
Terms for subject Medical containing Central | all forms | exact matches only
antihypertensive acting on the central nervous systemantihypertensivum med central virkning
areolar central choroiditischorioiditis areolaris centralis Foerster
central admissioncentralvisitation
central analgesiacentral analgesi
central anesthesiacentral anæstesi
central ankylosiscentral ankylose
central anosmiacentral anosmi (anosmia centralis)
central bed supplysengedepot
Central Blood Transfusion Laboratorycentral Blodtransfusionslaboratorium
central blood volumecentralt blodvolumen
central bone of the wristos centrale manus (os centrale carpi)
Central Bureau Office for the prevention and suppression of illicit traffic in drugsCentralkontoret for bekæmpelse af illegal handel med narkotika
Central Bureau of NarcoticsCentralkontoret for narkotika
central callusmyelogen callus
central canalcanalis Cloquetii
central canalcanalis hyaloideus
central canal of spinal cordcanalis centralis
central cariescaries centralis
central cataractcataracta nuclearis (cataracta centralis)
central cataractkernestær (cataracta centralis)
central cataractcataracta centralis
central choroiditischorioiditis centralis
central choroidoretinitischorioretinitis centralis
central circulatory regulationcentral kredsløbsregulation
central circulatory systemcentrale kredsløb
central cord syndromecervikalt medullært tværsnitssyndrom
Central European tick-borne encephalitisCentraleuropæisk tægebåren encephalitis
central grey mattersubstantia grisea (substantia grisea)
central grey mattergrå substans (substantia grisea)
Central Group on Veterinary LegislationCentralgruppe vedrørende Veterinærlovgivning
central haematomyeliacentral hæmatomyeli
central hearing disturbanceperceptivt høretab
central hearing disturbancecentralt
central hyperthermycentral hypertermi
central inhibitory statecentral hæmningstilstand
central motor neuroncentralt motorisk neuron
central nervous system depressantanxiolytikum
Central Office of NarcoticsCentralkontoret for narkotika
central oxygen supply systemiltcentral
central part of lateral ventriclepars centralis ventriculi lateralis
central pontine myelinolysiscentral pontin myelinolyse (myelinolysis pontis centralis)
central retinal artery thrombosistrombose i vena centralis retinae (thrombosis arteriae centralis retinae)
central sterilisationsteriliseringscentral
central stimulantscentralstimulerende stoffer
central stimulantscentralstimulantia
central subcommissural nucleusnucleus centralis subcommissuralis
central sulcus of the cerebrumsulcus centralis cerebri Rolandi
central tegmental fasciculustractus tegmentalis centralis
central vertigovertigo centralis
central visioncentralsyn
control of muscular movements by central nervous systembevægelses-koordination
functional central nervous system compensationfunktionel udvikling
functional central nervous system compensationpostnatal funktionel omstilling
functional central nervous system compensationfunktionel kompensation i CNS
functional central nervous system linkagefunktionskreds
fundamental central complexkernekomplex
further from centraldistal
medial central nucleusnucleus medialis centralis thalami
part of central nerve systemextrapyramidal (udenfor pyramidebanerne (nervebaner))
perivascular central nervous system glia cellsgliaknuder
pressure of the central retinal arterynethindeblodtryk
pulverulent central cataractcataracta centralis pulverulenta
serous central choroiditischorioiditis centralis serosa
stimulants of the central nervous systemcentralstimulantia
stimulants of the central nervous systemcentralstimulerende stoffer
thrombosis of the central retinal arterytrombose i vena centralis retinae (thrombosis arteriae centralis retinae)