
Terms containing Completion | all forms | exact matches only
market., transp.Action programme in the field of transport infrastructure with a view to the completion of an integrated transport market in 1992Handlingsprogram på infrastrukturområdet med henblik på gennemførelsen af det integrerede transportmarked i 1992
account.audit completion checklistcheckliste til brug ved gennemførelsen af de forskellige revisionsfaser
market., fin.balance due on completionsaldo til betaling ved købsafslutning
comp., MSbudget at completionbudget ved afslutning (The original project, resource, and assignment cost as shown in the baseline plan. The baseline cost is a snapshot of the cost at the time when the baseline plan was saved)
commun.call completion rateantal gennemførte opkald
health., ed., school.sl.certificate of completion of specialist trainingbevis for afsluttet speciallægeuddannelse
ed.Community initiative concerning the new qualifications, new skills and new employment opportunities induced by the completion of the internal market and technological changefællesskabsinitiativ om de nye kvalifikationer, den nye kompetence og de nye beskæftigelsesmuligheder, som gennemførelsen af det indre marked og de teknologiske udvikling medfører
ed.Community initiative concerning the new qualifications, new skills and new employment opportunities induced by the completion of the internal market and technological changefællesskabsinitiativ til udvikling af nye kvalifikationer, ny erhvervskompetence og nye beskæftigelsesmuligheder
ed.Community initiative concerning the new qualifications, new skills and new employment opportunities induced by the completion of the internal market and technological changeProgram for EF-initiativer inden for erhvervsuddannelse
insur.completion bondfuldførelsesgaranti
law, construct.completion certificatefuldførelsesdato
fin.completion dateskæringsdato
fin.completion dateafviklingdato
gen.completion deadlinegennemførelsesfrist
fin.completion guaranteesimpelt kautionsforhold
fin.completion loanfuldførelseslån
fin.completion of a credit transfergennemførelse af en kreditoverførsel
insur.completion of a period of insurancetilbagelæggelse af en forsikringsperiode
commun.completion of call meeting busyfuldførelse af opkald til optaget abonnent
commun., ITcompletion of calls to busy subscribersfuldførelse af opkald til optaget abonnent
fin.completion of customs formalitiesopfyldelse af toldformaliteterne
med.completion of dressingafslutning af slagtebehandling
fish.farm.completion of fishing operations of each vesselafslutningen af hvert fartøjs fiskeriaktiviteter
life.sc., agric., tech.completion of operationsretslig afslutning af jordfordeling
chem., construct.completion of settingslutafbinding
law, econ.completion of the internal marketvirkeliggørelse af det indre marked
law, econ.completion of the internal marketgennemførelse af det indre marked
fin.completion of the market in financial servicesopbygningen af finansmarkedet
econ., agric.completion of the plan for materially improving of the holdingplan for konkret forbedring af bedriften
econ., agric.completion of the plan for materially improving of the holdingplanens afslutning
econ., agric.completion of the plan for materially improving of the holdingforbedringsplan
polit., lawcompletion of the preparatory inquiryafslutningen af sagens forberedelse
ed.completion of trainingfuldført uddannelse
fin.completion pointafslutningstidspunkt completion point
commun., ITcompletion ratetarif for gennemførte opkald
commun.completion ratiosvarbelægningsforhold
construct.completion reportgenerel rapport over et afsluttet bygningsværk
med.completion testkompletteringsprøve
fin.date of completionskæringsdato
fin.date of completionafviklingdato
commun., transp.device to enforce completion of lever movementfuldførelsesspærre
ed.diploma certifying successful completion of higher or university educationakademisk grad
ed.diploma certifying successful completion of higher or university educationbevis for videregående uddannelse
ed.diploma certifying successful completion of higher or university educationeksamensbevis for videregående uddannelse
health., ed., school.sl.diploma confirming the completion of general internshipbevis for gennemført almen turnustjeneste
health., ed., school.sl.diploma confirming the completion of medical studiesbevis for medicinsk embedseksamen
med.drawing-completion testkompletteringstest
comp., MSestimate at completionestimat ved fuldførelse (The expected total cost of a task or project, based on performance as of the status date. EAC is calculated as follows: EAC = ACWP + (BAC-BCWP)/CPI)
comp., MSestimate at completionvurdering ved afslutning (The expected total cost of a task or project, based on performance as of the status date. EAC is calculated as follows: EAC = ACWP + (BAC-BCWP)/CPI)
IT, dat.proc.event completionhændelsesslut
ed.examination marking completion of a trade apprenticeshiphåndværksuddannelsesbevis
ed., unions.general system for the recognition of higher-education diplomas awarded on completion of professional education and training of at least three years' durationgenerel ordning for gensidig anerkendelse af eksamensbeviser for erhvervskompetencegivende videregående uddannelser af mindst tre års varighed
commun.handover completionhandover-slut
gen.installation completion certificatecertifikat for færdig installation
gen.late completion of a contractforsinkelse i gennemførelsen af en kontrakt
gen.late completion of a contractforsinkelse i gennemførelsen af en aftale
construct.near completionnær færdiggørelse
el.non-completion of the programmemanglende overholdelse af forsyningsplan eller forsyningsprogram
el., construct.notice of completion of workmeddelelse om arbejdets afslutning
coal., el.open-hole completionåben zone-udbygning
med.picture completion testbilledkompletteringsprøve
mater.sc.post-completion drawingbesigtigelsesplan
econ.preliminary annual data,compiled prior to the completion of the input-output tableforeløbige årlige data fremstillet før opstillingen af input-output tabellen
commun., ITprobability of successful service completionsandsynlighed for heldig gennemført ydelse
mun.plan.programme of decants and completionsprogram for midlertidige boligfaciliteter og færdiggørelse
gov.report on completion of probationary periodudtalelse ved prøvetidens udløb
med.sentence completion testsætningsfærdiggørelsesprøve
commun.signalling link,completion of establishment of-signalledet,etablering af-fuldføres
gen.stage completion certificateetapecertifikat
commun.successful service completionvellykket gennemførelse
econ., tax.tax barrier to completion of the internal marketskattemæssig hindring for etableringen af det indre marked
IT, dat.proc.transaction completiontransaktionsafslutning
comp., MSvariance at completionafvigelse ved afslutning (The earned value field that shows the difference between the budget at completion [BAC] and the estimate at completion [EAC]. In Project, the EAC is the Total Cost field, and the BAC is the Baseline Cost field)
coal., el.well completionboringsudbygning
construct., econ.White Paper on completion of the internal markethvidbog om gennemførelsen af det indre marked
life.sc., construct.year of completionfuldførelsesår