
Terms for subject Medical containing Degree | all forms | exact matches only
average degree of dominancedominansgrad
Berdel degrees of allergyBerdel's teori om dannelse af antistoffer
degree of consanguinitygraden af blodsbeslægtethed
degree of consciousnessgrad af bevidsthed
degree of consciousnessbevidsthedsintensitet
degree of deteriorationfordærvethedsgrad
degree of efficacyvirkningsgrad
degree of food absorptionkostens udnyttelsesgrad
degree of hearing impairmentgrad af hørenedsættelse
degree of sensitizationsensibiliseringsgrad
fatigue degreetræthedsgrad
first-degree burnthermogent erythem
first-degree burngrads forbrænding
first degree congelationførste grads forfrysning
first degree congelationkulde-erythem
first degree congelationcongelatio erythematosa
pharmaceutical degree of puritypharmaceutisk renhedsgrad
ploid degreeploidiniveau
second-degree burngrads forbrænding
second-degree burnbulløs forbrænding
second degree congelationcongelatio bullosa
second degree congelationanden grads forfrysning (congelatio bullosa)
third-degree burngrads forbrænding
third-degree chemical burntredjegradsætsning
third degree congelationtredjegrads forfrysning
third degree congelationcongelatio escharotica
usual degree of physical activitysædvanlig fysisk aktivitet