
Terms containing Discussion | all forms | exact matches only
polit.aim of discussion at Councilformål med Rådets drøftelser
polit.aim of the discussionformålet med drøftelsen
gen.approval without discussiongodkende uden debat
lawbenefit of discussionbeneficium ordinis (beneficium ordinis)
polit.businesslike conduct of discussionsafvikling af debatterne i god ro og orden
lawCentre for Information, Discussion and Exchange in the field of Judicial CooperationOplysnings-, Analyse- og Udvekslingscenter inden for det Retlige Samarbejde
polit., immigr.Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on AsylumOplysnings-, Analyse- og Udvekslingscenter for Asyl
obs., h.rghts.act.Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on AsylumOplysnings-, Analyse- og Udvekslingscentret for Asyl
polit.conduct of the discussionmødeforløb
comp., MSdiscussion boarddiskussionsforum (A Web site component that enables users to participate in topics of discussion by posting and replying to comments)
gen.discussion circlediskussionskreds
comp., MSdiscussion commentdiskussionskommentar (A remark or topic of discussion that is associated with a Web page or Microsoft Office file and is stored on a discussion server)
work.fl.discussion documentdebatoplæg
gen.discussion formdiskussionsblanket
transp.discussion forumforum for drøftelser
gen.discussion groupdiskussionsgruppe
gen.Discussion Group on the Structures of Eastern EuropeStudiegruppen om Strukturerne i Østeuropa
lawdiscussion in the Parliamentbehandling i parlamentet
cultur.discussion leaderordstyrer
gen.discussion leaderdiskussionsleder
ed.discussion listdebatliste
gen.discussion notediskussionsoplæg
work.fl.discussion paperdebatoplæg
polit.discussion paperoplæg
polit.discussion paperarbejdspapir
polit.discussion paperarbejdsdokument
gen.discussion paperdiskussionsoplæg
comp., MSdiscussion rightsdiskussionsrettigheder (Rights that allow a user to view, add, modify, and close discussion comments that are attached to a Web page or document)
arts.discussion seminarseminar
comp., MSdiscussion serverdiskussionsserver (A computer that stores discussion text and information about the location of the file being discussed)
comp., MSdiscussion threaddiskussionstråd (In an online forum, such as a newsgroup, a series of messages or articles in which replies to an message are nested directly under it instead of arranged in chronological or alphabetical order)
polit.document for discussiondrøftelsen vedrører dok. ...
econ.document for discussion at a sittingmødedokument
transp.Eurocorde Discussion agreementEurocordeaftalen
gen.exploratory discussionsonderende samtale
insur.face to face discussionmundtlig forhandling ved møde
insur.face to face discussionmundtlig forhandling
lawfinal discussionafsluttende drøftelse
social.sc.forum for pluralist discussionpluralistisk diskussionsforum
gen.general preliminary discussiongenerel orienterende debat
gen.informal discussioninformel samtale
polit.item for which approval by the Council is possible without discussionpunkt, som vil kunne godkendes uden debat
polit.items adopted without discussionpunkter godkendt uden debat
law, social.sc.open air discussionGacaca-ret
insur.oral discussionmundtlig forhandling
gen.panel discussionpaneldiskussion
lawplatform for discussiondiskussionsforum
health., pharma.pre-submission discussion with future applicantdrøftelse med kommende ansøgere inden indgivelse af ansøgning
market., fin.procedure for prior notification and discussionprocedure for forudgående underretning og forhandling
market., fin.procedure for prior notification without discussionprocedure for forudgående underretning uden forhandling
environ.public discussion Consideration, commentary by argument or informal debate on some issue that is open and of concern to the general populaceoffentlig debat
environ.public discussionoffentlig debat
work.fl., commun.report on the state of discussionsstatusrapport
lawright of discussion and votetale-og stemmeret
lawright of discussion onlykun taleret
econ., fin.round table discussionrundbordsdrøftelse
econ., fin.round table discussionrundbordssamtale
econ., fin.round table discussionrundbordsdiskussion
econ., fin.round table discussionrundsbordsmøde
gen.Round Table Discussion - Joint Working Party on Staff QuestionsDet paritetiske 10-mandsudvalg i forbindelse med Rundbordskonferencen om Personalespørgsmål
gen.Roundtable discussion on Cooperation and Human RightsRundbord: "Samarbejde og Menneskerettigheder"
gen.Round-Table Discussion with Representatives of the Metal Workers UnionRundbordssamtale med repræsentanter for fagforbundene inden for Metalindustrien
gen.state of discussionssituationsrapport
gen.state of discussionsstatus over drøftelserne
gen.state of discussionsoversigt over arbejdet
gen.state of discussionsstatus over hidtidige resultater
gen.stimulating public discussionoplæg til debat
gen.summary of discussionsdiskussionsreferat
lab.law.tripartite discussiontrepartsdrøftelse
commun.virtual discussion forumvirtuelt diskussionsforum
gen.voting without a discussionprocedure med afstemning uden debat
comp., MSWeb discussionwebdiskussion (Comments that users attach to Web pages and documents)