
Terms for subject General containing All | all forms | exact matches only
aggregation of all periods taken into accountsammenlægning af alle tidsrum, der tages i betragtning
all burntudbrændt
all burnt rangerakets rækkevidde til det stadium, hvor brændstoffet er brugt op
all burnt rangefløjet distance ved motorudbrænding
all burnt rangeen rakets rækkevidde til det stadium,hvor brændstoffet er brugt op
all burnt velocityhastighed ved motorudbrænding
"all destinations" derogationuanset bestemmelsessteds-undtagelse
all four texts being equally authenticde fire tekster har samme gyldighed
All-Inclusive Intra-East Timorese Dialogueden altomfattende interne dialog i Østtimor
All People's PartyHele Folkets Parti
all population groups and social forcesalle befolkningsgrupper og samfundskræfter
all-purpose vehicleterrængående køretøj
all-purpose vehicleoff-roader
all weather fighteraltvejrsjager
avoid all contact!undgå enhver kontakt!
"catch-all" textopsamlingstekst
to clean the floor and all objects contaminated by this material, use... to be specified by the manufacturerS40
to clean the floor and all objects contaminated by this material, use... to be specified by the manufacturergulvet og tilsmudsede genstande renses med...midlerne angives af fabrikanten
Convention concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of all Kindskonvention angående kvinders beskæftigelse ved underjordiske arbejder i miner af enhver art
Convention for the Exemption of Hospital Ships, in Time of War, from The Payment of all Dues and Taxes Imposed for the Benefit of the Statekonvention vedrørende hospitalskibe
design for alluniverselt design
design for alldesign for alle
European Year of Equal Opportunities for Alldet europæiske år for lige muligheder for alle
global quotas open to all other Member statesglobalkontingenter, som vil kunne udnyttes af samtlige øvrige Medlemsstater
Health for All by the year 2000Sundhed for alle år 2000
in all cases consult a doctor!i alle tilfælde rådspørg en læge!
in case of fire in the surroundings:all extinguishing agents allowedi tilfælde af brand i nærheden:alle slukningsmidler tilladte
International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activitiesinternational erhvervsnomenklatur
International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activitiesinternational branchenomenklatur ISIC
its decision shall be binding upon all Member Statesdens afgørelse er bindende for alle Medlemsstater
members may attend all meetingsmedlemmerne har adgang til alle møder
national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocolnational opgørelse af drivhusgasemissioner
national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocolnational drivhusgasopgørelse
Non-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forestsskoverklæringen
on the basis of consultation and agreement among all parties concernedpå grundlag af rådslagninger og aftaler mellem alle berørte parter
principles, which all are of primary significanceprincipper, der alle er af grundlæggende betydning
to promote access by all to respective cultural achievementsat fremme adgang for alle til de respektive kulturelle frembringelser
reimbursement of all additional expensesgodtgørelse af alle yderligere udgifter
remove all contaminated clothing immediatelytilsmudset tøj tages straks af
to respect all the rights inherent in and encompassed by sovereigntyrespektere alle de rettigheder, der er forbundet med og omfattet af deres suverænitet
seminar organized for all members of staffseminar, der er blevet afhold for personale
sports meetings and competitions of all sortssportsstævner og konkurrencer af enhver art
take off immediately all contaminated clothingS27
take off immediately all contaminated clothingtilsmudset tøj tages straks af
The decision exists in all languages, but English / French is the sole authentic version of the agreement. Translations of the text of the agreement will be published in the Official Journal.Afgørelsen findes på alle sprog, men den engelske udgave af aftalen er den eneste autentiske. Oversættelserne af aftaleteksten vil blive offentliggjort i EU-Tidende.
the High Authority shall make all administrative arrangementsDen Høje Myndighed træffer alle interne forholdsregler
United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its AspectsFN's handlingsprogram vedrørende håndvåben og lette våben
to use all control rods ganged togetherat anvende alle kontrolstænger i sammenkobling