
Terms for subject Law containing Air | all forms | exact matches only
Act on Compressed-Air Worklov om trykluftsarbejder
Additional Protocol concerning the replacement of the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges of 12 February 1981 by the relevant provisions of the consolidated text of the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air navigation as amended at Brussels in 1997, including its Annex IVtillægsprotokol vedrørende erstatning af den multilaterale aftale vedrørende en route-afgifter af 12. februar 1981 med de relevante bestemmelser i den konsoliderede tekst i den internationale Eurocontrolkonvention vedrørende samarbejde om luftfartens sikkerhed, som ændret i Bruxelles i 1997, herunder annex IV
Air Lawluftfartsret
Air Lawluftret
Air Lawluftfartslovgivning
air piracyluftpiratvirksomhed
air service agreementlufttrafikaftale
air service agreementlufttransportaftale
air service agreementluftfartsaftale
International Convention for the unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air, and Additional Protocol, signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929Warszawakonventionen af 12. oktober 1929 om indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring og tillægsprotokollen
law of the airluftret
open air discussionGacaca-ret
regime of unlimited liability in the case of death or injury of air passengersordning med ubegrænset erstatningsansvar ved flypassagerers død eller tilskadekomst