
Terms for subject General containing CAN | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or used on wheeled vehiclesparallelaftalen
as a result of flow,agitation,etc.,electrostatic charges can be generatedelektrostatiske ladninger kan dannes som følge af strømning,bevægelse etc.
burst canindkapslingsbrud
burst cankapslingslækage
burst can location gearudstyr for lokalisering af indkapslingsbrud
can become highly flammable during usekan blive meget brandfarlig under brug
can become highly flammable in useR30
can become highly flammable in usekan blive meget brandfarlig under brug
can burstsprængning af indkapsling
can failurekapselskade
can failureindkapslingsskade
can interspacegab mellem brændsel og indkapsling
can materialindkapslingsmateriale
can openers, electricelektriske dåseåbnere
can openers, non-electricikke-elektriske dåseåbnere
can ruptureindkapslingsbrud
can segmentindkapslingsprop
collapsible cansammenpresselig indkapsling
collapsible cansammentrykkelig indkapsling
collapsible cansammenklappelig indkapsling
control rod drive mechanism baffle canindkapsling for kontrolstangsdrev
garbage cansskraldebøtter
nozzles for watering cansmundstykker til vandkander
nozzles for watering cansbrusere til vandkander
to order an inquiry in which each side can submit its case and reply to the case of the other sideiværksætte en kontradiktorisk undersøgelse
roses for watering cansmundstykker til vandkander
spirally-finned canindkapsling med spiral-kølefinne
the substance can be absorbed into the body by ingestionstoffet kan optages i organismen ved indtagelse
the substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation and through the skinstoffet kan optages i organismen ved indånding og gennem huden
the substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of its aerosolstoffet kan optages i organismen ved indånding af dets aerosol
the substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of its vapourstoffet kan optages i organismen ved indånding af dets dampe
the substance can be absorbed into the body through the skinstoffet kan optages i organismen gennem huden
the substance can form explosive peroxidesstoffet kan danne eksplosive peroxider
the substance can presumably form explosive peroxidesstoffet kan antageligt danne eksplosive peroxider
the substance can readily form explosive peroxidesstoffet danner let eksplosive peroxider
they shall abstain from any measure which couldde afholder sig fra at træffe foranstaltninger, der er egnede til at...
tin canskonservesdåser af metal
tinplate aerosol canaerosolbeholder af hvidblik
trash cansskraldebøtter
watering cansvandkander