
Terms containing Active | all forms | exact matches only
nat.sc.active absorptionaktiv optagelse
nat.sc.active absorptionaktiv absorption
med.active abusersaktive misbrugere
environ.active aerationaktiv beluftning
social.sc.active ageerhvervsaktiv alder
social.sc.active ageingaktiv aldring
social.sc.active ageing policypolitik for en aktiv alderdom
social.sc.active ageing policypolitik for ældres erhvervsaktivitet
social.sc.active ageing policypolitik for aktiv aldring
gen.active air defenceaktivt luftforsvar
industr., construct., chem.active alkaliaktivt alkali
med.active analysisaktiv psykoanalyse
med.active anaphylaxisaktiv anafylaxi
gen.active and passive neutron methodeaktive og passive neutronmetoder
el.active antennaaktivt element
construct.active archaktiv bue
comp., MSactive attract applicationaktivt opmærksomhedsfangende program (The attract application that is configured to show when users start new user sessions on a Surface unit. You can add many attract applications to a Surface unit, but only one can be the active attract application)
fin.active balancekreditsaldo
environ.active barrieraktiv barriere
el.active base regionaktivt grundområde
el.active base regionaktivt basisområde
fin.active borrowerland der fortsat modtager IBRD-lån
fin.active borroweraktiv låntager
agric.active breeding lifeavlsperiode
gen.active briberyydelse af bestikkelse
gen.active briberyydelse af bestikkelse eller forsøg herpå
gen.active briberyaktiv bestikkelse
stat., lab.law.active business partneraktiv partner
earth.sc.active by-productradioaktivt biprodukt
comp., MSActive Cacheaktiv cache (A client-side cache and caching service that enables Project Pro to interact directly with the local cache on the machine rather than with the server, for opens and saves, and then handles moving any changes to the project plan between the client and Project Server)
chem.active capaktiv klokke
earth.sc., construct.active capacityUdnyttet kapacitet
chem.active carbonaktivt kul
chem.active carbonaktiveret kul
comp., MSactive cellaktiv celle (The selected cell in which data is entered when you begin typing. Only one cell is active at a time. The active cell is bounded by a heavy border)
chem.active charcoalaktivt kul
chem.active charcoalaktiveret kul
chem.active chemical exchange groupaktiv kemisk byttegruppe
earth.sc., el.active circuit elementaktivt kredsløbselement
earth.sc., el.active circuit elementaktivt element
earth.sc., el.active circuit elementaktiv kredsløbsdel
earth.sc., el.active circuit elementaktiv del
h.rghts.act., ed.active citizenshipaktivt medborgerskab
h.rghts.act., ed.active citizenshipaktivt borgerskab
earth.sc.active coatingaktiv belægning
comp., MSactive coloraktiv farve (The color displayed in the central square of the color box that appears in most workpanes. The active color is used when you create a new object and when you add fills and patterns to a selected object)
earth.sc.active componentradioaktiv komponent
mater.sc.Active Componentaktiv komponent
med.active connective tissueaktivt bindevæv
pharma., environ., agric.active constituentaktivt indholdsstof
pharma., environ., agric.active constituentvirkstof
pharma., environ., agric.active constituentvirksomt stof
pharma., environ., agric.active constituentlægemiddelstof
pharma., environ., agric.active constituentaktivt stof
pharma., environ., agric.active constituentaktivstof
comp., MSactive contentaktivt indhold (Interactive or animated content used on the Internet. Active content includes ActiveX controls and web browser add-ons)
comp., MSactive controlaktivt objekt (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen controls, the control that will be affected by current cursor movements, commands, and text entry)
lab.law., mater.sc.active control workaktiv kontrol
nat.sc.active coolingaktiv køling
gen.active coreaktiv kerne
gen.active core heighteffektive kernehøjde
gen.active core volumeeffektive kernevolumen
gen.active corps in the national policestatslige politis korps
gen.active corruptionydelse af bestikkelse eller forsøg herpå
gen.active corruptionaktiv bestikkelse
gen.active corruptionydelse af bestikkelse
ITactive database management systemaktivt DBMS
mech.eng.active delay tanktank for radioaktivt henfald
earth.sc.active depositradioaktiv belægning
gen.active deterrenceaktiv afskrækkelse
earth.sc., mech.eng.active devicesaktive elementer
med.active diastoleaktiv diastole
comp., MSActive Directory accountActive Directory-konto (The identity of a user, which can be used to grant access to resources or authority to perform certain tasks)
comp., MSActive Directory Certificate ServicesCertifikattjenester i Active Directory (A software service that issues certificates for a particular certification authority (CA). It provides customizable services for issuing and managing certificates for the enterprise. Certificates can be used to provide authentication support, including secure e-mail, Web-based authentication, and smart-card authentication)
comp., MSActive Directory contactActive Directory-kontakt (An Active Directory object that contains information about an individual such as name, address, and job title. It can include a foreign e-mail address)
comp., MSActive Directory containerActive Directory-objektbeholder (The identity that Active Directory gives to a collection of objects, such as a group of users or a domain of computers)
comp., MSActive Directory data modelActive Directory-datamodel (A model derived from the LDAP data model. The directory holds objects that represent entities of various sorts, described by attributes. The objects and classes of objects that can be stored in the directory are defined in the schema. For each class of objects, the schema defines the attributes an instance of the class must have, the additional attributes it can have, and the class that can be its parent)
comp., MSActive Directory Delta DiscoveryActive Directory-deltasøgning (A discovery option that allows Configuration Manager to discover only new or changed resources in Active Directory independently of a full discovery cycle)
comp., MSActive Directory Domain ServicesActive Directory-domæneservices (The Microsoft Windows based directory service. Active Directory Domain Services stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators)
comp., MSActive Directory Domain ServicesActive Directory-domænetjenester (The Microsoft Windows based directory service. Active Directory Domain Services stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators)
comp., MSActive Directory Forest Discovery methodActive Directory Forest-søgemetode (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for Active Directory sites and subnets in Active Directory forests)
comp., MSActive Directory Group Discovery methodActive Directory-gruppesøgemetode (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for the group memberships of computers and users by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory group validationValidering af Active Directory-gruppe (A procedure that ensures the uniqueness of the account name of a group within a domain stored in Active Directory)
comp., MSActive Directory Management AgentAdministrationsagent til Active Directory (The Identity Lifecycle Manager management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) or Active Directory directory service)
comp., MSActive Directory Metadirectory ServicesActive Directory Metadirectory-tjenester (A Microsoft technology that creates joined views of data contained in multiple directory services)
comp., MSActive Directory objectActive Directory-objekt (An entity that can hold an identity in a Windows environment, such as computers, printers, mobile devices, users, groups, and so on)
comp., MSActive Directory Rights Management ServicesActive Directory Rights Management-tjenester (A Microsoft technology designed to help enterprise customers control and protect critical digital information by offering easy-to-use, flexible, and persistent policy expression and enforcement)
comp., MSActive Directory schemaActive Directory-skema (The set of definitions of every object class that can be created in Active Directory, as well as the definitions of every attribute that can be assigned to that object class)
comp., MSActive Directory Security Group Discovery methodActive Directory-søgemetode for sikkerhedsgruppe (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for security group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory siteActive Directory-netværk (A collection of Internet Protocol subnets, usually used to connect a group of computers that are physically close to each other)
comp., MSActive Directory synchronizationActive Directory-synkronisering (The process of matching user accounts and mail-enabled contacts and groups from the local Active Directory directory service)
comp., MSActive Directory System Discovery methodActive Directory-systemsøgemetode (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory System Group Discovery methodActive Directorys-søgemetode for systemgruppe (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory User Discovery methodActive Directory-brugersøgemetode (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for computer user resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory Users and ComputersActive Directory-brugere og -computere (An administrative tool used by an administrator to perform day-to-day Active Directory administration tasks. The tasks that can be performed with this tool include creating, deleting, modifying, moving, and setting permissions on objects stored in the directory. Examples of objects in Active Directory are organizational units, users, contacts, groups, computers, printers, and shared file objects)
comp., MSActive Directory-based activationActive Directory-baseret aktivering (The activation of systems in an enterprise environment by using an established Active Directory implementation and the same key types)
work.fl.active disseminationaktiv spredning af information
comp., MSactive documentaktivt dokument (A document that contains ActiveX controls, Java applets, HTML pages, or document objects for display in Internet Explorer)
IT, dat.proc.active document typedeklaration af aktiv dokumenttype
IT, dat.proc.active document typeaktiv dokumenttype
IT, dat.proc.active document type declarationdeklaration af aktiv dokumenttype
IT, dat.proc.active document type declarationaktiv dokumenttype
chem.active drierprimær sikkativ
med.active drug release deviceanordning til styret frigivelse af aktive stoffer
environ.active dustradioaktivt støv
environ.active effluent drain hold-up tankopsamlingstank for flydende radioaktivt affald
nucl.phys.active effluent drain pipedrænledning for radioaktivt vand
environ.active effluent drain pumpdrænpumpe for radioaktivt vand
environ.active effluent systemrensningssystem for radioaktiv væske
earth.sc., el.active electrodedifferent elektrode
earth.sc., el.active electrodeaktiv elektrode
earth.sc.active elementaktiv stof
earth.sc., el.active element of a circuitaktivt element
earth.sc., el.active element of a circuitaktivt kredsløbselement
earth.sc., el.active element of a circuitaktiv kredsløbsdel
earth.sc., el.active element of a circuitaktiv del
gen.active employmentaktiv tjeneste
social.sc., empl.active employment policyaktiv beskæftigelsespolitik
comp., MSactive endmarkeringsafslutning (The ending point for a selected range of objects. It is usually established at the object logically nearest the hot spot of the pointer when a user releases the primary mouse button)
earth.sc., tech.active energy meterwattimemåler
earth.sc.active faultaktiv fejl
agric., industr.active fermentationaktiv fermentering
industr., construct., chem.active fillerforstærkende fyldstof
industr., construct., chem.active filleraktivt fyldstof
law, agric.active firepå... brand
agric.active firebrand
agric.active fireskovbrand
law, transp.active fleetdisponibelt antal køretøjer
med.active focusaktivt focus
earth.sc.active fuel regioneffektiv brændselszone
fin.active fund managementaktiv porteføljeforvaltning
fin.active fund managementaktiv porteføljeadministration
fin.active fund managementaktiv investeringsforvaltning
earth.sc., mater.sc.active gaslagret gas
earth.sc., mater.sc.active gasforbrugsgas
gen.active glassaktiv glas
gen.active guidanceaktiv målsøgning
gen.active guidancestyring mod mål
gen.active guidanceaktiv fremføring
gen.active hearing defenderaktivt høreværn
construct.active heat insulationdynamisk varmeisolering
construct.active heat insulationdynamisk varmeisolation
earth.sc.active heat transfer surface areaeffektivt varmeovergangsareal
gen.active homingstyring mod mål
gen.active homingaktiv fremføring
gen.active homing guidancestyring mod mål
gen.active homing guidanceaktiv fremføring
med.active hyperaemiaarteriel hyperæmi
med.active hyperaemiaaktiv hyperæmi
med.active hyperemiaaktiv hyperæmi
comp., MSactive hyperlinkaktivt link (A hyperlink that is currently selected in a Web browser. Some Web browsers indicate the active hyperlink by changing its color)
comp., MSactive hyperlinkaktivt hyperlink (A hyperlink that is currently selected in a Web browser. Some Web browsers indicate the active hyperlink by changing its color)
med.active immunityaktiv immunitet
med., pharma.active immunizationaktiv immunisering
health.active implantable electromedical equipmentaktiv,implantabel,elektromedicinsk anordning
med.active implantable medical deviceaktivt, implantabelt medicinsk udstyr
med.active implanted medical deviceaktivt, implantabelt medicinsk udstyr
earth.sc.active impurity controlaktiv kontrol af urenheder
social.sc., lab.law.active inclusionaktiv inklusion
fin.active incomeaktiv indkomst
earth.sc.active infrared cellaktiv infrarødcellen
agric.active ingredientaktivt stof
agric.active ingredientlægemiddelstof
agric.active ingredientaktivt grundelement
agric.active ingredientvirksomt stof
pharma.active ingredientfarmakologisk virksomt stof
pharma., environ., agric.active ingredientvirkstof
pharma., environ., agric.active ingredientaktivstof
agric.active ingredientvirksom stof
pharma., environ., agric.active ingredientaktivt indholdsstof
med.active ingredients present in the form of compounds or derivativesvirksomme stoffer,som er blandinger eller derivater
earth.sc.active laboratory"hot cell" laboratorium
chem.active laboratoryhøjaktivitetslaboratorium
chem.active laboratoryhot cell laboratorium
social.sc., empl., unions.active labour market policyaktiv arbejdsmarkedspolitik
environ.active laundryaktivt vasketøj
earth.sc.active layeraktivt lag
ed.active learningaktiv indlæring
gen.active lengthaktive længde
social.sc., unions.active lifeerhvervslivet
IT, dat.proc.active link typedeklaration af aktiv link-type
IT, dat.proc.active link typeaktiv sammenkædningstype
IT, dat.proc.active link type declarationdeklaration af aktiv link-type
IT, dat.proc.active link type declarationaktiv sammenkædningstype
fin.active loanslån i udbetaling
fin.active loansaktive lån
gen.active loopradioaktiv forsøgskredsløb
earth.sc., industr., construct.active loudspeakerhøjttaler med indbygget forstærker
comp., MSactive mailbox migrationoverførsel af aktiv postkasse (The stage during the e-mail migration when the migration service is actively provisioning new cloud-based mailboxes)
commun.active maintenance timeaktiv vedligeholdelsestid
stat., tech.active maintenance timenetto vedligeholdelsestid
fin.active management of the positionaktiv porteføljeforvaltning
fin.active market-penetration strategyaktive bestræbelser på at trænge ind på et marked
earth.sc.active masseffektiv masse
earth.sc., el.active mass factoreffektiv massefaktor
commun., ITactive master site control processorsactive master site control processors
med.active materialsvirksomme masse
med.active materialsaktive materialer
med.active materialsaktive masse
earth.sc.active matrix liquid crystalflydende krystal i en aktiv matrix
stat.active measuresaktive tiltag
med.active medical deviceaktivt medicinsk udstyr
med.active medicamentaktivt medikament
comp., MSActive Messaging ProtectionAktiv meddelelsesbeskyttelse (A process by which antivirus and anti-spam agents and filters are applied to e-mail messages for the purpose of stopping unsolicited or malicious e-mails from entering the organization)
gen.active mineaktiv mine
gen.active modetændt tilstand
pharma., chem.active moiety of the moleculevirksom molekyledel
comp., MSactive monitoringaktiv overvågning (Gives Lync system administrators the ability to monitor pools, servers, and networks across data centers through the public Internet)
med.active movementaktiv bevægelse
lawactive nationality jurisdictionaktiv national kompetence
tech.active neutron assay systemaktivit neutron-målesystem
gen.active neutron interrogation systemaktiv-neutron-spørgesystem
gen.active neutron monitoring systemsystem til overvågning af aktive neutroner
nat.sc.active noise cancellation systemaktiv støjudligningssystem
comp., MSactive objectaktivt dokument (In a collaboration diagram, an object role that can initiate control. Typical active objects include processes and tasks. In contrast, a passive object holds data and may send messages, but it does not initiate control)
gen.active official or servanttjenestemand eller anden ansat i aktiv tjeneste
nat.sc., life.sc.active ombrogenous bogaktiv ombrogen tørvemose
earth.sc.active operation with tritiumaktiv drift med tritium
environ.active participation The involvement, either by an individual or a group of individuals, in their own governance or other activities, with the purpose of exerting influenceaktiv deltagelse
environ.active participationaktiv deltagelse
comp., MSactive partitionaktiv partition (A partition from which a computer starts up. The active partition must be a primary partition on a basic disk. If you use Windows exclusively, the active partition can be the same as the system volume)
econ., busin., labor.org.active partnerkomplementar
lawactive personality principleprincippet om den aktive person
industr.active plate boundaryaktiv pladegrænse
environ.active populationden erhvervsmæssigt beskæftigede del af befolkningen
environ.active populationarbejdsstyrke
environ.active population The number of people available and eligible for employment within a given enterprise, region or nationerhvervsaktiv befolkning
econ., social.sc., empl.active populationerhvervsaktiv del af befolkningen
fin.active portfolio strategyaktiv porteføljepleje
mech.eng.active portion of the path of contactindgrebsstrækning
el.active powervirkeeffekt
el.active poweraktiv effekt
el.active-power flowtransitering af aktiv effekt
el.active-power flowoverføring af aktiv effekt
earth.sc., tech.active power meterwattmeter
comp., MSactive power planAktiv strømstyringsmodel (The power plan that is currently selected in Power Options in Control Panel)
commun.active preventive maintenance timenetto forebyggende vedligeholdelsestid
commun.active preventive maintenance timeaktiv forbyggende vedligeholdelsestid
pharma., environ., agric.active principleaktivt stof
pharma., environ., agric.active principleaktivt indholdsstof
agric.active principlevirksomt stof
pharma., environ., agric.active principleaktivstof
pharma., environ., agric.active principlevirkstof
pharma., environ., agric.active principlelægemiddelstof
agric.active principlevirksom stof
agric.active principleaktivt grundelement
environ.active protection measureaktiv beskyttelsesforanstaltning
environ.active raised bogaktiv højmose
environ.active raised peatbogaktiv højmose
life.sc.active regionaktivt solområde
med.active relaxationaktive tonusøvelser
med.active relaxationaktiv afspænding
commun.active repair timenetto reparationstid
commun.active repair timeaktiv reparationstid
law, crim.law.active repentanceaktiv anger
med.active resistive exerciseisometrisk træning
law, commer.active salesaktivt salg
transp., construct.active scoop with sheavesaktiv skovl med trisser
comp., MSactive scriptingActive Scripting (A Microsoft technology that uses COM to run third-party scripts in Microsoft Internet Explorer without regard to language and other elements of implementation)
fin.active securitiesefterspurgte værdipapirer
fin.active securitystadigt omsat værdipapir
fin.active securityhyppigt omsat værdipapir
med.active serine proteaseaktiv serinprotease
agric.active shipskib i service
el.active signalling linkaktiv signallink
med.active siteaktivt site
med.active siteaktivt sted
med.active siteaktivt sæde
med.active siteaktivt område
comp., MSactive software update pointaktivt punkt for softwareopdatering (The software update point for a site that interacts with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to configure software updates settings and manage software updates synchronization. The active software update point can accept connections from the intranet and the Internet)
mater.sc., construct.active solar heatingaktiv solvarme
energ.ind.active solar houseaktivt solvarmehus
energ.ind.active solar houseaktivt solenergihus
life.sc.active solar regionaktivt solområde
nat.sc., energ.ind.active solar systemaktivt solfangersystem
nat.sc., energ.ind.active solar systemaktiv solenergi
energ.ind., construct.active solar systemaktivt solvarmesystem
energ.ind., construct.active solar systemaktivt solvarmeanlæg
energ.ind., construct.active solar systemaktivt solfangersystem
chem.active solventaktivt opløsningsmiddel
earth.sc.active sonaraktiv sonar
earth.sc.active sourceradioaktiv kilde
econ., transp., tech.active staffpersonale i aktiv tjeneste
life.sc.active state of plastic equilibriumaktiv plastisk ligevægtstilstand
comp., MSactive-state power managementstrømstyring i aktiv tilstand (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
earth.sc., construct.active storageUdnyttet kapacitet
construct.active storage capacityudnytteligt magasinvolumen
construct.active storage capacityudnytteligt magasinindhold
pharma., environ., agric.active substanceaktivt indholdsstof
pharma., environ., agric.active substanceaktivstof
pharma.active substancelægemiddelstof
pharma., environ., agric.active substancevirkstof
pharma.active substancefarmakologisk virksomt stof
pharma., environ., agric.active substanceaktivt stof
agric.active substancevirksomt stof
agric.active substancevirksom stof
agric.active substanceaktivt grundelement
med.active substancesaktive substanser
med.active substancesvirksomme stoffer
med.active substancesaktive stoffer
med.active substances in combinationkombination af virksomme stoffer
el.active surfaceaktiv overflade
met., el.active surface of an electrodeaktiv elektrodeoverflade
nat.sc., energ.ind.active systemaktiv solenergi
nat.sc., energ.ind.active systemaktivt solfangersystem
energ.ind., construct.active systemaktivt solvarmesystem
nat.sc., energ.ind.active systemaktivt solvarmeanlæg
energ.ind., construct.active systemaktivt solfangersystem
med.active therapyaktiv terapi
ITactive threataktiv trussel
comp., MSactive timeaktiv tid (The entire duration of a timeline, including forward and backward iterations. For example, a timeline programmed to play forward and then backward, once, is active for twice the specified duration--once for the forward iteration and once again for the backward iteration)
industr.active tooling unitaktiv værktøjsenhed
med.active transportationaktiv transport
mech.eng., el.active type heat exchangeraktiv varmeveksler
insur.active underwriterLloyd's Underwriter
insur.active underwriteraktiv underwriter
insur.active underwriteraktiv assurandør
gen.active unit for continuous vitrificationaktiv enhed til kontinuerlig vitrificering
comp., MSactive upgradeaktiv opgradering (An upgrade that is performed on a sequenced application package without shutting down the server that streams it)
ITactive valueaktiv værdi
comp., MSActive Viewaktiv visning (A feature in Hotmail that's designed to help people get more done on the web without having to leave their inbox. Active View displays directly in the body of the e-mail message, showing either previews to other web content or interactive elements created by the sender that let the recipient complete core tasks. A preview message example might include a reference to a file on a photo-sharing or video-sharing website that the recipient can view in the message, or package-tracking information that's extracted from a shipping website. Interactive scenarios might include rating movies and updating wish lists on movie-rental websites or responding to invitations or comments on social networking websites)
gen.active vision techniqueteknik til aktiv billedgenkendelse
gen.active voiceaktiv
comp., MSactive volumeaktivt drev (The volume from which the computer starts up. The active volume must be a simple volume on a dynamic disk. You cannot mark an existing dynamic volume as the active volume, but you can upgrade a basic disk containing the active partition to a dynamic disk. After the disk is upgraded to dynamic, the partition becomes a simple volume that is active)
fin.active wagerealløn
environ.active washing ingredientaktiv bestanddel i detergenter
gen.active waste storage facilitieslager for radioaktivt affald
environ.active wateraktivt vand
social.sc.active welfare stateaktiv velfærdsstat
tech.active well coincidence meter"active well coincidence meter"
comp., MSactive windowaktivt vindue (The window in which a user is currently working or directing input. An active window is typically at the top of the Z order and is distinguished by the color of its title bar)
law, ITactive wire-tappingaktiv tapning
gen.active workshopaktivt værksted
gen.active zoneaktiv zone
life.sc., construct.active zone of wellbrøndopland
med.agent used to produce active immunitymiddel,som anvendes til at fremkalde en aktiv immunitet
energ.ind.alternating current static watt-hour meter for active energystatisk vekselstrømswattmeter for aktiv energi
chem.ampholytic surface active agentoverfladeaktivt stof af amfolyt-kategorien
chem.anionic surface-active agentanionisk overfladeaktivt stof
stat., tech.assessed mean active maintenance timefastsat gennemsnitlig netto vedligeholdelsestid
chem.b-active substancebismuth-aktivt stof
chem.base of active ingredientbæremiddel
environ.biodegradable surface active agentbionedbrydeligt overfladeaktivt stof
med.biologically active medicinal productbiologisk aktiv produkt
med.biologically active proteinbiologisk aktiv protein
earth.sc., life.sc.biologically active ultraviolet radiationbiologisk aktiv ultraviolet stråling
earth.sc., life.sc.biologically active ultraviolet radiationultraviolet-B stråling
earth.sc., life.sc.biologically active ultraviolet radiationUV-B stråling
chem.bismuth-active substancebismuth-aktivt stof
hobby, commun.brochure to promote active holidaysbrochure om aktive ferierejser
pharma.bulk solution of active ingredientbulkopløsning af aktivt indholdsstof
industr., construct., chem.cation-active agentkationaktivt emne
chem.cationic surface-active agentkationisk overfladeaktivt stof
chem.cationic surface active agentoverfladeaktivt stof af den kationaktive kategori
life.sc.coefficient of active earth pressureaktiv jordtryksfaktor
med.combination of active substancesblanding af aktive stoffer
gen.common active waste manifoldfælles fordelerledning for radioaktivt affald
environ.Community action programme promoting non-governmental organisations primarily active in the field of environmental protectionEF-handlingsprogram til fremme af ikke-statslige organisationer, som først og fremmest er aktive inden for miljøbeskyttelse
agric.concentration of active ingredient in formulationpræparatetsindhold af virksomt stof
agric.concentration of active ingredient in formulationindhold af virksomt stot i præparatet
agric.concentration of active ingredient in spraykoncentration af virksomt stof i en sprøjtevæske
med.container for radio-active decontaminationopsamlingskar til radioaktivt kontamineret vand
stat.contributing family workers,% of economically active populationuaflønnede ansatte i familieforetagende i pct.af den økonomisk aktive befolkning
stat., empl.currently active populationsamlet arbejdsstyrke
gen.disposal of radio-active wasteudledning af radioaktive affaldstoffer
agric.dose per hectare of active ingredientvirksomt stof pr.hektar
econ., stat.economically activeerhvervsmæssigt beskæftiget
econ., stat.economically active personerhvervsaktiv person
lab.law.economically active populationerhvervsmæssigt beskæftigede del af befolkningen
lab.law.economically active populationerhvervsaktiv befolkning
lab.law.economically active populationarbejdsstyrken
met.effective mass of the specimen:that mass of the specimen which is magnetically activeprøvestykkets magnetisk virksomme masse
med.endocrine active compoundstof med hormonforstyrrende virkning
med.endocrine active compoundstof med hormonforstyrrende effekt
med.endocrine active compoundhormonforstyrrende stof
med.enzymatically active moietytoksins aktive kæde
med.enzymatically active moietyenzymatisk aktivt fragment
social.sc.European Active Citizenship Yeardet europæiske år for aktivt medborgerskab
lawEuropean Network on Fugitive Active Search Teamseuropæisk netværk af hold til aktiv eftersøgning af efterlyste personer på flugt
gen.European Union Centre for the active prevention of crisesDen Europæiske Unions regi til aktiv forebyggelse af kriser
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageingdet europæiske år for aktiv aldring og solidaritet mellem generationerne
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageingdet europæiske år for aktiv aldring
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidaritydet europæiske år for aktiv aldring og solidaritet mellem generationerne
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidaritydet europæiske år for aktiv aldring
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generationsdet europæiske år for aktiv aldring og solidaritet mellem generationerne
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generationsdet europæiske år for aktiv aldring
gen.European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenshipdet europæiske år for frivilligt arbejde til fremme af aktivt medborgerskab
gen.European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenshipdet europæiske år for frivilligt arbejde
earth.sc.figure of merit of an active sonarsonars præstationsværdi
pharma.formulated active substanceformuleret aktivstof
med.functional active poolfunktionelt aktiv pulje
econ., stat.gainfully active personerhvervsaktiv person
agric.herbicidal-type active substancestof til ukrudtsbekæmpelse
med.hormono-active tumourhormonaktiv tumor
med.ice-nucleation-active bacteriaiskrystal-fremmende bakterie
med.ice-nucleation-active bacteriais-plus-bakterie
med.immunotherapy active non specificaktiv ikke specifik immunterapi
med.immunotherapy active-specificaktiv specifik immunterapi
stat., social.sc.inactive/active ratiomodtagere af overførselsindkomster i forhold til den samlede beskæftigelse
stat., social.sc.inactive/active ratiokorrigeret forsørgerbrøk
agric.indicator of active deforestationindikator for aktiv skovrydning
el.injection of active powertilførsel af aktiv effekt
construct.integration procedure for active and passive solarprocedure til integrering af aktiv og passiv solenergi
ed., ITinter-active videointeraktiv video
coal., mech.eng.level-of-cut detection by means of a radio-active detector headsporing af skæreplanet = skåret ved hjælp af en radioaktiv detektor
tech., industr., construct.loom with missiles active on the go and return passagevæv med aktive projektiler i frem-og tilbageløb
health., nat.res.Management Committee COST 812 - Cold Active Lines of Insect Parasitic NematodesForvaltningsudvalget COST 812 "Insektparasitiske Nematodestammer, som er Aktive ved Lave Temperaturer"
gen.mechanical remote-control manipulator for radio-active productsmanipulatorarm
med.metabolically active coenzymemetabolisk aktivt coenzym
med.metabolism of the active ingredients in the animaloptagelsen af virksomme stoffer i dyret
el.metal-arc active-gas weldingMAG-svejsning
chem.methylene blue active substancevaskeaktiv stof
environ., chem.methylene-blue active substancemethylenblåt aktivt stof
chem., el.monitor and active governingmonitor-montage
comp., MSMy ActiveMine aktive (A view that lists all the active records of the current record type that belong to the mobile user, for example all the accounts with a status of Active for which the mobile user is listed as the owner)
chem.naturally active earthnaturligt aktiv jordart
stat., social.sc., empl.non-active personikkeerhvervsaktiv person
stat., social.sc., empl.non-active personperson uden for arbejdsstyrken
stat., social.sc., empl.non-active personikkeerhvervsaktiv
social.sc., empl.non-active populationikke erhvervsaktiv befolkning
gov.non-active statusventepenge
gov.non-active statusrådighedsløn
gen.non-active statusvetepenge
chem.non aqueous surface-active preparationikke-vandigt overfladeaktivt præparat
chem.non-ion-active agentnonionaktivt middel
chem.non-ion-active agentnon-ionaktivt emne
pharma.Note for Guidance on Chemistry of New Active Ingredients and Excipientsvejledningsnotat om nye aktive indholdsstoffers og hjælpestoffers kemi
pharma.Note for Guidance on Chemistry of New Active Ingredients and Excipientset vejledningsnotat om nye virksomme stoffers kemi og hjælpestoffer
stat., tech.observed mean active maintenance timeobserveret gennemsnitlig netto vedligeholdelsestid
gov.official in active employmenttjenestemand i aktiv tjeneste
gov.official with active statustjenestemand i aktiv tjeneste
commun., IToptically active materialoptisk aktivt materiale
industr., chem.organic surface-active agentorganisk overfladeaktivt stof
med.orthopaedic active plateortopædisk aktiv plade
med.over-active thyroidhyperthyreosis
gen.over-active thyroidforgiftning som følge af forøget hormonproduktion fra skjoldbruskkirtlen
social.sc.pension of the active spouseerhvervsaktiv ægtefælles pension
ed.person in active employmenterhvervsaktiv person
med.pharmacologically active metabolitefarmakologisk aktiv metabolit
pharma.pharmacologically active substancelægemiddelstof
pharma.pharmacologically active substancefarmakologisk virksomt stof
pharma.pharmacologically active substanceaktivt stof
tech.Phonid active neutron instrumentPhonid aktiv neutroninstrument
environ., agric.photosynthetically active radiationfotosynteseaktiv solindstråling
demogr.pilot partnership on active and healthy ageingeuropæisk innovationspartnerskab inden for aktiv og sund aldring
el.3-pole active RC filteraktivT RC-trepolfilter
social.sc.policy for active ageingpolitik for ældres erhvervsaktivitet
social.sc.policy for active ageingpolitik for en aktiv alderdom
social.sc.policy for active ageingpolitik for aktiv aldring
med.preparation with gradual release of the active principlepræparat som gradvis frigør de aktive stoffer
environ.pro-active approachforsigtighedsprincip
gen.psycho-active characterpsychoaktiv karakter
pharma.psycho-active drugpsykotropt stof
pharma.psycho-active drugpsykoaktivt stof
pharma.psycho-active substancepsykotropt stof
pharma.psycho-active substancepsykoaktivt stof
life.sc.purity of the active substancerenhed af det aktive stof
earth.sc.radio-active bombbeholder med radioaktiv ladning
earth.sc.radio-active tracerradioaktivt røbestof
gen.radio-active wasteradioaktivt affald
environ.radio-active wastesradioaktive affaldsstoffer
earth.sc.release of low-level active concretefrigivning af lavaktiv beton
med.release of the active componentfrigørelsen af den aktive komponent
el.secondary control of active power in a systemsekundær styring af den aktive effekt i et system
earth.sc.seismically active structureseismisk aktiv struktur
gen.semi-active homing guidancehalvaktiv målsøgningsstyring
social.sc.separate pension granted to the non-active spouseselvstændig pension, der tilkendes den hjemmegående ægtefælle
gen.simulation on active and inactive blockssimulering på aktive og ikke-aktive blokke
energ.ind., construct.solar building with a mixed active and passive systemsolenergi-bygning udstyret med et blandet aktivt og passivt system
econ., transp., tech.staff on active dutypersonale i aktiv tjeneste
commun., ITstandby active master site control processorsstandby active master site control processors
life.sc., chem.surface-activeoverfladeaktiv
chem.surface active agentoverfladeaktiv substans
chem.surface active agentoverfladeaktivt middel
industr., chem.surface-active agentkapillaraktivt stof
industr., chem.surface-active agentoverfladeaktivt stof
environ.surface-active agent A substance that, when used in small quantities, modifies the surface properties of liquids or solids. A surface-active agent reduces surface tension in a fluid or the interfacial tension between two immiscible fluids, such as oil and water. Surfactants are particularly useful in accomplishing the wetting or penetration of solids by aqueous liquids and serve in the manner of detergent, emulsifying, or dispersing agents. They are more effective than soap in certain situations and are used by conservators for such purposes as cleaning, wetting, and dispersingoverfladeaktivt stof
environ., chem.surface-active agenttensid
chem.surface active agenttensid
chem.surface active agentbefugtningsmiddel
chem.surface active agentoverfladeaktiv
chem.surface active agentafspændingsmiddel
chem.surface-active agent with active anionsanionaktivt overfladeaktivt stof
environ.surface active compound Any soluble substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds that reduces interfacial tension between liquids or a liquid and a solid, often used as detergents, wetting agents and emulsifiersoverfladeaktiv forbindelse
environ.surface active compoundoverfladeaktiv forbindelse
chem.surface active detergentoverfladeaktiv detergent
chem.surface-active preparationoverfladeaktivt præparat
el.the peak of the anode curve corresponds to the maximum current in the active statetoppunktet på anodekurven svarer til den maximale strøm i aktiv tilstand
econ.those active in developmentudviklingsprocessens aktører
econ.those active in developmentde aktive på udviklingsområdet
econ.those active in developmentaktørerne i udviklingsprocessen
gen.those active in local and regional developmentlokal og regional udviklingsmedarbejder
gen.those active in the economy of a regionen regions økonomiske beslutningstagere kontekstbestemt
gen.those active in the economy of a regionen regions økonomiske aktører
el.three-pole active RC filteraktivT RC-trepolfilter
stat.unpaid family workers,% of economically active populationuaflønnede ansatte i familieforetagende i pct.af den økonomisk aktive befolkning
comp., MSWindows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShellWindows Azure Active Directory-modul til Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
comp., MSWindows Azure Active Directory Sync ToolWindows Azure Active Directory – Synkroniseringsværktøj (The application that provides one-way synchronization from a company's local Active Directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
gen.with the active participation of...under aktiv medvirken fra...
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