
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Accounting | all forms | exact matches only
accounting applicationregnskabsprogram (A program that helps a user perform tasks related to accounting)
accounting categoryregnskabskategori (A classifier used to group journal account entries according to their economic characteristics)
accounting currencyregnskabsvaluta (The customary monetary unit of measure that is used to record the monetary value of economic resources in ledger accounts)
accounting currency unitregnskabsvalutaenhed (A currency unit used to quantify the financial consequences of accounting events)
accounting customerregnskabskunde (A customer in the accounting application that is linked to a Business Contact Manager account)
accounting cycleregnskabscyklus (A recurring set of documenting, journalizing, balancing, and statement preparation activities performed by parties that report on and analyze the financial position and performance of accounting entities)
accounting dataregnskabsdata (Information from the accounting system)
accounting distributionregnskabsfordeling (A distribution of the financial consequence of an economic transaction to ledger accounts)
accounting distribution lineregnskabsfordelingslinje (The subline of a source document line documenting the financial consequence of an economic transaction that documents the distribution of an aliquot portion of the financial consequence to a ledger account)
accounting entityregnskabsenhed (A real or conceptual economic unit that uses ledger accounts to record and report on its financial and management performance)
accounting eventregnskabshændelse (The occurrence of an accounting action in an accounting system)
accounting event liquidity classificationklassificering af forretningshændelseslikviditet (The liquidity classification of an accounting event)
Accounting IntegrationRegnskabsintegration (A feature that enables the user to access information from an accounting system from within Business Contact Manager for Outlook)
accounting journalregnskabskladde (A journal that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events in an accounting system)
accounting journal entryregnskabskladdepostering (A record of original entry in an accounting system that records a date, one or more accounts, and the monetary value to be debited or credited to each account)
Accounting LoaderFunktion til indlæsning af regnskab (Software required to connect to the accounting system)
accounting periodregnskabsperiode (A division of a fiscal year that is reflected on financial statements)
accounting policyregnskabspolitik (A policy that prescribes the general principles and procedures that an organization follows to prepare statements that report on its performance)
accounting rulekonteringsregel (A rule in an accounting system that controls the principles, methods, and procedures for classifying, recording, and reporting the financial consequences of accounting events)
expenditure recognition accounting rulekonteringsregel for udgiftsføring (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
Finance and Accounting System ImplementationImplementering af økonomisystem (A template that outlines the steps needed to implement a finance and accounting system. It assumes an existing system or process is in place and a new system will be replacing it. It also assumes that the new application software system has already been chosen)
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles A widely accepted set of accounting conventions, rules, and standards for United States companiesalmindeligt anerkendt regnskabspraksis (GAAP)
recognition accounting ruleregel for driftsføring (An accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue and expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
revenue recognition accounting rulekonteringsregel for indtægtsføring (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue in accounts and on financial statements)