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Terms containing Agency for | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
health., lab.law.Administrative Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at WorkBestyrelsen for Det Europæiske Arbejdsmiljøagentur
commun., ITagency for broadcast rightsrettighedsagent
commun., ITagency for broadcast rightsagent for TV-rettigheder
econ.Agency for International DevelopmentDe Forenede Staters statslige bistandsorganisation
interntl.trade.Agency for International Trade Information and CooperationAgenturet for International Handelsinformation og Internationalt Handelssamarbejde
environ., energ.ind.Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environmentnational sammenslutning for alternativ energi
gen.Agency for the Control of ArmamentsAgenturet for Rustningskontrol
econ.Agency for the Cooperation of Energy RegulatorsAgenturet for Samarbejde mellem Energireguleringsmyndigheder
environ., energ.ind.Agency for the Environment and Energy Managementagentur for miljø og energiforvaltning
gen.Agency for the International Promotion of SMEsSammenslutningen til Fremme på Internationalt Plan af Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder
fin., agric.Agency for the Olive-oil SectorOlivenolieagenturet
nat.sc.Agency for the Promotion of European Researchkontor for fremme af europæisk forskning
transp., avia.Agency for the Security of Aerial Navigation in Africa and MadagascarKontoret for Luftfartssikkerhed i Afrika og på Madagaskar
patents.agency services for arranging travelagenturvirksomhed vedrørende rejsearrangementer
astronaut.Agreement between the States Parties to the Convention for the establishment of a European Space Agency and the European Space Agency for the protection and the exchange of classified informationaftale mellem de stater, som er deltagere i konventionen vedrørende oprettelsen af en europæisk rumorganisation og Den Europæiske Rumorganisation til beskyttelse og udveksling af klassificerede oplysninger
nucl.phys.Argentinian-Brazilian Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear MaterialDet Brasiliansk-argentinske Agentur for Regnskab og Kontrol med Nukleare Materialer
patents.booking agency services for traveltjenester vedrørende rejsereservationer
nat.sc., nat.res.Central Agency for Documentation and Assessment of Alternative Animal Experimentation Methodscentralt organ for registrering og vurdering af metoder til erstatning og supplering af dyreforsøg
social.sc.Church Agency for Indigenous AffairsMissionsrådet for De Indfødte
gen.Committee for Executive AgenciesForvaltningsorganudvalget
transp., avia.Committee for implementation of the Regulation on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety AgencyUdvalget for Luftfartssikkerhed
transp., avia.Committee for implementation of the Regulation on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety AgencyUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Forordningen om Fælles Regler for Civil Luftfart og om Oprettelse af et Europæisk Luftfartssikkerhedsagentur
econ., UNConvention between the European Community and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees UNRWA concerning aid to refugees in the countries of the Near Eastkonventionen mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og De Forenede Nationers Hjælpeorganisation for Palæstinaflygtninge UNRWA om bistand til flygtninge i Mellemøsten
astronaut.Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Agencykonvention vedrørende oprettelsen af en europæisk rumorganisation
astronaut.Convention for the Establishment of a European Space AgencyESA-konventionen
econ.European Agency for CooperationDet Europæiske Samarbejdsagentur
ed.European Agency for Development in Special Needs EducationDet Europæiske Agentur for Udvikling af Undervisning af Personer med Særlige Behov
econ.European Agency for ReconstructionDet Europæiske Genopbygningsagentur
gen.European Agency for ReconstructionGenopbygningsagenturet
econ.European Agency for Safety and Health at WorkDet Europæiske Arbejdsmiljøagentur
ed.European Agency for Safety Health at WorkEuropæiske Arbejdsmiljøagentur
pharma.European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal ProductsDet Europæiske Lægemiddelagentur
obs., pharma.European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal ProductsDet Europæiske Agentur for Lægemiddelvurdering
gen.European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European UnionDet Europæiske Agentur for Forvaltning af det Operative Samarbejde ved EU-Medlemsstaternes Ydre Grænser
immigr., ITEuropean Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and JusticeDet Europæiske Agentur for den Operationelle Forvaltning af Store It-systemer inden for Området med Frihed, Sikkerhed og Retfærdighed
obs.European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and JusticeIt-Agenturet
gen.European Agency for Trade Cooperation with the Developing CountriesDet Europæiske Agentur for Handelssamarbejde med Udviklingslandene
health., nat.res.European Agency for Veterinary and Phytosanitary InspectionDet Europæiske Veterinær- og Plantesundhedsagentur
agric., health., anim.husb.European Agency for Veterinary and Plant-Health InspectionDet Europæiske Veterinær- og Plantesundhedsagentur
econ.European Union Agency for Fundamental RightsDen Europæiske Unions Agentur for Grundlæggende Rettigheder
econ.European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation and TrainingEU-Agenturet for Samarbejde og Uddannelse inden for Retshåndhævelse
ITEuropean Union Agency for Network and Information SecurityDen Europæiske Unions Agentur for Net- og Informationssikkerhed
obs., ITEuropean Union Agency for Network and Information SecurityDet Europæiske Agentur for Net- og Informationssikkerhed
econ., busin.Executive Agency for Competitiveness and InnovationForvaltningsorganet for Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder
obs., econ., busin.Executive Agency for Competitiveness and InnovationForvaltningsorganet for Konkurrenceevne og Innovation
obs., econ., busin.Executive Agency for Competitiveness and InnovationForvaltningsorganet for Intelligent Energi
econ., health.Executive Agency for Health and ConsumersForvaltningsorganet for Forbrugere, Sundhed og Fødevarer
obs., econ., health.Executive Agency for Health and ConsumersForvaltningsorganet for Sundhed og Forbrugere
obs., econ., busin.Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesForvaltningsorganet for Konkurrenceevne og Innovation
econ., busin.Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesForvaltningsorganet for Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder
obs., econ., busin.Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesForvaltningsorganet for Intelligent Energi
econ., health.Executive Agency for the Public Health ProgrammeForvaltningsorganet for Forbrugere, Sundhed og Fødevarer
obs., econ., health.Executive Agency for the Public Health ProgrammeForvaltningsorganet for Sundhed og Forbrugere
gen.fees for obtaining and maintaining a Community authorisation to market medicinal products for human and veterinary use and for the other services supplied by the Agencygebyrer for at opnå og opretholde en EF-tilladelse til markedsføring af human- og veterinærlægemidler samt for andre tjenesteydelser fra agenturet
health., lab.law.Governing Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at WorkBestyrelsen for Det Europæiske Arbejdsmiljøagentur
health.International Agency for Research on CancerDet Internationale Kræftforskningscenter
med.International Agency for Research on CancerInternational Agency for Research on Cancer
gen.Military Agency for StandardizationMilitært Standardiseringsorgan
econ.National Agency for Reconstruction and Developmentnationalt agentur for genopbygning og udvikling
fin.Reconstruction Agency for KosovoDet Europæiske Genopbygningsagentur for Kosovo
interntl.trade., agric.sale or disposal for export by governments or their agencies of non-commercial stocksregeringers eller statslige myndigheders salg eller afsætning til eksport af ikkekommercielle lagre
transp., avia.Statute of the Agency of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigationstatutter for Agency for Den Europæiske Organisation for Luftfartens Sikkerhed Eurocontrol
gen.Statute of the Agency of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigationstatutter for Eurocontrols Agency
gen.Statute of the Agency of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air NavigationAgency's statutter
patents.travel agency services for booking accommodationrejsebureauvirksomhed i forbindelse med reservation af værelser
environ., UNUN agency for the environmentFN's Miljøorganisation
environ., UNUN agency for the environmentFN-organisation for miljø
environ., UNUN agency for the environmentFN's Miljøagentur
obs., lawUnion agency for human rights and democracyeuropæisk menneskerettighedsagentur
obs., lawUnion agency for human rights and democracyEU-agentur for menneskerettigheder og demokrati
UNUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near EastDe Forenede Nationers Hjælpeorganisation for Palæstinaflygtninge i Mellemøsten
econ.United States Agency for International DevelopmentDe Forenede Staters statslige bistandsorganisation