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Terms for subject Finances containing Customs and | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020Fiscusprogrammet
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020handlingsprogrammet Fiscus
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020handlingsprogram for told og beskatning i Den Europæiske Union for perioden 2014-2020
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020Fiscus
Advisory Committee on Customs and Indirect TaxationDet Rådgivende Told- og Afgiftsudvalg
Agreement on customs cooperation between the European Community and the Kingdom of Norwaytoldsamarbejdsaftale mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Kongeriget Norge
collector of customs and exciseopkræver af told og afgifter
Community rules on customs matters and quantitative restrictionsfællesskabsregler vedrørende told og kvantitative restriktioner
Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on mutual assistance and cooperation between customs administrations Naples IIkonvention, udarbejdet på grundlag af artikel K.3 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, om gensidig bistand og samarbejde mellem toldmyndighederne
Convention on mutual assistance and cooperation between customs administrationskonvention, udarbejdet på grundlag af artikel K.3 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, om gensidig bistand og samarbejde mellem toldmyndighederne
Customs and Excise ActDen generelle lov om told og afgifter
customs and excise bondToldgaranti
customs and excise bondGaranti stillet overfor Toldvæsnet
customs and passport formalities in transittold-og paskontrol i toget
Customs Code Committee - Section for Customs Warehouses and Free ZonesToldkodeksudvalget - Gruppen for Toldoplag og Frizoner
Customs Code Committee - Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature SectionToldkodeksudvalget - Gruppen for Told- og Statistiknomenklaturen
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation for Private Use of Aircraft and Pleasure Boatstoldkonvention om midlertidig indførsel til privat brug af luftfartøjer og lystbåde
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation for Private Use of Aircraft and Pleasure Boats-Geneva 1956Toldkonvention om midlertidig indførsel til privat brug af luftfartøjer og lystbåde - Genève 1956
detachable vouchers for Customs control and dischargeafrivningsblade til toldkontrol og afvikling
headings and subheadings of the Common Customs Tariffpositioner og underpositioner i den fælles toldtarif
Her Majesty's Customs and Excisetold- og skatteforvaltningen
Her Majesty's Customs and ExciseToldvæsen
International Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance for the Prevention, Investigation and Repression of Customs Offencesden internationale konvention om gensidig administrativ bistand ved forebyggelse, efterforskning og retsforfølgelse af overtrædelser af toldlovgivningen
International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures-Brussels 1974Den internationale konvention om forenkling og harmonisering af regler om toldbehandling-Bruxelles 1974
particulars and documents to be furnished to the customs authoritiesoplysninger og dokumenter, der skal afgives til toldvæsenet
Section for Customs Warehouses and Free ZonesGruppen for Toldoplag og Frizoner
Specific common programmes for the vocational training of customs officials, with regard to inward processing, temporary admission and transitSærlige fællesprogrammer for faglig uddannelse af toldembedsmænd vedrørende aktiv forædling,midlertidig indførsel og forsendelse
Subgroup on Customs Legislation and Rules of OriginUndergruppen vedrørende Toldlovgivning og Oprindelsesregler
Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature Section of the Customs Code CommitteeGruppen vedrørende Told og Statistiknomenklaturen under Toldkodeksudvalget
the setting up and progressive introduction of the Common Customs Tariffoprettelsen og den gradvise indførelse af den fælles toldtarif