
Terms for subject Transport containing Aircraft | all forms | exact matches only
ageing aircraftældre luftfartøj
agricultural aircraftfly til brug forbindelse med landbrug
air controlled radio-guided aircraftradiostyret luftfartøj styret fra luften
aircraft accidentflyhavari
aircraft accidentflyvehavari
aircraft accidentflyulykke
aircraft accidentflyveulykke
aircraft addressluftfartøjsadresse
aircraft alterationflyændring
aircraft and passenger handlinghåndtering fly og passagerer
aircraft approach limitationanflyvnings højdebegrænsning
aircraft arresting cablefly-bremsekrogswire
aircraft arresting hook wirefly bremsekrogswire
aircraft arresting systemfly opfangningssystem
aircraft arresting wirefly-bremsekrogswire
aircraft arrestmentflyindfangning
aircraft attitudeflyvestilling
aircraft cableflykabel
aircraft captainluftfartøjschef
aircraft categoryflykategori
aircraft category aircraft categoryluftfartøjskategori
aircraft checkflysikkerhedstjek
aircraft climb corridorstigekorridor
aircraft commanderluftfartøjschef
aircraft commanderluftkaptajn
aircraft commanderfartøjschef
aircraft configurationluftfartøjskonfiguration
Aircraft Conventionkonvention angående lovovertrædelser og visse andre handlinger begået om bord i luftfartøjer
aircraft deck-arrestor gearlandingsanordning til landing af luftfartøjer på hangarskibe
aircraft deck-arrestor gearlandingsanordning til landing af luftfartøjer
aircraft dispatcherflyveleder
aircraft dispatcherflystartkontrollant
aircraft dispatcherflyklarerer
aircraft dispatcherflydispatcher
aircraft dispatcherfly dispatcher
aircraft dispersalflyparkeringsplatform
aircraft engineflymotor
aircraft equipmenttilbehør
aircraft equipmentudstyr til luftfartøjer
aircraft equipmentflyudstyr
aircraft equipmentudstyr til luftfartøj
aircraft fitterflymontør
aircraft flat palletluftfragtpalle
aircraft flight manualflyvehåndbog
aircraft flying en-routeluftfartøj på vej
aircraft fuel systemflybrændstofsystem
aircraft fuelling equipmentdispenser til optankning af fly
aircraft groundingflyveforbud
aircraft groundingstartforbud
aircraft groundingudstedelse af startforbud
aircraft handoveroverlevering af kontrol med fly
aircraft hangarluftfartøjshangar
aircraft hangarhangar
aircraft identificationluftfartøjsidentifikation
aircraft identificationflyidentifikation
aircraft incidentlufttrafikhændelse
aircraft incidentflyvehændelse
aircraft incident data basedatabase for flyulykker
aircraft inspectionluftfartøjsinspektion
aircraft launching gearstartanordning til luftfartøjer
aircraft loading tablefly lasteplan
aircraft logsflyets logbog
aircraft maintenanceflyvedligeholdelse
aircraft maintenance manualvedligeholdelseshåndbog for luftfartøjer
aircraft maintenance programmeprogram for vedligeholdelse af luftfartøjer
aircraft manufacturerflyudstyrsfabrikant
aircraft marshallersignalgiver
aircraft marshalling areatrafikområde
aircraft modificationflymodifikation
aircraft movementluftfartøjsoperation
aircraft not involved in commercial air transportikke-erhvervsmæssig lufttransportluftfartøj
aircraft observationobservation fra luftfartøj
aircraft operatorluftfartsoperatør
aircraft operatorluftfartøjsoperatør
aircraft operatorflyoperatør
aircraft operator holding accountluftfartøjsoperatørkonto
aircraft palletluftfartøjspalet
aircraft palletfly palle
aircraft parking chargeflyparkeringsafgift
aircraft partstilbehør til luftfartøj
aircraft partsdele til luftfartøj
aircraft picketingflyfortøjning
aircraft pierfinger
aircraft positionflyvestilling
aircraft positionflyposition
aircraft prepared for service weighttypisk startvægt
aircraft propellerflypropel
Aircraft Radio Licenceluftfartøjsradiolicens
aircraft refuel couplingflyoptankningskobling
aircraft repairflyreparation
aircraft repair and maintenance servicestjenester i forbindelse med reparation og vedligeholdelse af flyvemaskiner
aircraft's slipstreamflyvemaskinens slipstrøm
aircraft searchflysikkerhedskontrol
aircraft security checkflysikkerhedstjek
aircraft security searchflysikkerhedskontrol
aircraft segmentstrækning
aircraft servicesservicering af luftfartøjer
aircraft servicing connectorservicing-tilslutning på fly
aircraft servicing platformflyparkeringsplatform
aircraft skinluftfartøjs yderbeklædning
aircraft standstandplads
aircraft standflystandplads
aircraft tie downflyfortøjning
aircraft traffic laneflytrafikkorridor
aircraft transient servicingassistance til fly på transit
aircraft turn aroundflyklargøring
aircraft type certificatetypecertifikat for luftfartøj
aircraft type trainingtypeuddannelse på luftfartøj
aircraft tyreflyvemaskinedæk
aircraft utilization rateudnyttelse af fly
aircraft vectoringledelse af fly ved kursanvisning
aircraft which does not carry solely cargofly, der ikke udelukkende anvendes til fragt
ambulance aircraftambulanceluftfartøj
anti-aircraft missilejord-til-luft-missil
associated aircraft ratinghermed forbunden rating til pågældende flytype
basic aircraftbasisfly
basic equipment aircraftgrundversion med minimalt udstyr
buyer of second-hand aircraftkøber af brugte fly
canard wing aircrafttandem-fly
canard wing aircraftande-fly
cargo aircraftfragtluftfartøj
cargo aircrafttransportluftfartøj
chase aircrafteskortefly
chase aircraftledsagefly
civil aircraftcivilt luftfartøj
civil aircraft and aviation sectorcivil luftfart
Civil Aircraft Research and Demonstration Programmeprogram for civil luftfartsforskning og demonstration
civil subsonic aircraftsubsonisk civil jetfly
combat aircraftkampfly
Committee on Aircraft NoiseCommittee on Aircraft Noise
Community fleet of aircraftEF-flyflåden
commuter aircraftregionalt fly
commuter aircraftpendlerflyvemaskine
commuter aircraftcommuterfly
construction, maintenance and repair of aircraftbygning, vedligeholdelse og reparation af luftfartøjer
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraftkonventionen om forhindring af havforurening ved dumpning fra skibe og luftfartøjer
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraftkonvention til forhindring af havforurening ved dumpning fra skibe og luftfartøjer
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and AircraftOslo-konventionen
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraftkonvention om bekæmpelse af ulovlig bemægtigelse af luftfartøjer
Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed On Board Aircraftkonvention angående lovovertrædelser og visse andre handlinger begået om bord i luftfartøjer
convertible aircraftkonvertibelt luftfartøj
corporate aircraftforretningsfly
design basis for aircraft crashkonstruktionsforudsætninger vedrørende flystyrt
double-row aircraftfragtfly med dobbelt-række-last
droop nose aircraftfly med kipbart næseparti
early withdrawal of aircraft from servicefremskyndet udrangering af luftfartøjer
European Coordination Centre for Aircraft Incident Reporting SystemsDet Europæiske Koordinationscenter for Systemer for Indberetning af Flyhændelser
European Coordination Centre for Aircraft Incident Reporting Systemseuropæisk center til koordination af systemer til indberetning om flyuheld
executive aircraftforretningsfly
exemption of aircraft fuel from taxationfritagelse for at flybrændstof beskattes
fixed installation for aircraftfaste anlæg til Luftfarttøjer
fixed wing and rotary wing aircraftfly med faste og med roterende vinger
fixed-wing aircraftfly med fast bæreplan
fixed-wing aircraftfastvingefly
fixed-wing aircraftfly med faste vinger
fixed-wing aircraftfastvinget fly
flight by State aircraftstatslig flyvning
to fly an aircraft using trimsflyve med trimning
grant for aircraft acquisitionbevilling til indkøb af fly
ground controlled radio-guided aircraftradiostyret luftfartøj styret fra jorden
grounding of an aircraft typeat en bestemt type luftfartøj har fået startforbud
headlamp for aircraftprojektør til flyvemaskiner
high altitude aircraftluftfartøj til flyvning i stor højde
hypersonic aircrafthypersonisk fly
hypersonic research aircrafthypersonisk forsøgsfly
hypersonic transatmospheric aircrafttransatmosfærisk overlydsfly
IFR aircraftIFR-fly
International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot AssociationsInternational Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations
International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot AssociationsDet Internationale Råd af Flyejer- og Pilotforbund
large aircraftstort luftfartøj
Large Aircraft Sector Understandingsektoraftale for store fly
large civil aircraftstort civilt luftfartøj
lead aircraftførerfly
to lease an aircraft registered in another Member Statelease luftfartøj,der er indregistreret i en anden Medlemsstat
leasing of aircraftudlejning af luftfartøjer
leasing of aircraftleasing
LH2 powered aircraftLH2-fly
liaison aircraftforbindelsesfly
licensed aircraft engineergodkendt flykontrollant
lift fan aircraftløfteblæserfly
lifting body aircraftflyvende vinge
lifting body aircraftfly med integreret vinge
medium-haul large capacity aircraftmellemdistancefly med stor kapacitet
microlight aircraftmotoriseret dragefly
microlight aircraftdragefly forsynet med en lille motor
minimum equipment aircraftgrundversion med minimalt udstyr
mixed-power-plant aircraftluftfartøj med forskellige motortyper
multi-engined aircraftflermotoret fly
Multilateral Agreement relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Imported Aircraftmultilateral overenskomst angående luftdygtighedsbeviser for importerede luftfartøjer
"next-generation aircraft" task forcetask force "den nye generations fly"
noise emissions from subsonic aircraftstøj fra luftfartøjer
noisy aircraftstøjende fly
non-commercial air transport aircraftikke-erhvervsmæssig lufttransportluftfartøj
oblique wing aircraftfly med drejelige vinger
passenger aircraftpassagerluftfartøj
pattern aircraftinstruktionsfly
pilotless aircraftdrone
pilotless target aircraftdrone
pilotless target aircraftmålsøgningsvåben
pleasure aircraftfritidsfly
pooling of aircraftfælles anvendelse af luftfartøj
private aircraftprivatfly
private aircraftprivat luftfartøj
production aircraftseriefly
Protocol for the Prevention and Elimination of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft or Incineration at Seaprotokol om forebyggelse og bekæmpelse af forurening af Middelhavet ved dumpning fra skibe og luftfartøjer eller ved havafbrænding
Protocol on matters specific to aircraft equipmentprotokol om specifikke forhold for flyudstyr
Protocol on the Prevention of the Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraftprotokol om forebyggelse af forurening af Middelhavet forårsaget af dumpning fra skibe og luftfartøjer
Protocol to the European Convention on Consular Functions relating to Consular Functions in respect of Civil Aircraftprotokol vedrørende civil luftfart
prototype aircraftprototypefly
quick change aircraftfly til hurtig konvertering
quiet short take-off and landing aircraftstøjdæmpet kortbanefly
quiet short take-off and landing aircraftQSTOL-fly
quiet take-off and landing aircraftstøjdæmpet fly
quiet take-off and landing aircraftQTOL-fly
receiver aircraftbrændstofmodtagende fly
regional aircraftpendlerflyvemaskine
regional aircraftcommuterfly
regional aircraftregionalt fly
regional transport aircraftregional fly
repair-cycle aircraftfly under vedligeholdelse
rotary-wing aircraftfly med roterende vinger
rotary-wing aircraftrotorfly
rotary-wing aircraftrotorluftfartøj
rotary-wing aircraftfly med bærerotor
rotary-wing aircraftbærerotorfly
rotating wing aircraftfly med bærerotor
rotating wing aircraftrotorfly
rotating wing aircraftfly med roterende vinger
rotating wing aircraftbærerotorfly
rotating wing aircraftrotorluftfartøj
Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraftsikkerhedsvurdering af udenlandske luftfartøjer
search of aircraftundersøgelse af luftfartøjer
short take-off and landing aircraftkort start-og-landingsfly
short take-off and landing aircraftkortbanefly
short take-off and landing aircraftSTOL-fly
single-engine aircraftenmotoret fly
slew wing aircraftfly med drejelige vinger
state aircraftstatsluftfartøj
strayed aircraftvildfarent luftfartøj
subsonic aircraftunderlydsfly
subsonic aircraftsubsonisk luftfartøj
subsonic aircraftsubsonisk fly
supersonic aircraftoverlydsfly
supersonic transport aircraftsupersonisk transportfly
swing-wing aircraftfly med stilbare vinger
swing-wing aircraftfly med indstillelig variabel pilform på vingerne
swing-wing aircraftfly med indstillelig vingepilform
tail first configuration aircraftande-fly
tail first configuration aircrafttandem-fly
tailless aircrafthaleløst fly
tandem tilt propeller aircraftluftfartøj med vipbar propeller i tandemposition
tanker aircrafttankerfly
tanker aircrafttankfly
tilt wing aircraftfly med vipbar vinge
tiltrotor aircraftluftfartøj med kipbar rotor
tilt-rotor aircrafttiltrotorfly
tiltrotor aircrafttiltrotorfly
tilt-rotor aircraftluftfartøj med kipbar rotor
tiltrotor aircraftfly med kipbar rotor
tilt-rotor aircraftfly med kipbar rotor
tilt-wing aircraftfly med kipbar vinge
tourist or business aircraftprivat-eller forretningsfly
trailer aircraftledsagefly
training aircraftøvelsesluftfartøj
transonic aircrafttranssonisk fly
transport aircrafttransportfly
transport aircrafttransportluftfartøj
turbine-powered aircraftturbinedrevet fly
turbo-fan aircraftturbo-fan-fly
turbojet aircraftturbo-jet-fly
turboprop aircraftturbopropfly
turbo-prop aircraftturbo-prop-fly
turbo-propeller aircraftturbopropfly
turbopropeller aircraftturbo-prop-fly
ultra-light aircraftultralet fly
ultra-light aircraftdragefly forsynet med en lille motor
ultra-light aircraftmotoriseret dragefly
ultralight motorized aircraftultralet motoriseret fly
unidentified aircraftuidentificeret luftfartøj
Universal Aircraft Flight Simulator/Traineruniversel luftfartøjsflyvesimulator/-træner
unlawful interference with the aircraftulovligt anslag mod flyet
unmanned aircraftførerløst luftfartøj
unmanned aircraftubemandet luftfartøj
variable geometry aircraftfly med indstillelig variabel pilform på vingerne
variable geometry aircraftfly med indstillelig vingepilform
variable geometry aircraftfly med stilbare vinger
variable sweep aircraftfly med indstillelig vingepilform
variable sweep aircraftfly med stilbare vinger
vertical take-off and landing aircraftlodret start og landing maskine
vertical take-off and landing aircraftlodret startende og landende fly
vertical take-off and landing aircraftfly med lodret start og landing
vertical take-off and landing aircraftVTOL-fly
V/STOL aircraftV/STOL fly
wide-bodied aircraftwide-body-fly
wide-bodied aircraftjumbofly
wide-bodied aircraftbredkroppet fly
widebody aircraftbredkroppet fly
widebody aircraftjumbofly
widebody aircraftwide-body-fly