
Terms for subject Agriculture containing Degree | all forms | exact matches only
degree-day-dryingtemperaturforskel mellem indgangs-og afgangs/luft
degree of aciditysurhedsgrad
degree of alcoholvirkeligt alkoholindhold
degree of alcoholalkoholgrad
degree of attenuationforgæringsgrad
degree of barley steepingstøbegrad
degree of barley steepingbyg-støbegrad
degree of controlkontrolgrad
degree of fat coverfedtlag
degree of fat coverfoderstand
degree of fatteningfedningsgrad
degree of fatteningfoderstand
degree of freshnessfriskhedsgrad
degree of hanging-in of the netforholdet mellem overtællens og undertællens føring
degree of moisturefugtighedsindhold
degree of moisturefugtighedsprocent
degree of moisturefugtighedsgrad
degree of purityrenhedsgrad
degree of refiningraffineringsgrad
degree of ripenessmodningsgrad
degree of saturationmætningsgrad
degree of steepingstøbegrad
degree of steepingbyg-støbegrad
degree of sweetnessgraden af sødme
degree Platoprocent Plato
degree Platoprocent Balling
degree RégieRégie-procent
degrees Plato% Plato
degrees PlatoBalling-grad
degrees PlatoPlato-grad
degrees Plato% Balling
determination of degree of steepingbestemmelse af støbegrad
hectolitre degreehektograd
the degree of freedom of trade in agricultural productsgraden af fri samhandel med landbrugsprodukter
vacuum degreegrad af vakuum