
Terms containing Continental | all forms | exact matches only
law, int. law., min.prod.Commission on the Limits of the Continental ShelfKommissionen for Kontinentalsoklens Grænser
earth.sc.continental anticyclonekontinentalt højtryk
earth.sc.continental anticyclonekontinental anticyklon
gen.continental breakfastmorgencomplet
agric.continental Cambridge rollercambridgetromle
commun.continental circuitkontinentalt kredsløb
gen.continental climatekontinentalklima
environ.continental climate A climate characterized by hot summers, cold winters, and little rainfall, typical of the interior of a continentfastlandsklima
gen.continental climatefastlandsklima
commun.continental connectionkontinental forbindelse
environ., min.prod.continental deep-sea zonebatyalzone
environ., min.prod.continental deep-sea zonebatyal
life.sc.continental deep-sea zonebathyalzone
earth.sc.continental driftkontinentalforskydning
earth.sc.continental driftkontinentaldrift
earth.sc.continental duneindlandklit
gen.continental erosionerosionaf jordoverfladen
life.sc.continental facieskontinental facies
fish.farm.continental farm for fishkontinentalt akvakulturbrug - fisk
earth.sc.continental highkontinentalt højtryk
life.sc.continental mapkort over verdensdel
earth.sc., environ., geogr.continental marginkontinentalmargen
gen.continental planværelse med morgenmad
textilecontinental quiltdyne
gen.continental regionskontinentalregioner
gen.continental regionskontinentale regioner
earth.sc., environ., geogr.continental risekontinentalhævning
earth.sc., environ., geogr.continental risehævning
environ.continental salt meadowindlands-saltmarsk (Puccinellietalia distantis)
environ.continental salt meadowskontinentale saltenge
earth.sc.continental sandstonekontinental sandsten
agric.continental sausageskontinentale pølser
econ.continental shelffastlandssokkel
environ.continental shelf The gently sloping seabed of the shallow water nearest to a continent, covering about 45 miles from the shore and deepening over the sloping sea floor to an average depth of 400 ft. It continues until it reaches the continental slope. The continental shelf contains most of the important fishing grounds and a range of resources, including gas and oil, sand and gravel. However, the shelf is, in general, a structural extension of the continent, and so may also be a source of minerals found in that region, such as tin, gold and platinumfastlandssokkel
earth.sc.continental shelfkontinentalsokkel
earth.sc.continental shieldkraton
earth.sc.continental shieldskjold
earth.sc.continental shieldkontinental blok
earth.sc.continental shoulderfastlandsskrænt
environ.continental slopekontinentalskråning
environ.continental slopekontinentalskrænt
earth.sc.continental slopefastlandsskrænt
earth.sc.continental talusfastlandsskrænt
chem., el.continental type burnerpibebrænder
chem., el.continental type burnergasbrænderrør
transp.continental wagonkontinentalvogn
environ.continental waterkontinentalvand
environ.continental waterfastlandsvand
med.continental zoneindlandszone
polit.convention on the continental shelfkonvention om den kontinentale sokkel
earth.sc.earth's continental crustkontinentskorpen
environ.foot of the continental slopekontinentalskråningens fod
environ.foot of the continental slopekontinentalskræntsfod
environ.foot of the continental slopefoden af kontinentalskråningen
gen.Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelfkonvention om den kontinentale sokkel
environ.outer edge of the continental marginkontinentalmargenens yderkant
earth.sc.permian continental sedimentkontinentalt permsediment
environ.Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf and the Seabed and its Subsoilprotokol om beskyttelse af Middelhavet mod forurening som følge af udforskning og udnyttelse af kontinentalsoklen, havbunden og undergrunden
gen.Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelfprotokol til bekæmpelse af ulovlige handlinger mod sikkerheden for fastgjorte platforme, der befinder sig på kontinentalsokkelen
industr.Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms on the Continental Shelfprotokol til bekæmpelse af ulovlige handlinger mod sikkerheden for platforme på kontinentalsokkelen
law, coal.regulation on hydrocarbon licences for the continental shelfbekendtgørelsen om tilladelser til søgning efter kulbrinter på kontinentalsoklen
environ.Sub-continental steppic grasslandsubkontinentalt steppeagtigt græsareal
min.prod., oilUnited Kingdom Continental ShelfDet Forenede Kongeriges kontinentalsokkel