
Terms for subject General containing Department of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Centres of Excellence departmentAfdelingen for Ekspertisecentre
Committee of the Heads of Political DepartmentsDen Politiske Komité
Decision taken by common agreement between the Representatives of the Member States on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies and departments of the European CommunitiesAfgørelse truffet ved fælles aftale mellem repræsentanterne for medlemsstaternes regeringer vedrørende fastlæggelse af hjemstedet for De Europæiske Fællesskabers institutioner og for visse af Fællesskabernes organer og tjenester
Department of CommerceHandelsministeriet
Department of Humanitarian AffairsAfdeling for Humanitære Anliggender
Department of Trade and Industryhandels- og industriministerium
to ensure that the departments of the Commission operateat sikre Kommissionens tjenestegrenes virksomhed
Europol Department of AnalysisEDU's Analytiske Afdeling
Europol Department of AnalysisEuropols Analytiske Afdeling
Federal Department of Transport, Communications and EnergyForbundsministeriet for Transport, Kommunikation og Energi
head of a specialised departmentchef for en særling tjenestegren
head of a specialized departmentchef for en særlig tjenestegren
Humanitarian Aid Department of the European CommissionGD for Humanitær Bistand og Civilbeskyttelse ECHO
Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestryviceminister, Ministeriet for Landbrug, Ernæring og Skovbrug
Minister of State at the Department of Education with special responsibility for Youth and Sport and at the Department of the Environment with special responsibility for Local Government Reform and urban traffic managementviceminister, Undervisningsministeriet, med særligt ansvar for ungdom og sport, samt Miljøministeriet, med særligt ansvar for lokalstyrereformer og politik for trafik i byområder
Minister of State at the Department of Finance with special responsibility for public expenditureviceminister, Finansministeriet, med særligt ansvar for de offentlige udgifter
Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs with special responsibility for ODA and at the Department of Justiceviceminister, Udenrigsministeriet, med særligt ansvar for udviklings- bistand, og Justitsministeriet
Minister of State at the Department of Health, at the Department of Education and at the Department of Justiceviceminister, Sundhedsministeriet, Undervisningsministeriet samt Justitsministeriet
Minister of State at the Department of Health with special responsibility for mental handicap, health promotion, food safety and public healthviceminister, Sundhedsministeriet, med særligt ansvar for mentalt handicappede, sundhedsfremme, levnedsmiddelsikkerhed og folkesundhed
Minister of State at the Department of Social Welfare with special responsibility for the integration of the taxation and social welfare codes and for customer information programmesviceminister, Socialministeriet, med særligt ansvar for harmonisering af skatte- og socialsikringslovgivningen samt brugerinformationsprogrammer
Minister of State at the Department of the Environment with special responsibility for Housing and Urban Renewalviceminister, Miljøministeriet, med særligt ansvar for boligspørgsmål og byfornyelse
Minister of State at the Department of the Marine with special responsibility for Port Developmentviceminister, Ministeriet for Maritime Spørgsmål, med særligt ansvar for havneudvikling
Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach, the Department of Finance and the Department of Transport, Energy and Communicationsviceminister, premierministerens kontor, Finansministeriet samt Trafik-, Energi- og Kommunikationsministeriet
Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach with special responsibility as Government Chief Whip and at the Department of Defenceviceminister, premierministerens kontor, med særligt ansvar som "Government Chief Whip", og Forsvarsministeriet
Minister of State at the Department of Tourism and Tradeviceminister, Ministeriet for Turisme og Handel
Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Energy and Communicationsviceminister, Trafik-, Energi- og Kommunikationsministeriet
Minister of State at the Office of the Tanaiste and at the Department of Enterprise and Employment with special responsibility for Labour Affairsviceminister, vicepremierministerens kontor samt Ministeriet for Erhvervspolitik og Beskæftigelse, med særligt ansvar for arbejdsmarkedsspørgsmål
Minister of State, Department for Educationviceminister, Undervisningsministeriet
Minister of State, Department of Employmentviceminister, Arbejdsministeriet
Minister of State, Department of Health Minister for Healthviceminister, Sundhedsministeriet, med ansvar for sundhedsanliggender
Minister of State, Department of Social Securityviceminister, Socialministeriet
Minister of State, Department of Social Security Minister for Social Security and Disabled Peopleviceminister, Ministeriet for Social Sikring minister for social sikring og handicappede
Minister of State, Department of the Environment Minister for the Environment and Countrysideviceminister, Miljøministeriet, med ansvar for miljøanliggender og landskabsværdier
Minister of State, Department of the Environment Minister for Construction and Planningviceminister, Miljøministeriet, med ansvar for byggeri og planlægning
Minister of State, Department of the Environment Minister for Local Government, Housing and Urban Regenerationviceminister, Miljøministeriet, med ansvar for lokalstyre, boliganliggender og byfornyelse
Minister of State, Department of Trade and Industry Minister for Tradeviceminister, Handels- og Industriministeriet, med ansvar for handel
Minister of State, Department of Trade and Industry Minister for Consumer Affairs and Small Firmsviceminister, Handels- og Industriministeriet, med ansvar for forbrugeranliggender og små virksomheder
Minister of State, Department of Trade and Industry Minister for Industry and Energyviceminister, Handels- og Industriministeriet, med ansvar for industri- og energianliggender
Minister of State, Department of Transport Minister for Railways and Roadsviceminister, Trafikministeriet, med ansvar for jernbaner og veje
Minister of State for European Affairs and Local Development at the Department of the Taoiseachviceminister for Europaspørgsmål og lokal planlægning, premierministerens kontor
Minister of State to the Government and at the Department of Enterprise and Employment with special responsibility for Commerce and Technology and Consumer Affairsviceminister, i regeringen samt i Ministeriet for Erhvervspolitik og Beskæftigelse, med særligt ansvar for handel, teknologi og forbrugerspørgsmål
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Educationstatssekretær, Undervisningsministeriet
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Employmentstatssekretær, Arbejdsministeriet
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Healthstatssekretær, Sundhedsministeriet
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Social Securitystatssekretær, Ministeriet for Social Sikring
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of the Environmentstatssekretær, Miljøministeriet
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Trade and Industry Corporate Affairsstatssekretær, Handels- og Industriministeriet virksomhedsanliggender
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Transport Transport in London, Local Transport and Road Safetystatssekretær, Trafikministeriet transport i London, lokal transport og trafiksikkerhed
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Lord Chancellor's Departmentstatssekretær, Lordkanslerens Ministerium Justitsministeriet
performance of contracts through public works departmentsudførelse ved det offentliges foranstaltning
performance of contracts through public works departmentsudførelse i offentligt regi
Please send the Conference Organisation Department a list of your delegates to this meeting as soon as possible. E-mail address: ... fax ....Deltagerliste bedes snarest fremsendt til Konferencetjenesten/Organisation. E-mailadresse: ... fax: ...
protocol department of the Directorate-General for External Relationsprotokolafdeling i generaldirektoratet for forbindelser med tredjelande
Protocol on the treatment to be applied to products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community in respect of Algeria and the Overseas Departments of the French RepublicProtokol vedrørende den ordning, der skal finde anvendelse på varer, som henhører under Det Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab med hensyn til Algeriet og Den Franske Republiks oversøiske departementer
provisional location of certain departmentsforeløbig placering af visse tjenester
Secretary of State for the Home Departmentindenrigsminister
senior officials of the major ministerial departmentslederne af de vigtigste sektioner i udenrigsministerierne
stamp of the department responsiblepåtegning af den kompetente instans
Standing Committee of Heads of National Revenue DepartmentsDet stående Udvalg af chefer for de nationale Skatteadministrationer
the President shall be responsible for the administration of the departmentsformanden har til opgave at lede det administrative arbejde
Training Department of EuropolEuropols Uddannelsesafdeling
United Nations Department of Humanitarian AffairsAfdeling for Humanitære Anliggender
Working Party of Directors-General of Fisheries DepartmentsGruppen af Generaldirektører for Fiskeri