construct.front elevationfacadetegning
construct.frontage elevationfacadetegning
life.sc., el.geometric orbit elevationgeometrisk banehældning
transp.height above touchdown-zone elevationhøjde over landingspunkt
el.horizon elevationhorisont-elevationsvinkel
el.horizon elevation anglehorisont-elevationsvinkel
agric., construct.land elevationjordhævning
commun., ITlow-elevation anglelav-elevationsvinkel
transp., construct.lower pool elevationnedre vandstand
commun., ITmain beam elevation anglehovedstråle-elevations-vinkel
life.sc., transp.maximum terrain elevation figurestørste terrænhøjde
el.minimum usable angle of elevationminimal brugbar elevation
construct.normal water level elevationnormalvandstandskote
life.sc., tech.normal water surface elevationnormal vandstand
el.optimum elevationoptimal elevation
construct.Plans,elevations and summary specificationsplan,opstalt og kortfattet beskrivelse
gen.quadrant elevationelevationsvinkel
construct.rear elevationtagflade
construct.retention water level elevationnormalvandstandskote
commun., el.satellite elevationsatellit-elevation
construct.side elevationtagflade
mater.sc., construct.side elevationopstalt
commun., life.sc.spot elevationhøjdeangivelse af terrænpunkt
nat.sc.spot elevationkoteret punkt
transp., construct.spring line elevationniveau for fødselslinje
commun.steering range in elevationvinkelområde i elevation
law, min.prod.submarine elevationundersøisk hævning
commun., el.terrestrial elevation anglejord-højdevinkel
life.sc., transp.the elevation of a benchmark referred to a datumhøjde af et fikspunkt over nul-niveau
transp., avia.touchdown zone elevationlandingszonekote
transp., construct.upper pool elevationøvre vandstand
el.zero elevation anglenul-elevation
el.zero geometric angle of elevationnul-elevation
el.zero geometric angle of elevationhøjdevinkel lig nul
comp., MSzone elevationzoneelevation (A situation that occurs when a Web page loaded in one URL security zone loads a page from a less restrictive zone in a frame or a new window. For example, if a page from the Internet zone loads a page from the Local Machine zone, a zone elevation has occurred)