
Terms containing Away | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAppear AwayVis som Ikke til stede (An item on the user's My Status menu that can be selected while signed in to make it appear to other users that he or she is currently away)
gen.away dayudedag
gen.away from business premisesuden for fast forretningssted
commer.away-from-home channeludekanal
comp., MSaway greetingikke til stede-autosvar (A voice message that's played to callers to let them know that the person they called is away for an extended period of time and unavailable to answer the phone. It can be customized by the user. It's different from the voice mail greeting that's played when the recipient is away for a short period of time)
transp.to break awaygå i drift
el.break-away connectorstikforbindelse med nødudløsning
lab.law., mech.eng.break-away couplingsikkerhedstilkobling
lab.law., mech.eng.break-away couplingsikkerhedskobling
earth.sc., mech.eng.break away curvekavitationskurve
lab.law., mech.eng.break-away hitchsikkerhedstilkobling
lab.law., mech.eng.break-away hitchsikkerhedskobling
lab.law., mech.eng.break-away mechanismudløsningsmekanisme
transp., polit.break-away safetyeftergivelighedssikkerhed
lab.law., mech.eng.break-away-type hitchsikkerhedskobling
lab.law., mech.eng.break-away-type hitchsikkerhedstilkobling
gen.centralised storage away from the reactorcentrale deponering uden for reaktoren
nucl.phys.charge machine run-awaylademaskinebortløb
construct.clearing awaybortgravning
market.contract negotiated away from business premiseskontrakt der afsluttes uden for forretningsstedet
el.controlled drop-awayankerfrafaldsforsinkelse
commun.cur awaystikke ud
commun.cur awayskære væk
cultur.cut awaystikke
mater.sc.cut awaytværsnit
agric.cut-away coultertakket rulleskær
agric., mech.eng.cut-away disctakket tallerken
met.cut-away sectionSnit
industr., construct.to cut away the lining surplusat skære overskydende for bort
gen.die awaysvækkes
gen.die awaydø ud
construct.to dig awayUdgravning
gen.do not wash away into sewerskyl ikke ned i kloakafløb
transp., construct.drainage ditches/channels/ convey surface water away from the road areaen grøft der anvendes som recipient, tjener den overjordiske afledning af vand fra vejarealet
el.drop-away valuefrafaldsspænding
earth.sc., mater.sc., met.eaten awaytæret af rust
econ.exports of goods which are given away freeeksport af varer,som foræres væk
med.Far-away diseaseeksotisk sygdom
chem., met.flame burning away from nozzleflammen slippermundstykket
mun.plan.fold-away bedklapseng
chem.free-turning roller take-awayaftræksudstyr med fritløbende rulle
agric."get away" cage"get away"-bur
agric."get-away" cage"get-away"-bur
agric.get-away timeudrykningstid
econ., agric.give-away pricespotpris
econ., agric.give-away pricedumpingpris
industr., construct.glove with cut-away back for racing cyclistshandske med udskåret overdel til cykelryttere
gen.keep away from...opbevares adskilt fra...uforligelige stoffer,som angives af fabrikanten
gen.keep away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturerS14
gen.keep away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufactureropbevares adskilt fra...uforligelige stoffer,som angives af fabrikanten
chem.Keep away from any possible contact with water, because of violent reaction and possible flash fire.Undgå enhver kontakt med vand, da dette kan fremkalde voldsom reaktion og risiko for eksplosionsagtig brand.
gen.keep away from combustible materialholdes væk fra brændbare stoffer
gen.keep away from combustible materialS17
gen.keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffsS13
gen.keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffsmå ikke opbevares sammen med nærings-og nydelsesmidler samt foderstoffer
chem.keep away from food,drink and animal feeding stuffsmå ikke opbevares sammen med nærings-og nydelsesmidler samt foderstoffer
gen.keep away from heatmå ikke udsættes for varme
gen.keep away from heatS15
chem.Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.Holdes væk fra varme/gnister/åben ild/varme overflader. Rygning forbudt.
gen.keep away from living quartersmå ikke opbevares i nærheden af beboelse
gen.keep away from living quartersS4
gen.keep away from sources of ignition-No smokingS16
gen.keep away from sources of ignition-no smokingholdes væk fra antændelseskilder-rygning forbudt
gen.keep away from sources of ignition-No smokingholdes væk fra antændelseskilder-Rygning forbudt
gen.keep away from...incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufactureropbevares adskilt fra...uforligelige stoffer,som angives af fabrikanten
gen.keep in a cool place away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturerS3/14
gen.keep in a cool place away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufactureropbevares køligt og adskilt fra...uforligelige stoffer angives af fabrikanten
gen.keep in a cool, well-ventilated place away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufactureropbevares køligt,godt ventileret og adskilt fra...uforligelige stoffer angives af fabrikanten
gen.keep in a cool, well-ventilated place away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturerS3/9/14
gen.keep only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturerS3/9/14/49
gen.keep only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturermå kun opbevares i originalemballagen på et køligt,godt ventileret sted og adskilt fra...uforligelige stoffer angives af fabrikanten
environ.keep polluting industries away from residential areasholde forurenende industrier afskilt fra beboelsesområder
chem.Keep/Store away from clothing/…/combustible materials.Må ikke anvendes/opbevares i nærheden af tøj/…/brændbare materialer.
agric., mech.eng.pop-away sprinklerskjult spreder
agric., mech.eng.pop-away sprinklerforsænket spreder
agric.roll-away nestforsvindingsrede
fin.to sell or give away free of chargeoverdragelse mod vederlag eller vederlagsfrit
fin.to sell or give away free of chargeoverdragelse mod eller uden vederlag
comp., MSShow me as away when my computer is idle for this time period:Vis min status som Ikke til stede, når computeren er inaktiv i dette tidsrum: (The option in the Options dialog box, on the Rules tab, that changes the user's status to Away after the computer has been idle for the selected time period)
nat.sc., agric.slope on side away from pondydersidens hældning af en dam
lab.law.to stay away from workbortgå fra arbejdspladsen
lab.law.to stay away from workforlade arbejdspladsen
lab.law.to stay away from workabsentere sig
chem.Store away from other materials.Må ikke opbevares i nærheden af andre materialer.
transp.take-away salesrejseproviant
transp., construct.to take away the viewhindre udsigten
life.sc.the fog is clearing awaytågen letter
mech.eng.throw-away bitvendeplatte
mech.eng.throw-away insertvendeplatte
IT, el.throw-away moduleudskiftningsdel
IT, el.throw-away modulesliddel
environ.throw-away optionsmid væk-option
mech.eng.throw-away tipvendeplatte
commer.trading away povertyhandle sig ud af fattigdommen
chem.wash away spilled liquid with plenty of waterspildt væske bortvæskes med rigeligt vand
transp., construct.washing awaybortskylning
transp., construct.washing awayerosion
transp., construct.washing awayunderminering
med.wasting awaycachexia
gen.wasting awaytilstand af svær afmagt og generel degeneration (som følge af f.eks. kræft)
gen.Working Party on Dust Control away from the Winning AreaArbejdsgruppe vedrørende støvbekæmpelse uden for Brydningszonen