
   English Danish
Terms for subject General containing Directorate for | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Central Directorate for Drugs ControlDet Centrale Narkotikabekæmpelseskontor
Directorate for Administration and FinanceDirektorat A
Directorate for administration of Delegations and Information OfficesDirektoratet Administration af Delegationerne og EF-kontorerne
Directorate for Communication, Press and EventsDirektorat D
Directorate for Consultative WorkDirektorat C
Directorate for General and Language MattersDirektoratet for Generelle og Sproglige Anliggender
Directorate for General and Language MattersDirektoratet Generelle og Sproglige Anliggender
Directorate for LogisticsDirektorat F
Directorate for Member services and RegistryDirektorat B
Directorate for Parliamentary ActsDirektoratet for Parlamentsanliggender
Directorate for Relations with Citizens and Organizations of European InterestDirektoratet for Forbindelserne med Borgerne og Organisationer af Europæisk Relevans
Directorate for Relations with Citizens and Organizations of European InterestDirektoratet for Borgernes Brevkasse
Directorate for State SecurityKontoret for statens sikkerhed
Directorate for the Administration of DelegationsDirektoratet for Administration af Delegationerne
Directorate for TranslationDirektorat G
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentGD for Landbrug og Udvikling af Landdistrikter
Directorate-General for BudgetGD for Budget
Directorate-General for Climate ActionGD for Klima
Directorate-General for CommunicationGD for Kommunikation
Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyGD for Kommunikationsnet, Indhold og Teknologi
Directorate-General for CompetitionGD for Konkurrence
Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation - EuropeAidGD for Udvikling og Samarbejde - EuropeAid
Directorate-General for Development and Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific StatesGD for Udvikling
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial AffairsGD for Økonomiske og Finansielle Anliggender
Directorate-General for Education and CultureGD for Uddannelse og Kultur
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionGD for Beskæftigelse, Sociale Anliggender, Arbejdsmarkedsforhold og Inklusion
Directorate-General for EnergyGD for Energi
Directorate-General for Energy and TransportGeneraldirektoratet for Energi og Transport
Directorate-General for EnlargementGD for Udvidelse
Directorate-General for Enterprise and IndustryGD for Erhvervspolitik
Directorate-General for Health and ConsumersGD for Sundhed og Forbrugere
Directorate-General for Human Resources and SecurityGD for Menneskelige Ressourcer og Sikkerhed
Directorate-General for Humanitarian AidGD for Humanitær Bistand og Civilbeskyttelse ECHO
Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil ProtectionGD for Humanitær Bistand og Civilbeskyttelse ECHO
Directorate-General for InformaticsGD for Informationsteknologi
Directorate-General for InterpretationGD for Tolkning
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and FisheriesGD for Maritime Anliggender og Fiskeri
Directorate-General for Mobility and TransportGD for Mobilitet og Transport
Directorate-General for Personnel and AdministrationGD for Menneskelige Ressourcer og Sikkerhed
Directorate-General for Regional and Urban PolicyGD for Regionalpolitik og Bypolitik
Directorate-General for Regional PolicyGD for Regionalpolitik og Bypolitik
Directorate-General for ResearchGD for Forskning og Innovation
Directorate-General for Research and InnovationGD for Forskning og Innovation
Directorate-General for Sessional ServicesGeneraldirektoratet for Parlamentets Bureau
Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs UnionGD for Beskatning og Toldunion
Directorate-General for the BudgetGD for Budget
Directorate-General for the EnvironmentGD for Miljø
Directorate-General for the Information Society and MediaGD for Kommunikationsnet, Indhold og Teknologi
Directorate-General for the Internal Market and ServicesGD for det Indre Marked og Tjenesteydelser
Directorate-General for TradeGD for Handel
Directorate-General for TranslationGD for Oversættelse
protocol department of the Directorate-General for External Relationsprotokolafdeling i generaldirektoratet for forbindelser med tredjelande
Spokesman's Group and Directorate-General for InformationTalsmandens gruppe og generaldirektoratet for information