
Terms for subject Taxes containing Company | all forms | exact matches only
Committee of independent Experts on Company Taxationudvalg af uafhængige eksperter om selskabsbeskatning
Committee of independent Experts on Company TaxationRuding-udvalget
company taxationselskabsbeskatning
cut in company taxationlempelse af erhvervsbeskatningen
direct taxation of companiesdirekt beskatning af virksomhederne
fraud based on fictitious companiessvig baseret på fiktive selskaber
headquarter companyselskab med hovedkontorfunktioner
headquarter companyheadquarter-selskab
national company tax systemnationalt selskabsskattesystem
rule for determining the taxable profits of companiesregel for beskatning af virksomheders overskud
small companies reliefskattelettelse til små virksomheder
tax treatment of the activities of the companiesskattemæssig behandling af virksomhedernes aktiviteter
taxation of groups of companieskoncernbeskatning