
Terms containing Command | all forms | exact matches only
IT, dat.proc.abandonment of a commandfortryde kommando
IT, dat.proc.abandonment of a commandafbryde kommando
IT, dat.proc.abbreviated commandforkortet kommando
IT, dat.proc.abortion of a commandafbryde kommando
IT, dat.proc.abortion of a commandfortryde kommando
commun.adjusting commandstillingsordre
commun.adjusting commandjusteringskommando
gen.Air Component Commandflyvevåbenkommando
gen.Air Component CommandAir Component Command
gen.Air Component Commandflykomponentkommando
gen.air defence commandluftforsvarskommando
gen.airborne command postflyvende kommandopost
transp.airborne command post helicopterluftbåren kommandostation
transp.airborne command post helicopterkommandohelikopter
gen.Allied Command Atlanticallieret kommando for Atlanterhavet
gen.Allied Command Channelallieret kanalkommando
gen.Allied Command EuropeDen Allierede Kommando i Europa
gen.Allied Command EuropeAllieret europakommando
gen.Allied Command in Europe Rapid Reaction Forcesærlige udrykningsstyrke
gen.Allied Command OperationsDen Allierede Operationskommando
gen.Allied Command TransformationDen Allierede Transformationskommando
gen.amphibious command shipamfibie kommandoskib
comp., MSapp commandappkommando (A function relevant to an app in use that is displayed on the app bar)
gen.area commandområdekommando
gen.Armoured Command Vehiclepansret kampkøretøj
gen.Armoured Command Vehiclepanserkøretøj
commun.asynchronous transfer command setAT-kommandosæt
commun.AT command setAT-kommandosæt
gen.at my commandpå min kommando
work.fl., ITBACK commandBAK kommando
work.fl., ITBACK commandBACK kommando
work.fl., ITBASE commandBASE kommando
gen.base commandbasekommando
commun.broadcast commandrundspredende kommando
commun.broadcast commandgenerel ordre
commun.broadcast commandgenerel kommando
IT, dat.proc.buffer commandbufferkommando
IT, dat.proc.built-in commandintern kommando
IT, dat.proc.built-in commandindbygget kommando
IT, dat.proc.calling commandkaldekommando
IT, dat.proc.calling commandaktiveringskommando
IT, dat.proc.cancellation of a commandannullering af kommando
IT, dat.proc.catalogue of commandsordrefortegnelse
gen.Central European CommandDen Centraleuropæiske Kommando
gen.chain of commandkommandokæde
gen.chain of commandkommandovej
IT, dat.proc.channel commandkanalordre
ITchannel command wordkanalordreord
commun.check commandkontrolordre
commun.check commandkontrolkommando
IT, dat.proc.closing a command filelukning af kommandofil
IT, dat.proc.color of the command areafarve på kommandofelt
IT, dat.proc.colour of the command areafarve på kommandofelt
gen.Combined Security Transition Command - AfghanistanCombined Security Transition Command – Afghanistan
gen.to command an operationhave kommandoen over en operation
ITcommand analysis programkommandoanalyseprogram
ITcommand analysis programmekommandoanalyseprogram
gen.command and controlkommando og kontrol
gen."command and control" approach"befal og kontroller"-metode
gen.Command and Control Information Systemkommando- og kontrolinformationssystem
ITcommand and control systemovervågnings-og styresystem
ITcommand and control systemmonitor-og alarmsystem
ITcommand and control systemkontrolsystem
commun.command and data acquisitionstyring og dataopsamling
commun.command and data acquisitionkontrol og dataopsamling
ITcommand and data linestyrings- og datatransmissionslinje
ITcommand and data management subsystemdatastyrings-og kommandobehandlingssystem
ITcommand-and-control servercommand and control server
gen.command-and-control serverC & C server
IT, dat.proc.command areakommandofelt
IT, dat.proc.command argumentargument for ordre
med.command automatismautomatisk adlyden
gen.command axiskommandohovedkvarterets bevægelsesakse
comp., MScommand barkommandolinje (In VBA, a resource in which toolbars, shortcut menus, and menu bars and their menus have been combined into a single functionality. Command bars can be one of three types: menu bar, toolbar, or pop-up menu)
IT, dat.proc.command boxkommandofelt
IT, dat.proc.command bufferordrebuffer
comp., MScommand buttonkommandoknap (A standard Windows control that initiates a command)
IT, dat.proc.command catalogordrefortegnelse
transp.command centrekontrolcentral
IT, dat.proc.command characterkommandotegn
IT, dat.proc.command characterinitialiseringstegn
IT, tech.command codeordrekode
IT, tech.command codeoperationskode
ITcommand consolerobotstyreenhed
commun.command controlkommandostyring
commun.command controlfjernstyring
gen.command, control and communicationkommando, kontrol og kommunikation
gen.command,control and information systemkontrol og informations-system
gen.command,control and information systemkommando
comp., MScommand control block A specifically formatted information set used in the IBM Token Ring environment that is transmitted from the application program to the adapter support software to request an operationCCB (Command Control Block)
tech.command, control, communications and informationkommando, kontrol, kommunikation og efterretningsvirksomhed
tech.command, control, communications and intelligencekommando, kontrol, kommunikation og efterretningsvirksomhed
gen.Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissancekommando, kontrol, kommunikation, computer, efterretning, overvågning og rekognoscering
gen.Command, Control, Communications, Computers C4, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ISTARkommando, kontrol, kommunikation, computerbehandling C4, efterretning, overvågning, måludpegning og rekognoscering ISTAR
ITcommand control programkommando-styreprogram
transp., avia.command courseluftfartøjschefkursus
IT, dat.proc.command cursormenubjælke
ITcommand decoderkommando-dekoder
commun.command destructfjernbetjent selvdestruktionssystem
commun.command destruct signalsignal for fjernudløsningsdestruktion
commun.command detonated minefjernudløst kontrolleret mine
commun., ITcommand-driven accesskommandostyret adgang
IT, dat.proc.command-driven software package programkommandostyret program
work.fl., ITcommand-driven systemkommandostyret system
fin.command economyplanøkonomi
fin.command economystyret økonomi
econ.command economystatsdirigeret økonomi
transp.command ejectionkoordineret udskydning ved ét betjeningsgreb
transp.command ejection systemsystem med koordineret udskydning ved et betjeningsgreb
IT, dat.proc.command entry areakommandofelt
work.fl., ITcommand expressionkommando
work.fl., ITcommand expressionkommandoudtryk
gen.Command Field ExerciseCommand Field Exercise
gen.Command Field Exercisekommandostationsfeltøvelse
IT, dat.proc.command file closurelukning af kommandofil
IT, dat.proc.command file compressionkomprimering af kommandofil
IT, dat.proc.command file encryptionkryptering af kommandofil
IT, dat.proc.command file nestingnesting af kommandofil
IT, dat.proc.command file nestingindlejret kald af kommandofil
ITcommand formatkommandoformat
el.command framekommandodatablok
IT, dat.proc.command functionkommandofunktion
IT, dat.proc.command functioncommand function
commun.command guidancekommandostyring
ITcommand interpreterkommandofortolker
IT, dat.proc.command invalidationophæve kommando
IT, dat.proc.command invalidationfortryde
IT, dat.proc.command invalidationfortryde kommando
IT, dat.proc.command issueafgivelse af kommando
ITcommand keyordretast
ITcommand languagekommandosprog
gen.command languagesøgesprog
comp., MScommand linekommandolinje (A string of text written in the command language and passed to the command interpreter for execution)
comp., MScommand-line interfacekommandolinjegrænseflade (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
commun., ITcommand line interfacekommandolinjeinterface
comp., MScommand line interfacekommandolinjegrænseflade (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
comp., MScommand-line optionkommandolinjeparameter (A string that is recognized by a shell command and modifies the way the command executes)
comp., MScommand line switchkommandolinjeparameter (In operating systems such as MS-DOS, an argument used to control the execution of a command or an application, typically starting with a slash character (/))
IT, dat.proc.command modekommandomode
astronaut., transp., el.command modulekommandosektion
ITcommand namekommandonavn
med.command negativismnegativisme
gen.command netkommandonet
IT, dat.proc.command pausepause i kommandoudførelse
commun., ITcommand PDUdataenhed for kommandoprotokol
IT, dat.proc.command pointermenubjælke
IT, dat.proc.command pointerkommandomarkør
gen.command postkommandopost
gen.command postkommandostation
comp., MScommand promptkommandoprompt (An interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types command language strings of text that are passed to the command interpreter for execution)
comp., MScommand prompt windowkommandolinje (A window that mimics an old MS-DOS display for typing command-line instructions)
commun., ITcommand protocol data unitdataenhed for kommandoprotokol
transp.command ratestyringsvinkelhastighed
commun.command receiverkontrolmodtager
IT, dat.proc.command reexecutionkommandogentagelse
commun.command reject responsekommandoafvisningssvar
commun.command/response field bitC/R-bit
commun.command/response field bitkommando-/svarfeltets bit
commun.command signalfjernstyringssignal
ITcommand signalstyresignal
mech.eng.command smootherstyringsdæmper
work.fl., ITcommand specificationkommandospecifikation
transp.command speedforudsat hastighed
work.fl., ITcommand stackingkommandostakning
construct.command statementopgørelse over afløbshøjde
work.fl., ITcommand structurekommandostruktur
ITcommand switch pathkommando switch fremføring
IT, dat.proc.command switching networkkommandoswitchingnet
IT, dat.proc.command terminal statusterminalens kommandostatus
comp., MScommand timeouttimeout for kommando (The amount of time allotted for executing a command against the database, which when reached causes an error message to be generated and displayed in the Web browser)
commun.command to line of sightsigteliniestyring
ITcommand unit cardkommandokort
IT, dat.proc.command validationbekræftelse af kommando
transp.command vehiclekommandovogn
comp., MSCommand windowKommandovindue (A window that is used to execute commands or aliases directly in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). You can execute both menu commands and commands that do not appear on any menu)
work.fl., ITcommand wordkommandonavn
gen.Commander Submarines Allied Command Atlanticchef for den allierede kommando for de atlantiske u-bådsstyrker
gen.Component Commandværnskommando
IT, dat.proc.condition commandbetinget ordre
gen.consultation, command and controlkommando, kontrol og kommunikation
IT, dat.proc.control commandskontrolkommandør
commun.DAS commandsDAS-kommando
gen.Defensive Command and Control Warfaredefensiv kommando- og kontrolkrigsførelse
work.fl., ITDEFINE commandDEFINER kommando
work.fl., ITDEFINE commandDEFINE kommando
work.fl., ITDELETE commandSLET kommando
work.fl., ITDELETE commandDELETE kommando
el.digital command signaldigitalt styresignal
ITdigital servo-command controldigital servostyring
el.disconnect commandafbrydelseskommando
IT, dat.proc.display commandskærmkommando
commun.double commanddobbeltordre
commun.double commanddobbeltkommando
commun.earth command stationjord-kontrolstation
comp., MSedit commandredigeringskommando (A command such as Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo, and so on that enables a user to modify a document, Web page, or application)
ITedit commandsediteringskommandør
ITediting commandredigeringsordre
ITediting commandediteringsordre
comp., MSelevated command promptkommandoprompt med administratorrettigheder (A command prompt that is run in a privileged administrator security context that allows actions that would normally be restricted. Without elevation, command prompts in Windows Client and Windows Server run in a restricted state)
IT, dat.proc.to enter DOS/OS2/UNIX commandsafgive DOS/OS2/UNIX-kommandør
gen.EU Command ElementEU-kommandoelement
gen.European Air Transport Commandeuropæisk flytransportkommando
IT, dat.proc.execution commandkørselskommando
life.sc., construct.field commandafløbshøjde over terræn
work.fl., ITFIND commandFIND kommando
IT, earth.sc.firing command circuitstyrekredsløb til udløsning
ITfixed command controlkonstantregulering
IT, dat.proc.flip-flop commandflip-flop kommando
transp.flying command helicopterkommandohelikopter
transp.flying command helicopterluftbåren kommandostation
IT, dat.proc.formatting commandformatteringsordre
gen.full commandfuld kommando
IT, dat.proc.full-screen commandhelskærmskommando
commun.function commandsekvens startordre
commun.function commandsekvens startkommando
commun.general interrogation commandalmen forespørgselsordre
commun.general interrogation commandalmen forespørgselskommando
commun.ground commandjordstation
commun.group commandgruppeordre
commun.group commandgruppekommando
el.group commandgruppestyring
gen.Guidelines for Command and Control Structure for EU Civilian Operations in Crisis Managementretningslinjer for kommando- og kontrolstrukturen for EU's civile krisestyringsoperationer
commun.Handover Command messagehandover command-meddelelse
work.fl., ITHELP commandHJÆLP kommando
work.fl., ITHELP commandHELP kommando
commun.hierarchical command structurehierarkisk kontrolstruktur
commun.I commandinformationskommando
commun.I commandI-kommando
ITimplicit commandimplicit kommando
IT, dat.proc.inbuilt commandindbygget kommando
IT, dat.proc.inbuilt commandintern kommando
commun.incremental commandtrinændringsordre
commun.incremental commandtrinændringskommando
transp., mech.eng.in-flight commandordre under flyvning
work.fl., ITINFO commandINFO kommando
commun.information commandI-kommando
commun.information commandinformationskommando
commun.instruction commandinstruktionsordre
commun.instruction commandinstruktionskommando
IT, dat.proc.integrated commandindbygget kommando
IT, dat.proc.integrated commandintern kommando
gen.inter-command exerciseøvelse med deltagelse af to eller flere NATO-kommandører
IT, dat.proc.interactive commandinteraktiv kommando
IT, dat.proc.intern commandintern kommando
IT, dat.proc.intern commandindbygget kommando
commun.interrogation commandforespørgselsordre
commun.interrogation commandforespørgselskommando
IT, dat.proc.interruption of a commandafbryde kommando
IT, dat.proc.interruption of a commandfortryde kommando
gen.intra-command exerciseøvelse som kun berører en NATO-kommando
IT, dat.proc.invoking commandaktiveringskommando
IT, dat.proc.invoking commandkaldekommando
gen.Joint Force Commandfælles styrkekommando
gen.Joint Forces Commandfælleskommando
lawjudicial commandretlig afgørelse
IT, dat.proc.keyboard commandtasteordre
IT, dat.proc.keypad commandkommando fra tastatur
gen.Land Component CommandLand Component Command
gen.Land Component Commandlandkomponentkommando
gen.Land Component Commandhærkommando
transp., avia.line training in commandrutetræning som luftfartøjschef
ITlocal commandlokal kommando
ITloop-back commandsløjfetilbagekoblingskommando
commun.maintained commandholdeordre
commun.maintained commandstående ordre
commun.maintained commandvedligeholdt kommando
commun.maintained commandstående kommando
commun.maintained commandvedligeholdt ordre
commun.maintained commandholdekommando
el.maintenance command interpreter commandsdriftskommando
gen.Maritime Component CommandMaritime Component Command
gen.Maritime Component Commandsøværnskommando
gen.Maritime Component Commandflådekomponentkommando
el.MCI commandsdriftskommando
ITmemory load commandkommando til indlæsning i hukommelse
IT, dat.proc.menu commandmenukommando
comp., MSmenu commandmenukommando (A choice on a menu)
work.fl., ITMORE commandMORE kommando
work.fl., ITMORE commandMERE kommando
ITmultimedia media commandMMC-kommandosæt
gen.national commandnational kommando
gen.NATO command forcesstyrker under NATO kommando
gen.NATO's Integrated Military Command structureNATO's integrerede militære kommandostruktur
gen.North American Aerospace Defence CommandNordamerikas luftforsvarskommando
gen.North American Aerospace Defense CommandNordamerikas luftforsvarskommando
gen.North American Air Defense CommandNordamerikas luftforsvarskommando
gen.Offensive Command and Control Warfareoffensiv kommando- og kontrolkrigsførelse
gen.officer in tactical commandofficer som udøver taktisk kommando
IToperating commandbetjeningsordre
gen.operation commandoperationskommando
gen.operational chain of commandoperativ kommandovej
gen.Operational Commandoperativ kommando
gen.operational commandoperativ kommando
IToperator commandoperatørordre
work.fl., IToutput commandkommando til uddata
transp.performance-command systempræstationsstyresystem
commun.persistent commandkontinuerlig ordre
commun.persistent commandkontinuerlig kommando
commun.persistent regulating commandøge mindske kommando
transp., avia.pilot-in-commandluftfartøjschef
IT, transp.pitch auto commandautomatisk højdestyring
el.polling commandpollingkommando
comp., MSprestart commandførstartkommando (A script or an executable file that supports operating system deployment and that can interact with the user in Windows PE before a task sequence runs)
work.fl., ITPRINT commandSKRIV kommando
work.fl., ITPRINT commandPRINT kommando
IT, dat.proc.privileged commandprivilegeret kommando
IT, dat.proc.privileged commandprivilegeret ordre
IT, dat.proc.privileged commandprivilegeret instruktion
commun.pulse commandimpulsordre
commun.pulse commandimpulskommando
commun., ITPUT/FORCE/STATUS commandsPUT/FORCE/STATUS-kommando
gen.regional commandregionalkommando
gen.regional commandregional kommando
commun.regulating step commandtrinændringskommando
commun.regulating step commandtrinændringsordre
work.fl., ITRELATE commandRELATER kommando
work.fl., ITRELATE commandRELATE kommando
IT, dat.proc.relational commandrelationskommando
IT, dat.proc.relative commandrelativ kommando
ITremote commandfjernkommando
work.fl., ITREVIEW commandREVIEW kommando
work.fl., ITREVIEW commandGENSE kommando
gen.Revolutionary Command Councilrevolutionært kommandoråd
commun.SARM commandset asynchronous response mode command
work.fl., ITSAVE commandSAVE kommando
work.fl., ITSAVE commandGEM kommando
work.fl., ITSCAN commandSKAN kommando
work.fl., ITSCAN commandSCAN kommando
comp., MSscript commandscriptkommando (A command associated with a designated time in Windows Media-based content. The data can be used by players to perform a specific action such as displaying a Web page)
commun.select and execute commandtotrinsordre
commun.select and execute commandtotrinskommando
commun.selection commandudvalgsordre
commun.selection commandudvalgskommando
commun.selective interrogation commandselektiv forespørgselsordre
commun.selective interrogation commandselektiv forespørgselskommando
IT, dat.proc.sequence of commandskommandosekvens
IT, earth.sc.servo-command generatorservostyresignalgenerator
commun.set asynchronous response mode extended commandset asynchronous response mode extended command
commun.set asynchronous response mode extended commandSARME command
commun.set point commandreferencesignalordre
commun.set point commandønskeværdikommando
commun.set point commandreferenceordre
work.fl., ITSHOW commandVIS kommando
work.fl., ITSHOW commandSHOW kommando
ITsignaling command unit cardsignalkommandokort
ITsignalling command unit cardsignalkommandokort
commun.single commandenkeltordre
commun.single commandenkeltkommando
commun.SNRM commandset normal response mode command
gen.space-based system for command, control, communications and intelligencekommando-, kontrol- og kommunikationssystem i rummet
gen.space-based system for command, control, communications and intelligencekommando-,kontrol-og kommunikationssystem i rummet
commun.SPL commandSPL-kommando
commun.standard commandinstruktionskommando
commun.standard commandinstruktionsordre
commun.standby processor load commandSPL-kommando
commun.starting commandstartordre
commun.starting commandstartkommando
commun.station identification commandkommando for identifikation af station
commun.station interrogation commandstationsforespørgselsordre
commun.station interrogation commandstationsforespørgselskommando
IT, dat.proc.status commandstatuskommando
commun.step by step adjusting commandtrinændringsordre
commun.step by step adjusting commandtrinændringskommando
mech.eng.step by step command of the processtrinvis beherskelse af processen
commun.stop commandstopkommando
commun.stop commandstopordre
work.fl., ITSTOP commandSTOP kommando
IT"stop on command" systemnødstopprogram
gen.Strategic Air Commandstrategisk flyvevåbenkommando
gen.strategic commandstrategisk kommando
IT, dat.proc.structured commands blockstruktureret kommandoblok
IT, dat.proc.to suspend a commandindstille en kommando
IT, dat.proc.to suspend a commandblokere en kommando
commun.switching commandomkoblingskommando
commun.switching commandkoblingsordre
commun.switching commandkoblingskommando
gen.tactical commandtaktisk kommando
ITtandem advanced command languageTACL-sprog
commun., ITteleprinter commandoperatørkommando
commun.test commandtestkommando
commun.testing commandtestkommando
gen.the principle of ... a single command structureprincippet om ... enhedskommando
IT, dat.proc.time entry commandanmodning om klokkeslæt
IT, dat.proc.time input commandanmodning om klokkeslæt
IT, dat.proc.toggle commandflip-flop kommando
commun., ITtone digital command systemdigital fjernstyring
commun., ITtone-code commandtonekode-ordre
IT, transp.train command matchingmelding til køretøjer
commun.transmission command unittransmissionsstyre-enhed
commun.transmission command unittransmissionsstyre-og kontrol-enhed
commun.transmission command unittelekommunikationsstyreenhed
commun.transmission command unittransmissionsstyreenhed
comp., MSTransporter Command ShellTransporter-kommandoshell (The command line interface packaged with the Microsoft Transporter Suite For Lotus Domino, a bundle of utilities to help migrate from Domino to Exchange 2007)
ITtypographic commandtypografisk ordre
comp., MSUIDL commandUIDL-kommando (A PowerShell command that calls a Unique Identifier List)
IT, dat.proc.undoing of a commandfortryde
IT, dat.proc.undoing of a commandfortryde kommando
IT, dat.proc.undoing of a commandophæve kommando
gen.Unified Space Commandfælles rumkommando
ITunnumbered commandsunummererede kommandoer
ITunused command checkkontrol for ubrugt kommando
comp., MSvoice commandstemmekommando (A spoken command that controls a program or computer operation through speech recognition technology)
comp., MSvoice command modestemmekommandotilstand (A speech mode that you can use to give commands to a program)
IT, dat.proc.wait commandpausekommando