
Terms for subject Environment containing Carbon | all forms | exact matches only
activated carbon A powdered, granular or pelleted form of amorphous carbon characterized by a very large surface area per unit volume because of an enormous number of fine poresaktivt kul
activated carbon filteraktivt kulfilter
activated carbon from chlorine productionAktivt kul fra chlorproduktion
activated carbon in drifting stream processaktivt kul i flowprocesser
activated carbon treatmentbehandling med aktivt kul
aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gasessamlede antropogene kuldioxidækvivalente emissioner af drivhusgasser
black carbonsodpartikler
carbon balancekulstofbalance
carbon creditemissionskredit
carbon creditCOsub2sub-kredit
carbon creditemissionsreduktionskredit
carbon cyclekulstofkredsløb
carbon cycle The cycle of carbon in the biosphere, in which plants convert carbon dioxide to organic compounds that are consumed by plants and animals, and the carbon is returned to the biosphere in inorganic form by processes of respiration and decaycarboncyklus
carbon cyclekulstofs kredsløb
carbon dioxidekuldioxid
carbon dioxidekulsyreanhydrid
carbon dioxidekulsyre
carbon dioxide A colourless gas with a faint tingling smell and taste. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is the source of carbon for plants. As carbon dioxide is heavier than air and does not support combustion, it is used in fire extinguishers. It is a normal constituent of the atmosphere, relatively innocuous in itself but playing an important role in the greenhouse effect. It is produced during the combustion of fossil fuels when the carbon content of the fuels reacts with the oxygen during combustion. It is also produced when living organisms respire. It is essential for plant nutrition and in the ocean phytoplankton is capable of absorbing and releasing large quantities of the gas, CO2carbondioxid
carbon dioxidekultveilte
carbon dioxidecarbondioxid
carbon dioxide emissionkuldioxidemission
carbon dioxide equivalentCOsub2sub-ækvivalent
carbon dioxide fixationkulstofbinding
carbon dioxide fixationCO2-fiksering
carbon dioxide footprintCOsub2sub-fodspor
carbon dioxide footprintCOsub2sub-fodaftryk
carbon dioxide intensitykulstofintensitet
carbon dioxide intensityCOsub2sub-intensitet
carbon dioxide reductionkuldioxidreduktion
carbon dioxide reductionCO2-reduktion
carbon dioxide removalkuldioxidfjernelse
carbon dioxide removalCO2-fjernelse
carbon dioxide sensoranhydridsensor til måling af kuldioxid
carbon dioxide separationCOsub2sub-separation
carbon dioxide sequestration technologykuldioxidbindingsteknologi
carbon dioxide sequestration technologyCOsub2sub-bindings-teknologi
carbon dioxide storagelagring af COsub2sub
carbon dioxide storageCOsub2sub-lagring
carbon dioxide storageCOsub2sub-deponering
carbon dioxide tax Compulsory charges levied on fuels to reduce the output of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a colourless and odourless gas substance that is incombustibleCO2-afgift
carbon dioxide taxCO2-afgift
carbon disulphidesvovlkul
carbon disulphidecarbondisulfid
carbon emission reduction creditemissionskredit
carbon emission reduction creditemissionsreduktionskredit
carbon emission reduction creditCOsub2sub-kredit
carbon farmingCOsub2sub-venligt landbrug
carbon farmingCOsub2sub-venlig drift
carbon fixationkulstofbinding
carbon fixationfiksering af kuldioxid
carbon fixationCO2-fiksering
carbon hexachloridefluorcarbon-110
carbon hexachloridehexachlorethan
carbon intensitykulstofintensitet
carbon intensityCOsub2sub-intensitet
carbon inventorykulstofbalance
carbon leakageCOsub2sub-udflytning
carbon leakagekulstofudflytning
carbon leakagekulstoflækage
carbon leakageCOsub2sub-lækage
carbon literacyCO2-bevidsthed
carbon marketkvotemarked
carbon marketCOsub2sub-marked
carbon monoxide Colorless, odourless, tasteless, non-corrosive, highly poisonous gas of about the same density as that of air. Very flammable, burning in air with bright blue flame. Although each molecule of CO has one carbon atom and one oxygen atom, it has a shape similar to that of an oxygen molecule (two atoms of oxygen), which is important with regard to it's lethality, COkulmonoxid
carbon monoxide contentCO-indhold
carbon monoxide emissionemission af carbonmonoxid
carbon offsetkompensationskredit
carbon offsetudslipskompensationskredit
carbon offsetCOsub2sub-kompensationskredit
carbon offset creditudslipskompensationskredit
carbon offset creditkompensationskredit
carbon offset creditCOsub2sub-kompensationskredit
carbon offset schemeCOsub2sub-kompensationsprogram
carbon offset schemeCOsub2sub-kompensationsordning
carbon poolkulstofreservoir
carbon poolkulstofpulje
carbon pricingprissætning af COsub2sub
carbon pricingCOsub2sub-prissætning
carbon productivitydrivhusgasproduktivitet
carbon productivityCOsub2sub-produktivitet
carbon reductionkuldioxidreduktion
carbon reductionCO2-reduktion
carbon reservoirkulstofpulje
carbon reservoirkulstofreservoir
carbon sinkkulstofdræn
carbon sinkCOsub2sub-dræn
carbon stockkulstofoptag
carbon stockkulstoflager
carbon stockkulstofbeholdning
carbon tetrachloridetetrachlormethan
carbon tetrachlorideCFC-10
dissolved organic carbon The fraction of total organic carbon (all carbon atoms covalently bonded in organic molecules) in water that passes through a 0.45 micron pore-diameter filteropløst organisk kulstof
forest carbon stockskovøkosystems kulstoflager
forest carbon stockkulstoflager i skov
geological storage of carbon dioxidegeologisk lagring af COsub2sub
geological storage of carbon dioxidegeologisk COsub2sub-lagring
International Carbon Action PartnershipDet Internationale Partnerskab for COsub2sub-Tiltag
low-carbon development strategylavemissionsudviklingsstrategi
low-carbon development strategystrategi for COsub2sub-fattig udvikling
low-carbon development strategylav-COsub2sub-udviklings-strategi
low-carbon energy sourceenergikilde med lavt kulstofindhold
low-carbon energy sourceenergikilde med lave COsub2sub-emissioner
low-carbon energy sourceenergikilde med lavt COsub2sub-udslip
low-carbon energy sourceenergikilde med lav COsub2sub-udledning
low-carbon energy technologylav-COsub2sub-energiteknologi
low-carbon energy technologylavemissionsenergiteknologi
low-carbon energy technologyenergiteknologi med lavt COsub2sub-udslip
low carbon futurelav-COsub2sub-fremtid
low carbon futurefremtid med lave COsub2sub-emissioner
low carbon futurefremtid med lavere kulstofemissioner
low carbon futurefremtid med lavt COsub2sub-udslip
low carbon futurefremtid med lav COsub2sub-udledning
low-carbon growth planlavemissionsvækstplan
low-carbon growth planplan for vækst med lavt CO2-udslip
low-carbon growth planlav-COsub2sub-vækst-plan
low-carbon literacyCO2-bevidsthed
low carbon societysamfund med lav COsub2sub-udledning
low carbon societylavemissionssamfund
low carbon societylav-COsub2sub-samfund
Micropore carbon discmikroporekulstofplade
non volatile organic carbon NVOCikkeflygtigt organisk kulstof
non volatile organic carbon NVOCikkeflygtigt organisk carbon
objective for the stabilization of carbon dioxide emissionsmålsætning for CO2-stabilisering
organic carbon Carbon which comes from an animal or plantorganisk kulstof
Prototype Carbon FundPCF-Fonden
Prototype Carbon FundPrototype Carbon Fund
Prototype Carbon FundCOsub2sub-fond
soil carbon sequestrationkulstoflagring i jorden
soil carbon sequestrationkulstofbinding i jorden
soil carbon sequestration capacityjordens kapacitet for kulstofbinding
soil carbon sequestration capacityjordens kapacitet for kulstoflagring
soil carbon sequestration capacityjordens kulstofbindende evne
soil carbon sequestration capacityjordens evne til at lagre kulstof
soil carbon sequestration capacityjordens evne til at binde kulstof
soil carbon stockkulstoflager i jorden
soil carbon stockkulstofindhold i jorden
soil carbon stockjordens kulstoflager
soil carbon stockjordens kulstofindhold
soil organic carbonorganisk kulstof i jorden
soil organic carbonjordens indhold af organisk kulstof
spent activated carbonBrugt aktivt kul
spent activated carbon except 06 07 02Brugt aktivt kul med undtagelse af 06 07 02
spent activated carbon from flue gas treatmentBrugt aktivt kul fra roeggasrensning
storage of carbon in forestslagring af kulstof i skove
storage of carbon in forestsoptag af kulstof i skove
storage of carbon in forestsbinding af kulstof i skove
tars and other carbon-containing wastes from anode manufactureTjaere og andet affald indeholdende kulstof fra anodefremstilling
tonne of carbon dioxide equivalentton kuldioxidækvivalent
total inorganic carbontotal mængde uorganisk kulstof
total inorganic carbontotal mængde uorganisk carbon
total organic carbon The amount of carbon covalently bound in organic compounds in a water samplesamlet mængde organisk carbon
used carbon strips and fireproof materials from electrolysisBrugte kulstofstrimler og ildfaste materialer fra elektrolyse
voluntary carbon marketfrivilligt kvotemarked
voluntary carbon marketfrivilligt kvotehandelsmarked
voluntary carbon marketfrivilligt COsub2sub-marked