
Terms for subject Taxes containing Convention | all forms | exact matches only
Container Pool Conventionkonvention om toldproceduren for containere, som inden for rammerne af en pool benyttes til international transport
Container Pool Conventionkonvention om containerpools
Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital and to certain other Taxeskonventionen mellem Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland og Amerikas Forenede Stater med henblik på at undgå dobbeltbeskatning og forebygge skattesvig for så vidt angår beskatning af indtægter og kapital og andre afgifter
Convention on Customs Treatment of Pool Containers used in International Transportkonvention om toldproceduren for containere, som inden for rammerne af en pool benyttes til international transport
Convention on Customs Treatment of Pool Containers used in International Transportkonvention om containerpools
Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matterskonvention om gensidig administrativ bistand i skattesager
Convention on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation between Customs AdministrationsKonventionen om gensidig bistand og samarbejde mellem toldmyndighed
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on the elimination of double taxation in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterpriseskonvention om Republikken Østrigs, Republikken Finlands og Kongeriget Sveriges tiltrædelse af konventionen om ophævelse af dobbeltbeskatning i forbindelse med regulering af forbundne foretagenders overskud
Convention on the Elimination of Double Taxation in connection with the Adjustment of Profits of Associated Enterpriseskonvention om ophævelse af dobbeltbeskatning i forbindelse med regulering af forbundne foretagenders overskud
Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles Engaged in International Goods Transportkonvention om beskatning af køretøjer, som benyttes til international godstransport ad landevej
Council of Europe Multilateral Mutual Assistance Conventionkonvention om gensidig administrativ bistand i skattesager
Customs Convention on containerstoldkonvention om containere
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Commercial Road Vehiclestoldkonvention om midlertidig indførsel af erhvervskøretøjer til landevejstransport
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Commercial Road Vehiclestoldkonvention om midlertidig indførsel af erhvervskøretøjer benyttet til vejfærdsel
Customs Convention on the temporary importation of packingstoldkonvention om midlertidig indførsel af emballage
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehiclestoldkonventionen om midlertidig indførsel af private køretøjer benyttet til vejfærdsel
double taxation conventiondobbeltbeskatningsoverenskomst
International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Proceduresinternational konvention om forenkling og harmonisering af regler om toldbehandling
International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs ProceduresKyoto-konventionen
Kyoto ConventionKyoto-konventionen
Kyoto Conventioninternational konvention om forenkling og harmonisering af regler om toldbehandling
OECD Model Double Taxation ConventionOECD's modelkonvention om dobbeltbeskatning
Protocol amending the Convention of 23 July 1990 on the elimination of double taxation in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterprisesprotokol om ændring af konventionen af 23. juli 1990 om ophævelse af dobbeltbeskatning i forbindelse med regulering af forbundne foretagenders overskud
Protocol amending the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Mattersprotokol til ændring af konventionen om gensidig administrativ bistand i skattesager