
Terms for subject General containing Eastern | all forms | exact matches only
Accompanying programme for the stabilisation of eastern Chad and of north-eastern Central African Republicledsageprogram for stabiliseringen af det østlige Tchad og den nordøstlige del af Den Centralafrikanske Republik
Associated Central and Eastern European Countriesassocierede lande i Central- og Østeuropa
Associated Countries of Central and Eastern Europeassocierede lande i Central- og Østeuropa
Association Committee with the countries of central and eastern EuropeAssocieringsudvalg med Landene i Central- og Østeuropa
Central and South-Eastern Municipalities Networknetværk af kommuner i Central- og Sydøsteuropa
Colloquium on the EC and Eastern EuropeKollokvium om EF og Østeuropa
Commander-in-Chief Eastern Atlantic Areaøverstkommanderende for det østlige Atlanterhavsområde
Committee on economic aid to the countries of central and eastern EuropeUdvalget vedrørende Økonomisk Bistand til Landene i Øst- og Central- europa
Committee on economic assistance to certain central and eastern European countries and for coordination of aid to the applicant countries in the framework of the pre-accession strategyPhareudvalget
Conference on the Economy of Eastern EuropeKonference om Østeuropas økonomi
Discussion Group on the Structures of Eastern EuropeStudiegruppen om Strukturerne i Østeuropa
donors/reconstruction conference for South-Eastern Europedonor-/genopbygningskonference for Sydøsteuropa
Eastern and Southern AfricaEastern and Southern Africa
Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering GroupGruppen til Bekæmpelse af Hvidvaskning af Penge for det Østlige og Sydlige Afrika
Eastern bloc countriesøstblokken
eastern dimension of the ENPden europæiske naboskabspolitiks østlige dimension
eastern dimension of the ENPden østlige dimension af den europæiske naboskabspolitik
eastern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policyden østlige dimension af den europæiske naboskabspolitik
eastern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policyden europæiske naboskabspolitiks østlige dimension
Eastern Europe Committee of the Socialist InternationalSocialistiske Internationales Østeuropaudvalg
Eastern Partnershipøstligt partnerskab
ECSC Regional Committee for Steelworker's Housing in Eastern FranceDet regionale EKSF-udvalg for boliger til Stålværksarbejdere - Østfrankrig
Experts Committee on Abstracting and translation of technical literature from Eastern European CountriesEkspertudvalget for oversættelse og sammendrag af teknisk litteratur fra Østlandene
Intergroup on Cooperation with the Countries of Eastern EuropeDen Tværpolitiske Gruppe om Samarbejde med Østlandene
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean StatesSammenslutningen af Østcaribiske Stater
Pre-accession pact on organised crime between the Member States of the European Union and the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprusførtiltrædelsespagt vedrørende organiseret kriminalitet mellem medlemsstaterne af Den Europæiske Union og ansøgerlandene i Central- og Østeuropa og Cypern
Pre-accession pact on organised crime between the Member States of the European Union and the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprusførtiltrædelsespagt om samarbejde om bekæmpelse af kriminalitet
Pre-accession pact on organised crime between the Member States of the European Union and the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprusførtiltrædelsespagt
Pre-accession Pact on Organised Crime with the Applicant Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprusførtiltrædelsespagt
Pre-accession Pact on Organised Crime with the Applicant Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprusførtiltrædelsespagt vedrørende organiseret kriminalitet mellem medlemsstaterne af Den Europæiske Union og ansøgerlandene i Central- og Østeuropa og Cypern
Pre-accession Pact on Organised Crime with the Applicant Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprusførtiltrædelsespagt om samarbejde om bekæmpelse af kriminalitet
Relations with Far Eastern countriesForbindelser med lande i Fjernøsten
Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countrieslandene i det sydlige og østlige Middelhavsområde
Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countriesSEM-landene
Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countriesde sydlige og østlige Middelhavslande
Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europesærlig koordinator for stabilitetspagten for Sydøsteuropa
Special Representative of the European Union to act as Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern EuropeDen Europæiske Unions særlige repræsentant, der skal varetage hvervet som koordinator for stabilitetspagten for Sydøsteuropa
Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europestabilitetspagt for Sydøsteuropa
White Paper on the preparation of the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe for integration into the internal market of the Unionhvidbog om forberedelse af de associerede central- og østeuropæiske landes integration i Unionens indre marked
Working Party on Eastern EuropeEurorgruppen
Working Party on Eastern EuropeArbejdsgruppen om Østeuropa
Working Party on Eastern Europe and Central AsiaGruppen vedrørende Østeuropa og Centralasien
Working Party on the Eastern AdriaticGruppen vedrørende det Østlige Adriaterhav
Working Party on the European Foundation for the Study of Eastern EuropeArbejdsgruppen om Det Europæiske Institut for Studier over Østeuropa