
Terms containing Book | all forms | exact matches only
book.bind.ABC bookstavning bog
life.sc.abstract of observation bookobservationsregister
industr., construct.account bookregnskabsbog
industr.account book paperprotokolpapir
market., account.accounting bookregnskabsbog
comp., MSaddress bookadressekartotek (A collection of contact information for particular individuals, groups or organizations)
comp., MSAddress BookAdressekartotek (A directory that you can use to store names, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, and distribution lists)
health.Agreement between the Member States of the Council of Europe on the issue to Military and Civilian War-Disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliancesoverenskomst mellem Europarådets medlemslande om tildeling af et internationalt bonhæfte til istandsættelse af proteser og ortopædiske hjælpemidler til militære og civile krigsinvalider
life.sc.angle bookvinkelmålebog
life.sc.angle bookmålebog
market.annual accounts bookstatusbog
comp., MSAppointment BookAftalebog (A view of service activities and schedules. New activities can be created or existing activities can be viewed and updated)
transp.arrivals bookliste over ankommet gods
comp., MSasset bookanlægskartotek (Accounting records (ledgers or journals) for a specific reporting purpose, such as financial or taxes)
comp., MSaudio booklydbog (A book that has been read and recorded on cassette tape, CD or digital format)
cultur.awareness-raising campaign to promote books and readingkampagne for at skærpe interessen for bøger og læsning
commun.back of a bookryg
patents.backpacks, book bags, sports bags, bum bags, wallets and handbagsrygsække, bogtasker, sportstasker, bæltetasker, tegnebøger og håndtasker
fin., account.banking bookuden for handelsbeholdningen
fin., account.banking book"bankens bog"
fin., account.banking bookporteføljebeholdning
fin., account.banking bookanlægsbeholdning
market., agric.barn bookstaldbog
work.fl., commun.bibliographical note of a bookbibliografisk kort
market.bill bookacceptbog
market.bill bookvekselbog
market.bill bookforfaldsbog
commun.binding bookbogbinderliste
transp., nautic.Blue Bookblåbog
transp., nautic.Blue BookDen Maritime Blåbog
transp., nautic.Blue Booken integreret EU-havpolitik
commun.body of a bookhovedtekst
commun., ITto book a callat bestille et opkald
commun.book appearing in partsbog,som udkommer i serier
commun.book appearing in partsbog,som udkommer i dele
account.to book as an assetaktivere
ed., commun.book authorised by the universitylærebog der er autoriseret af universitetet
commun.book back rounding machinerygrundingsmaskine
industr., construct.book binders'clothbogbinderlærred
industr.book-binding machinerymaskine til bogindbinding
commun.book bound in paperuindbunden bog
commun.book bound in paperhæftet bog
med.book catalogue testbogkatalog-test
industr., construct.book clothlærred til bogbind
fin.book commitmentregnskabsmæssig forpligtelse
fin.book commitmentregnskabsmæssige forpligtelse
industr., construct.book coverbogomslag bogbind
patents.book covers, book marks, calendars, gift wrapping paperbogomslag, bogmærker, kalendere, gavepapir
fin.book creditkontokredit
fin.book creditløbende kredit
fin.book creditorsimpel kreditor
insur.book debts insuranceforsikring mod bogføringstab
industr., construct.book-endbogstøtte
industr., construct.book endbogstøtte
industr.book end paperforsatspapir
fin.book entryelektronisk registrering
fin.book-entry formdematerialiseret form
fin.book entry securities collateralsikkerhed i form af dematerialiseret værdipapir
fin.book entry securitydematerialiseret værdipapir
market., fin.book-entry securityværdipapir opført på bankkonto
fin.book-entry securitydematerialiseret værdipapir
fin.book entry securityelektronisk værdipapir
lawbook-entry securityindskrevet værdipapir
fin.book-entry systemelektronisk bogføringssystem
fin., econ.book-entry systemelektronisk registreringssystem
fin.Book-entry systemElektronisk bogføringssystem
comp., MSbook fold1-falset højformat (A style of publication that is printed with two pages on one side of each sheet of paper. When you fold the paper, it opens like a book)
transp.book for recording the division of chargesfordelingsopgave
work.fl., commun.book-form catalogprotokolkatalog
work.fl., commun.book-form catalogueprotokolkatalog
commun., ITbook form drawingsektionaliseret tegning
commun., ITbook form drawingopdelt tegning
commun.book in a portfoliobog i løst kartonomslag
commun.book in print cataloguelagerkatalog
commun.book in sheetseksemplar i løse ark
insur.book interestbogført rente
energ.ind., nucl.phys.book inventorybogført beholdning
gen.book inventory of a material balance areabogført beholdning i et materialebalanceområde
fin.book keepingbogføring af regnskaber
industr., construct.book-keeping bookregnskabsbog
nat.sc., agric.book-keeping machinebogholderimaskine
med.book-leaf likesom blad i bog
patents.book lendingudlån af bøger
market.book lossurealiseret tab
market.book lossregnskabsmæssig underskud
market.book loss on realisationregnskabsmæssig fortjeneste eller tab
immigr., tech.book markingpåsætning af mærkebånd
work.fl., commun.book mobile librarybogbus
gen.book of abstractsresumésamling
fin.book of accountsregnskab
gen.Book of Authorised Signatoriesfortegnelse over underskriftsberettigede
transp.book of couponskuponbillethæfte
transp.book of couponsbillethæfte
commun.book of cuttingsudklipsamling
fin.book of foreign currency optionsmængde af valutaoptioner
relig., commun.book of Hourstidebog
relig., commun.book of Hoursbønnebog
commer., work.fl.book of instructionsmanual
commer., work.fl.book of instructionsinstruktionsbog
commer., work.fl.book of instructionsfranchise-manual
transp.book of journey formskørselsbladhæfte
market.book of original entryhjælpejournal
market.book of original entryhjælpebog
commun.book plateex libris
commun.book pressing machinefalseslåningsmaskine
industr., construct.book printing paperbogtrykspapir
market., fin.book profitregnskabsmæssigt resultat
market.book profit on realisationregnskabsmæssig fortjeneste eller tab
commun.book published or sold on commissionbog udgivet eller solgt i kommission
relig.Book Publishers Group of the EECGruppen af Forlæggere i EF
relig.Book Publishers' Group of the European CommunityGruppen af Forlæggere i EF
commun.book publisher's listbogkatalog
patents.book rentaludlejning af bøger
lab.law.book reserve arrangementregnskabsmæssig reserve
lab.law.book reserve arrangementbogføringsmæssig reserve
sec.sys.book reserve pension schemepensionsordning med regnskabsmæssige hensættelser
fin., social.sc.book reservesbogførte reserver
fin.book-running lead bankbogførende bank
fin.book-running lead managerbogførende bank
commun.book-sewing machinesymaskine til hæftning af bøger
commun.book-sewing machinegarnhæftemaskine
fin.book to a line in the budgetkontere på en budgetpost
transp.to book tonnagereservere tonnage
account.book transaction on cash basisbogføringslinjer på afregningsbasis
fin.book transferoverførsel fra konto til konto
account.book valuestatusværdi
account.book valuebalanceværdi
fin.book valueegenkapital i aktieselskab
fin.book valueanfordringstilgodehavende
account.book valueregnskabsmæssig værdi
comp., MSbook valuebogført værdi (The value of an asset as calculated by the acquisition price plus or minus any adjustments (acquisition or value) minus any depreciation previously taken)
account.book valuestatuspost
gen.book valuebogført pariværdi
account.book value in the accountsbogført værdi
account.book value of assets soldbogført værdi af solgte aktiver
fin.book value of stockslagrenes bogføringsværdi
fin.book value per shareindre aktieværdi
commun.book with a soft coverkartonnered bog
commun.book with a soft coverbog i stift bind
commun.book with a stiff coverindbunden bog
cultur.book with invisible outlinesmalebog med usynlige tegninger
agric.books and recordsbøger og journaler
market.books of accountregenskabsbøger
market.books of accountforretningsbøger
lawbooks of authorityretslitteraturen
gen.books of cigarette paperscigaretpapir i hæfter
commun.books on approval private customerbøger til gennemsyn
commun.books on approval private customerbøger på prøve
commun.books on sale or returnbøger i kommission
commun.books on sale or returnkommissionsbøger
commun.books on sale or return tradebøger til gennemsyn
patents.books, printed matter, pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, magazines, periodical publications, instruction manuals, photographs, programmes, publications, posters, postcards, book markers, writing implements, instructional and teaching material except apparatus, decalcomanias, and heat transfers, stationery, diaries, calendars, pictures, playing cards, notebooks and bumper stickersbøger, tryksager, brochurer, foldere, bulletiner, blade, tidsskrifter, periodiske publikationer, instruktionshåndbøger, fotografier, programmer, publikationer, plakater, postkort, bogmærker, skriveredskaber, instruktions- og undervisningsmaterialer dog ikke apparater, overføringsbilleder samt varmeoverføringsbilleder, papirhandlervarer, lommekalendere og dagbøger, kalendere, billeder, spillekort, notesblokke og klistermærke til kofangeren
market.bought day bookindkøbsbog
market.bought invoice bookindkøbsbog
industr., construct.bound bookindbunden bog
commun.break the corner of a bound bookbeskadige et hjørne på en indbunden bog
anim.husb.breeding bookstambog
construct.bridge data bookfortegnelse over broens konstruktion
nat.sc., agric.calf record bookstambog for kalve
transp.cargo record bookladningsjournal
commun., transp.carriage paid record bookfrankojournal
commun., transp.carriage paid record bookfrankaturbog
transp.cartage bookkørselsbog
market., fin.cash-bookkassebog
market., fin.cash bookkassebog
commun.catalogue in book formsamkatalog i bogform
commun.catalogue in book formsamkatalog
lawcause booksagsliste
lawcause bookhovedsagsliste
law, commun.censure a bookanmelde en bog
fin.cheque bookcheckhæfte
patents.cheque book casescheckhæfteholdere
gen.children's bookbørnebog
commun.children's picture bookbørnebilledbog
ITcode bookkodebog
insur.collecting bookopkrævningsbog
commun.collection of booksbogsamling
polygr., model.collection of booksbibliothek
commun.collection of immoral bookssamling af utugtige bøger
commun.collection of immoral bookssamling af amoralske bøger
commun.composite booksamleværk
commun.consult a book on the shelfse en bog på hylden
industr., construct.copy bookkopibog
tech., industr., construct.copy-bookskrivebog
industr., construct.copy letter-bookkopibog
law, patents.copyrighting of a book by depositing duty copiespligtaflevering
transp.counterfoil booktalonhefte
fin.credit derivative booked in the trading bookkreditderivat, der indgår i handelsbeholdningen
econ., market.creditor and debtor bookkreditor-og debitorbog
commun.dealer in old and second-hand booksantikvarboghandler
commun.dealer in old and second-hand booksantikvar
commun.delivery of booksudlevering af bøger
transp.delivery record bookudleveringssedler
commun.department of printed booksbogtrykafdeling
commun.department of printed booksbogafdeling
comp., MSdepreciation bookafskrivningsbogføring (A specific book used for reporting purposes that contains all depreciation transactions for assets that are valid for that book)
comp., MSdepreciation bookafskrivningsbog (A specific book used for reporting purposes that contains all depreciation transactions for assets that are valid for that book)
comp., MSderived depreciation bookafledt afskrivning (A specific book used to copy transactions entered for a value model to the specific depreciation book. Can be used when assets are acquired so that the acquisition transaction needs to be entered only once instead of for each value model and depreciation book)
ITdigital booke-bog
econ., transp., nautic.discharge booksøfartsbog
econ., transp., nautic.discharge bookmønstringsbevis
commun.display of booksudstilling af bøger
fin., account.double entry book-keepingregnskab med dobbelt bogholderi
fin., account.double entry book-keepingdobbelt bogholderi
cultur.drawing booktegnebog
industr., construct.drawing booktegnehæfte
lab.law.duty record booktjenestekontrolbog
commun.dwarf bookminibøger
commun.dwarf bookpixi-bøger
obs., ITe-booke-bogs-læser
ITe-book devicee-bogslæser
ITe-book devicee-bogs-læser
ITe-book readere-bogs-læser
ITe-book readere-bogslæser
commun.edge of a bookbogsnit
ITelectronic booke-bog
fin.electronic cheque bookelektronisk checkhæfte
energ.ind., nucl.phys.ending book inventoryden bogførte beholdning, ultimo
energ.ind., nucl.phys.ending book inventorybogført beholdning,ultimo
fin.to enter in the books separatelysærskilt regnskab
market., agric.to enter into the herd-bookstambogsføre
market., agric.to enter into the herd-bookoptage i stambog
commun.European book-publishing areaet bogens Europa
arts.European campaign to promote awareness of books and readingeuropæisk oplysningskampagne vedrørende bøger og læsning
industr., construct.exercise bookstilehæfte
industr., construct.exercise bookøvelsesbog
industr., construct.exercise bookkladdehæfte
tech., industr., construct.exercise bookskrivebog
econ., market.expense bookudgiftsbog
gen.exposure arising on the non-trading bookikkehandelsbeholdningsrelaterede engagementer
gen.exposure arising on the non-trading bookikke-handelsbeholdningsrelateret engagement
fin., busin., labor.org.exposure on the non-trading bookikke-handelsbeholdningsrelateret engagement
gen.exposure on the non-trading bookikkehandelsbeholdningsrelaterede engagementer
immigr.family record book"familiebog"
industr., construct.fastener for bookslukketøj til bøger
commun.festive bookfestskrift
life.sc.field book frameplade til måleblad
anim.husb.filial bookdatterstambog
anim.husb.filial breeding bookdatterstambog
fish.farm.fishing log bookfangstopgørelse
fish.farm.fishing log bookfiskerilogbog
agric.fishing log bookfiskeribog
market., commun.fixed price for booksfast pris på bøger
nat.res., agric.flock bookstambog
transp.forwarding bookliste over afgået gods
lawfranchise legal book of rulesjuridisk håndbog over franchisens diverse kontraktsforhold
market.franchisees'permanent training text bookfranchisetagers blivende håndbog
fin., account.full book valuefuld bogført værdi
transp., nautic.garbage record bookaffaldsjournal
commun.gild the edges of a bookforgylde bogens snit
comp., MSglobal address bookglobalt adressekartotek (A complete list of party records)
commun.glue the back of a booklime bogens ryg
commun.grangerized bookudklipsbog
econ.green book methodmodificeret kombinationsmetode
fin.gross book valuebogført bruttoværdi
commun.handing back a booktilbagelevering
commun.handing back a bookaflevering
fin.to hedge elements of the trading bookafdække dele af handelsbeholdningen
agric.herd-book animalstambogsført dyr
nat.sc., agric.herd-book societystambogsudvalg
comp., MShierarchical address bookhierarkisk adressekartotek (A feature of Outlook that allows members of an organization to be displayed in a tree view control, grouped by department)
commun.to hunt for old and second-hand booksrode i gamle bøger
commun.hunter among old booksbogorm
life.sc.hydrological book-keeping equationhydrologisk statusligning
commun.hymn booksangbog
commun.hymn booksalmebog
chem., el.index bookmålerbog
chem., el.index bookaflæsningsbog
fin.institution's net trading-book profitsinstituttets nettohandelsbeholdningsfortjeneste
commun.international standard book numberInternationalt Standard-Bog-Nummer
industr.International Standard Book Numberinternationalt standardbognummer
transp., avia.journey log bookrejsejournal
transp., avia.journey log bookrejselogbog
transp., avia.journey log booklogbog
commun., industr., construct.knife for book-bindersbogbinderkniv
industr., construct.letter bookkopibog
fin.limit order bookordrebog over ordrer med forskellige begrænsninger
commun.liturgical bookliturgisk bog
commun.location of a bookbogplacering
transp., avia.log-booklogbog
transp., avia.log booklogbog
lab.law., transp.log bookskibsdagbog
IT, tech.log booklog
IT, tech.log bookjournal
IT, tech.log booksystemlog
agric.log bookfiskeribog
commun.love and taste for booksbogelsker
commun.love and taste for booksbibliofil
commun.machine for fixing the stitched volumes of books into the coversmaskine til limning og præsning af hæftede bogblokke i bogbind
commun.machine for flattening the finished book coversmaskine til glatning af færdige bogbind
commun.machine for gilding or colouring the edges of booksmaskine til forgyldning eller farvning af bogsnit
commun.machine for glueing paper covers on to cheap booksmaskine til pålimning af omslag på billigbøger
commun.machine for printing book page signaturessignaturmaskine
commun.machine for the manufacture of book coversmaskine til fremstilling af bogbind
commun.machine used to grecquer the backs of unsewn booksmaskine der fremstiller de indsnit i ryggen på bøger hvori hæftetrådene lægges
commun.make the binding suit the bookforsyne bogen med et passende bind
industr., construct.manuscript music booknodehæfte
fin.market-to-bookbørsværdi i forhold til bogført værdi
commun.mass of old bookssamling gamle bøger
commun.mass of old booksantikvariat
commun.mass of old booksantikvarboghandel
insur.maternity booksvangerskabsbog
chem., el.meter bookaflæsningsbog
chem., el.meter bookmålerbog
polygr., model.miniature bookminiaturebog
law, market.minute bookforhandlingsprotokol
commun.misplace a bookfejlplacering af bog
earth.sc., chem.Munsell book of colourMunsell farveatlas
mus.music booknodehæfte
mus.music booknodebog
cultur.music instruction bookbog med musik- og sangøvelser
commun., transp.navigation booklogbog
law, fin.Net Book Agreementaftale om faste bogladepriser
account.net book valuerestværdi
comp., MSnet book valuebogført nettoværdi (The value of a fixed asset calculated as the difference between the original cost of the fixed asset minus its accumulated depreciations)
account.net book valuebogført restværdi
market.net price system for booksfaste bogladepriser
fin.net trading-book profitnettohandelsbeholdningsfortjeneste
commun.non-book materialikke-bogligt materiale
fin., account.non-trading bookporteføljebeholdning
fin., account.non-trading book"bankens bog"
fin., account.non-trading bookanlægsbeholdning
fin., account.non-trading bookuden for handelsbeholdningen
fin.non-trading book counterparty credit risk chargeopgørelse af risikovægtede poster for kreditrisiko
obs., fin.non-trading book counterparty credit risk chargekrav med hensyn til modpartskreditrisici uden for handelsbeholdningen
fin.non-trading book credit risk exposurekreditrisikoeksponering uden for handelsbeholdningen
obs., fin.non-trading book credit risk exposurekreditrisikoengagement, der ligger uden for handelsbeholdningen
fin.non-trading book itempost uden for handelbeholdningen
obs., fin.non-trading book itempost, der ikke indgår i handelsbeholdningen
fin.non-trading-book positionposition uden for handelsbeholdningen
fin.non-trading-book positionposition i finansielle instrumenter,der ikke indgår i handelsbeholdningen
fin.non-trading-book position in financial instrumentsposition uden for handelsbeholdningen
fin.non-trading-book position in financial instrumentsposition i finansielle instrumenter,der ikke indgår i handelsbeholdningen
fin.non-trading-book positionspositioner uden for handelsbeholdningen
obs., fin.non-trading-book positionspositioner, der ikke indgår i handelsbeholdningen
market.not based on booksuden for bogholderiet
industr., construct.note booknotesbog
gen.note booksnotesbøger
comp., MSoffline address bookofflineadressekartotek (A snapshot of information from an address book that has been downloaded so that an Outlook user can access it while disconnected from the server. It contains the properties of a user, such as e-mail addresses, that Outlook requires to send an e-mail message and display information about the sender)
comp., MSoffline address book distributiondistribution af offlineadressekartotek (The method by which the offline address book (OAB) can be accessed by users when they are working remotely or over a dial-up connection. To distribute the OAB, administrators can use Web-based distribution, public folder distribution, or both. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients)
comp., MSoffline address book distribution pointdistributionspunkt for offlineadressekartotek (The HTTP Web address or public folder where client computers can download an offline address book. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients)
comp., MSoffline address book generationoprettelse af offlineadressekartotek (The process by which Exchange Server creates and updates the OAB. Administrators can define when the OAB generation process will run)
fin.offsetting of the trading book and of the foreign-exchange positionsmodregning af handelsbeholdning og valutapositioner
transp., energ.ind.oil record bookoliejournal
market.to open up books of accountanlæg af bogholderi
transp., polit., UNorange bookgulbog
econ.order bookordrebog
econ.order bookordrebeholdning
gen.to organize periodically in Europe a large-scale exhibition of booksregelmæssigt at organisere en større udstilling af bøger i Europa
cultur.painting bookmalebog
industr., construct.paperback bookhæftet bog
commun.paperbound bookhæftet bog
commun.paperbound bookuindbunden bog
commun.parcel of sheets of a bookpakke bøger
commun.parcel of sheets of a bookbundt bøger
commun.part of a bookdel af bog
commun.pathology of booksbogsygdomme
industr., construct.pattern bookprøvesamling
industr., construct.pattern bookprøvekort
industr., construct.pattern bookmønsterbog
cultur.pictorial alphabet bookABC-billedbog
ed.Pilot scheme to provide financial assistance for projects to promote books and reading in EuropePilotprojekt for støtte til projekter til fremme af bøger og læsning i EU
immigr., tech.pocket bookbrocheret
immigr., tech.pocket bookhæftet
lawpoll bookafstemningsbog
commun.postal travellers'cheque bookpostrejsecheckbog
commun.prayer bookbønnebog
insur.premium receipt bookpræmiekvitteringsbog
fin.price/book ratioprice/book-forhold
fin.price/book ratiobørsværdi i forhold til bogført værdi
fin.price-to-book ratiokursværdi i forhold til bogført værdi
patents.printed matter and paper goods, namely, books, comic books, children’s books, magazines, colouring books, activitytryksager og papirvarer, nemlig bøger, tegneserier, børnebøger, blade, tidsskrifter, malebøger, aktivitetsbøger
patents.printed matter and paper goods, namely comic books and comic magazines and stories in illustrated formtryksager og papirvarer, nemlig tegneseriebøger og tegneseriehæfter og illustrerede historier
patents.printed matter, cardboard and cardboard articles and tickets, newspapers, periodical publications, brochures, books and stationery, writing instruments, address books and diaries, personal organisers, photographs and posters, playing cards, greeting cards, postcards, maps and picturestryksager, pap og papvarer og billetter, aviser, tidsskrifter, brochurer, bøger og papirvarer, skriveredskaber, adressebøger og dagbøger, personlige planlægningskalendere, fotografier og plakater, spillekort, lykønskningskort, postkort, kort og billeder
patents.printed matter, printed publications, books, magazines, brochures, sheet music, paper articles, tickets, labels, cards, greeting cards, photographs, posters, stationery, stickers, gift voucherstryksager, trykte publikationer, bøger, blade, brochurer, noder, papirartikler, billetter, etiketter, kort, lykønskningskort, fotografier, plakater, brevpapir, selvklæbende mærkater, gavekort
patents.printed matter, publications in the form of books, magazines, periodicals and newspaperstryksager, publikationer i form af bøger, blade, tidsskrifter og aviser
lawprocess bookprocesforskrift
lawprocess bookprocesbeskrivelsesdokument
lawprocess data bookprocesforskrift
lawprocess data bookprocesbeskrivelsesdokument
transp.production survey bookproduktionskontroljournal
gen.program bookkonferenceprogram
cultur., ITProgramme of support, including translation, in the field of books and readingprogram til støtte for bøger og læsning, herunder for oversættelse
relig.programme of support, including translation, in the field of books and reading ARIANEprogram til støtte for bøger og læsning herunder for oversættelse Ariane
commun.prohibited bookforbudt bog
lawpublic body book of wisdomvisdomsbog
gen.publication of booksforlagsvirksomhed
patents.publications in the form of books, magazines, periodicals and newspaperspublikationer i form af bøger, blade, tidsskrifter og aviser
commun.publisher of year booksforlægger af årbøger
commun.put a book in circulationbringe en bog i omløb
commun.to put the books in orderordne bøger
commun.quest for book on approvalbestille til gennemsyn
commun.quest for book on approvalbestille på prøve
commun.quick-reference bookreferenceværk
commun.quick-reference bookopslagsværk
commun.ragged old bookgammel bog
commun.ragged old bookbrugt bog
commun.rare booksjælden bog
commun.rare books roomopbevaringsrum for sjældne bøger
commun.rare books roomboglager for sjældne bøger
econ., agric.ration bookrationeringskort
commun.recasting of a bookomarbejdelse
transp.receipt bookkvitteringsbog
industr., construct.receipt bookkvitteringsblok
gen.record bookkabel-register
environ.red data bookrødbog med data
environ.red data bookbog med røde data
commun.reference bookreferenceværk
market., agric.to register with the herd-bookoptage i stambog
market., agric.to register with the herd-bookstambogsføre
nat.sc., agric.registration in the herd-bookstambogsoptagelse
nat.sc., agric.registration in the herd-bookoptagelse i stambog
nat.sc., agric.registration in the herd-bookregistrering
nat.sc., agric.registration in the herd-bookstambogsregistering
market.regulations bookmanual
commun.replace a bookomplacere en bog
commun.return of booksreturnering af bøger
commun.ring book coverringbind
comp., MSsales tax bookmomsbog (A record of sales and purchase transactions for sales tax reporting in Italy)
industr., construct.sample bookprøvekort
industr., construct.sample bookmønsterbog
industr., construct.sample bookprøvesamling
econ.savings certificates or savings booksbank-eller sparekassebøger
ed.school bookskolebog
industr., construct.school exercise bookkladdehæfte
industr., construct.school exercise bookstilehæfte
industr., construct.school exercise bookøvelsesbog
ed.school record bookskolepas
patents.school supplies, namely fountain pens, pencils, erasers, pencil cases, pencil sharpeners, rulers, staplers, paperweights, notebooks, folders, ring binders, spiral notepads, book covers and bookmarksskoleudstyr, nemlig fyldepenne, blyanter, viskelædere, penalhuse, blyantsspidsere, linealer, klipsemaskiner, brevpressere notesbøger, mapper, ringbind, spiralblokke, bogomslag og bogmærker
econ., transp., nautic.seaman's booksøfartsbog
econ., transp., nautic.seaman's bookmønstringsbevis
econ., transp., nautic.seaman's discharge booksøfartsbog
econ., transp., nautic.seaman's discharge bookmønstringsbevis
econ., transp., nautic.seaman's identity booksøfartsbog
econ., transp., nautic.seaman's identity bookmønstringsbevis
commun.second-hand bookantikvarisk bog
polygr., model.second-hand book of little valuegammel bog
commun.sending out books on sale or return without request from the bookselleruspurgt sending
patents.services relating to the publication of books, magazines and periodicalsvirksomhed i forbindelse med udgivelse af bøger, magasiner og tidsskrifter
market.to set up the booksanlæg af bogholderi
comp., MSshared address bookdelt adressekartotek (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
mus.sheet music booknodehæfte
mus.sheet music booknodebog
commun.shopful of old bookssamling gamle bøger
commun.side of a bookperm
law, fin.single rule bookfælles regelsæt
commun.song booksangbog
gen.song bookssangbøger
market., agric.stable bookstaldbog
gen.Standing Committee on Discarding Books and PeriodicalsDet stående Udvalg for udrangering af Bøger og Tidsskrifter
fin.statutory bookslovpligtige regnkabsbøger
market.stock bookstatusbog
econ., market.stock booklagerbog
insur.street bookindeks over beliggenhedsbestemte risici
insur.street bookgadefortegnelse
ed.Student Hand BookStudenterhåndbog
commun.subscription booksubskriptionsbog
commun.subscription bookbogklubbog
commun.subscription bookabonnementsbog
market.subsidiary bookhjælpejournal
arts.Support Programme in the field of books and readinghandlingsprogram, der skal forbedre kendskabet til og udbredelsen af moderne europæiske litterære værker, bl.a. gennem oversættelse
arts.Support Programme in the field of books and readingprogram til støtte for bøger og læsning
mus.talking booklydbog
ed.text booklærebog
transp.ticket bookbillethæfte
fin.trading bookhandelsbog
fin.trading bookhandelsbeholdning
fin.trading book businesshandelsbeholdningsaktiviteter
fin.trading book capital treatmentopgørelse af kapitalkrav for handelsbeholdningen
obs., fin.trading book capital treatmentkapitalbehandling af handelsbeholdningen
fin.trading-book exposurehandelsbeholdningsengagement
fin.trading-book exposurerisiko i handelsbeholdningen
fin.trading book of an institutionet instituts "handelsbeholdning"
fin.trading-book positionhandelsbeholdningsposition
fin.trading book positionspositioner i handelsbeholdningen
fin.trading book positionshandelsbeholdningspositioner
fin.trading-book riskhandelsbeholdningsengagement
fin.trading-book riskrisiko i handelsbeholdningen
fin.trading book riskrisiko i handelsbeholdningen
fin.trading book riskhandelsbeholdningsengagement
transp.train record booktogliste
lawTreaty Series of the Statute Book of FinlandFinlands lovsamlings aftaleserie
patents.trunks and travelling bags, bags, purses, rucksacks, shoulder bags, book bags and school bags aforesaid goods of leather, artificial leather, textiles and plasticsrejse- og håndkufferter, poser, punge, rygsække, skulder- og skoletasker (alle af læder, kunstlæder, tekstiler...)
econ.vehicle licence/log bookregistreringsattest
econ., market.warehouse booklagerbog
market.waste bookkladdebog
ed.work bookøvebog
ed.work bookarbejdshæfte
patents., UNWorld Book and Copyright Dayverdensdag for bøger og copyright
law, fin.writing down the book value of the holdingnedsættelse af den bogførte værdi af en kapitalandel
gen.writing or drawing booksskrive- eller tegnehæfter
commun.year bookårbog
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