
Terms containing Central | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Accompanying programme for the stabilisation of eastern Chad and of north-eastern Central African Republicledsageprogram for stabiliseringen af det østlige Tchad og den nordøstlige del af Den Centralafrikanske Republik
lawAct for Peace and Cooperation in Central AmericaAkten om fred og samarbejde i Mellemamerika
gen.African-led International Support Mission in the Central African Republicden afrikansk ledede internationale støttemission i Den Centralafrikanske Republik
commer., polit.Agreement on Amendment of and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreementaftale om ændring og tiltrædelse af den centraleuropæiske frihandelsaftale
commer., polit.Agreement to amend and enlarge the Central European Free Trade Agreementaftale om ændring og tiltrædelse af den centraleuropæiske frihandelsaftale
law, agric.agricultural central co-operative unionfællesforening for kooperativer
law, agric.agricultural central co-operative unionfællesforening for andelsselskaber
gen.Allied Air Forces Central Europeallierede flystyrker i Centraleuropa
gen.Allied Forces Central Europeallierede styrker i Centraleuropa
econ.Anti-fraud committee of the European Central BankECB's Udvalg for Bekæmpelse af Svig
med.antihypertensive acting on the central nervous systemantihypertensivum med central virkning
med.areolar central choroiditischorioiditis areolaris centralis Foerster
gen.Associated Central and Eastern European Countriesassocierede lande i Central- og Østeuropa
gen.Associated Countries of Central and Eastern Europeassocierede lande i Central- og Østeuropa
gen.Association Committee with the countries of central and eastern EuropeAssocieringsudvalg med Landene i Central- og Østeuropa
gen.Association of the Central AlpsDet Regionale Samarbejde for Alpeområdet
lawbalance sheet structures of the national central banksnationale centralbankers balancestruktur
gen.balances with central bankstilgodehavender hos centralbanker
gen.bill eligible for refinancing with central banksgældsbevis, der kan refinansieres i centralbanken
gen.Border Management Programme for Central Asiaprogrammet for grænseforvaltning i Centralasien
lawcentral accounting unitDet Fælles Regnskabscenter
busin., labor.org., unions.central administrationhovedkontor
ecol.Central Administratorcentral administrator
med.central admissioncentralvisitation
econ.Central AfricaCentralafrika
econ., fin.Central Africa Economic and Monetary CommunityDet Centralafrikanske Økonomiske og Monetære Fællesskab
econ., fin., polit.Central African Customs and Economic UnionDen Centralafrikanske Toldunion og Økonomiske Union
econ.Central African Economic and Monetary CommunityDet Centralafrikanske Økonomiske og Monetære Fællesskab
econ.Central African RepublicDen Centralafrikanske Republik
nat.sc., nat.res.Central Agency for Documentation and Assessment of Alternative Animal Experimentation Methodscentralt organ for registrering og vurdering af metoder til erstatning og supplering af dyreforsøg
mun.plan.central air conditioning plantcentralt luftkonditioneringsanlæg
mun.plan.central air conditioning plantcentralt klimaanlæg
construct.central-air-conditioning plantklimacentral
mun.plan.central air-handling unitcentralt luftkonditioneringsanlæg
econ.Central AmericaMellemamerika
econ.Central American Bank for Economic IntegrationDen Mellemamerikanske Bank for Økonomisk Integration
econ.Central American Common MarketDet Centralamerikanske Fællesmarked
gen.Central American Integration SecretariatGeneralsekretariatet for Det Centralamerikanske Integrationssystem
gen.Central American Integration SecretariatGeneralsekretariatet for Den Centralamerikanske Integrationsorganisation
econ.Central American Integration SystemDet Centralamerikanske Integrationssystem
econ.Central American ParliamentDet Mellemamerikanske Parlament
nat.sc., agric.Central American shrimpmellemamerikansk reje (Penaeus vannamei)
nat.res.Central American tapirmellemamerikansk tapir (Tapirus bairdii)
nat.res.Central American tapirBairds tapir (Tapirus bairdii)
med.central analgesiacentral analgesi
gen.central analysis teamcentralt analysehold
econ.Central and Eastern European Countriescentral- og østeuropæiske lande
life.sc.Central and South AmericaMellem- og Sydamerika
life.sc.Central and South America,countries of Central and South AmericaCentral-og Sydamerika,landene i Central-og Sydamerika
gen.Central and South-Eastern Municipalities Networknetværk af kommuner i Central- og Sydøsteuropa
med.central anesthesiacentral anæstesi
med.central ankylosiscentral ankylose
med.central anosmiacentral anosmi (anosmia centralis)
work.fl.central archive repositorycentralarkiv
work.fl.central archivescentralarkiv
econ.Central AsiaCentralasien
gen.Central Asia Drug Action Programmenarkotikahandlingsprogrammet for Centralasien
nat.res.Central Asian stone martenindisk underart af husmår (Martes foina intermedia)
gen.central attendance registercentralt indtegningsregister
lawcentral authoritycentral myndighed
fin.central bankseddelbank
econ.central bankcentralbank
fin.Central Bank Facility CBFcentralbankfacilitet
fin.Central Bank Governorcentralbankchef
fin.central bank interventioncentralbankintervention
fin., bank.central bank liquiditycentralbankslikviditet
fin., econ.central bank moneycentralbankpenge
fin.central bank moneyprimære penge
fin.central bank moneyZentralbankgeld
fin.Central Bank of RussiaRuslands Centralbank
gen.Central Bank Training IIuddannelse af centralbankpersonalet, II
fin.central banks of the Member Statesmedlemsstaternes centralbanker
lawcentral banks of the Member Statesde nationale centralbanker
lawcentral banks of the Member StatesMedlemsstaternes centralbanker
earth.sc.central barrierpotentialbarriere med central spids
earth.sc., met.central beamkernestråle
med.central bed supplysengedepot
med.Central Blood Transfusion Laboratorycentral Blodtransfusionslaboratorium
med.central blood volumecentralt blodvolumen
gen.central board for social welfare servicessocialudvalg
immigr.central bodies responsible for international police cooperationcentral instans, som er pålagt at varetage det internationale politisamarbejde
gen.central body and its affiliated institutionscentralorgan og dets tilsluttede institutter
med.central bone of the wristos centrale manus (os centrale carpi)
obs., R&D., nucl.phys.Central Bureau for Nuclear MeasurementsCentralbureauet for Kernefysiske Målinger
med.Central Bureau Office for the prevention and suppression of illicit traffic in drugsCentralkontoret for bekæmpelse af illegal handel med narkotika
med.Central Bureau of NarcoticsCentralkontoret for narkotika
econ., construct., mun.plan.central business districthandelsområde
gen.Central Business Register numberCVR-nummer
med.central callusmyelogen callus
med.central canalcanalis hyaloideus
med.central canal of spinal cordcanalis centralis
med.central cariescaries centralis
work.fl., commun.central catalogsamkatalog
work.fl., commun.central catalogfælleskatalog
work.fl., commun.central cataloguefælleskatalog
work.fl., commun.central cataloguesamkatalog
med.central cataractcataracta nuclearis (cataracta centralis)
med.central cataractkernestær (cataracta centralis)
med.central cataractcataracta centralis
law, patents.central chamber of the Community Patent CourtEF-Patentdomstolens centrale afdeling
mun.plan.central chilled water refrigeration equipmentcentralt koldtvandskølesystem
med.central choroiditischorioiditis centralis
med.central choroidoretinitischorioretinitis centralis
med.central circulatory regulationcentral kredsløbsregulation
med.central circulatory systemcentrale kredsløb
construct.central citybykerne
construct.central city of a city regionbykerne
life.sc.central clamping screwcentralskrue
phys.sc.central collisionfrontalt sammenstød
econ.Central Commission for Navigation on the RhineCentralkommissionen for skibsfart på Rhinen
gov.Central Committeecentraludvalg
gen.Central CommitteeCentralkomité
construct., mun.plan., agric.Central Committee of Forest Owners of the EECCentraludvalget for EU's Skovbrugsejere
agric.Central Committee of Forest Owners of the European Economic CommunityCentraludvalget for Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskabs Skovbrugsejere
gen.Central Committee SecretariatCentralkomiteens sekretariat
math.central confidence intervalmiddelret/centralt sikkerhedsinterval
econ., fin., nat.sc.Central Consultancy Registercentralregister over konsulentvirksomheder
med.central cord syndromecervikalt medullært tværsnitssyndrom
gen.central core zonekernens midterzone
fin.central counterpartycentral medkontrahent
fin.central credit registercentral kreditregister
econ., fin.Central credit registercentralt kreditregister
lawCentral Criminal Courtkriminallandsret
lawCentral Criminal Courtcentral kriminalret
fin.central customs administration departmentscentrale toldmyndigheder
tax.Central Customs and Tax AdministrationTold- og Skattestyrelsen
tax.Central Customs and Tax AdministrationTold og Skat
life.sc.central cyclonecentrallavtryk
construct.central depopulationaffolkning af bykernen
construct.central depopulationaffolkning af bycentret
earth.sc.central depressioncentrallavtryk
gen.Central Directorate for Drugs ControlDet Centrale Narkotikabekæmpelseskontor
lawCentral Directorate of the Criminal PoliceCentraldirektoratet for Kriminalpolitiet
gen.Central Disciplinary and Membership Boardkontrolkommission
gen.central documentation servicecentral dokumentationstjeneste
gen.Central Dublin GroupDen Centrale Dublingruppe
agric.central duct and lateral distribution ductshovedkanal med sekundære distributionskanaler
agric.central duct with lateralshovedkanal med sekundære distributionskanaler
econ.Central EstoniaKesk-Eesti
gen.Central European CommandDen Centraleuropæiske Kommando
commer., polit.Central European Free Trade Agreementden centraleuropæiske frihandelsaftale
gen.Central European InitiativeDet Centraleuropæiske Initiativ
gen.Central European Police AcademyDet Centraleuropæiske Politiakademi
med.Central European tick-borne encephalitisCentraleuropæisk tægebåren encephalitis
math.central factorial momentscentral faktor øjeblikke
agric.central feed alleyfoderbord
tax.Central Fiscal Authoritycentral budgetadministration
earth.sc.central forcecentral kernekraft
earth.sc.central forcecenterrettet kraft
earth.sc.central forecasting officecentralvejrtjeneste
gen.Central Fraud UnitDen Centrale Enhed til Bekæmpelse af Svig
tech., el.central frequency standardcentral frekvensstandard
gen.central fuel meltingcentral smeltning af brændsel
gen.central gapcentralt hulrum
gen.central governmentstaten
econ.central governmentcentralforvaltning
gen.central governmentcentralregering
gen.central government administrationcentraladministration
econ., market.central government bodycentraladministrationens organisation
fin.central government borrowing requirementstatens lånebehov
fin.central government budget as a % of GDPdet offentliges budgetoverskud+eller underskud-i % af BNP
econ., fin.central government deficitstatsligt underskud
econ., fin.central government deficitstatsunderskud
econ., fin.central government deficitstatens underskud
fin., econ.central government expenditurestatslige udgifter
econ.central government expenditurestatsudgifter
econ.central government expenditurestatens udgifter
fin.central government itemfordring på centralregeringen
fin.central government itemsfordring
fin.central government itemsfordringer på centralregeringer
fin., insur.central government securitiesstatspapirer
econ.Central GreeceMidtgrækenland
med.central grey mattersubstantia grisea (substantia grisea)
med.central grey mattergrå substans (substantia grisea)
immigr.central groupCentralgruppen
agric.Central Group on Animal Husbandry LegislationCentralgruppe vedrørende zooteknisk Lovgivning
med.Central Group on Veterinary LegislationCentralgruppe vedrørende Veterinærlovgivning
med.central haematomyeliacentral hæmatomyeli
med.central hearing disturbanceperceptivt høretab
med.central hearing disturbancecentralt
nat.sc., el.central heatingcentralvarme
nat.sc., el.central heatingcentralvarme fra blokcentral
mater.sc., construct.central heatingopvarmning med centralvarme
chem., el.central heating by instantaneous water heaterscentralvarme med øjeblikkelig opvarmning
chem., el.central heating by instantaneous water heaterscentralvarme med gennemstrømningsvandvarmer
mater.sc.central heating equipmentcentralopvarmningsanlæg
gen.central heating radiatorsradiatorer til centralvarmeanlæg
chem., el.central heating with gravity feedopvarmning med naturlig cirkulation
chem., el.central heating with gravity feedopvarmning med cirkulation ved hjælp af tyngdekraften
econ.Central HungaryDet Centrale Ungarn
med.central hyperthermycentral hypertermi
chem., el.central ignitioncentraltænding
chem., el.central ignitioncentralantændelse
lawcentral industrial property officecentral myndighed for industriel ejendomsret
patents.central industrial property officecentrale myndigheder for industriel ejendomsret
gen.Central information officeInformationscentral
fin., polit., ITCentral Information Systemcentralt informationssystem
med.central inhibitory statecentral hæmningstilstand
construct.central installationscityudstyr
construct.central installationscenterfaciliteter
construct.central integral prestressingcentralt påført forspænding
work.fl., commun.central libraryhovedbibliotek
work.fl., commun.central librarycentralbibliotek
math.central limit theoremcentrale grænseværdisætning
construct.central lockmidtersluse
life.sc.central lowcentrallavtryk
econ.Central MacedoniaMidtmakedonien
law, lab.law.central managementcentral ledelse
tax., econ.central management and controlhovedkontor
fin.central marketing systemcentral markedsføring
gen.central meltingcentral smeltning af brændsel
life.sc.central meridianudgangsmeridian
life.sc.central meridianmidtermeridian
agric.central milk plantcentralmejeri
construct.central mixingblanding på værk
construct.central mixing plantstationært blandeanlæg
math.central momentcentralmoment
econ.central monetary agencies of essentially public origincentrale monetære organer,der i det væsentlige er oprettet af det offentlige
gen.central monetary institutionscentrale monetære organer
med.central motor neuroncentralt motorisk neuron
agric.central mountedmidtermonteret
gen.Central Negotiating GroupDen Centrale Forhandlingsgruppe
med.central nervous system depressantanxiolytikum
earth.sc.central nuclear forcecentral kernekraft
fin., health.Central OfficeHovedkontor
gen.Central Office sickness insuranceHovedkontor sygeforsikring
immigr.Central Office for Document Collection and EvaluationDet Centrale Kontor for Indsamling og Analyse af Dokumenter
fin., industr.Central Office for the Management of National ProductsCentralkontoret for Forvaltning af Hjemmemarkedet
med.Central Office of NarcoticsCentralkontoret for narkotika
gen.Central Operational Office of State PoliceDet Statslige Politis Centrale Operationelle Kontor
gen.Central Organ of the Organisation of African Unity Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolutiondet centrale organ i Den Afrikanske Enhedsorganisations mekanisme til forebyggelse, styring og løsning af konflikter i Afrika
med.central oxygen supply systemiltcentral
nat.sc., agric.central part of barrelmidtstykke
nat.sc., agric.central part of barrelkrop
med.central part of lateral ventriclepars centralis ventriculi lateralis
account.central paying agencycentralt udbetalende organ
chem., el.central pilotcentralt tændblus
law, construct.central placecentralby
law, construct.central placeoverordnet centrum
math.central place theorycentral plads teori
gen.central planning department for external relationsCentral planlægningstjeneste for eksterne forbindelser
gen.Central Planning Officecentralt planlægningskontor
gen.central planning teamcentralt planlægningshold
construct.central plantcentralt blandeanlæg for tørbeton
mun.plan.central plant all-air systemalmindeligt luftkonditioneringsanlæg
life.sc.central-point figurecentralstjerne
med.central pontine myelinolysiscentral pontin myelinolyse (myelinolysis pontis centralis)
law, immigr., social.sc.Central Population RegisterDet Centrale Personregister
econ.Central PortugalMidtportugal
lawcentral prisoner of war information agencycentralt krigsfangeoplysningskontor
gen.central processing units processorsprocessorer centrale databehandlingsenheder
mun.plan.central protection stripbeskyttelsesstrimmel i midten
gen.central purchasing bodyindkøbscentral
lawcentral purchasing entitycentrale ordregivende myndighed
fin.central ratepengepolitisk nøglerente
fin.central rateEMS-paritetskurs
econ.central ratecentralkurs
law, fin.central rate of the ECUcentralkurs for ECU
fin.central rates against the European currency unitcentralkurser over for den europæiske valutaenhed
earth.sc.central raycentral stråle
life.sc., el.central receivercentral strålingsmodtager
gen.central receiver solar power plantsoltårnskraftværk
gen.central receiver solar power plantsoltårn
tech.central reference clockcentral referencetaktgiver
fin.central reference ratecentral afgiftssats
earth.sc.central refrigerating plantcentralkøleanlæg
gen.central region of the corekernens midterzone
gen.central regionscentrale områder
econ., market.central registry of notificationscentralregister for notifikationer
fin.central repositorycentralt register
hobby, transp.central reservation systemcentralt reservationssystem
med.central retinal artery thrombosistrombose i vena centralis retinae (thrombosis arteriae centralis retinae)
immigr.Central Schengen Information Systemden centrale del af Schengeninformationssystemet
nat.sc.Central Scientific Ethical CommitteeDen Centrale Videnskapsetiske Komité
agric.central seatmidtplaceret sæde
fin.central securities depositoryværdipapircentral
fin.Central Securities OfficeVP SECURITIES
obs., fin.Central Securities OfficeVærdipapircentralen
gen.central signing-in registercentralt indtegningsregister
econ.Central SloveniaCentralslovenien
mun.plan., mater.sc.central smoke uptakecentral røgafledning
gen.central solenoid coilcentral solenoide
agric.central spikeletmidleraks
gen.Central Staff Advisercentralstabsrådgiver
gov.Central Staff CommitteeDet centrale Personaleudvalg
gen.Central Staff CommitteeDet Centrale Personaleudvalg
med.central sterilisationsteriliseringscentral
med.central stimulantscentralstimulerende stoffer
med.central stimulantscentralstimulantia
med.central subcommissural nucleusnucleus centralis subcommissuralis
med.central sulcus of the cerebrumsulcus centralis cerebri Rolandi
construct.central supportmidtersøjle
construct.central supportmidterstøtte
life.sc.central surface velocityoverfladehastighed i midten af vandløbet
construct.central suspended spanmidterfag
energ.ind.central technical control systemCTS-anlæg
med.central tegmental fasciculustractus tegmentalis centralis
math.central tendencymidtpunktssøgende tendens
gen.central tendon of diaphragmcentrum tendineum
nat.sc.central testingcentral afprøvning
law, construct.central towncentralby
law, construct.central townoverordnet centrum
econ.Central TransdanubiaDet Centrale Transdanubien
earth.sc.central tubecentralrσr
earth.sc.central tube methodcentralrσrsmetode
gen.Central Union of Municipalities and Communities in GreeceCentral Sammenslutning af Græske Kommuner og Sogne
immigr.Central Unitcentral enhed
gen.central urban areacentralt byområde
construct.central utilitiescityudstyr
construct.central utilitiescenterfaciliteter
med.central vertigovertigo centralis
immigr., ITcentral VIScentralt visuminformationssystem
immigr., ITCentral Visa Information Systemcentralt visuminformationssystem
med.central visioncentralsyn
law, lab.law.central works councilcentralt virksomhedsråd
gen.Central workshopcentralværkstedet
econ.circulation between the central banksomløb mellem centralbanker
gen.Colloquium on the Social Dimension in Central EuropeKollokvium "Den sociale dimension i Mellemeuropa"
gen.Commander Allied Air Forces in Central Europechefen for de allierede luftstridskræfter i Centraleuropa
gen.Commander Allied Land Forces Central Europekommandant for de allierede landstyrker i Centraleuropa
gen.Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Central Europeøverstbefalende for de allierede styrker i Centraleuropa
econ., market.to commit the central governmentforpligte de centrale myndigheder
econ., market.to commit the central governmentforpligte centraladministrationen
econ., fin.Committee of Governors of the Central BanksKomitéen af Medlemsstaternes Centralbankchefer
econ., fin.Committee of Governors of the Central BanksCentralbankchefkomitéen
econ., fin.Committee of the Governors of the Central Banks of the Member States of the EECUdvalget af direktionsformænd for Centralbankerne i EF-medlemsstaterne
econ., fin.Committee of the Governors of the Central Banks of the Member States of the EECCentralbankchefkomiteen
gen.Committee on economic aid to the countries of central and eastern EuropeUdvalget vedrørende Økonomisk Bistand til Landene i Øst- og Central- europa
gen.Committee on economic assistance to certain central and eastern European countries and for coordination of aid to the applicant countries in the framework of the pre-accession strategyPhareudvalget
gen.computerized central nuclear materials accounting systemcentralt edb-regnskabssystem for nukleart materiale
econ., fin.concertation between Central Bankskoncertation mellem centralbankerne
construct.concrete central-mix plantbetonstation
construct.concrete central-mix plantbetonblandeanlæg
obs., health., med.congenital central alveolar hypoventilationOndines forbandelse
obs., health., med.congenital central hypoventilation syndromeOndines forbandelse
med.control of muscular movements by central nervous systembevægelses-koordination
gen.Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific OceanWCPFC-konventionen
law, fish.farm.Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Seakonventionen om bevarelse og forvaltning af sejbestandene i det centrale Beringshav
econ.correspondent central banking modelKorrespondentcentralbankmodellen
econ.Correspondent central banking modelKorrespondentcentralbankmodellen
earth.sc.coupling faces of central tubescentralrσrs koblingsflader
obs., fin.credit risk exposures to central counterpartieskreditrisiko ved engagementer over for centrale modparter
econ.Cross-border cooperation between central European countries EU-PHARE CREDO programmeEU-Phare Credo-programmet for grænseoverskridende samarbejde mellem centraleuropæiske lande
gen.Cross-border cooperation between central European countries EU-PHARE CREDO programmeEU-Phare Credo-programmet
lawDanish Central Customs and Tax AdministrationTold- og Skattestyrelsen
mun.plan.district heating central plantblokvarmekraftværk
earth.sc.divergence faces of a central tubecentralrσrs divergerende flader
math.doubly non-central F-distributiondobbelt ikke-central F-fordeling
agric.droppings removal via a central slotgødningsmidterskakt
gen.ducts and pipes of metal for central heating installationsrørledninger af metal til centralvarmeinstallationer
gen.ducts and pipes of metal for central heating installationsrør og ledninger af metal til centralopvarmningsinstallationer
gen.ducts and pipes of metal for central heating installationsrør af metal til centralvarmeinstallationer
gen.ducts of metal, for central heating installationsrør og ledninger af metal til centralopvarmningsinstallationer
gen.ducts of metal, for central heating installationsrørledninger af metal til centralvarmeinstallationer
gen.ducts of metal, for central heating installationsrør af metal til centralvarmeinstallationer
econ., fin.Economic and Monetary Community of Central AfricaDet Centralafrikanske Økonomiske og Monetære Fællesskab
econ.Economic Community of Central African StatesDet Økonomiske Fællesskab af Centralafrikanske Stater
gen.Economic Community of Central African StatesDet Centralafrikanske Økonomiske Fællesskab
gen.ECSC Regional Committee for Miners' Housing in Central and Southern FranceDet regionale EKSF-udvalg for boliger til Minearbejdere - Midt- og Sydfrankrig
gen.EEC-Central America Joint Committee Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and PanamaDen Blandede Kommission: EØF-Mellemamerika Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua og Panama
fin.EMS:bilateral central rates and intervention pointsEMS:bilaterale centralkurser og interventionspunkter
gen.EU Special Representative for Central AsiaEUSR for Centralasien
gen.EU Strategy for Central Asiastrategi for et nyt partnerskab med Centralasien
gen.EU Strategy for Central AsiaEU-strategi for Centralasien
econ.European Central BankDen Europæiske Centralbank
econ.European Central Bank opinionudtalelse fra Den Europæiske Centralbank
obs., immigr.European Central Criminal Investigation Office Europolcentral europæisk kriminalpolitienhed Europol
econ.European System of Central BanksDet Europæiske system af Centralbanker
econ.European System Of Central BanksDet Europæiske System af Centralbanker
gen.European System of Central BanksDet Europæiske System af Centralbanker
gen.European Union Special Representative for Central AsiaEU's særlige repræsentant for Centralasien
gen.European Union Special Representative for Central AsiaEUSR for Centralasien
gen.European Union Special Representative for Central AsiaDen Europæiske Unions særlige repræsentant for Centralasien
gen.EUSR for Central AsiaEUSR for Centralasien
gen.Executive Board of the European Central BankECB's Direktion
gen.Executive Board of the European Central Bankdirektionen
obs., fin.exposure to the central governmentengagement med centralregeringer
obs., fin.exposures guaranteed by the central governmentengagementer, der garanteres af centralregeringen
mun.plan.forced air central heatingvarmluftanlæg med ventilator
mun.plan.forced air central heatingluftvarmeanlæg
gen.Framework Treaty on Democratic Security in Central Americarammetraktat om demokratisk sikkerhed i Centralamerika
math.functional central limit theoreminvariansprincip
math.functional central limit theoremDonskers sætning
math.functional central limit theoremfunktional central grænseværdisætning
med.functional central nervous system compensationpostnatal funktionel omstilling
med.functional central nervous system compensationfunktionel udvikling
med.functional central nervous system compensationfunktionel kompensation i CNS
med.functional central nervous system linkagefunktionskreds
med.fundamental central complexkernekomplex
med.further from centraldistal
gen.further from centralydre
econ.General Treaty on Central American Economic IntegrationDen almindelige overenskomst om Centralamerikansk økonomisk integration
gen.General Treaty on Central American Economic Integrationden almindelige traktat om økonomisk integration i Mellemamerika
econ.Governing Council of the European Central BankDen Europæiske Centralbanks Styrelsesråd
econ.Governing Council of the European Central BankStyrelsesrådet for Den Europæiske Centralbank
gen.Governing Council of the European Central BankStyrelsesrådet
law, fin.Governor of the national central bankchef for den nationale centralbank
chem., el.gravity central heatingopvarmning med cirkulation ved hjælp af tyngdekraften
chem., el.gravity central heatingopvarmning med naturlig cirkulation
mun.plan., construct.heating:central heating for block of flatsopvarmning: centralvarmeanlæg pr. boligblok
gen.humidifiers for central heating radiatorsvandfordampere til radiatorer
obs., health., med.idiopathic central alveolar hypoventilationOndines forbandelse
gen.independent States of Central Asiauafhængige stater i Centralasien
construct.individual central heatingIndividuel opvarmning
gen.Intergroup on Central EuropeDen Tværpolitiske Gruppe om Mellemeuropa
gen.Intergroup on Solidarity with Central AmericaDen Tværpolitiske Gruppe om Solidaritet Mellemamerika
fin.Interlinking components of the central banksde enkelte dele i sammenkædningen af centralbankerne
gen.internal computing services in central unitsDe centrale enheders interne informatik
h.rghts.act.International Conference on Central American Refugeesden internationale konference om flygtninge i Mellemamerika
agric.laceration of the central nervous tissuelaceration af centralnervevæv
lawlink island, landlocked and peripheral regions with the central regions of the Communityskabe forbindelse mellem på den ene side øområder, indlandsområder og randområder og på den anden side Fællesskabets centrale områder
gen.management of central servicesforvaltning af de centrale tjenester
gen.manual central officemanuelt betjent telefoncentral
med.medial central nucleusnucleus medialis centralis thalami
econ.member of the European Central Bankmedlem af Den Europæiske Centralbank
immigr., empl., unions.Ministerial Conference on Migration from Eastern and Central Europeministerkonference om personbevægelser fra landene i Central- og Østeuropa
immigr., empl., unions.Ministerial Conference on the movement of persons coming from Central and Eastern European countriesministerkonference om personbevægelser fra landene i Central- og Østeuropa
construct.mobile central-mix paving plantmobilt blandeanlæg
agric.mounted rotary cultivator with central drivemonteret jordfræser med central drivaksel
gen.Mutual Reductions of Forces and Armaments and Associated Measures in Central Europegensidig og balanceret styrkereduktion
lawnational central banksde nationale centralbanker
lawnational central banksMedlemsstaternes centralbanker
gen.National Central Bureaunationalt centralbureau
math.non-central beta distributionikke-central betafordeling
math.non-central chi-square distributionikke-central chi-i-anden fordeling
math.non-central χup 2 distributionikke-central chi-i-anden fordeling
math.non-central F-distributionikke-central F-fordeling
math.non-central multivariate beta distributionikke-central flerdimensional betafordeling
math.non-central multivariate F-distributionikke-central flerdimensional F-fordeling
math.non-central t-distributionikke-central t-fordeling
math.non-central Wishart distributionikke-central Wishartfordeling
econ.notes issued by the Central Banksedler udstedt af centralbanken
gen.notional central ratefiktiv centralkurs
mater.sc.oil burner for central heating systemsoliefyr til centralvarmeanlaeg
gen.Organisation of Central American StatesOrganisationen af Mellemamerikanske Stater
med.part of central nerve systemextrapyramidal (udenfor pyramidebanerne (nervebaner))
med.perivascular central nervous system glia cellsgliaknuder
gen.Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty for Central American IntegrationDet Stående Sekretariat for den almindelige traktat om økonomisk integration i Mellemamerika
gen.Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic IntegrationDet Stående Sekretariat for den almindelige traktat om økonomisk integration i Mellemamerika
gen.persons covered by this Scheme shall be registered with the Central Officede godtgørelsesberettigede registreres i hovedkontoret
obs., econ.Phare-Community programme for assistance for economic restructuring in the countries of Central and Eastern Europeprogrammet for fællesskabsbistand til de central- og østeuropæiske lande Phare
obs.Phare-Community programme for assistance for economic restructuring in the countries of Central and Eastern EuropePhareprogrammet
obs., econ.Phare-Community programme for assistance for economic restructuring in the countries of Central and Eastern EuropePhare - fællesskabsprogram for økonomisk bistand til landene i Central- og Østeuropa
gen.pipes of metal, for central heating installationsrørledninger af metal til centralvarmeinstallationer
gen.pipes of metal, for central heating installationsrør og ledninger af metal til centralopvarmningsinstallationer
gen.pipes of metal, for central heating installationsrør af metal til centralvarmeinstallationer
gen.Political Committee of the Central CommitteeCentralkomitéens politiske udvalg
obs.Pre-accession assistance for Central and Eastern European CountriesPhareprogrammet
med.pressure of the central retinal arterynethindeblodtryk
econ.Programme for promoting the establishment of joint ventures in the countries of central and eastern EuropeProgram til fremme af oprettelsen af joint venture-foretagender i central-og østeuropæiske lande
econ., market.public entity which is subordinate to the central governmentoffentlig enhed, som er underordnet de centrale myndigheder
med.pulverulent central cataractcataracta centralis pulverulenta
agric.radial air-flow drier with permeable central duct and cylindertørringsanlæg med radial gennemluftning og midtstillet perforeret kanal og cylinder
earth.sc.radial central tuberadialt centralrσr
law, fin.Regulation EU No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositoriesforordningen om europæisk markedsinfrastruktur
law, fin.Regulation EU No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositoriesEuropa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning EU nr. 648/2012 af 4. juli 2012 om OTC-derivater, centrale modparter og transaktionsregistre
gen.relations with Central European countriesForbindelser med landene i Centraleuropa
earth.sc.root of a central tubecentralrσrs stamme
gen.Rules of Procedure of the European Central Bankforretningsorden for Den Europæiske Centralbank ECB
fin.Rules of Procedure of the General Council of the European Central Bankforretningsorden for ECB's Generelle Råd
fin.Rules of Procedure of the General Council of the European Central Bankforretningsorden for Den Europæiske Centralbanks Generelle Råd
med.serous central choroiditischorioiditis centralis serosa
earth.sc.shear faces of a central tubecentralrσrs shearoverflader
chem., el.small-bore central heatingopvarmning med tvungen cirkulation
gen.snake central ratescentralkurser i slangesamarbejdet
econ.Special Subcommittee for Central and Eastern European Countriessærlig kommission for de central- og østeuropæiske lande
lawStatute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bankstatut for ESCB og ECB
lawStatute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bankstatut for Det Europæiske System af Centralbanker og Den Europæiske Centralbank
lawStatute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bankstatutten for Det Europæiske System af Centralbanker og Den Europæiske Centralbank
lawStatute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central BankESCB-statutten
mater.sc.steel panels for central heatingstålpladekedel
econ., fin.steps taken by the central administration of the Member Stateforanstaltninger, som en medlemsstat træffer i sin centraladministration
med.stimulants of the central nervous systemcentralstimulantia
med.stimulants of the central nervous systemcentralstimulerende stoffer
gen.Strategy for a New Partnership with Central Asiastrategi for et nyt partnerskab med Centralasien
econ.sub-sector central governmentdelsektor det centrale offentlige
lawsupply of reserves by central banksforsyning med reserver fra centralbankernes side
gen.supply of reserves by central bankscentralbankens likviditetsstillelse
gen.tabling reports and opinions adopted and entering them in the central indexindgivelse af vedtagne betænkninger og udtalelser og registrering i centralkartoteket af disse
gen.Task Force Western Balkans/Central EuropeTaskforce vedrørende det Vestlige Balkan/Centraleuropa
chem., el., construct.tenant-controlled central heatingindividuel centralvarme
chem., el., construct.tenant-controlled central heatingcentralvarme i hver bolig
lawthe central administration of these companiesdisse selskabers hovedkontor
gen.the member States of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhinemedlemslandene i Centralkommissionen for Færdsel på Rhinen
lawthe national central banks shall be the sole subscribers to and holders of the capital of the ECBde nationale centralbanker er de eneste indskydere og ejere af ECB's kapital
med.thrombosis of the central retinal arterytrombose i vena centralis retinae (thrombosis arteriae centralis retinae)
gen.Union of Central African StatesUnionen af Centralafrikanske Stater
lawUnited Kingdom Central AuthorityDet Forenede Kongeriges Centrale Myndighed
gen.Vice-President of the European Central Banknæstformand for ECB
lawVice-President of the Executive Board of the European Central Banknæstformand for direktionen
chem., el.water heater used for central heatingvandopvarmer som bruges til centralvarme
chem., el.water heater used for central heatingcentralgasvandvarmer
life.sc.weather centralmeteorologisk station
life.sc.weather centralmeteorologisk center
fin.weighting of a national central bank in the keynational centralbanks vægt i fordelingsnøglen
gen.White Paper on the preparation of the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe for integration into the internal market of the Unionhvidbog om forberedelse af de associerede central- og østeuropæiske landes integration i Unionens indre marked
construct., econ.White Paper-preparation of the associated countries of central and eastern Europe for integration into the internal market of the Unionhvidbog om forberedelse af de associerede central- og østeuropæiske landes integration i Unionens indre marked
obs.Working Party on Central and Southeast EuropeGruppen vedrørende Central- og Sydøsteuropa
gen.Working Party on Central EuropeArbejdsgruppen om Mellemeuropa
gen.Working Party on Eastern Europe and Central AsiaGruppen vedrørende Østeuropa og Centralasien
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