
Terms containing Children's | all forms | in specified order only
h.rghts.act., social.sc.Action Plan on Children's Rights in External Relationshandlingsplan om børns rettigheder i de eksterne forbindelser
law, social.sc.Austrian federal law on the grant of advances on children's maintenancelov om ydelse af forskud på underholdsbidrag til børn
med.average age corresponding to children's weighttil legemsvægten svarende alder
med.average age corresponding to children's weightvægtalder
med.average age corresponding to children's weightaldersvægt
social.sc.child born with lesions as a consequence of the mother's workbarn, der fødes med skader, der skyldes moderens arbejde
sociol.children's allowancebørnetilskud
sociol.children's allowancebørnetillæg
gen.children's allowancefamilieydelse
gen.children's allowancefamilietillæg
industr., construct.children's ankle bootbørneankelstøvle
gen.children's bookbørnebog
patents.children’s booksbørnebøger
transp.children's cartponyvogn
commun., ITchildren's channelbørnekanal
transp.children's cyclebarnecykel
med.children's diseasebørnesygdom
lawchildren's endowment assuranceudstyrs-og etableringsforsikring
health., environ.Children's Environment and Health Action Plan for Europeeuropæisk handlingsplan for børns miljø og sundhed Children's Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe
social.sc.children's farmbondegård for børn
social.sc.children's homebørnehjem
med.children's hospitalbørnehospital
econ.children's libraryungdomsbibliotek
patents.children’s multiple activity toysaktivitetslegetøj til børn
med.children's nursepædiatrisk sygeplejerske
med.children's nursebarneplejerske
med.children's nurseekspert i børnepleje
med.children's nursebørnesygeplejerske
patents.children’s optical eyewear and spectacle casesbriller, kontaktlinser og brilleetuier til børn
commun.children's picture bookbørnebilledbog
patents.children’s play cosmeticslegetøjsmake-up
hobby, construct.children's playgroundlegeplads
hobby, construct.children's playgroundlegeområde
commun., ITchildren's programmesbørneprogrammer
ed.children’s rightsbørns rettigheder
proced.law.children's rightsbarnets rettighed
proced.law.children's rightsbarnets ret
econ.children's rightsbørns rettigheder
cultur.children's songeuropæiske børnesange
cultur.children's songbørnesang
tax., social.sc.children's tax allowancenedslag for børn
hobby, cultur.children's theatrebørneteater
hobbychildren's wheelbarrowtrillebør til børn
hobbychildren's wheelbarrowlegetrillebør
insur.child's deferred assuranceopsat børneforsikring
proced.law.child's habitual residencebarnets sædvanlige opholdssted
proced.law.child's right to educationbarnets ret til uddannelse
proced.law.child's right to know his/her parentsret til at kende sit biologiske ophav
proced.law.child's right to know his/her parentsret til at kende sine forældre
hobbychild's swingbørnegynge
transp.child's ticketbarnebillet
transp.coach with children's play areavogn med børnelegeplads
transp.coach with children's play areafamilievogn
cultur.European children's songseuropæiske børnesange
cultur.European children's songsbørnesang
gen.European Convention on the exercise of children's rightseuropæisk konvention om udøvelse af børns rettigheder
law, social.sc.to have a child in one's careat have forsørgelsespligt for et barn
ed., transp.home for bargeman's childrenhjem for bådførers børn
proced.law.management of children's propertyvaretagelse af barnets økonomiske anliggender
proced.law.management of children's propertyforvaltning af barnets formue
ed.migrant’s childindvandrerbarn
patents.printed matter and paper goods, namely, books, comic books, children’s books, magazines, colouring books, activitytryksager og papirvarer, nemlig bøger, tegneserier, børnebøger, blade, tidsskrifter, malebøger, aktivitetsbøger
proced.law.responsibilty to safeguard and promote child's health development and welfareomsorgspligt over for barnet
proced.law.responsibilty to safeguard and promote child's health development and welfarepligt til at drage omsorg for barnet
med.school-children's myopiamyopi hos skolebørn
med.school-children's scoliosisscoliose blandt skolebørn
transp.school child's season ticketskolekort
transp.school child's season ticketabonnementskort for skoleelever
ed.school child's slateskoletavle
ed.school child's slateskifertavle til skolebørn
med.sick children's nursebørnesygeplejerske
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Children's FundDe Forenede Nationers Børnefond
social.sc., UNUnited Nations International Children's Emergency FundDe Forenede Nationers Børnefond
UNUniversal Children's Dayinternational dag for verdens børn
proced.law.vicarious liability of a child's parentshæftelse for børns erstatningsansvar