
Terms for subject Finances containing ALL | all forms | exact matches only
a customs union which shall cover all trade in goodsen toldunion,som omfatter al vareudveksling
adequate compensation in respect of all damages, interest and costspassende skadeserstatning
Advisory Committee on procurements and contracts common to all the institutionsinstitutionernes fælles rådgivende udvalg for indkøb og aftaler
all-embracing guarantee agreementaftalen om kaution for alle forpligtelser
all items or revenue and expenditure shall be shown in the budgetalle indtægter og udgifter skal optages i budgettet
all or nonealle eller ingen
all or none orderalt eller intet-ordre
all or none orderall or nothing ordre
all-or-none orderalt eller intet-ordre
all-or-none orderall or nothing ordre
all-purpose bankforretningsbank
all-purpose bankbank der driver detail-og engrovirksomhed
all-purpose bankbank
all-purpose bankkombineret engros-og detailbank
all-purpose bankpengeinstitut
all-purpose bankalmindelig bank
all-purpose commercial bankbank
all-purpose commercial bankalmindelig forretningsbank
all revenue and expenditure for the financial yearsamtlige regnskabsårets indtægter og udgifter
all revenue and expenditure for the financial yearalle regnskabsårets indtægter og udgifter
average of the exchange rates for all working days in a yeargennemsnit af valutakurserne for alle årets arbejdsdage
complete "once-and-for-all" changeoveromskrivning: på én gang gå helt over til at benytte euroen
to establish that all revenue has been received and all expenditure incurred in a lawful and proper mannerfastslå indtægternes og udgifternes lovlighed og formelle rigtighed
to establish that all revenue has been received and all expenditure incurred in a lawful and regular mannerfastslå indtægternes og udgifternes lovlighed og formelle rigtighed
examine whether all revenue has been received and all expenditure incurred in a lawful and regular mannerefterprøve indtægternes og udgifternes lovlighed og formelle rigtighed
exemption from all customs dutiestoldfritagelse
exemption from all customs dutiesfritagelse for told
free of all chargesfranko alle omkostninger
International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activitiesinternational standardklassifikation af al erhvervsmæssig virksomhed
it will be possible for all payment cards to be usedsamt kompatibilitet mellem betalingskortsystemer
once-for-all transactionen-gang-for-alle transaktion
price inclusive of all taxespris inklusiv skatter og udgifter
price inclusive of all taxespris inklusiv moms
to rank after the claims of all other creditorsvære efterstillet al anden gæld
relief from all customs dutiesfritagelse for told
relief from all customs dutiestoldfritagelse
securities redeemable all at onceværdipapirer som tilbagebetales på én gang
to take all appropriate steps to ensure that such negotiations shall be undertakentræffe alle nødvendige foranstaltninger for at få disse forhandlinger påbegyndt
the Member States shall take all measuresMedlemsstaterne træffer enhver foranstaltning
the prohibition of all charges having equivalent effectforbud mod alle afgifter med tilsvarende virkning