
Terms for subject General containing An | all forms | exact matches only
a well, an excavation makes much wateren udgravning giver meget vand
access to an operational capabilityadgang til en operationel kapacitet
Action plan of the Council and the Commission on how best to implement the provisions of the Treaty of Amsterdam on an area of freedom, security and justiceWienhandlingsplanen
activity as an employed personlønnet virksomhed
activity as an employed personlønarbejde
activity as an employed personvirksomhed som arbejdstager
activity as an employed personarbejde som lønmodtager
activity of an industrial charactervirksomhed af industriel karakter
to adopt an actvedtage en retsakt
to adopt an amendmentvedtagelse af ændringsforslag
to adopt an opinionvedtage en udtalelse
Agreement establishing an Associationassocieringsaftale
Agreement establishing an Associationaftale om oprettelse af en associering
Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkeyaftale om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet
Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and TurkeyAnkaraaftalen
Agreement for Facilitating the International Circulation of Visual and Auditory Materials of an Educational, Scientific and Cultural Characteroverenskomst til lettelse af den internationale udveksling af synlige og hørbare materialer af undervisningsmæssig, videnskabelig og kulturel art
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the United States of America relating to the modification of concessions with respect to cereals provided for in EC Schedule CXL to the GATT 1994aftale i form af brevveksling mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Amerikas Forenede Stater om ændring af indrømmelser for korn i liste CXL, der er knyttet som bilag til GATT 1994
Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Union and the Government of Indonesia on the tasks, status, privileges and immunities of the European Union Monitoring Mission in Aceh Indonesia, Aceh Monitoring Mission - AMM and its personnelaftale i form af brevveksling mellem Den Europæiske Union og Indonesiens regering om opgaver, status, privilegier og immuniteter for Den Europæiske Unions observatørmission i Aceh Indonesien, observatørmissionen i Aceh - AMM og dens personale
an admission card duly issuedet adgangskort,som er forskriftsmæssigt udstedt
an Advisory Committee shall be attached to the Commissionder oprettes et rådgivende udvalg for Kommissionen
an aerosol of this substance irritates...dette stofs aerosol virker irriterende på...
an aerosol of this substance is corrosive to...en aerosol fra dette stof virker ætsende på...
An Agenda for Peacedagsorden for fred
an Economic and Social Committee acting in an advisory capacityet økonomisk og socialt Udvalg med rådgivende funktioner
an effective norm of international lifeen effektiv norm i det internationale liv
an electronic voting systemet elektronisk afstemningsanlæg
an enzymeenzymer forekommende i blodet i stærkt forøgede mængder ved visse sygdomme
an evolutionary and inclusive processen evolutionær proces, der er åben for alle
an evolutionary and inclusive processen evolutionær proces, som omfatter alle ansøgerlande
an evolutionary and inclusive processen evolutionær og inklusiv proces
an inquiry has been held on the instructions of the Disciplinary Boarddisciplinærrådet har iværksat en undersøgelse
an irregular instructionen uretmæssig ordre
an official paid from appropriations in the research and investment budgeten tjenestemand, hvis vederlag afholdes over forsknings- og investeringsbudgettet
an original European contribution to the technique of arriving at concerted actionet egenartet europæisk bidrag til samordningens teknik
application to participate in an invitation to tenderansøgning om at blive opfordret til at afgive bud
appoint to an established post, toansætte i en fast stilling
arbitration is an appropriate means of settling such disputesvoldgift er et egnet middel til at bilægge sådanne tvister
area eligible under an objectiveområde støtteberettiget under et mål
area eligible under an objectivemål nr.x-område
as an incidental questionunder sagens gang
as an incidental questionsom bispørgsmål
as an incidental questionaccessorisk
As regards Bulgaria and Romania, this INSTRUMENT constitutes an act building upon the Schengen acquis or otherwise related to it, within the meaning of Article 4 of the 2005 Act of AccessionFor så vidt angår Bulgarien og Rumænien er dette INSTRUMENT en retsakt, der bygger på Schengenreglerne eller på anden måde har tilknytning dertil, jf. artikel 4, stk. 2, i tiltrædelsesakten af 2005.
balance of an instalmentresterende del af en tranche
to be in regular full-time attendance at an educational establishmentregelmæssigt modtage heltidsundervisning i en uddannelsesinstitution
before an operationfør en operation
to bring about an adjustment of tariff agreements in force with third countriestilpasse bestående toldaftaler med tredjeland
by an absolute majoritymed absolut flertal
case of an emergencynødsituation
case of an emergencykrisesituation
challenge an actanfægte en retsakt
civil service to which an official belongsoprindelig tjeneste
clerical duties of an administrative naturekontorarbejde
to command an operationhave kommandoen over en operation
committee asked for an opinionrådgivende udvalg
complaint alleging an infringement of a rule in the Treatyklage over overtrædelse af en regel i traktaten
conclusion of a contract after an invitation to tenderindgåelse af en kontrakt efter indkaldelse af bud
conclusion of a contract after an invitation to tenderindgåelse af en aftale efter indkaldelse af tilbud
conducting an inspection in partnershipkontrolbesøg gennemført i fællesskab
Confederation for an Independent PolandKonføderation for et Uafhængigt Polen
consequences of an accidentfølger af en ulykke
constituent element of an offencemindsteregler for, hvad der udgør en kriminel handling
constituent element of an offencebestanddel
constituent element of an offencebestanddel i en forbrydelses gerningsindhold
constituent element of an offencegerningsindhold
constituent element of an offencevæsentlig bestanddel i en strafbar handling
Contact Committee on the resale right for the benefit of the author of an original work of artKontaktudvalget for Følgeretten for Ophavsmanden til et Originalkunstværk
Convention concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old-age and Widows' and Orphans' Insurancekonvention angående indførelse af en international ordning om bevarelse af rettigheder inden for invaliditets-, alderdoms- og efterladteforsikringen
Convention on the law applicable to certain rights in respect of securities held with an intermediaryHaagerværdipapirkonventionen
correction of an acoustical measurement systemmodforvrængning
corruption on an international scalekorruption af internationalt omfang
costing Process of obtaining the true price of an item of expenditure.udgiftsberegning
Council Regulation EC No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country nationalDublinforordningen
Council Regulation EC No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country nationalDublin III-forordningen
decision recognizing an occupational diseaseafgørelse am anerkendelse af en erhvervssygdom
to deliver an opinionafgiveenudtalelse
deliver an opinionafgive udtalelse
do not discharge into drains or the environment, dispose to an authorised waste collection pointS56
do not discharge into drains or the environment, dispose to an authorised waste collection pointudled ikke stoffet i kloak eller miljø,men aflever det til en autoriseret affaldsindsamlingsvirksomhed
Documents referenced in the text are available on the Council's Internet site http://www.consilium.europa.eu. Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asteriskdisse erklæringer findes ligeledes på Rådets internetsted eller kan fås ved henvendelse til Pressetjenesten.
to encourage an increase in the number of places where these publications are on saletilskynde til en forøgelse af antallet af salgssteder for disse publikationer
to encourage increased tourism on both an individual and group basisat tilskynde til forøgelse af turismen både individuelt og på gruppebasis
to encourage the development of an interdisciplinary approach to environmental problemsat tilskynde til udvikling af en tværfaglig behandling af miljøproblemer
engage in an occupation whether gainful or not, toudøve erhvervsmæssig beskæftigelse mod eller uden vederlag
to engage in an outside activity, whether gainful or notudøve en bibeskæftigelse mod eller uden vederlag
engage in an outside activity, whether gainful or not, toudøve en bibeskæftigelse mod eller uden vederlag
to enter an advance in a suspense accountbogføre et forskud på en interimskonto
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the other partEuro-Middelhavs-aftale om oprettelse af en associering mellem De Europæiske Fællesskaber og deres medlemsstater på den ene side og Den Arabiske Republik Egypten på den anden side
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other partEuro-Middelhavs-aftale om oprettelse af en associering mellem De Europæiske Fællesskaber og deres medlemsstater på den ene side og Kongeriget Marokko på den anden side
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Tunisia, of the other partEuro-Middelhavs-aftale om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og dets medlemsstater på den ene side og Den Tunesiske Republik på den anden side
Europe Agreement establishing an associationEuropaaftale om associering
Europe Agreement establishing an associationEuropaaftale
Europe Agreement establishing an associationEuropaaftale om oprettelse af en associering
Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Poland/the Republic of Hungary/the Czech and Slovak Federal Republicden europæiske aftale om oprettelse af en associering mellem De Europæiske Fællesskaber og deres medlemsstater og Republikken Polen Republikken Ungarn den Tjekkiske og Slovakiske Føderative Republik
European Association for an Independent Producers' MarketEuropæisk Organisation for et Uafhængigt Audiovisuelt Marked
examiner serving in an advisory capacityrådgivende bisidder
executive duties of an administrative and technical nature, in particularadministrative og praktiske arbejdsopgaver, såsom
to express an opinionafgiveenudtalelse
financing through an intermediarysamlet tilskud
firearm disguised as an other objectskydevåben,der er camoufleret som en anden genstand
fuel with an alcoholic basebrændstof på alkoholbasis
full-dress procedure for concluding an agreementformel procedure for indgåelse af aftaler
functional tissue of an organde egentlige, funktionelle elementer i et organ
to give an honorary rankudnævne til ærestjenestemand
give an honorary rank, toudnævne til ærestjenestemand
to give an impetusgive nye impulser til
to give an impetussætte gang i
to give an impetustilføre dynamik
to give an impetustilføre yderligere fremdrift
to give an impetussætte yderligere skub i
to give an impetusskabe fremdrift
to give an impetusgive ny fremdrift til
to give an impetusgive en yderligere impuls til
to give an impetusgive en ny impuls til
glass covered with an electrical conductorglas, beklædt med elektrisk leder
Government representative in an administrative regionregeringens repræsentant i administrative regioner
grant an applicationimødekomme en anmodning
to grant an applicationimødekomme en anmodning
Handbook with recommendations for international police cooperation and measures to prevent and control violence and disturbances in connection with football matches with an international dimension, in which at least one Member State is involvedhåndbog om internationalt politisamarbejde i forbindelse med fodboldkampe
to have an address for service:to specify a particular address for servicetræffe bestemmelse om et særligt værneting
heating may cause an explosioneksplosionsfarlig ved opvarmning
heating may cause an explosionR5
to impose fines of an appropriate sizepålægge bod af en passende størrelse
improvement of conditions for tourism on an individual or collective basisforbedring af vilkårene for turisme på individuelt eller kollektivt grundlag
In view of the above considerations, the Conference will have to return to this chapter at an appropriate moment.På baggrund af ovenstående vil konferencen skulle vende tilbage til dette kapitel på et passende tidspunkt.
In view of the above considerations, the EU may return to this chapter at an appropriate moment.På baggrund af ovenstående vil EU kunne vende tilbage til dette kapitel på et passende tidspunkt.
inclusion of an item on the draft agendaopførelse af et punkt på den foreløbige dagsorden
increase in the size of an organsygelig vækst af organ p.g.a. celleforstørrelse
inflation of an organoppustning af et organ
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damagefondskonventionen af 1971
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992fondskonventionen af 1992
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992international konvention om oprettelse af en international fond for erstating af skader ved olieforurening, 1992
Investing in research: an action plan for Europe3 %-handlingsplan
involving an operationom blodtryk målt på en arterie
involving an operationindtrængende
iodine-sampling device with an activated carbon cartridgeapparat til indsamling af jodprøver på aktivt kul
to lay the foundations of an ever closer union among the peoples.at skabe grundlag for en stadig snævrere sammenslutning mellem de folk
legality of an actlovligheden af en retsakt
noise of an impulsive characterstøj med impulskarakter
noise of an impulsive characterstøj med en impulsiv karakter
non-development of an organmangelfuld udvikling af væv eller organer
not to choose to give an oral explanation of votegive afkald på at afgive mundtlig stemmeforklaring
on an identical modelaltid fast formuleret
to order an inquiry in which each side can submit its case and reply to the case of the other sideiværksætte en kontradiktorisk undersøgelse
parent institution of an officialen tjenestemands oprindelige institution
to permit an equitable distribution of advantages and obligations of comparable scaletillader en ligelig fordeling af fordele og forpligtelser af sammenligneligt omfang
plasma disruption by an electron gunplasmasprængning frembragt med elektronkanon
proceedings against an institutionanlægge sag mod en institution
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Adoption of an Additional Distinctive Emblem Protocol IIItillægsprotokol til Genèvekonventionerne af 12. august 1949 om vedtagelse af et yderligere kendemærke protokol III
provision of an expertudsendelse af en ekspert
publication of an actoffentliggørelse af en akt
to put an amendment to the votesætte et ændringsforslag under afstemning
to put an amendment to the vote...der stemmes om det ændringsforslag, der..
to put an amendment to the votelade foretage afstemning om et ændringsforslag
to put an amendment to the voteladeforetage afstemning om et ændringsforslag
to put an end to a disputeafslutte stridighed
referral to an appeal committeehenvisning til appeludvalget
Regulation EU No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless personDublinforordningen
Regulation EU No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless personDublin III-forordningen
relating to an organ in the chest areaindvolds-
removal of an ovaryfjernelse af æggestok
renewal of an agreementforlængelse af en aftale
to replace an officialerstatte en ansat, erstatte en tjenestemand
replace an official, toerstatte en ansat
Report on the operation of the Council with an enlarged Union in prospectTrumpf-rapporten
right to appeal to an arbitratorretten til at indgive sager for en ombudsmand
round off an amount, toafrunde et beløb
sale with an option to repurchaseuægte salgs- og tilbagekøbsforretning
scale of an exerciseøvelsesomfang
second an official to another institution, toudstationere en tjenestemand til en anden institution
simplified procedure for concluding an agreementforenklet procedure for indgåelse af aftaler
speed of flooding of an exposed corehastighed,hvormed en tør reaktorkerne igen kan sættes under vand
Steering Committee of an Advisory Nature on the Action Programme for the European Year of Safety, Hygiene and Health at WorkStyrelsesudvalget af Rådgivende Karakter vedrørende Handlingsprogrammet for Det Europæiske Arbejdsmiljøår
to submit an application for re-examination of the caseindgive en ansøgning om fornyet behandling af sin sag
substance having an oestrogenic actionøstrogent virkende stof
substance having an oestrogenic actionstof med østrogen effekt
substance on which an enzyme actsnæringsmiddel til dyrkning af bakterier
substance with an oestrogenic actionøstrogent virkende stof
sudden blocking of an arterydannelse af blodprop
surface decontamination in an acid bathoverfladerensning i syrebad
suspension of an officialen tjenestemands suspension
the Agency's capital an0 the terms upon which it is to be subscribedagenturets kapital og de nærmere bestemmelser om dennes tilvejebringelse
the Assembly shall hold an annual sessionForsamlingen afholder en årlig session
the Commission shall attach thereto an opinion which may contain different estimatesKommissionen føjer hertil en udtalelse, der kan indeholde afvigende overslag
the committee asked for its/an opinionmedvirkende rådgivende udvalg
the interpretation of the statutes of bodies established by an act of the Councilfortolkningen af vedtægter for organer, der oprettes af Rådet
third legislative package for an internal EU gas and electricity markettredje energipakke
turn into an emulsionopslemme
unless an exception is authorised by the CounCilmedmindre Rådet tillader en fravigelse
to voice an opinionafgiveenudtalelse
whether an agreement envisaged is compatible with the provisions of this Treatyden påtænkte aftales forenelighed med bestemmelserne i denne Traktat
with an anionnegativt ladet
with an external originudefra kommende
to withdraw an amendmentsåfremt et ændringsforslag...
without producing an eggmangel på løsning af æg fra æggestokken
worker suffering from an illnessarbejder ramt af invaliditet
Working Party on an EEC Trade MarkArbejdsgruppe vedrørende et EF-varemærke
Working Party on Electrical Equipment for Use in an Explosive AtmosphereArbejdsgruppe vedrørende elektrisk materiel, bestemt til anvendelse i en eksplosiv Atmosfære