
Terms containing Distributed | all forms | exact matches only
ITcentral distributed systemcentralt distribueret system
patents.computer programs distributed on-line over the Internet and Webcomputerprogrammer distribueret online over Internettet og på webbet
econ.concepts of actual and distributed outputbegreberne faktisk og fordelt produktion
ITdatabase distributed architecturedistribueret databasestruktur
agric.dissimilar distributed coveruensartet sprøjtning
agric.dissimilar distributed coverheterogen sprøjtning
agric.dissimilar distributed sprayheterogen sprøjtning
agric.dissimilar distributed sprayuensartet sprøjtning
commun., ITto distribute calls to operator positionsat fordele opkald til operatører
commun.distributed amplifiertransmissionslinieforstærker
gen.distributed resin anchoragefordelt forankring
commun., ITdistributed applicationdistribueret applikation
commun., ITdistributed applicationdistribueret kontorapplikation
el.distributed applicationfordelt anvendelse
ITdistributed architecturedistribueret net
ITdistributed architecturedistribueret struktur
ITdistributed architecturedistribueret netværk
ITdistributed architecturedistribueret arkitektur
el.distributed capacitancefordelt kapacitans
el.distributed capacitancedistribueret kapacitet
ITdistributed case handlingdistribueret sagsbehandling
el.distributed circuitkredsløb med fordelte elementer
el.distributed circuitkredsløb med fordelte dele
el.distributed circuitfordelt kredsløb
life.sc., el.distributed collectorsfordelte solfangere
comp., MSDistributed COMDCOM (The version of Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) specification that stipulates how components communicate over Windows-based networks. It permits the distribution of different components for a single application across two or more networked computers, running an application distributed across a network so that the distribution of components is not apparent to the user, and remotely displaying an application. Because DCOM is language-neutral, any language that uses COM components can also produce DCOM applications)
ITdistributed computer systemdistribueret datamatsystem
IT, tech.distributed computer systemdistribueret databehandlingssystem
ITdistributed computingdistribueret edb
comp., MSdistributed computingdistribueret databehandling (A form of information processing in which work is performed by separate computers linked through a communications network. Distributed processing is usually categorized as either plain distributed processing or true distributed processing. Plain distributed processing shares the workload among computers that can communicate with one another. True distributed processing has separate computers perform different tasks in such a way that their combined work can contribute to a larger goal. The latter type of processing requires a highly structured environment that allows hardware and software to communicate, share resources, and exchange information freely)
commun.distributed concentratorsfordelte koncentratorer
commun.distributed controldecentraliseret betjening
commun.distributed controlkontrolfordeling
commun.distributed controlfordelt kontrol
ITdistributed controldistribueret styring
IT, transp.distributed control systemdecentraliseret styresystem
el.distributed-control systemdirekte styret system
ITdistributed course bankdistribueret kursusdatabase
ITdistributed data basedistribueret database
ITdistributed data processingdistribueret edb
IT, tech.distributed data processingdistribueret databehandling
ITdistributed databasedistribueret database
IT, dat.proc.distributed database management systemsystem til distribueret databasestyring
ITdistributed data-processing architecturedistribueret edb-arkitektur
commun., ITdistributed denial-of-service attackDistributed Denial of Service-angreb
energ.ind.distributed energy resourcesdecentrale energiressourcer
nat.sc.distributed facilitydistribueret anlæg
el.distributed feedbackfordelt tilbagekobling
comp., MSDistributed File SystemDistribueret filsystem (A service that allows system administrators to organize distributed network shares into a logical namespace, enabling users to access files without specifying their physical location and providing load sharing across network shares)
gen.distributed fireild fordelt over område
commun.distributed foundation wireless media access controltrådløs MAC
commun.distributed foundation wireless media access control802.11-MAC
el.distributed frame alignment signalfordelt rammelåsningsord
el.distributed framing patternfordelt indramningsmønster
chem., el.distributed gasforbrugergas
chem., el.distributed gasdistribueret gas
energ.ind.distributed generationbalancekraft
earth.sc., el.distributed heat storagesystemintegreret varmelagring
earth.sc., el.distributed heat storagefordelt varmelagring
ITdistributed hierarchical control systemdistribueret,hierarkisk kontrolsystem
commun., ITdistributed huntingfordelt søgning
ITdistributed image-based applicationdistribueret billedbaseret applikation
fin.distributed income for periodoverskudsudlodning
account.distributed income of corporationsudloddet selskabsudbytte
commun., IT, R&D.distributed information processingdistribueret informationsbehandling
ITdistributed intelligencedistribueret intelligens
ITdistributed intelligence environmentmiljø med fordelt intelligens
ITdistributed jointled med fordelt bevægelse
math.distributed lagtidsforskydning
econ.distributed lag modelmodel med distribueret forsinkelse
earth.sc., mech.eng.distributed loadfordelt belastning
earth.sc., mech.eng.distributed loadjævnt fordelt belastning
earth.sc.distributed loadkontinuerlig belastning
earth.sc., mech.eng.distributed loadingfordelt belastning
earth.sc., mech.eng.distributed loadingjævnt fordelt belastning
earth.sc., tech.distributed mass-balance weightfordelt udbalanceringsvægt
IT, dat.proc.distributed-memory architecturearkitektur med lokal hukommelse
IT, dat.proc.distributed-memory architecturearkitektur med distribueret hukommelse
commun., ITdistributed microprocessor common controlfordelt mikroprocessor fællesstyring
commun.distributed mobile exchangedistribueret mobilcentral
el.distributed multi-aerial systemfordelt multi-antennesystem
el.distributed multi-antenna systemfordelt multi-antennesystem
commun.distributed name servicedistribueret navnetjeneste
commun.distributed name servicedistribueret name service
commun., ITdistributed networkdistribueret netværk
commun., ITdistributed networkdistribueret net
comp.distributed network architecturedistribueret netarkitektur
commun., el.distributed network computingfordelt databehandling
commun., el.distributed network computingdistribueret databehandling
IT, dat.proc.distributed numerical controlfordelt numerisk styring
commun., ITdistributed office applicationdistribueret applikation
commun., ITdistributed office applicationdistribueret kontorapplikation
commun., ITdistributed-office-application modeldistribueret kontorapplikationsmodel
econ.distributed outputfordelt produktion
econ.distributed output at basic pricesfordelt produktion i basispriser
econ.distributed output at producers'prices excluding invoiced VATfordelt produktion i producentpriser eksklusive faktureret moms
econ.distributed output of goodsfordelt produktion af varer
commun.distributed PBXdistribueret PABC
el.distributed powereffektfordeling
commun., ITdistributed processingdistribueret databehandling
market.distributed profitudloddet overskud
ITdistributed representationdistribueret repræsentation
el.distributed resistancefordelt modstand
commun., ITdistributed routingdistribueret rutefastlæggelse
comp., MSdistributed routing tabledistribueret routingtabel (A routing table with entries that are distributed across a group of machines that can be used to map numeric keys to application endpoints and find routes through the network of peers)
comp., MSDistributed Scan ManagementDistribueret scanningsadministration (A feature that offers a collection of Web services, applications, and Windows services that work together to create an end-to-end experience that allows users to walk up to a copy room MFD and scan a document to a destination)
earth.sc.distributed scatter fluxfordelt spredningsflux
ITdistributed sensorsdistribuerede sensorer
gen.distributed simple majoritysimpelt fordelt flertal
gen.distributed simple majorityfordelt simpelt flertal
interntl.trade.distributed simple majority votesimpelt fordelt flertal
gen.distributed simple majority voteafstemning med simpelt fordelt flertal
ITdistributed systemdistribueret system
ITDistributed Systems Architecturedistribueret system arkitektur
ITdistributed transaction processingdistribueret transaktionsbearbejdelse
el.distributed transistor amplifiertransistor-kædeforstærker
agric.distributed two-thirds majority votefordelt to tredjedeles flertal
agric.distributed volumeanvendt væskemængde
agric.distributed volumeden udsprøjtede væskemænde
mech.eng., el.distributed windingfordelt vikling
law, market.dividend distributed by a subsidiaryaktieudbytter,der udloddes af et datterselskab
econ.dividends and other income distributed by corporate enterprisesudbytter og anden indkomst fra selskaber
tax.economic taxation of distributed dividendsdobbeltbeskatning af udloddede aktieudbytter
met.endogeneous inclusions tend to be fairly uniformly distributedde endogene indeslutninger har tendens til at fordele sig temmelig jævnt
agric.evenly distributed coverjævnt fordelt sprøjtning
agric.evenly distributed coverhomogen sprøjtning
agric.evenly distributed coverensartet sprøjtning
med.evenly distributed exposure atmospherejævnt fordelt ekspositionsluft
agric.evenly distributed sprayensartet sprøjtning
agric.evenly distributed sprayhomogen sprøjtning
agric.evenly distributed sprayjævnt fordelt sprøjtning
commun., ITfiber distributed data interfacefiberdistribueret datainterface
commun., ITfibre distributed data interfacefiberdistribueret datainterface
ITfully distributed controlfuldstændig distribueret kontrol
commun.fully distributed-control systemfuldt distribueret system
commun.fully distributed systemfuldt distribueret system
commun.geographically distributed exchangegeografisk spredt central
ITheterogeneous distributed systemheterogen distribueret system
econ., fin.income to be distributedoverskudsfordeling
econ., fin.income to be distributedoverskudsudlodning
econ.interest,gains or losses distributed to the insuredrenter,gevinster eller tab fordeles til forsikringstagerne
ITloosely coupled distributed systemløst sammenkoblet distribueret system
nat.sc.loosely coupled distributed systemløst sammenkoblede distribuerede systemer
health.medical distributed data basedistribueret medicinsk database
commun., ITMessage Interchange for Distributed ApplicationBeskedudveksling for Distribuerede Applikationer
ITmultifunctional distributed computing systemmultifunktionelt system til distribueret databehandling
ITmultifunctional distributed systemmultifunktionelt system til distribueret databehandling
commun.multiple frequency environment,to distribute in a-flerfrekvensmiljø,distribueres i et-
ITopen distributed computing platformåben distribueret databehandlingsplatform
ITparallel distributed processingparallel distribueret databehandling
ITperiodically-distributed thin-film waveguidetyndfilmsbølgeleder
account.property income distributed to insurance policy holdersformueindkomst henført til forsikringstagere
gen.publication distributed free of chargepublikation, der blev udsendt gratis
fin.quantity of securities distributedkvantitet af fordelte værdipapirer
el.random uniformly distributed phasetilfældig ensartet fordelt fase
el.randomly distributed receiverstilfældigt fordelte modtagere
el.Rayleigh-distributed random fadingRayleigh-fordelt random fading
gen.simple distributed majorityfordelt simpelt flertal
gen.simple distributed majoritysimpelt fordelt flertal
agric.simple distributed majority votesimpelt fordelt flertal
gen.simple distributed majority voteafstemning med simpelt fordelt flertal
ITSoftware environment for the design of open distributed systemsprogrammelmiljøtil konstruktion af åbne,distribuerede systemer
transp., el.spatially distributed eventbegivenheder der finder sted i afstand fra hinanden i rummet
transp., el.spatially distributed systemrumligt spredt system
med.system of local distributed expertssystem af lokalt fordelte eksperter
gen.time or recording of distributed transactionsregistreringstidspunkt for fordelingstransaktioner
gen.translate, print and distribute amendmentsoversætte,trykke,omdele ændringsforlslag
interntl.trade.two-thirds distributed majorityfordelt to tredjedeles flertal
transp.unequally-distributed loadulige fordelt læs
agric.unevenly distributed sprayheterogen sprøjtning
agric.unevenly distributed sprayuensartet sprøjtning
earth.sc.uniformly distributed absorbersligeligt fordelte absorbere
construct.uniformly distributed loadligeligt fordelt belastning
comp., MSWeb Distributed Authoring and VersioningWeb-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the Internet)
comp., MSWeb-based Distributed Authoring and VersioningWeb-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, WebDAV (A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the Internet)
med.widely distributeddiffus
comp., MSWorld Wide Web Distributed Authoring and VersioningWeb-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, WebDAV (A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the Internet)