
Terms for subject General containing East | all forms | exact matches only
Ad hoc Working Party on the Middle East Peace ProcessAd hoc-gruppen vedrørende Fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
All-Inclusive Intra-East Timorese Dialogueden altomfattende interne dialog i Østtimor
Armed Forces of National Liberation of East TimorDe Væbnede Styrker for National Befrielse Af Østtimor
Balkan conference on stability, security and cooperation in South East EuropeBalkankonference om stabilitet, sikkerhed og samarbejde i Sydøsteuropa
Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiativeinitiativ for det større Mellemøsten og Nordafrika
Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiativeinitiativ for det bredere Mellemøsten og Nordafrika
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East AtlanticOsparkonventionen
Convention on Future Multilateral Co-operation in North-East Atlantic FisheriesNEAFC-konventionen
Convention on the conservation and management of fishery resources in the South-East Atlantic OceanSEAFO-konventionen
Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand - member countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ASEANEF-ASEAN-samarbejdsaftale
Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand - member countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ASEANsamarbejdsaftale mellem Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab og Indonesien, Malaysia, Filippinerne, Singapore og Thailand - medlemmerne af Sammenslutningen af Stater i Sydøstasien ASEAN
Delegation for relations with the countries of South-East EuropeDelegationen for Forbindelserne med Landene i Sydøsteuropa
Directorate-General IB-External Relations:Southern Mediterranean, Middle East, Latin America, South and South-East Asia and North-South cooperationGeneraldirektorat IB - Eksterne Forbindelser: Det Sydlige Middelhavsområde, Mellemøsten, Latinamerika, Syd- og Sydøstasien og Nord-Syd-Samarbejdet
Directorate-General I-External Relations:Commercial policy and relations with North America, the Far East, Australia and New ZealandGeneraldirektorat I-Eksterne forbindelser:handelspolitik,forbindelser med Nordamerika,Fjernøsten,Australien og New Zealand
East-West IntergroupDen Tværpolitiske Arbejdsgruppe om Øst-Vest
East/West Ouverture programmeOuverture-programmet
end of East-West confrontationafslutning på den gamle Øst/Vest-strid
EU Special Representative for the Middle East peace processEU's særlige repræsentant for fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
EU Special Representative for the Middle East peace processDen Europæiske Unions særlige repræsentant for fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
EU Special Representative for the Middle East peace processEUSR for fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
EU Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean and the Middle EastEU's strategiske partnerskab med Middelhavslandene og Mellemøsten
EU-Neighbourhood-East Parliamentary AssemblyDen Parlamentariske Forsamling Euronest
European Union Special Representative for the Middle East peace processEU's særlige repræsentant for fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
European Union Special Representative for the Middle East peace processEUSR for fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
European Union Special Representative for the Middle East peace processDen Europæiske Unions særlige repræsentant for fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
European Union's Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean and the Middle EastEU's strategiske partnerskab med Middelhavslandene og Mellemøsten
EUSR for the Middle East peace processEU's særlige repræsentant for fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
EUSR for the Middle East peace processDen Europæiske Unions særlige repræsentant for fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
EUSR for the Middle East peace processEUSR for fredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
general declaration on the Middle Eastgenerel erklæring om Mellemøsten
International Force for East Timorden internationale styrke for Østtimor
International Quartet for the Middle East Peace ProcessMellemøstkvartetten
International Quartet for the Middle East Peace ProcessKvartetten
London and South East Regional Planning Conferenceregional planlægningskonference for London og South East-regionen
Middle EastMellemøsten
Middle East/Gulf Working PartyGruppen vedrørende Mellemøsten og Golfstaterne
Middle East peace conferencekonferencen om fred i Mellemøsten
Middle East Peace Processfredsprocessen i Mellemøsten
Middle East QuartetMellemøstkvartetten
Middle East QuartetKvartetten
Middle East road mapkøreplan for fred i Mellemøsten
Middle East Think-TankBetænkningsgruppe om Det Nære Østen
Near East Forestry CommissionSkovbrugskommissionen for Mellemøsten
Parliamentary Committee for the Association with the East African CommunityDet parlamentariske udvalg for associeringen med Det østafrikanske Fællesskab
Partnership for Progress and a Common Future with the Region of the Broader Middle East and North Africapartnerskab for fremskridt og en fælles fremtid med det bredere Mellemøsten og Nordafrika
Process on stability and good-neighbourliness in south-east Europeprocessen vedrørende stabilitet og godt naboskab i Sydøsteuropa
Process on stability and good-neighbourliness in south-east EuropeRoyaumont-processen
Socialist International Middle East CommitteeSocialistisk Internationales Mellemøsten-Udvalg
South and South-East AsiaSyd-og Sydøstasien
South East Asia regional formation of the Dublin GroupRegionalgruppen vedrørende Sydøstasien under Dublingruppen
South-East Asia Treaty OrganisationSydøstasienpagten
South-East Asia Treaty OrganisationDen Sydøstasiatiske Traktats Organisation
South East Europe Common Assessment Paper on Regional Security and Challenges and Opportunitiesfælles vurderingspapir vedrørende udfordringer og muligheder for den regionale sikkerhed i Sydøsteuropa
South-East Europe InitiativeSydøsteuropa-initiativ
South-East Europe Security Cooperation Steering GroupStyringsgruppen for Sikkerhedssamarbejde i Sydøsteuropa
Task Force Mediterranean/Barcelona/Middle East/AfricaTaskforce vedrørende Middelhavet/Barcelona/Mellemøsten/Afrika
trafficking in nuclear materials from the Easttransport af nukleare materialer fra øst
Treaty establishing the East African Communitytraktat om oprettelse af Det Østafrikanske Fællesskab
Wider Middle Eastdet bredere Mellemøsten
Working Party on South Asia and South East AsiaArbejdsgruppen om Syd- og Østasien
Working Party on the Middle EastArbejdsgruppen om Mellemøsten