
Terms for subject Environment containing Aids | all forms
aid for environmental protectionstøtte til miljøbeskyttelse
aid for the release of land for environmental purposesstøtte til nedlæggelse af jorder af miljøhensyn
aid scheme to promote efficient use of energystøtteordningen til fordel for rationel energianvendelse
aid to fight manure pollutionstøtte til bekæmpelse af gødningsforurening
aid to fight manure pollutiongødningsstøtte
development aid The economic assistance or other types of support provided to developing countries to promote or encourage advancement in living standards, institutions, infrastructure, agricultural practices and other aspects of an economy, and to resolve problems typically associated with developing countriesudviklingsbistand
financial aidfinansiel bistand
financial aid The transfer of funds from developed to underdeveloped countriesfinansiel bistand
humanitarian aid The support or relief given to save human lives or to alleviate suffering, including public health efforts and the provision of financial resources and food, often when governmental authorities are unable or unwilling to provide for such assistancehumanitær bistand
humanitarian aidhumanitær bistand
manure aidstøtte til bekæmpelse af gødningsforurening
manure aidgødningsstøtte
public aid Government aid in the form of monies or food stamps to the poor, disabled, aged or to dependent childrenoffentlig støtte
wet strength aidvådstyrkemiddel